Пример #1
        // Main selection routine
        public override bool select(MSelectInfo selectInfo,
                                    MSelectionList selectionList,
                                    MPointArray worldSpaceSelectPts)
        // Description:
        //     Main selection routine
        // Arguments:
        //     selectInfo           - the selection state information
        //     selectionList        - the list of selected items to add to
        //     worldSpaceSelectPts  -
            bool selected          = false;
            bool componentSelected = false;
            bool hilited           = false;

            hilited = (selectInfo.displayStatus == M3dView.DisplayStatus.kHilite);
            if (hilited)
                componentSelected = selectVertices(selectInfo, selectionList,
                selected = selected || componentSelected;

            if (!selected)
                apiMesh meshNode = (apiMesh)surfaceShape;

                // NOTE: If the geometry has an intersect routine it should
                // be called here with the selection ray to determine if the
                // the object was selected.

                selected = true;
                MSelectionMask priorityMask = new MSelectionMask(MSelectionMask.SelectionType.kSelectNurbsSurfaces);
                MSelectionList item         = new MSelectionList();
                MPoint xformedPt = new MPoint();
                if (selectInfo.singleSelection)
                    MPoint center = meshNode.boundingBox().center;
                    xformedPt = center;

                selectInfo.addSelection(item, xformedPt, selectionList,
                                        worldSpaceSelectPts, priorityMask, false);

Пример #2
        // Description
        //    Transforms the given components. This method is used by
        //    the move, rotate, and scale tools in component mode when the
        //    tweaks for the shape are stored on a separate tweak node.
        //    The bounding box has to be updated here, so do the normals and
        //    any other attributes that depend on vertex positions.
        // Arguments
        //    mat           - matrix to transform the components by
        //    componentList - list of components to be transformed,
        //                    or an empty list to indicate the whole surface
        //    cachingMode   - how to use the supplied pointCache
        //    pointCache    - if non-null, save or restore points from this list base
        //                      on the cachingMode
        //    handle	    - handle to the attribute on the tweak node where the
        //                      tweaks should be stored
        public override void tweakUsing( MMatrix mat,
            MObjectArray componentList,
            MVertexCachingMode cachingMode,
            MPointArray pointCache,
            MArrayDataHandle handle)
            apiMeshGeom geomPtr = meshGeom();

            bool savePoints    = (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kSavePoints);
            bool updatePoints  = (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kUpdatePoints);

            MArrayDataBuilder builder = handle.builder();

            MPoint delta = new MPoint();
            MPoint currPt = new MPoint();
            MPoint newPt = new MPoint();
            int i=0;
            uint len = componentList.length;
            int cacheIndex = 0;
            uint cacheLen = (null != pointCache) ? pointCache.length : 0;

            if (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kRestorePoints) {
                // restore points from the pointCache
                if (len > 0) {
                    // traverse the component list
                    for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
                        MObject comp = componentList[i];
                        MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
                        int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount;
                        for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount && cacheIndex < cacheLen; idx++, cacheIndex++) {
                            int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
                            MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement((uint)elemIndex);
                            double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
                            MPoint cachePt = pointCache[cacheIndex];
                            pt[0] += cachePt.x;
                            pt[1] += cachePt.y;
                            pt[2] += cachePt.z;
                            hdl.Double3 = pt;
                } else {
                    // if the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
                    // should transform the entire surface
                    len = geomPtr.vertices.length;
                    for ( uint idx = 0; idx < len && idx < cacheLen; ++idx ) {
                        MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement(idx);
                        double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
                        MPoint cachePt = pointCache[cacheIndex];
                        pt[0] += cachePt.x;
                        pt[1] += cachePt.y;
                        pt[2] += cachePt.z;
                        hdl.Double3 = pt;
            } else {
                // Tweak the points. If savePoints is true, also save the tweaks in the
                // pointCache. If updatePoints is true, add the new tweaks to the existing
                // data in the pointCache.
                if (len > 0) {
                    for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
                        MObject comp = componentList[i];
                        MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
                        int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount;
                        if (savePoints) {
                            pointCache.sizeIncrement = (uint)elemCount;
                        for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
                            int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
                            MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement((uint)elemIndex);
                            double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
                            currPt = newPt = geomPtr.vertices[elemIndex];
                            newPt.multiplyEqual( mat );
                            delta.x = newPt.x - currPt.x;
                            delta.y = newPt.y - currPt.y;
                            delta.z = newPt.z - currPt.z;
                            pt[0] += delta.x;
                            pt[1] += delta.y;
                            pt[2] += delta.z;
                            hdl.Double3 = pt;
                            if (savePoints) {
                                // store the points in the pointCache for undo
                            } else if (updatePoints && cacheIndex < cacheLen) {
                                MPoint cachePt = pointCache[cacheIndex];
                                cachePt[0] -= delta.x;
                                cachePt[1] -= delta.y;
                                cachePt[2] -= delta.z;
                } else {
                    // if the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
                    // should transform the entire surface
                    len = geomPtr.vertices.length;
                    if (savePoints) {
                        pointCache.sizeIncrement = len;
                    for ( int idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx ) {
                        MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement((uint)idx);
                        double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
                        currPt = newPt = geomPtr.vertices[idx];
                        newPt.multiplyEqual( mat );
                        delta.x = newPt.x - currPt.x;
                        delta.y = newPt.y - currPt.y;
                        delta.z = newPt.z - currPt.z;
                        pt[0] += delta.x;
                        pt[1] += delta.y;
                        pt[2] += delta.z;
                        hdl.Double3 = pt;
                        if (savePoints) {
                            // store the points in the pointCache for undo
                        } else if (updatePoints && idx < cacheLen) {
                            MPoint cachePt = pointCache[idx];
                            cachePt[0] -= delta.x;
                            cachePt[1] -= delta.y;
                            cachePt[2] -= delta.z;
            // Set the builder into the handle.

