Пример #1
        public ActionResult BrowseQuestion()
            Response.Expires = 0;
            string ids = Request.QueryString["ids"];
            List <tbQuestion> baseInfor = EQuestionBL.GetQuestionList(ids.Substring(1, ids.Length - 2));
            Dictionary <int, tbKnowledgeKey> konwDic = KnowBL.GetAllQuestionSortDictionary();
            var listQuestion = new List <MQuestionShow>();

            foreach (tbQuestion item in baseInfor)
                var mq = new MQuestionShow
                    QuestionContent    = item.QuestionContent,
                    QuestionKey        = konwDic[item.QuestionKey].KeyName,
                    QuestionType       = item.QuestionType,
                    QuestionTypeStr    = ((QuestionType)item.QuestionType).ToString(),
                    QuestionAnswerKeys = item.QuestionAnswerKeys,
                    QuestionAnalysis   = item.QuestionAnalysis,
                    QuestionAnswer     = item.QuestionAnswer,
                    FileUpload         =
                        (item.FileUpload == null || item.FileUpload.Count == 0)
                                ? new List <FileUpload>()
                                : item.FileUpload

            // ViewData["model"] = listQuestion;
            ViewBag.model = listQuestion;
Пример #2
        public JsonResult GetAllQuestion(int pageSize = 10, int pageIndex = 1)
            int    sortID   = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["sortID"]);
            int    qType    = Request.QueryString["type"].StringToInt32();
            int    qlevel   = Request.QueryString["level"].StringToInt32();
            string qKey     = Request.QueryString["key"];
            string qContent = Request.QueryString["content"];

            int totalCount = 0;

            List <tbQuestion> qList = EQuestionBL.GetListByQuery(ref totalCount, sortID, "", qKey, int.MaxValue,
                                                                 1, qType, qlevel);

            qList      = qList.Where(p => HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(p.QuestionContent).NoHtml().Contains(qContent)).ToList();
            totalCount = qList.Count;
            qList      = qList.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
            List <Sys_User> userList = UserBL.GetList("1=1");
            List <tbExampaper> paperlist = PaperBL.GetAllExampaperList();
            Dictionary <int, tbKnowledgeKey> konwDic = KnowBL.GetAllQuestionSortDictionary();

            var ListQuestion = new List <MQuestionShow>();

            foreach (tbQuestion item in qList)
                int count = 0;
                paperlist.ForEach(p =>
                    if (p.QuestionList.Count(subp => subp.Qid == item._id) > 0)
                var Question = new MQuestionShow();
                Question.id = item._id;
                Question.QuestionContent  = item.QuestionContent.NoHtml();
                Question.QuestionTypeStr  = ((QuestionType)item.QuestionType).ToString();
                Question.QuestionLevelStr = ((QuestionLevel)item.QuestionLevel).ToString();
                Question.QuestionKey      = konwDic.Keys.Contains(item.QuestionKey) ? konwDic[item.QuestionKey].KeyName : "";
                Question.VoidTimes        = count;
                Question.Creater          = (userList.Count == 0 || item.UserID == 0 || userList.All(p => p.UserId != item.UserID))
                                       ? "管理员"
                                       : userList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserId == item.UserID).Realname;
                Question.CreatLocalTime = item.CreateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
                dataList = ListQuestion,
                recordCount = totalCount
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 用于选择试题
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult GetSelectQuestion(int sortID, int type, int level, string content, int pageSize = 10, int pageIndex = 1)
            string OrderByCreateTime = "desc";  //发布时间排序规则
            int    total             = 0;
            List <tbQuestion> qList = EQuestionBL.GetListByQuery(ref total, CurrentTenant.TenantId, sortID, "", int.MaxValue,
                                                                 0, type, level, null, null, 99, 0, null);

            qList = qList.Where(p => ((p.UserID == CurrentUser.UserId) || (p.UserID != CurrentUser.UserId && p.QuestionOpen == 0)) && p.QuestionAvailable == 0).ToList();
            if (OrderByCreateTime == "asc")
                qList = qList.OrderBy(q => q.CreateTime).ToList();
                qList = qList.OrderByDescending(q => q.CreateTime).ToList();
            qList = qList.Where(p => p.QuestionContent.NoHtml().HtmlDecode().ToLower().Contains(content.ToLower())).ToList();
            total = qList.Count;
            qList = qList.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();

