Пример #1
        public override double GetTime(int scanNum)
            if (_pwizScanTimes == null)
                double[] times;
                byte[]   msLevels;
                _reader.GetScanTimesAndMsLevels(out times, out msLevels);

                _pwizScanTimes  = times;
                _pwizScanLevels = msLevels;

            if (_pwizScanTimes != null && scanNum < _pwizScanTimes.Length - 1)

        public bool StoreMSSpectraInfo(
            bool ticStored,
            ref double runtimeMinutes,
            bool skipExistingScans,
            bool skipScansWithNoIons,
            int maxScansToTrackInDetail,
            int maxScansForTicAndBpi,
            out int scanCountSuccess,
            out int scanCountError)
            scanCountSuccess = 0;
            scanCountError   = 0;

                OnStatusEvent("Obtaining scan times and MSLevels (this could take several minutes)");
                mLastScanLoadingDebugProgressTime  = DateTime.UtcNow;
                mLastScanLoadingStatusProgressTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                mReportedTotalSpectraToExamine     = false;

                mCancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource();

                var scanTimes = new double[0];
                var msLevels  = new byte[0];

                mGetScanTimesStartTime          = DateTime.UtcNow;
                mGetScanTimesMaxWaitTimeSeconds = 90;
                mGetScanTimesAutoAborted        = false;

                var minScanIndexWithoutScanTimes = int.MaxValue;

                    mPWiz.GetScanTimesAndMsLevels(mCancellationToken.Token, out scanTimes, out msLevels, MonitorScanTimeLoadingProgress);
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    // mCancellationToken.Cancel was called in MonitorScanTimeLoadingProgress

                    // Determine the scan index where GetScanTimesAndMsLevels exited the for loop
                    for (var scanIndex = 0; scanIndex <= scanTimes.Length - 1; scanIndex++)
                        if (msLevels[scanIndex] > 0)

                        minScanIndexWithoutScanTimes = scanIndex;

                    if (!mGetScanTimesAutoAborted && minScanIndexWithoutScanTimes < int.MaxValue)
                        // Manually aborted; shrink the arrays to reflect the amount of data that was actually loaded
                        Array.Resize(ref scanTimes, minScanIndexWithoutScanTimes);
                        Array.Resize(ref msLevels, minScanIndexWithoutScanTimes);

                var spectrumCount = scanTimes.Length;

                // The scan times returned by .GetScanTimesAndMsLevels() are the acquisition time in seconds from the start of the analysis
                // Convert these to minutes
                for (var scanIndex = 0; scanIndex <= spectrumCount - 1; scanIndex++)
                    if (scanIndex >= minScanIndexWithoutScanTimes)

                    var scanTimeMinutes = scanTimes[scanIndex] / 60.0;
                    scanTimes[scanIndex] = scanTimeMinutes;

                OnStatusEvent("Reading spectra");
                var lastDebugProgressTime  = DateTime.UtcNow;
                var lastStatusProgressTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                var skippedEmptyScans      = 0;

                var scanNumber           = 0;
                var scansStored          = 0;
                var ticAndBpiScansStored = 0;

                var scanCountHMS  = 0;
                var scanCountHMSn = 0;
                var scanCountMS   = 0;
                var scanCountMSn  = 0;

                for (var scanIndex = 0; scanIndex <= spectrumCount - 1; scanIndex++)
                        var computeTIC = true;
                        var computeBPI = true;

                        // Obtain the raw mass spectrum
                        var msDataSpectrum = mPWiz.GetSpectrum(scanIndex);

                        scanNumber = scanIndex + 1;

                        if (scanIndex >= minScanIndexWithoutScanTimes)
                            // msDataSpectrum.RetentionTime is already in minutes
                            scanTimes[scanIndex] = msDataSpectrum.RetentionTime ?? 0;

                            if (msDataSpectrum.Level >= byte.MinValue && msDataSpectrum.Level <= byte.MaxValue)
                                msLevels[scanIndex] = (byte)msDataSpectrum.Level;

