Пример #1
        private Variable ConvertSet(MonaExpr set, MapStack <string, MonaParam> locals, out MSOFormula <BDD> psi)
            if (set.NrOfSubexprs == 0)
                return(ConvertEmptyset(out psi));

            MSOFormula <BDD> disj = null;
            Variable         x    = MkNewVar1();
            Variable         X    = MkNewVar2();

            for (int i = 0; i < set.NrOfSubexprs; i++)
                MonaExpr t = set[i];
                if (t.symbol.Kind == Tokens.RANGE)
                    MSOFormula <BDD> from_psi;
                    Variable         from = ConvertTerm1(t[0], locals, out from_psi);
                    MSOFormula <BDD> to_psi;
                    Variable         to = ConvertTerm1(t[1], locals, out to_psi);

                    MSOFormula <BDD> range = AddConstraints(from_psi, from, to_psi, to,
                                                            new MSOAnd <BDD>(new MSOLe <BDD>(from, x), new MSOLe <BDD>(x, to)));

                    if (disj == null)
                        disj = range;
                        disj = new MSOOr <BDD>(disj, range);
                    MSOFormula <BDD> y_psi;
                    Variable         y = ConvertTerm1(t, locals, out y_psi);

                    MSOFormula <BDD> elem = new MSOEq <BDD>(x, y);
                    if (y_psi != null)
                        elem = new MSOExists <BDD>(y, new MSOAnd <BDD>(y_psi, elem));

                    if (disj == null)
                        disj = elem;
                        disj = new MSOOr <BDD>(disj, elem);

            var pred = new MSOForall <BDD>(x, new MSOEquiv <BDD>(new MSOIn <BDD>(x, X), disj));

            psi = pred;
Пример #2
        static Automaton <T> CreateAutomaton1 <T>(Func <int, T> f, int bitWidth, IBooleanAlgebra <T> Z)
            Func <int, string, MSOPredicate <T> > pred = (i, s) => new MSOPredicate <T>(f(i), new Variable(s, true));

            MSOFormula <T> phi = new MSOFalse <T>();

            for (int index = 0; index < bitWidth; index++)
                var phi1 = pred(index, "var");
                phi = new MSOOr <T>(phi, phi1);

            phi = new MSOExists <T>(new Variable("var", true), phi);

            var aut = phi.GetAutomaton(Z);

Пример #3
        public void TestCountNoProduct2()
            int       maxvars = 13;
            var       solver  = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV7);
            Stopwatch sw      = new Stopwatch();
            var       tries   = 1;
            var       times   = new long[maxvars - 1];
            var       x       = new Variable("x", true);
            var       y       = new Variable("y", true);

            for (int k = 0; k < tries; k++)
                for (int vars = 8; vars <= maxvars; vars++)
                    MSOFormula <BDD> phi = new MSOTrue <BDD>();
                    for (int i = 1; i < vars; i++)
                        phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, new MSOLt <BDD>(new Variable("x" + i, true), new Variable("x" + (i + 1), true)));
                        phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, new MSOPredicate <BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('a'), new Variable("x" + i, true)));
                        phi = new MSOOr <BDD>(phi, new MSOPredicate <BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('k'), new Variable("x" + i, true)));
                    phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, new MSOPredicate <BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('a'), new Variable("x" + vars, true)));
                    phi = new MSOOr <BDD>(phi,
                                          new MSOExists <BDD>(y,
                                                              new MSOPredicate <BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('c'), y)));
                    for (int i = vars; i >= 1; i--)
                        phi = new MSOExists <BDD>(new Variable("x" + i, true), phi);

                    //var aut1 = phi.GetAutomaton(new CartesianAlgebraBDD<BDD>(solver));
                    var aut1 = phi.GetAutomaton(solver);
                    times[vars - 2] += sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    //Console.WriteLine("States {0} Trans {1}",aut1.StateCount,aut1.MoveCount);
                    if (k == tries - 1)
                        TestContext.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} variables; {1} ms", vars, times[vars - 2] / tries));
                    //solver.ShowGraph(aut1, "a"+vars);
Пример #4
        Automaton <T> CreateAutomaton2 <T>(Func <int, T> f, int bitWidth, IBooleanAlgebra <T> Z)
            Func <int, Variable, MSOPredicate <T> > pred = (i, s) => new MSOPredicate <T>(f(i), s);

