public void AddPlayers(MSGPlayer player, OnlinePlayer p) { if (Players.ContainsKey(player.user)) { return; } if (MPManager.Client != null && player.user == MPManager.Client.UserName) { return; //do not add self//WARNING: may need to worry about train number here } if (p == null) { p = new OnlinePlayer(null, null); } p.url = player.url; p.LeadingLocomotiveID = player.leadingID; p.con = MPManager.Simulator.BasePath + "\\TRAINS\\CONSISTS\\" + player.con; p.path = MPManager.Simulator.RoutePath + "\\PATHS\\" + player.path; Train train = new Train(MPManager.Simulator); train.TrainType = Train.TRAINTYPE.REMOTE; if (MPManager.IsServer()) //server needs to worry about correct train number { } else { train.Number = player.num; } if (player.con.Contains("tilted")) { train.IsTilting = true; } int direction = player.dir; train.travelled = player.Travelled; train.TrainMaxSpeedMpS = player.trainmaxspeed; if (MPManager.IsServer()) { try { #if ACTIVITY_EDITOR AIPath aiPath = new AIPath(MPManager.Simulator.TDB, MPManager.Simulator.TSectionDat, p.path, MPManager.Simulator.TimetableMode, MPManager.Simulator.orRouteConfig); #else AIPath aiPath = new AIPath(MPManager.Simulator.TDB, MPManager.Simulator.TSectionDat, p.path); #endif } catch (Exception) { MPManager.BroadCast((new MSGMessage(player.user, "Warning", "Server does not have path file provided, signals may always be red for you.")).ToString()); } } try { train.RearTDBTraveller = new Traveller(MPManager.Simulator.TSectionDat, MPManager.Simulator.TDB.TrackDB.TrackNodes, player.TileX, player.TileZ, player.X, player.Z, direction == 1 ? Traveller.TravellerDirection.Forward : Traveller.TravellerDirection.Backward); } catch (Exception e) { if (MPManager.IsServer()) { MPManager.BroadCast((new MSGMessage(player.user, "Error", "MultiPlayer Error:" + e.Message)).ToString()); } else { throw new Exception(); } } for (var i = 0; i <; i++)// cars.Length-1; i >= 0; i--) { { string wagonFilePath = MPManager.Simulator.BasePath + @"\trains\trainset\" +[i]; TrainCar car = null; try { car = RollingStock.Load(MPManager.Simulator, wagonFilePath); car.CarLengthM = player.lengths[i] / 100.0f; } catch (Exception error) { System.Console.WriteLine(error.Message); car = MPManager.Instance().SubCar(wagonFilePath, player.lengths[i]); } if (car == null) { continue; } bool flip = true; if (player.flipped[i] == 0) { flip = false; } car.Flipped = flip; car.CarID = player.ids[i]; train.Cars.Add(car); car.Train = train; MSTSWagon w = (MSTSWagon)car; if (w != null) { w.SignalEvent((player.pantofirst == 1 ? PowerSupplyEvent.RaisePantograph : PowerSupplyEvent.LowerPantograph), 1); w.SignalEvent((player.pantosecond == 1 ? PowerSupplyEvent.RaisePantograph : PowerSupplyEvent.LowerPantograph), 2); w.SignalEvent((player.pantothird == 1 ? PowerSupplyEvent.RaisePantograph : PowerSupplyEvent.LowerPantograph), 3); w.SignalEvent((player.pantofourth == 1 ? PowerSupplyEvent.RaisePantograph : PowerSupplyEvent.LowerPantograph), 4); } }// for each rail car if (train.Cars.Count == 0) { throw (new Exception("The train of player " + player.user + " is empty from ")); } p.Username = player.user; train.ControlMode = Train.TRAIN_CONTROL.EXPLORER; train.CheckFreight(); train.InitializeBrakes(); bool canPlace = true; Train.TCSubpathRoute tempRoute = train.CalculateInitialTrainPosition(ref canPlace); if (tempRoute.Count == 0 || !canPlace) { MPManager.BroadCast((new MSGMessage(p.Username, "Error", "Cannot be placed into the game")).ToString());//server will broadcast this error throw new InvalidDataException("Remote train original position not clear"); } train.SetInitialTrainRoute(tempRoute); train.CalculatePositionOfCars(); train.ResetInitialTrainRoute(tempRoute); train.CalculatePositionOfCars(); train.AITrainBrakePercent = 100; //if (MPManager.Instance().AllowedManualSwitch) train.InitializeSignals(false); for (int iCar = 0; iCar < train.Cars.Count; iCar++) { var car = train.Cars[iCar]; if (car.CarID == p.LeadingLocomotiveID) { train.LeadLocomotive = car; (train.LeadLocomotive as MSTSLocomotive).Headlight = player.headlight; (train.LeadLocomotive as MSTSLocomotive).UsingRearCab = player.frontorrearcab == "R" ? true : false; } if (car is MSTSLocomotive && MPManager.IsServer()) { MPManager.Instance().AddOrRemoveLocomotive(player.user, train.Number, iCar, true); } } if (train.LeadLocomotive == null) { train.LeadNextLocomotive(); if (train.LeadLocomotive != null) { p.LeadingLocomotiveID = train.LeadLocomotive.CarID; } else { p.LeadingLocomotiveID = "NA"; } } if (train.LeadLocomotive != null) { train.Name = train.GetTrainName(train.LeadLocomotive.CarID); } else if (train.Cars != null && train.Cars.Count > 0) { train.Name = train.GetTrainName(train.Cars[0].CarID); } else if (player != null && player.user != null) { train.Name = player.user; } if (MPManager.IsServer()) { train.InitializeSignals(false); } p.Train = train; Players.Add(player.user, p); MPManager.Instance().AddOrRemoveTrain(train, true); }
public virtual void Update(float elapsedClockSeconds) { switch (Mode) { case ModeType.AlwaysOn: On = true; break; case ModeType.Switch: if (On) { if (!CommandSwitch) { if (!Timer.Started) { Timer.Start(); } if (Timer.Triggered) { On = false; Wagon.SignalEvent(Event.BatterySwitchOff); Timer.Stop(); } } else { if (Timer.Started) { Timer.Stop(); } } } else { if (CommandSwitch) { if (!Timer.Started) { Timer.Start(); } if (Timer.Triggered) { On = true; Wagon.SignalEvent(Event.BatterySwitchOn); Timer.Stop(); } } else { if (Timer.Started) { Timer.Stop(); } } } break; case ModeType.PushButtons: if (On) { if (CommandButtonOff) { if (!Timer.Started) { Timer.Start(); } if (Timer.Triggered) { On = false; Wagon.SignalEvent(Event.BatterySwitchOff); Timer.Stop(); } } else { if (Timer.Started) { Timer.Stop(); } } } else { if (CommandButtonOn) { if (!Timer.Started) { Timer.Start(); } if (Timer.Triggered) { On = true; Wagon.SignalEvent(Event.BatterySwitchOn); Timer.Stop(); } } else { if (Timer.Started) { Timer.Stop(); } } } break; } }