protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { sql.cpn(); u.umail = Request.Form["fgmail"]; u.upass =; = "select fname,lname,umob from udetails where umail='" + u.umail + "'"; sql.dr =; if (sql.dr.HasRows) { while (sql.dr.Read()) { u.fname = sql.dr.GetString(0); u.lname = sql.dr.GetString(1); u.umobile = sql.dr.GetString(2); } sql.dr.Close(); = "update udetails set upass='******' where umail='" + u.umail + "'";; body = @"<html><body> <font face='Lucida Grande'> <p style='font-size:30px;color:#c86004;'><b>Rainbow Entertainments</b><p> <p style='font-size:23px;color:#333'><b>hello ! <span style='color:#03a8ec;'>" + u.fname + " " + u.lname + @"</span> ,</b><p> <p style='font-size:20px;color:#333'> your new password is <b><span style='color:#000'>" + u.upass + @"</span></b> for the account : <b>" + u.umail + @"</b></p> <p style='font-size:20px;color:#333'>note : you can change your password on your profile.</p> <p style='font-size:17px;color:#777'><b> -- thank you, rainbow enteratinments</b></p> </font> </body></html>"; sresp = "Hello ! " + u.fname + ", your new Password is " + u.upass + " . Thank you for choosing Rainbow Entertainsments."; sms.send(sresp, u.umobile); if (m.SendMail(body, u.umail)) { Response.Write("<div class='f-r-f'>Oops! mail sending failed, please try again</div>"); } else { Response.Write("<div class='f-r-s'>new password has been sent to your email address</div>"); } } else { sql.rcls(); Response.Write("<div class='f-r-f'>Oops! the specified email adderss not found</div>"); } sql.cls(); } catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException se) { Response.Write("<div class='f-r-f'>Sorry! unable to process request. error : " + se.Message + "</div>"); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("<div class='f-r-f'>Oops! error occured : " + ex.Message + "</div>"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { sql.cpn(); u.fname = Request.Form["firstname"].ToLower(); u.lname = Request.Form["lastname"].ToLower(); u.umail = Request.Form["upemail"]; u.umobile = Request.Form["mobile"]; u.upass =; = "select uid from udetails where umail='" + u.umail + "'"; sql.dr =; if (sql.dr.HasRows) { sql.dr.Close(); resp = @"<div id='r-failure'><div>Oops! your registration failed !</div> <div>specified email address already exists</div> <div>" + Request.Form["upemail"] + "</div><div>note : if you are a registered user please sign in with the your credentials</div></div>"; Response.Write(resp); } else { sql.rcls(); = "select uid from udetails where umob='" + u.umobile + "'"; sql.dr =; if (sql.dr.HasRows) { sql.rcls(); resp = @"<div id='r-failure'><div>Oops! your registration failed !</div> <div>specified mobile number already exists</div> <div>" + Request.Form["mobile"] + "</div><div>note : if you are a registered user please sign in with the your credentials</div></div>"; Response.Write(resp); } else { sql.rcls(); = "insert into udetails values('" + u.umail + "','" + u.fname + "','" + u.lname + "','" + u.upass + "','" + u.umobile + "','','','','')";; resp = @"<div id='r-success'><div>your registration successful !</div> <div>new password has been sent to your email address</div> <div>" + Request.Form["upemail"] + "</div><div>note : you can change your password on your profile</div></div>"; body = @"<html><body> <font face='Lucida Grande'> <p style='font-size:30px;color:#c86004;'><b>Rainbow Entertainments</b><p> <p style='font-size:23px;color:#333'><b>hello ! <span style='color:#03a8ec;'>" + u.fname + " " + u.lname + @"</span> ,</b><p> <p style='font-size:20px;color:#333'> email id : <b><span style='color:#000'>" + u.umail + @"</span></b></p> <p style='font-size:20px;color:#333'> mobile no : <b><span style='color:#000'>" + u.umobile + @"</span></b></p> <p style='font-size:20px;color:#333'> your new password is <b><span style='color:#000'>" + u.upass + @"</span></b> for the account : <b>" + u.umail + @"</b></p> <p style='font-size:20px;color:#333'>note : you can change your password on your profile.