            MSOFormula <T> phi = new MSOFalse <T>();

            for (int index = 0; index < bitWidth; index++)
                MSOFormula <T> phi1 = pred(index, V1("var"));
                phi1 = new MSOExists <T>(V1("var"), phi1);
                phi  = new MSOOr <T>(phi, phi1);

            phi = new MSOExists <T>(V1("var"), phi);

            var aut = phi.GetAutomaton(Z);

Пример #5
        Automaton <T> CreateAutomaton1 <T>(Func <int, T> f, int bitWidth, IBooleanAlgebra <T> Z)
            Func <int, string, MSOPredicate <T> > pred = (i, s) => new MSOPredicate <T>(f(i), s);

            MSOFormula <T> phi = new MSOFalse <T>();

            for (int index = 0; index < bitWidth; index++)
                var phi1 = pred(index, "var");
                phi = new MSOOr <T>(phi, phi1);

            phi = new MSOExistsFo <T>("var", phi);

            var aut = phi.GetAutomaton(Z);


Пример #6
        public void TestCount()
            int       maxvars = 10;
            var       solver  = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV16);
            Stopwatch sw      = new Stopwatch();
            var       tries   = 1;
            var       times   = new long[maxvars - 1];

            for (int k = 0; k < tries; k++)
                for (int vars = 8; vars <= maxvars; vars++)
                    MSOFormula <BDD> phi = new MSOTrue <BDD>();
                    for (int i = 1; i < vars; i++)
                        phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, new MSOLt <BDD>(V1("x" + i), V1("x" + (i + 1))));
                        phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, new MSOPredicate <BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('a'), V1("x" + i)));
                    phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, new MSOPredicate <BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('a'), V1("x" + vars)));
                    phi = new MSOOr <BDD>(phi,
                                          new MSOExists <BDD>(V1("y"),
                                                              new MSOPredicate <BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('c'), V1("y"))));
                    for (int i = vars; i >= 1; i--)
                        phi = new MSOExists <BDD>(V1("x" + i), phi);

                    //var aut1 = phi.GetAutomaton(new CartesianAlgebraBDD<BDD>(solver));
                    var aut1 = phi.GetAutomaton(solver);
                    times[vars - 2] += sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    if (k == tries - 1)
                        TestContext.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} variables; {1} ms", vars, times[vars - 2] / tries));
Пример #7
 public void TestMSO_NotLt()
     var solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV7);
     var ca = new CartesianAlgebraBDD<BDD>(solver);
     var x = new Variable("x", true);
     var y = new Variable("y", true);
     MSOFormula<BDD> not_xLTy = new MSONot<BDD>(new MSOLt<BDD>(x,y));
     MSOFormula<BDD> xEQy = new MSOEq<BDD>(x, y);
     var xGTy = new MSOLt<BDD>(y, x);
     var xGEy = new MSOOr<BDD>(xEQy, xGTy);
     var aut_not_xLTy = not_xLTy.GetAutomaton(ca);
     var aut_xGEy = xGEy.GetAutomaton(ca);
     var c_aut_xLTy = (new MSOLt<BDD>(x,y)).GetAutomaton(ca).Complement().Determinize().Minimize();
     //c_aut_xLTy = c_aut_xLTy.Intersect(aut_fo, ca).Determinize(ca).Minimize(ca); //*
     var equiv1 = aut_not_xLTy.IsEquivalentWith(aut_xGEy);
     //var equiv2 = aut_not_xLTy.IsEquivalentWith(c_aut_xLTy, ca);
Пример #8
        private static Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>> GenerateMSOFormula(int maxVarIndex)
            int randomNumber = random.Next(0, 8);
            if (size <= 0)
                int variable = random.Next(0, maxVarIndex-1);
                BoolExpr b = GeneratePredicateOut(200);
                List<BoolExpr> l = new List<BoolExpr>();
                return new Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>>(new MSOPredicate<BoolExpr>(b, new Variable("x"+variable, true)), l);
            switch (randomNumber)
                case 0:
                        Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>> phi1 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex + 1);
                        MSOFormula<BoolExpr> phi = new MSOExists<BoolExpr>(new Variable("x"+maxVarIndex, true), phi1.First);
                        return new Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>>(phi, phi1.Second);
                case 1:
                        Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>> phi1 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex + 1);
                        MSOFormula<BoolExpr> phi = new MSOForall<BoolExpr>(new Variable("x" + maxVarIndex, true), phi1.First);
                        return new Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>>(phi, phi1.Second);
                case 2:
                case 3:
                        Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>> phi1 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex);
                        Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>> phi2 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex);
                        MSOFormula<BoolExpr> phi = new MSOAnd<BoolExpr>(phi1.First, phi2.First);
                        return new Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>>(phi, new List<BoolExpr>(phi1.Second.Union(phi2.Second)));
                case 4:
                case 5:
                        Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>> phi1 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex);
                        Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>> phi2 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex);
                        MSOFormula<BoolExpr> phi = new MSOOr<BoolExpr>(phi1.First, phi2.First);
                        return new Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>>(phi, new List<BoolExpr>(phi1.Second.Union(phi2.Second)));
                case 6:
                        Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>> phi1 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex);
                        MSOFormula<BoolExpr> phi = new MSONot<BoolExpr>(phi1.First);
                        return new Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>>(phi, phi1.Second);
                case 7:
                        if (maxVarIndex > 1)
                            int variable1 = random.Next(0, maxVarIndex - 1);
                            int variable2 = random.Next(0, maxVarIndex - 1);
                            if (variable1 == variable2)
                                if (variable1 == maxVarIndex - 1)
                                    variable1 = variable1 - 1;
                                    variable2 = variable2 + 1;