            List <tbQuestionSort> sortlist = ESortBL.GetAllQuestionSortList(CurrentTenant.TenantId);

            List <tbExampaper> paperlist = PaperBL.GetAllExampaperList(CurrentTenant.TenantId);

            List <tbExamination> examinationsList =
            var ListQuestion = new List <MQuestionShow>();

            foreach (tbQuestion item in qList)
                var Question = new MQuestionShow();
                Question.id = item._id;
                Question.QuestionContent      = item.QuestionContent.NoHtml().HtmlDecode();
                Question.QuestionTypeStr      = EnumsLanguage.GetString(((QuestionType)item.QuestionType).ToString());
                Question.QuestionLevelStr     = EnumsLanguage.GetString(((QuestionLevel)item.QuestionLevel).ToString());
                Question.QuestionAvailableStr = EnumsLanguage.GetString(((QuestionAvailable)item.QuestionAvailable).ToString());
                Question.QuestionOpenStr      = EnumsLanguage.GetString(((QuestionOpen)item.QuestionOpen).ToString());
                Question.QuestionKey          = "";
                Question.CreatLocalTime       = item.CreateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
                Question.LastUpdateTimeStr    = item.LastUpdateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
                //Question.SortName = (sortlist.Count() == 0 || item.QuestionSortID == 0 || sortlist.All(p => p._id != item.QuestionSortID)) ? "无" : sortlist.FirstOrDefault(p => p._id == item.QuestionSortID).Title;
                Question.SortName = (sortlist.Count() == 0 || item.QuestionSortID == 0 || sortlist.All(p => p._id != item.QuestionSortID)) ? "无" : sortlist.FirstOrDefault(p => p._id == item.QuestionSortID).LevelPath;
                dataList = ListQuestion,
                recordCount = total
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #4
        public ActionResult QuestionManager()
            int total        = 0;
            var questionlist = new QuestionManager().GetListByQuery(ref total, CurrentTenant.TenantId, 0, "", 5, 1, 0, 0, null, null, 99, 99);
            var sortList     = new QuestionSortManager().GetAllQuestionSortDictionary(CurrentTenant.TenantId);
            var dataList     = new List <MQuestionShow>();

            foreach (var item in questionlist)
                var question = new MQuestionShow();
                question.id = item._id;
                question.QuestionContent = item.QuestionContent.NoHtml().HtmlDecode();
                question.CreatLocalTime  = item.CreateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                question.SortName        = sortList[item.QuestionSortID].LevelPath;
            ViewBag.total = total;
Пример #5
        public ActionResult BrowseQuestion(int flag = 0)
            Response.Expires = 0;
            string ids = Request.QueryString["ids"];
            List <tbQuestion> baseInfor = EQuestionBL.GetQuestionList(ids.Substring(1, ids.Length - 2).GetArray());
            var listQuestion            = new List <MQuestionShow>();

            foreach (tbQuestion item in baseInfor)
                var mq = new MQuestionShow
                    QuestionContent = item.QuestionContent.NoHtml(),
                    //QuestionKey = konwDic[item.QuestionKey].KeyName,
                    QuestionType       = item.QuestionType,
                    QuestionTypeStr    = EnumsLanguage.GetString(((QuestionType)item.QuestionType).ToString()),
                    QuestionAnswerKeys = item.QuestionAnswerKeys,
                    QuestionAnalysis   = item.QuestionAnalysis,
                    QuestionAnswer     = item.QuestionAnswer,
                    FileUpload         =
                        (item.FileUpload == null || item.FileUpload.Count == 0)
                                ? new List <FileUpload>()
                                : item.FileUpload