            // Tell Maya the bounding box for this object has changed
            // and thus "boundingBox()" needs to be called.
            childChanged( MChildChanged.kBoundingBoxChanged );
Пример #3
		public override void tweakUsing( MMatrix mat,
										 MObjectArray componentList,
										 MVertexCachingMode cachingMode,
										 MPointArray pointCache,
										 MArrayDataHandle handle )
		// Description
		//    Transforms the given components. This method is used by
		//    the move, rotate, and scale tools in component mode when the
		//    tweaks for the shape are stored on a separate tweak node.
		//    The bounding box has to be updated here, so do the normals and
		//    any other attributes that depend on vertex positions.
		// Arguments
		//    mat           - matrix to transform the components by
		//    componentList - list of components to be transformed,
		//                    or an empty list to indicate the whole surface
		//    cachingMode   - how to use the supplied pointCache
		//    pointCache    - if non-null, save or restore points from this list base
		//					  on the cachingMode
		//    handle	    - handle to the attribute on the tweak node where the
		//					  tweaks should be stored
			apiMeshGeom geomPtr = meshGeom();

			bool savePoints    = (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kSavePoints);
			bool updatePoints  = (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kUpdatePoints);

			MArrayDataBuilder builder = handle.builder();

			MPoint delta = new MPoint();
			MPoint currPt = new MPoint();
			MPoint newPt = new MPoint();
			int i=0;
			uint len = componentList.length;
			int cacheIndex = 0;
			uint cacheLen = (null != pointCache) ? pointCache.length : 0;

			if (cachingMode == MVertexCachingMode.kRestorePoints) {
				// restore points from the pointCache
				if (len > 0) {
					// traverse the component list
					for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
						MObject comp = componentList[i];
						MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
						int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount;
						for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount && cacheIndex < cacheLen; idx++, cacheIndex++) {
							int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
                            MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement((uint)elemIndex);
							double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
							MPoint cachePt = pointCache[cacheIndex];
							pt[0] += cachePt.x;
							pt[1] += cachePt.y;
							pt[2] += cachePt.z;
                            hdl.Double3 = pt;
				} else {
					// if the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
					// should transform the entire surface
					len = geomPtr.vertices.length;
					for ( uint idx = 0; idx < len && idx < cacheLen; ++idx ) {
                        MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement(idx);
                        double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
						MPoint cachePt = pointCache[cacheIndex];
						pt[0] += cachePt.x;
						pt[1] += cachePt.y;
						pt[2] += cachePt.z;
                        hdl.Double3 = pt;
			} else {
				// Tweak the points. If savePoints is true, also save the tweaks in the
				// pointCache. If updatePoints is true, add the new tweaks to the existing
				// data in the pointCache.
				if (len > 0) {
					for ( i=0; i<len; i++ )
						MObject comp = componentList[i];
						MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComp = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent( comp );
						int elemCount = fnComp.elementCount;
						if (savePoints) {
							pointCache.sizeIncrement = (uint)elemCount;
						for ( int idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
							int elemIndex = fnComp.element( idx );
                            MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement((uint)elemIndex);
							double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
							currPt = newPt = geomPtr.vertices[elemIndex];
							newPt.multiplyEqual( mat );
							delta.x = newPt.x - currPt.x;
							delta.y = newPt.y - currPt.y;
							delta.z = newPt.z - currPt.z;
							pt[0] += delta.x;
							pt[1] += delta.y;
							pt[2] += delta.z;
                            hdl.Double3 = pt;
							if (savePoints) {
								// store the points in the pointCache for undo
							} else if (updatePoints && cacheIndex < cacheLen) {
								MPoint cachePt = pointCache[cacheIndex];
								cachePt[0] -= delta.x;
								cachePt[1] -= delta.y;
								cachePt[2] -= delta.z;
				} else {
					// if the component list is of zero-length, it indicates that we
					// should transform the entire surface
					len = geomPtr.vertices.length;
					if (savePoints) {
						pointCache.sizeIncrement = len;
					for ( int idx = 0; idx < len; ++idx ) {
                        MDataHandle hdl = builder.addElement((uint)idx);
						double[] pt = hdl.Double3;
						currPt = newPt = geomPtr.vertices[idx];
						newPt.multiplyEqual( mat );
						delta.x = newPt.x - currPt.x;
						delta.y = newPt.y - currPt.y;
						delta.z = newPt.z - currPt.z;
						pt[0] += delta.x;
						pt[1] += delta.y;
						pt[2] += delta.z;
                        hdl.Double3 = pt;
						if (savePoints) {
							// store the points in the pointCache for undo
						} else if (updatePoints && idx < cacheLen) {
							MPoint cachePt = pointCache[idx];
							cachePt[0] -= delta.x;
							cachePt[1] -= delta.y;
							cachePt[2] -= delta.z;
			// Set the builder into the handle.