                            MSOFormula<BoolExpr> phi = new MSOSuccN<BoolExpr>(varOf(variable1),varOf(variable2),random.Next(1,4));
                            return new Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>>(phi, new List<BoolExpr>());
                            int variable = random.Next(0, maxVarIndex - 1);
                            BoolExpr b = GeneratePredicate();
                            List<BoolExpr> l = new List<BoolExpr>();
                            return new Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>>(new MSOPredicate<BoolExpr>(b, new Variable("x" + variable, true)), l);

                case 8:
                        int variable1 = random.Next(0, maxVarIndex - 1);
                        int variable2 = random.Next(0, maxVarIndex - 1);

                        //less than
                        MSOFormula<BoolExpr> phi = new MSOLe<BoolExpr>(varOf(variable1), varOf(variable2));
                        return new Pair<MSOFormula<BoolExpr>, List<BoolExpr>>(phi, new List<BoolExpr>());
            return null;
Пример #9
        public static void RunPOPLTests()
            //// all x1...xn. xi<xi+1
            List <Pair <MSOFormula <BDD>, CharSetSolver> > phis = new List <Pair <MSOFormula <BDD>, CharSetSolver> >();

            for (int to = 2; to < kpopl; to++)
                var solver           = new CharSetSolver();
                MSOFormula <BDD> phi = new MSOTrue <BDD>();

                for (int k = 1; k < to; k++)
                    var leq = new MSOLt <BDD>(new Variable("x" + (k - 1), true), new Variable("x" + k, true));
                    phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, leq);
                for (int k = to - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    phi = new MSOExists <BDD>(new Variable("x" + k, true), phi);

                phis.Add(new Pair <MSOFormula <BDD>, CharSetSolver>(phi, solver));

            RunTest(new StreamWriter(@"..\popl14-1.csv"), phis);

            // all x1...xn. xi<xi+1 and a(xi)
            phis = new List <Pair <MSOFormula <BDD>, CharSetSolver> >();
            for (int to = 2; to < kpopl; to++)
                var solver           = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);
                MSOFormula <BDD> phi = new MSOTrue <BDD>();

                for (int k = 1; k < to; k++)
                    var leq = new MSOLt <BDD>(new Variable("x" + (k - 1), true), new Variable("x" + k, true));
                    phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, leq);
                for (int k = 0; k < to; k++)
                    var axk = new MSOPredicate <BDD>(
                        solver.MkCharConstraint('a', false), new Variable("x" + k, true));
                    phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, axk);
                for (int k = to - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    phi = new MSOExists <BDD>(new Variable("x" + k, true), phi);
                phis.Add(new Pair <MSOFormula <BDD>, CharSetSolver>(phi, solver));
            RunTest(new StreamWriter(@"..\popl14-2.csv"), phis);

