} // prepare /// <summary> /// Process - Test EMail /// </summary> /// <returns>info</returns> protected override String DoIt() { MClient client = MClient.Get(GetCtx(), _AD_Client_ID); log.Info(client.ToString()); // Test Client Mail String clientTest = client.TestEMail(); AddLog(0, null, null, client.GetName() + ": " + clientTest); // Test Client DocumentDir if (!Ini.IsClient()) { String documentDir = client.GetDocumentDir(); if (documentDir == null || documentDir.Length == 0) { documentDir = "."; } //File file = new File (documentDir); //System.IO.FileInfo file= new System.IO.FileInfo(documentDir); System.IO.FileAttributes fil = new System.IO.FileAttributes(); fil = System.IO.File.GetAttributes(documentDir); //if (file.Exists() && file.isDirectory()) if ((fil & System.IO.FileAttributes.Directory) == System.IO.FileAttributes.Directory) { AddLog(0, null, null, "Found Directory: " + client.GetDocumentDir()); } else { AddLog(0, null, null, "Not Found Directory: " + client.GetDocumentDir()); } } MStore[] wstores = MStore.GetOfClient(client); for (int i = 0; i < wstores.Length; i++) { MStore store = wstores[i]; String test = store.TestEMail(); AddLog(0, null, null, store.GetName() + ": " + test); } return(clientTest); } // doIt
} // doIt /// <summary> /// Send to InterestArea /// </summary> private void SendInterestArea() { log.Info("R_InterestArea_ID=" + _R_InterestArea_ID); _ia = MInterestArea.Get(GetCtx(), _R_InterestArea_ID); String unsubscribe = null; if (_ia.IsSelfService()) { unsubscribe = "\n\n---------.----------.----------.----------.----------.----------\n" + Msg.GetElement(GetCtx(), "R_InterestArea_ID") + ": " + _ia.GetName() + "\n" + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "UnsubscribeInfo") + "\n"; MStore[] wstores = MStore.GetOfClient(_client); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < wstores.Length; i++) { if (wstores[i].IsDefault()) { index = i; break; } } if (wstores.Length > 0) { unsubscribe += wstores[index].GetWebContext(true); } } // String sql = "SELECT u.Name, u.EMail, u.AD_User_ID " + "FROM R_ContactInterest ci" + " INNER JOIN AD_User u ON (ci.AD_User_ID=u.AD_User_ID) " + "WHERE ci.IsActive='Y' AND u.IsActive='Y'" + " AND ci.OptOutDate IS NULL" + " AND u.EMail IS NOT NULL" + " AND ci.R_InterestArea_ID=@param1"; SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[1]; DataTable dt = null; IDataReader idr = null; try { param[0] = new SqlParameter("@param1", _R_InterestArea_ID); idr = DataBase.DB.ExecuteReader(sql, param, Get_TrxName()); dt = new DataTable(); dt.Load(idr); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Boolean ok = SendIndividualMail(Utility.Util.GetValueOfString(dr[0]), Utility.Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[2]), unsubscribe); if (ok) { _counter++; } else { _errors++; } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql, ex); } finally { dt = null; idr.Close(); } } // sendInterestArea