private void Can_Jump_on_Cliff(float normalizedTime) { if (activeJump.CliffTime.IsInRange(normalizedTime)) { var MainPivot = animal.Main_Pivot_Point; if (debug) { Debug.DrawRay(MainPivot, -animal.Up * activeJump.CliffLandDistance * animal.ScaleFactor,; } if (Physics.Raycast(MainPivot, -animal.Up, out JumpRay, activeJump.CliffLandDistance * animal.ScaleFactor, animal.GroundLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { if (debug) { MTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f,; } var TerrainSlope = Vector3.Angle(JumpRay.normal, animal.UpVector); var DeepSlope = TerrainSlope > animal.maxAngleSlope; if (!DeepSlope) //Jump to a jumpable cliff not an inclined one { Debugging("[Allow Exit] on a Cliff"); AllowExit(); animal.CheckIfGrounded(); } } } }
/// <summary>Check if the animal can change to fall state if there's no future ground to land on</summary> private void Check_for_Falling() { AllowExit(); OneCastingFall_Ray = true; if (activeJump.JumpLandDistance == 0) { animal.Grounded = true; //We are still on the ground return; //Meaning that is a False Jump (like Neigh on the Horse) } float RayLength = animal.ScaleFactor * activeJump.JumpLandDistance; //Ray Distance with the Scale Factor var MainPivot = animal.Main_Pivot_Point; var Direction = -animal.Up; if (activeJump.JumpLandDistance > 0) //greater than 0 it can complete the Jump on an even Ground { if (debug) { Debug.DrawRay(MainPivot, Direction * RayLength,, 0.25f); } if (Physics.Raycast(MainPivot, Direction, out JumpRay, RayLength, animal.GroundLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { Debugging($"Min Distance to complete <B>[{}]</B> - { JumpRay.distance:F4}"); if (debug) { MTools.DebugTriangle(JumpRay.point, 0.1f, Color.yellow); } var GroundSlope = Vector3.Angle(JumpRay.normal, animal.UpVector); if (GroundSlope > animal.maxAngleSlope) //if we found something but there's a deep slope { Debugging($"[AllowExit] Try to Land but the Sloope was too Deep. Slope: {GroundSlope:F2}"); animal.UseGravity = General.Gravity; return; } IgnoreLowerStates = true; //Means that it can complete the Jump Ignore Fall Locomotion and Idle Debugging($"Can finish the Jump. Going to Jump End"); } else { animal.UseGravity = General.Gravity; Debugging($"[Allow Exit] - <B>Jump [{}] </B> Go to Fall..No Ground was found"); } } }