            // ViewData["model"] = listQuestion;
            ViewBag.model   = listQuestion;
            ViewBag.backUrl = Url.RetechAction("QuestionList", "Question");
            if (flag == 1)
                ViewBag.backUrl = Url.RetechAction("QuestionManage", "Question");
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     导入试题
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sortID">分类ID</param>
        /// <param name="ds">试题DataSet</param>
        /// <param name="message">错误信息</param>
        /// <param name="count">错误数目</param>
        /// <param name="totalCount">导入的总题数</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <MQuestionShow> ImportQuestion(int sortID, int key, DataTable dt, ref string message, ref int count,
                                                   ref int totalCount)
            var newlist      = new List <MQuestionShow>();
            var questionList = new List <tbQuestion>();
            var question     = new tbQuestion();
            var rowList      = new List <int>();
            int rowCount     = 0; //记录行号
            Dictionary <int, tbQuestionSort> dicsort = ESortBL.GetAllQuestionSortDictionary();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                //if (dr[1].ToString() == "")
                //    message += message == "" ? (rowCount + 1).ToString() : ("、" + (rowCount + 1).ToString());
                //    continue;
                if (dr[3].ToString() == string.Empty && dr[1].ToString() != "")
                    if (question.QuestionType > 0)
                        questionList[questionList.Count - 1].QuestionAnswer.Add(new QuestionAnswer
                            Answer =
                                (question.QuestionType == 4
                                         ? (dr[1].ToString() == "正确" ? "0" : "1")
                                         : dr[1].ToString().Trim()),
                            AnswerFlag = dr[2].ToString() == "是" ? 1 : 0,
                    if ((dr[3].ToString() == "问答题" || dr[3].ToString() == "填空题") && dr[6].ToString() == "")
                        message += message == "" ? (rowCount + 1).ToString() : ("、" + (rowCount + 1).ToString());
                        if (dr[1].ToString() != "" && dr[3].ToString() != "" && dr[4].ToString() != "")
                            question = new tbQuestion
                                QuestionAnswer     = new List <QuestionAnswer>(),
                                QuestionKey        = key,
                                QuestionAnswerKeys = dr[6].ToString(),
                                QuestionAnalysis   = dr[5].ToString(),
                                QuestionContent    =
                                    .Replace("(", "(")
                                    .Replace("(", "(")
                                    .Replace("(", "(")
                                    .Replace(")", ")")
                                    .Replace(")", ")")
                                    .Replace(")", ")"),
                                QuestionLevel =
                                    (int)((QuestionLevel)Enum.Parse(typeof(QuestionLevel), dr[4].ToString())),
                                QuestionType =
                                    (int)((QuestionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(QuestionType), dr[3].ToString())),
                                Status         = 0,
                                LastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now,
                                CreateTime     = DateTime.Now,
                                QuestionSortID = sortID,
                                UserID         = CurrentUser.UserId,
                                FileUpload     = new List <FileUpload>(),
                            rowList.Add(rowCount + 1);
                            message += message == "" ? (rowCount + 1).ToString() : ("、" + (rowCount + 1).ToString());

            int quCount = 0;

