public override void SafeAwake()
            Key1 = AddKey("Lock On", //按键信息
                                 "Locked",           //名字
                                 KeyCode.T);       //默认按键

            Key2 = AddKey("Launch", //按键信息
                                 "Launch",           //名字
                                 KeyCode.X);       //默认按键

            延迟 = AddSlider("Delay for detecting impact and target",       //滑条信息
                                    "Delay",       //名字
                                    0f,            //默认值
                                    0f,          //最小值
                                    5f);           //最大值

            不聪明模式 = AddToggle("Disable Smart Attack",   //toggle信息
                                       "NoSA",       //名字
                                       false);             //默认状态
    //BlockLoader Specific method: is called right after the script is made - usually,
    //this is done for all blocks of this type and is safe as it waits for stuff like
    //colliders, visuals, resources and so on
    public override void SafeAwake()
        //Set the blocks original scale
            orgScale = transform.localScale;

            activateKey = AddKey("Sound The Horn", //Display text
                                 "play",           //save name
                                 KeyCode.H);       //Keyboard button

            pitchSlider = AddSlider("Pitch",       //Display Text
                                    "pitch",       //save name
                                    1f,            //default value
                                    0.5f,          //minimum value
                                    2f);           //maximum value

            volumeSlider = AddSlider("Volume",       //Display Text
                                     "volume",       //save name
                                     1f,             //default value
                                     0.1f,           //minimum value
                                     1f);            //maximum value

            semitoneToggle = AddToggle("Semitone Snap",   //Display Text
                                       "semitones",       //save name
                                       true);             //default value

            //Call HandleSemiToneSnap() when the slider value changes
            pitchSlider.ValueChanged += HandleSemitoneSnap;
Пример #3
        public override void SafeAwake()
            引爆 = AddKey("Detonated", //按键信息
                                 "Deto",           //名字
                                 KeyCode.K);       //默认按键

            保险 = AddKey("Safety", //按键信息
                                 "Safe",           //名字
                                 KeyCode.Alpha1);       //默认按键

            延迟 = AddSlider("Collision Explosion Delay",       //滑条信息
                                    "Delay",       //名字
                                    0.2f,            //默认值
                                    0f,          //最小值
                                    10f);           //最大值
            模式 = AddMenu("Modes", 0, new List<string>() { "Bomb", "Motion Stopper", "DestroyImmediate" });
        public override void SafeAwake()
            ActivateTargetIndicator = AddKey("Target Indicator", //按键信息
                                 "TI",           //名字
                                 KeyCode.C);       //默认按键

            HideThisPanel = AddToggle("Hide this\n block's panel",   //toggle信息
                                       "Hide",       //名字
                                       false);             //默认状态

            ActiveHUD = AddKey("Toggle HUD", "HUD", KeyCode.Tab);
            HidePanel = AddKey("Hide Panel", "Panel", KeyCode.Backspace);

            AdvTI = AddToggle("ADVANCED \n Target Indicator",   //toggle信息
                                       "AdvTI",       //名字
                                       false);             //默认状态
            AdvTIS = AddSlider("Amount of Lines", "LineAmt", 20f, 2f, 45f);

            StartColour = AddColourSlider("Start Color of the line", "SColor",;

            EndColour = AddColourSlider("End Color of the line", "EColor", Color.yellow);
        public override void SafeAwake()
            Key1 = AddKey("Spawn block", //按键信息
                                 "Spawn",           //名字
                                 KeyCode.V);       //默认按键

            List<string> list = new List<string>();
            foreach (BlockPrefab pair in PrefabMaster.BlockPrefabs.Values)
            模块ID = AddMenu("Block", 0, list);
            模块ID.ValueChanged += IDChanged;

            modifyBlock = AddToggle("Modify Spawned Block", "modifySpawnedBlock", false);
            modifyBlock.Toggled += (b) => {
                if (b)
                    modifyBlock.IsActive = false;

            生成间隔 = AddSlider("Spawn Frequency",       //滑条信息
                                    "Freq",       //名字
                                   0.25f,            //默认值
                                    0f,          //最小值
                                    10f);           //最大值

            生成大小 = AddSlider("Block Scale",       //滑条信息
                                    "Scale",       //名字
                                    1f,            //默认值
                                    0.01f,          //最小值
                                    100f);           //最大值

            继承速度 = AddToggle("Inherit My Velocity",   //toggle信息
                                       "IMV",       //名字
                                       true);             //默认状态
            FunnyMode = AddToggle("Funny Mode",   //toggle信息
                                       "FMD",       //名字
                                       false);             //默认状态
            FunnyMode.Toggled += (t) => {
                modifyBlock.DisplayInMapper = !t;