                        var scanStatsEntry = new ScanStatsEntry
                            ScanNumber = scanNumber,
                            ScanType   = msDataSpectrum.Level

                        if (msLevels[scanIndex] > 1)
                            if (HighResMS2)
                                scanStatsEntry.ScanTypeName = "HMSn";
                                scanStatsEntry.ScanTypeName = "MSn";
                            if (HighResMS1)
                                scanStatsEntry.ScanTypeName = "HMS";
                                scanStatsEntry.ScanTypeName = "MS";

                        var driftTimeMsec = msDataSpectrum.DriftTimeMsec ?? 0;

                        scanStatsEntry.ScanFilterText = driftTimeMsec > 0 ? "IMS" : string.Empty;
                        scanStatsEntry.ExtendedScanInfo.ScanFilterText = scanStatsEntry.ScanFilterText;

                        scanStatsEntry.DriftTimeMsec = driftTimeMsec.ToString("0.0###");

                        scanStatsEntry.ElutionTime = scanTimes[scanIndex].ToString("0.0###");

                        // Bump up runtimeMinutes if necessary
                        if (scanTimes[scanIndex] > runtimeMinutes)
                            runtimeMinutes = scanTimes[scanIndex];

                        var spectrum = mPWiz.GetSpectrumObject(scanIndex);

                        if (MSDataFileReader.TryGetCVParamDouble(spectrum.cvParams, pwiz.CLI.cv.CVID.MS_total_ion_current, out var tic))
                            // For timsTOF data, this is the TIC of the entire frame
                            scanStatsEntry.TotalIonIntensity = StringUtilities.ValueToString(tic, 5);
                            computeTIC = false;

                        if (MSDataFileReader.TryGetCVParamDouble(spectrum.cvParams, pwiz.CLI.cv.CVID.MS_base_peak_intensity, out var bpi))
                            // For timsTOF data, this is the BPI of the entire frame
                            // Additionally, for timsTOF data, MS_base_peak_m_z is not defined
                            scanStatsEntry.BasePeakIntensity = StringUtilities.ValueToString(bpi, 5);

                            if (MSDataFileReader.TryGetCVParamDouble(spectrum.scanList.scans[0].cvParams, pwiz.CLI.cv.CVID.MS_base_peak_m_z, out var basePeakMzFromCvParams))
                                scanStatsEntry.BasePeakMZ = StringUtilities.ValueToString(basePeakMzFromCvParams, 5);
                                computeBPI = false;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scanStatsEntry.ScanFilterText))
                            if (spectrum?.scanList?.scans.Count > 0)
                                // Bruker timsTOF datasets will have CVParam "inverse reduced ion mobility" for IMS spectra; check for this
                                foreach (var scanItem in spectrum.scanList.scans)
                                    if (MSDataFileReader.TryGetCVParam(scanItem.cvParams, pwiz.CLI.cv.CVID.MS_inverse_reduced_ion_mobility, out _))
                                        scanStatsEntry.ScanFilterText = "IMS";

                        // Base peak signal to noise ratio
                        scanStatsEntry.BasePeakSignalToNoiseRatio = "0";

                        scanStatsEntry.IonCount    = msDataSpectrum.Mzs.Length;
                        scanStatsEntry.IonCountRaw = scanStatsEntry.IonCount;

                        if ((computeBPI || computeTIC) && scanStatsEntry.IonCount > 0)
                            // Step through the raw data to compute the BPI and TIC

                            var mzList      = msDataSpectrum.Mzs;
                            var intensities = msDataSpectrum.Intensities;

                            tic = 0;
                            bpi = 0;
                            double basePeakMZ = 0;

                            for (var index = 0; index <= mzList.Length - 1; index++)
                                tic += intensities[index];
                                if (intensities[index] > bpi)
                                    bpi        = intensities[index];
                                    basePeakMZ = mzList[index];

                            scanStatsEntry.TotalIonIntensity = StringUtilities.ValueToString(tic, 5);
                            scanStatsEntry.BasePeakIntensity = StringUtilities.ValueToString(bpi, 5);
                            scanStatsEntry.BasePeakMZ        = StringUtilities.ValueToString(basePeakMZ, 5);