            foreach (tbQuestion qu in questionList)
                int qID = 0;
                if ((qu.QuestionType == 1 && qu.QuestionAnswer.Count == 1) //问答
                    (qu.QuestionType == 2 && qu.QuestionAnswer.Count > 1 && qu.QuestionAnswer.Count < 27 &&
                     qu.QuestionAnswer.Where(p => p.AnswerFlag == 1).Count() == 1) //单选
                    (qu.QuestionType == 3 && qu.QuestionAnswer.Count > 1 && qu.QuestionAnswer.Count < 27 &&
                     qu.QuestionAnswer.Where(p => p.AnswerFlag == 1).Count() > 0) //多选
                    (qu.QuestionType == 4 && qu.QuestionAnswer.Count == 2 &&
                     qu.QuestionAnswer.Where(p => p.AnswerFlag == 1).Count() == 1) //判断
                    int c = 0;
                    qu.QuestionAnswer.ForEach(pz =>
                        pz.Order = ++c;
                    qID = EQuestionBL.Insert(qu);
                    var newQu = new MQuestionShow();
                    newQu.FileUpload      = new List <FileUpload>();
                    newQu.QuestionAnswer  = qu.QuestionAnswer;
                    newQu.QuestionContent = qu.QuestionContent;
                    newQu.id = qu._id;
                    newQu.QuestionLevelStr = ((QuestionLevel)qu.QuestionLevel).ToString();
                    newQu.QuestionTypeStr  = ((QuestionType)qu.QuestionType).ToString();
                    newQu.QuestionType     = qu.QuestionType;
                    newQu.QuestionLevel    = qu.QuestionLevel;
                    newQu.SortName         = dicsort[sortID].Title;
                else if (qu.QuestionType == 5)
                    var answerNumber = qu.QuestionContent.Split(new[] { "()" }, StringSplitOptions.None).Length - 1;
                    if (qu.QuestionAnswer.Count == answerNumber)
                        if (qu.QuestionAnswerKeys.Split(' ').Length == answerNumber)
                            string anStr = "";
                            qu.QuestionAnswer.ForEach(p =>
                                anStr += anStr == "" ? p.Answer : ("!!%%!!" + p.Answer);
                            var answer = new QuestionAnswer
                                Answer     = anStr,
                                AnswerFlag = qu.QuestionAnswer[0].AnswerFlag
                            var list = new List <QuestionAnswer>();
                            qu.QuestionAnswer = list;
                            qID = EQuestionBL.Insert(qu);
                            var newQu = new MQuestionShow();
                            newQu.FileUpload      = new List <FileUpload>();
                            newQu.QuestionAnswer  = qu.QuestionAnswer;
                            newQu.QuestionContent = qu.QuestionContent;
                            newQu.id = qu._id;
                            newQu.QuestionLevelStr = ((QuestionLevel)qu.QuestionLevel).ToString();
                            newQu.QuestionTypeStr  = ((QuestionType)qu.QuestionType).ToString();
                            newQu.QuestionType     = qu.QuestionType;
                            newQu.QuestionLevel    = qu.QuestionLevel;
                            newQu.SortName         = dicsort[sortID].Title;
                            newQu.Creater          = CurrentUser.Realname;
                            message += message == ""
                                           ? ((rowList[quCount - 1]).ToString())
                                           : ("、" + (rowList[quCount - 1]).ToString());
                        message += message == ""
                                       ? ((rowList[quCount - 1] + 1).ToString())
                                       : ("、" + (rowList[quCount - 1] + 1).ToString());
                    message += message == ""
                                   ? ((rowList[quCount - 1] + 1).ToString())
                                   : ("、" + (rowList[quCount - 1] + 1).ToString());

Пример #7
        public JsonResult GetAllQuestion(int sortId, int type, int level, string content, DateTime?start, DateTime?end, int open = 99, int available = 99, string creater = "", int showMy = 99, int pageSize = 10, int pageIndex = 1)
            SearchCondtion["QuestionList/sortId"]    = sortId.ToString();
            SearchCondtion["QuestionList/type"]      = type.ToString();
            SearchCondtion["QuestionList/level"]     = level.ToString();
            SearchCondtion["QuestionList/content"]   = content;
            SearchCondtion["QuestionList/start"]     = start.ToString();
            SearchCondtion["QuestionList/end"]       = end.ToString();
            SearchCondtion["QuestionList/open"]      = open.ToString();
            SearchCondtion["QuestionList/available"] = available.ToString();
            SearchCondtion["QuestionList/creater"]   = creater;
            SearchCondtion["QuestionList/showMy"]    = showMy.ToString();
            SearchCondtion["QuestionList/pageSize"]  = pageSize.ToString();
            SearchCondtion["QuestionList/pageIndex"] = pageIndex.ToString();