            // all x1...xn. (xi<xi+1 and a(xi)) and ex y. c(y)
            phis = new List <Pair <MSOFormula <BDD>, CharSetSolver> >();
            for (int to = 2; to < kpopl; to++)
                var solver           = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);
                MSOFormula <BDD> phi = new MSOTrue <BDD>();

                for (int k = 1; k < to; k++)
                    var leq = new MSOLt <BDD>(new Variable("x" + (k - 1), true), new Variable("x" + k, true));
                    phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, leq);
                for (int k = 0; k < to; k++)
                    var axk = new MSOPredicate <BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('a', false), new Variable("x" + k, true));
                    phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, axk);
                for (int k = to - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    phi = new MSOExists <BDD>(new Variable("x" + k, true), phi);

                var exycy = new MSOExists <BDD>(new Variable("y", true), new MSOPredicate <BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('c', false), new Variable("y", true)));
                phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, exycy);

                phis.Add(new Pair <MSOFormula <BDD>, CharSetSolver>(phi, solver));

            RunTest(new StreamWriter(@"..\popl14-3.csv"), phis);

            // all x1...xn. (xi<xi+1 and a(xi) \/ c(xi))

            phis = new List <Pair <MSOFormula <BDD>, CharSetSolver> >();
            for (int to = 2; to < kpopl; to++)
                var solver           = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);
                MSOFormula <BDD> phi = new MSOTrue <BDD>();

                for (int k = 1; k < to; k++)
                    var leq   = new MSOLt <BDD>(new Variable("x" + (k - 1), true), new Variable("x" + k, true));
                    var axk   = new MSOPredicate <BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('a', false), new Variable("x" + (k - 1), true));
                    var cxk   = new MSOPredicate <BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('c', false), new Variable("x" + (k - 1), true));
                    var inter = new MSOOr <BDD>(new MSOAnd <BDD>(leq, axk), cxk);
                    phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, inter);
                for (int k = to - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    phi = new MSOExists <BDD>(new Variable("x" + k, true), phi);

                MSOFormula <BDD> exycy = new MSOExists <BDD>(new Variable("y", true), new MSOPredicate <BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('c', false), new Variable("y", true)));
                phi = new MSOAnd <BDD>(phi, exycy);

                phis.Add(new Pair <MSOFormula <BDD>, CharSetSolver>(phi, solver));

            RunTest(new StreamWriter(@"..\popl14-4.csv"), phis, 10, 10, 11);
Пример #10
        private static Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> > GenerateMSOFormula(int maxVarIndex)
            int randomNumber = random.Next(0, 8);

            if (size <= 0)
                int             variable = random.Next(0, maxVarIndex - 1);
                BoolExpr        b        = GeneratePredicateOut(200);
                List <BoolExpr> l        = new List <BoolExpr>();
                return(new Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> >(new MSOPredicate <BoolExpr>(b, new Variable("x" + variable, true)), l));
            switch (randomNumber)
            case 0:
                Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> > phi1 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex + 1);
                MSOFormula <BoolExpr> phi = new MSOExists <BoolExpr>(new Variable("x" + maxVarIndex, true), phi1.First);
                return(new Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> >(phi, phi1.Second));

            case 1:
                Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> > phi1 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex + 1);
                MSOFormula <BoolExpr> phi = new MSOForall <BoolExpr>(new Variable("x" + maxVarIndex, true), phi1.First);
                return(new Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> >(phi, phi1.Second));

            case 2:
            case 3:
                Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> > phi1 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex);
                Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> > phi2 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex);
                MSOFormula <BoolExpr> phi = new MSOAnd <BoolExpr>(phi1.First, phi2.First);
                return(new Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> >(phi, new List <BoolExpr>(phi1.Second.Union(phi2.Second))));