                        var addScan = !skipExistingScans || skipExistingScans && !mDatasetStatsSummarizer.HasScanNumber(scanNumber);

                        if (addScan)
                            if (skipScansWithNoIons && scanStatsEntry.IonCount == 0)

                                if (skippedEmptyScans < 25 ||
                                    skippedEmptyScans < 100 && skippedEmptyScans % 10 == 0 ||
                                    skippedEmptyScans < 1000 && skippedEmptyScans % 100 == 0 ||
                                    skippedEmptyScans < 10000 && skippedEmptyScans % 1000 == 0 ||
                                    skippedEmptyScans < 100000 && skippedEmptyScans % 10000 == 0 ||
                                    skippedEmptyScans % 100000 == 0)
                                    ConsoleMsgUtils.ShowDebug("Skipping scan {0:N0} since no ions; {1:N0} total skipped scans", scanNumber, skippedEmptyScans);
                                if (maxScansToTrackInDetail < 0 || scansStored < maxScansToTrackInDetail)
                                    scansStored += 1;

                        if (mSaveTICAndBPI && !ticStored && (maxScansForTicAndBpi < 0 || ticAndBpiScansStored < maxScansForTicAndBpi))
                            mTICAndBPIPlot.AddData(scanStatsEntry.ScanNumber, msLevels[scanIndex], (float)scanTimes[scanIndex], bpi, tic);
                            ticAndBpiScansStored += 1;

                        if (mSaveLCMS2DPlots && addScan)
                            mLCMS2DPlot.AddScan(scanStatsEntry.ScanNumber, msLevels[scanIndex], (float)scanTimes[scanIndex], msDataSpectrum.Mzs.Length, msDataSpectrum.Mzs, msDataSpectrum.Intensities);

                        if (mCheckCentroidingStatus)
                            mDatasetStatsSummarizer.ClassifySpectrum(msDataSpectrum.Mzs, msLevels[scanIndex], "Scan " + scanStatsEntry.ScanNumber);

                        scanCountSuccess += 1;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        OnErrorEvent("Error loading header info for scan " + scanNumber, ex);
                        scanCountError += 1;

                    if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(lastStatusProgressTime).TotalMinutes > 5)
                        OnStatusEvent(string.Format("Reading spectra, loaded {0:N0} / {1:N0} spectra; " +
                                                    "{2:N0} HMS spectra; {3:N0} HMSn spectra; " +
                                                    "{4:N0} MS spectra; {5:N0} MSn spectra; " +
                                                    "max elution time is {6:F2} minutes",
                                                    scanNumber, spectrumCount,
                                                    scanCountHMS, scanCountHMSn,
                                                    scanCountMS, scanCountMSn,

                        lastStatusProgressTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        lastDebugProgressTime  = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(lastDebugProgressTime).TotalSeconds < 15)

                    lastDebugProgressTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    var percentComplete = scanNumber / (float)spectrumCount * 100;

                    var percentCompleteOverall = clsMSFileInfoProcessorBaseClass.ComputeIncrementalProgress(

                    OnProgressUpdate(string.Format("Spectra processed: {0:N0}", scanNumber), percentCompleteOverall);

                mDatasetStatsSummarizer.StoreScanTypeTotals(scanCountHMS, scanCountHMSn,
                                                            scanCountMS, scanCountMSn,

                var scanCountTotal = scanCountSuccess + scanCountError;
                if (scanCountTotal == 0)

                // Return True if at least 50% of the spectra were successfully read
                return(scanCountSuccess >= scanCountTotal / 2.0);
            catch (AccessViolationException)
                // Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
                if (!mWarnedAccessViolationException)
                    OnWarningEvent("Error reading instrument data with ProteoWizard: Attempted to read or write protected memory. " +
                                   "The instrument data file is likely corrupt.");
                    mWarnedAccessViolationException = true;
                mDatasetStatsSummarizer.CreateEmptyScanStatsFiles = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                OnErrorEvent("Error reading instrument data with ProteoWizard: " + ex.Message, ex);