            string OrderByCreateTime = "desc";  //发布时间排序规则
            int    total             = 0;
            string userWhere = string.Format(" Sys_Users.Status = 0 and Sys_Users.TenantId = {0} and Sys_Users.Realname LIKE '%{1}%'", CurrentTenant.TenantId, creater.ReplaceSql());
            var    userList  = UserBL.GetAllUsers(out total, userWhere, 0, int.MaxValue);

            int[] userIds;
            if (showMy == 99)
                userIds = userList.Select(p => p.UserId).Distinct().ToArray();
            else if (showMy == 0)
                userIds = new int[1] {
                userIds = userList.Where(p => p.UserId != CurrentUser.UserId).Select(p => p.UserId).Distinct().ToArray();

            List <tbQuestion> qList = new List <tbQuestion>();

            if (userIds.Length > 0)
                qList = EQuestionBL.GetListByQuery(ref total, CurrentTenant.TenantId, sortId, "", int.MaxValue,
                                                   1, type, level, start, end, open, available, userIds);

            if (OrderByCreateTime == "asc")
                qList = qList.OrderBy(q => q.CreateTime).ToList();
                qList = qList.OrderByDescending(q => q.CreateTime).ToList();
            qList = qList.Where(p => (p.QuestionContent.NoHtml().HtmlDecode().ToLower()).Contains(content.ToLower())).ToList();
            total = qList.Count;
            qList = qList.Skip((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();

            List <tbQuestionSort> sortlist = ESortBL.GetAllQuestionSortList(CurrentTenant.TenantId);

            List <tbExampaper> paperlist = PaperBL.GetAllExampaperList(CurrentTenant.TenantId);

            List <tbExamination> examinationsList =
            var ListQuestion = new List <MQuestionShow>();

            foreach (tbQuestion item in qList)
                var Question = new MQuestionShow();
                Question.id = item._id;
                Question.QuestionContent      = item.QuestionContent.NoHtml().HtmlDecode();
                Question.QuestionTypeStr      = EnumsLanguage.GetString(((QuestionType)item.QuestionType).ToString());
                Question.QuestionLevelStr     = EnumsLanguage.GetString(((QuestionLevel)item.QuestionLevel).ToString());
                Question.QuestionAvailableStr = EnumsLanguage.GetString(((QuestionAvailable)item.QuestionAvailable).ToString());
                Question.QuestionOpenStr      = EnumsLanguage.GetString(((QuestionOpen)item.QuestionOpen).ToString());
                Question.QuestionKey          = "";
                //Question.VoidTimes = count;
                Question.Creater = (userList.Count() == 0 || item.UserID == 0 || userList.All(p => p.UserId != item.UserID))
                                       ? "无"
                                       : userList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserId == item.UserID).Realname;
                Question.CreatLocalTime    = item.CreateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
                Question.LastUpdateTimeStr = item.LastUpdateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
                //Question.SortName = (sortlist.Count() == 0 || item.QuestionSortID == 0 || sortlist.All(p => p._id != item.QuestionSortID)) ? "无" : sortlist.FirstOrDefault(p => p._id == item.QuestionSortID).Title;
                Question.SortName = (sortlist.Count() == 0 || item.QuestionSortID == 0 || sortlist.All(p => p._id != item.QuestionSortID)) ? "无" : sortlist.FirstOrDefault(p => p._id == item.QuestionSortID).LevelPath;
                //Question.ExaminationCount = examinationCount;
                dataList = ListQuestion,
                recordCount = total
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));