</p> <p style='font-size:17px;color:#777'><b> -- thank you, rainbow enteratinments</b></p> </font> </body></html>"; sresp = "Hello ! " + u.fname + ", Your emailID:" + u.umail + " and your Password is " + u.upass + ". Thank you for choosing Rainbow Entertainsments."; sms.send(sresp, u.umobile); if (m.SendMail(body, u.umail)) { Response.Write("<div class='f-r-f'>mail sending failed, please try again</div>"); } else { Response.Write(resp); } } } sql.cls(); } catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex) { int code = ex.ErrorCode; resp = @"<div id='r-failure'><div>unable to process your request</div> <div>an error occured while processing your request, please try again</div> <div> error code : " + code + "</div><div>error message : " + ex.Message + "</div></div>"; Response.Write(resp); } catch (Exception ex) { string code = ex.InnerException + ""; resp = @"<div id='r-failure'><div>unable to process your request</div> <div>an error occured while processing your request, please try again</div> <div> error : " + code + "</div><div>error message : " + ex.Message + "</div></div>"; Response.Write(resp); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Button1.Visible = false; sql.cpn(); for (int i = 0; i < seat_selected.Length; i++) { s = seat_selected[i]; rowid = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf("-")); s = s.Substring(s.IndexOf("-") + 1); tname = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf("-")); seatid = s.Substring(s.IndexOf("-") + 1); = "select " + seatid + " from " + tname + " where " + seatid + "=1 and rowid='" + rowid + "'"; sql.dr =; if (sql.dr.HasRows) { booked = 1; break; } sql.dr.Close(); } sql.cls(); if (booked == 0) { sql.cpn(); for (int i = 0; i < seat_selected.Length; i++) { s = seat_selected[i]; rowid = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf("-")); s = s.Substring(s.IndexOf("-") + 1); tname = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf("-")); seatid = s.Substring(s.IndexOf("-") + 1); sql.dr.Close(); = "update " + tname + " set " + seatid + "=1 where " + seatid + "=0 and rowid='" + rowid + "'"; resp =; if (resp == 1) { booked = 0; } else { booked = 1; } } if (booked == 0) { u = getUserInfo(); gcode = + Session["userid"]; sql.cpn(); = "select fname,lname,umail,umob from udetails where uid=" + Session["userid"]; sql.dr =; if (sql.dr.HasRows) { while (sql.dr.Read()) { cu.fname = sql.dr.GetString(0); cu.lname = sql.dr.GetString(1); cu.umail = sql.dr.GetString(2); cu.umobile = sql.dr.GetString(3); } sql.rcls(); } sql.cls(); sql.cpn(); cname = cu.fname + " " + cu.lname; = "insert into booking values('" + gcode + "','" + nscreen.InnerText + "','" + nmovie.InnerText + "','" + ndate.InnerText + "','" + ntime.InnerText + "','" + nseat.InnerText + "','" + nticket.InnerText + "','" + nprice.InnerText + "','" + cname + "')"; resp =; if (resp == 1) { date = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("MMMM") + ", " + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("dd") + " " + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy"); mres = "BookingID:" + gcode + ",Movie:" + nmovie.InnerText + ",Show:" + edatetime + ",Seats:" + ((nseat.InnerText).Replace(" ", "")) + "Thank you"; res = @"<table bgcolor='#ff9900' border='0' cellpadding='7' cellspacing='2' width='600' style='font-family: Verdana; font-size: 18px;'><tr bgcolor='#333' style='color: #fff; font-size: 20px' height='30px'><td colspan='2'> Rainbow Entertainments Inc. </td></tr><tr style='border: #fff thin solid'><td colspan='2' bgcolor='#fff' style='font-size: 20px;'><span>Hello! <span style='color: #026a96'>" + cu.fname + " " + cu.lname + "</span></span><p style='font-size: 15px; text-indent: 10px;'> Below are your order details for the tickets you booked at on " + date + "</p></td></tr><tr bgcolor='#fff'><td colspan='2'><span>Booking ID<span style='color: #546604; font-size: 25px; padding-left: 35px;'>" + gcode + "</span></span></td></tr><tr><td width='130'> movie </td><td bgcolor='#fff'>" + nmovie.InnerText + "</td></tr><tr><td> screen </td><td