            case 4:
            case 5:
                Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> > phi1 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex);
                Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> > phi2 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex);
                MSOFormula <BoolExpr> phi = new MSOOr <BoolExpr>(phi1.First, phi2.First);
                return(new Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> >(phi, new List <BoolExpr>(phi1.Second.Union(phi2.Second))));

            case 6:
                Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> > phi1 = GenerateMSOFormula(maxVarIndex);
                MSOFormula <BoolExpr> phi = new MSONot <BoolExpr>(phi1.First);
                return(new Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> >(phi, phi1.Second));

            case 7:
                if (maxVarIndex > 1)
                    int variable1 = random.Next(0, maxVarIndex - 1);
                    int variable2 = random.Next(0, maxVarIndex - 1);
                    if (variable1 == variable2)
                        if (variable1 == maxVarIndex - 1)
                            variable1 = variable1 - 1;
                            variable2 = variable2 + 1;

                    MSOFormula <BoolExpr> phi = new MSOSuccN <BoolExpr>(varOf(variable1), varOf(variable2), random.Next(1, 4));
                    return(new Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> >(phi, new List <BoolExpr>()));
                    int             variable = random.Next(0, maxVarIndex - 1);
                    BoolExpr        b        = GeneratePredicate();
                    List <BoolExpr> l        = new List <BoolExpr>();
                    return(new Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> >(new MSOPredicate <BoolExpr>(b, new Variable("x" + variable, true)), l));

            case 8:
                int variable1 = random.Next(0, maxVarIndex - 1);
                int variable2 = random.Next(0, maxVarIndex - 1);

                //less than
                MSOFormula <BoolExpr> phi = new MSOLe <BoolExpr>(varOf(variable1), varOf(variable2));
                return(new Pair <MSOFormula <BoolExpr>, List <BoolExpr> >(phi, new List <BoolExpr>()));
Пример #11
        private Variable ConvertSet(MonaExpr set, MapStack<string, MonaParam> locals, out MSOFormula<BDD> psi)
            if (set.NrOfSubexprs == 0)
                return ConvertEmptyset(out psi);

            MSOFormula<BDD> disj = null;
            Variable x = MkNewVar1();
            Variable X = MkNewVar2();
            for (int i=0; i < set.NrOfSubexprs; i++)
                MonaExpr t = set[i];
                if (t.symbol.Kind == Tokens.RANGE)
                    MSOFormula<BDD> from_psi;
                    Variable from = ConvertTerm1(t[0], locals, out from_psi);
                    MSOFormula<BDD> to_psi;
                    Variable to = ConvertTerm1(t[1], locals, out to_psi);

                    MSOFormula<BDD> range = AddConstraints(from_psi, from, to_psi, to,
                        new MSOAnd<BDD>(new MSOLe<BDD>(from, x), new MSOLe<BDD>(x, to)));

                    if (disj == null)
                        disj = range;
                        disj = new MSOOr<BDD>(disj, range);
                    MSOFormula<BDD> y_psi;
                    Variable y = ConvertTerm1(t, locals, out y_psi);

                    MSOFormula<BDD> elem = new MSOEq<BDD>(x, y);
                    if (y_psi != null)
                        elem = new MSOExists<BDD>(y, new MSOAnd<BDD>(y_psi, elem));

                    if (disj == null)
                        disj = elem;
                        disj = new MSOOr<BDD>(disj, elem);

            var pred = new MSOForall<BDD>(x, new MSOEquiv<BDD>(new MSOIn<BDD>(x, X), disj));
            psi = pred;
            return X;
Пример #12
        public static void RunPOPLTests()
            //// all x1...xn. xi<xi+1
            List<Pair<MSOFormula<BDD>, CharSetSolver>> phis = new List<Pair<MSOFormula<BDD>, CharSetSolver>>();

            for (int to = 2; to < kpopl; to++)
                var solver = new CharSetSolver();
                MSOFormula<BDD> phi = new MSOTrue<BDD>();

                for (int k = 1; k < to; k++)
                    var leq = new MSOLt<BDD>(new Variable("x" + (k - 1), true), new Variable("x" + k, true));
                    phi = new MSOAnd<BDD>(phi, leq);

                for (int k = to - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    phi = new MSOExists<BDD>(new Variable("x" + k, true), phi);

                phis.Add(new Pair<MSOFormula<BDD>, CharSetSolver>(phi, solver));