bgcolor='#fff'>" + nscreen.InnerText + "</td></tr><tr><td> show date </td><td bgcolor='#fff'>" + ndate.InnerText + "</td></tr><tr><td> show time </td><td bgcolor='#fff'>" + ntime.InnerText + "</td></tr><tr><td> seats </td><td bgcolor='#fff'>" + nseat.InnerText + "</td></tr><tr><td> no. of tickets </td><td bgcolor='#fff'>" + nticket.InnerText + "</td></tr><tr><td> price </td><td bgcolor='#fff'>" + nprice.InnerText + "</td></tr><tr bgcolor='#fff'><td colspan='2'><p style='font-size: 14px;padding:5px 5px 0 5px' >Please note that your tickets are confirmed; we will not release the tickets under any circumstances. You can collect your tickets even if you are late for the movie.</p><p style='font-size: 15px;padding:5px 5px 0 5px' >Thank you for choosing Rainbow Entertainments !!</p></td></tr></table>"; sms.send(mres, cu.umobile); if (mail.SendMail(res, cu.umail)) { res = @"<tr><td align='center' style='color:#fff' id='tresp' runat='server'><p style='font-size:30px;color:#a0d105;margin-top:35px'>hooray!! booking successfull</p><p style='font-size:25px;color:#ef9c02;margin-top:10px;'>Booking ID : " + gcode + "</p><p style='width:450px;padding:10px 30px 0 30px;color:#f13e07'>error oocured while sending email to following address</p><p style='font-size:25px;color:#0ab6dc;margin-top:10px;'>" + cu.umail + "</p><p style='width:450px;padding:10px 30px 0 30px;'>please make a note on Booking ID.thank you for choosing Rainbow Entertainments!!</p></td></tr>"; tresp.InnerHtml = res; Panel2.Visible = true; Panel1.Visible = false; Session["booking"] = false; } else { res = @"<tr><td align='center' style='color:#fff' id='tresp' runat='server'><p style='font-size:30px;color:#a1d105;margin-top:35px'>hooray!! booking successfull</p><p style='font-size:25px;color:#ef9c02;margin-top:10px;'>Booking ID : " + gcode + "</p><p style='width:450px;padding:10px 30px 0 30px;'>your booking information are sent to your registered email address</p><p style='font-size:25px;color:#0ab6dc;margin-top:10px;'>" + cu.umail + "</p><p style='width:450px;padding:10px 30px 0 30px;'>thank you for choosing Rainbow Entertainments!!</p></td></tr>"; tresp.InnerHtml = res; Panel2.Visible = true; Panel1.Visible = false; Session["booking"] = false; } } else { res = @"<tr><td align='center' style='color:#fff' id='tresp' runat='server'><p style='font-size:30px;color:#ef3c03;margin-top:35px'>oops!! booking failed</p><p style='width:450px;padding:10px 30px 0 30px;'>Error occured while collection your information, please try again</p></td></tr>"; tresp.InnerHtml = res; Panel2.Visible = true; Panel1.Visible = false; Session["booking"] = false; } } sql.cls(); } else { res = @"<tr><td align='center' style='color:#fff' id='tresp' runat='server'><p style='font-size:30px;color:#ef3c03;margin-top:35px'>oops!! booking failed</p><p style='width:450px;padding:10px 30px 0 30px;'>Requested seats alreay taken by other users, please try again</p></td></tr>"; tresp.InnerHtml = res; Panel2.Visible = true; Panel1.Visible = false; Session["booking"] = false; } } catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqle) { res = @"<tr><td align='center' style='color:#fff' id='tresp' runat='server'><p style='font-size:30px;color:#ef3c03;margin-top:35px'>oops!! booking failed</p><p style='width:450px;padding:10px 30px 0 30px;'>following error occured while booking tickets</p><p style='width:450px;padding:10px 30px 0 30px;'>" + sqle.Message + ", please try again</p></td></tr>"; tresp.InnerHtml = res; Panel2.Visible = true; Panel1.Visible = false; Session["booking"] = false; } catch (Exception ee) { res = @"<tr><td align='center' style='color:#fff' id='tresp' runat='server'><p style='font-size:30px;color:#ef3c03;margin-top:35px'>oops!! booking failed</p><p style='width:450px;padding:10px 30px 0 30px;'>following error occured while booking tickets</p><p style='width:450px;padding:10px 30px 0 30px;'>" + ee.Message + ", please try again</p></td></tr>"; tresp.InnerHtml = res; Panel2.Visible = true; Panel1.Visible = false; Session["booking"] = false; } }