            RunTest(new StreamWriter(@"popl14-1.csv"), phis);

            // all x1...xn. xi<xi+1 and a(xi)
            phis = new List<Pair<MSOFormula<BDD>, CharSetSolver>>();
            for (int to = 2; to < kpopl; to++)
                var solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);
                MSOFormula<BDD> phi = new MSOTrue<BDD>();

                for (int k = 1; k < to; k++)
                    var leq = new MSOLt<BDD>(new Variable("x" + (k - 1), true), new Variable("x" + k, true));
                    phi = new MSOAnd<BDD>(phi, leq);

                for (int k = 0; k < to; k++)
                    var axk = new MSOPredicate<BDD>(
                        solver.MkCharConstraint('a', false), new Variable("x" + k, true));
                    phi = new MSOAnd<BDD>(phi, axk);

                for (int k = to - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    phi = new MSOExists<BDD>(new Variable("x" + k, true), phi);
                phis.Add(new Pair<MSOFormula<BDD>, CharSetSolver>(phi, solver));
            RunTest(new StreamWriter(@"popl14-2.csv"), phis);

            // all x1...xn. (xi<xi+1 and a(xi)) and ex y. c(y)
            phis = new List<Pair<MSOFormula<BDD>, CharSetSolver>>();
            for (int to = 2; to < kpopl; to++)
                var solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);
                MSOFormula<BDD> phi = new MSOTrue<BDD>();

                for (int k = 1; k < to; k++)
                    var leq = new MSOLt<BDD>(new Variable("x" + (k - 1), true), new Variable("x" + k, true));
                    phi = new MSOAnd<BDD>(phi, leq);

                for (int k = 0; k < to; k++)
                    var axk = new MSOPredicate<BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('a', false), new Variable("x" + k, true));
                    phi = new MSOAnd<BDD>(phi, axk);

                for (int k = to - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    phi = new MSOExists<BDD>(new Variable("x" + k, true), phi);

                var exycy = new MSOExists<BDD>(new Variable("y", true), new MSOPredicate<BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('c', false), new Variable("y", true)));
                phi = new MSOAnd<BDD>(phi, exycy);

                phis.Add(new Pair<MSOFormula<BDD>, CharSetSolver>(phi, solver));

            RunTest(new StreamWriter(@"popl14-3.csv"), phis);

            // all x1...xn. (xi<xi+1 and a(xi) \/ c(xi))

            phis = new List<Pair<MSOFormula<BDD>, CharSetSolver>>();
            for (int to = 2; to < kpopl; to++)
                var solver = new CharSetSolver(BitWidth.BV64);
                MSOFormula<BDD> phi = new MSOTrue<BDD>();

                for (int k = 1; k < to; k++)
                    var leq = new MSOLt<BDD>(new Variable("x" + (k - 1), true), new Variable("x" + k, true));
                    var axk = new MSOPredicate<BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('a', false), new Variable("x" + (k - 1), true));
                    var cxk = new MSOPredicate<BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('c', false), new Variable("x" + (k - 1), true));
                    var inter = new MSOOr<BDD>(new MSOAnd<BDD>(leq, axk), cxk);
                    phi = new MSOAnd<BDD>(phi, inter);

                for (int k = to - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    phi = new MSOExists<BDD>(new Variable("x" + k, true), phi);

                MSOFormula<BDD> exycy = new MSOExists<BDD>(new Variable("y", true), new MSOPredicate<BDD>(solver.MkCharConstraint('c', false), new Variable("y", true)));
                phi = new MSOAnd<BDD>(phi, exycy);

                phis.Add(new Pair<MSOFormula<BDD>, CharSetSolver>(phi, solver));

            RunTest(new StreamWriter(@"popl14-4.csv"), phis, 11, 11, 11);