			// Tell Maya the bounding box for this object has changed
			// and thus "boundingBox()" needs to be called.
			childChanged( MChildChanged.kBoundingBoxChanged );
Пример #4
        // Description:
        //     Vertex selection.
        // Arguments:
        //     selectInfo           - the selection state information
        //     selectionList        - the list of selected items to add to
        //     worldSpaceSelectPts  -
        public bool selectVertices( MSelectInfo selectInfo,
            MSelectionList selectionList,
            MPointArray worldSpaceSelectPts)
            bool selected = false;
            M3dView view = selectInfo.view;

            MPoint xformedPoint = new MPoint();
            MPoint selectionPoint = new MPoint();
            double z = 0.0;
            double previousZ = 0.0;
             			int closestPointVertexIndex = -1;

            MDagPath path = selectInfo.multiPath;

            // Create a component that will store the selected vertices
            MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComponent = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent();
            MObject surfaceComponent = fnComponent.create( MFn.Type.kMeshVertComponent );
            uint vertexIndex;

            // if the user did a single mouse click and we find > 1 selection
            // we will use the alignmentMatrix to find out which is the closest
            MMatrix alignmentMatrix = new MMatrix();
            MPoint singlePoint = new MPoint();
            bool singleSelection = selectInfo.singleSelection;
            if( singleSelection ) {
                alignmentMatrix = selectInfo.alignmentMatrix;

            // Get the geometry information
            apiMesh meshNode = (apiMesh)surfaceShape;
            apiMeshGeom geom = meshNode.meshGeom();

            // Loop through all vertices of the mesh and
            // see if they lie withing the selection area
            uint numVertices = geom.vertices.length;
            for ( vertexIndex=0; vertexIndex<numVertices; vertexIndex++ )
                MPoint currentPoint = geom.vertices[ (int)vertexIndex ];

                // Sets OpenGL's render mode to select and stores
                // selected items in a pick buffer

                            (float)currentPoint[2] );

                if ( view.endSelect() > 0 )	// Hit count > 0
                    selected = true;

                    if ( singleSelection ) {
                        xformedPoint = currentPoint;
                        xformedPoint.multiplyEqual( alignmentMatrix );
                        z = xformedPoint.z;
                        if ( closestPointVertexIndex < 0 || z > previousZ ) {
                            closestPointVertexIndex = (int)vertexIndex;
                            singlePoint = currentPoint;
                            previousZ = z;
                    } else {
                        // multiple selection, store all elements
                        fnComponent.addElement( (int)vertexIndex );

            // If single selection, insert the closest point into the array
            if ( selected && selectInfo.singleSelection ) {

                // need to get world space position for this vertex
                selectionPoint = singlePoint;
                selectionPoint.multiplyEqual( path.inclusiveMatrix );

            // Add the selected component to the selection list
            if ( selected ) {
                MSelectionList selectionItem = new MSelectionList();
                selectionItem.add( path, surfaceComponent );

                MSelectionMask mask = new MSelectionMask( MSelectionMask.SelectionType.kSelectComponentsMask );
                    selectionItem, selectionPoint,
                    selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts,
                    mask, true );

            return selected;
Пример #5
        // Description:
        //     Main selection routine
        // Arguments:
        //     selectInfo           - the selection state information
        //     selectionList        - the list of selected items to add to
        //     worldSpaceSelectPts  -
        // Main selection routine
        public override bool select(MSelectInfo selectInfo,
            MSelectionList selectionList,
            MPointArray worldSpaceSelectPts)
            bool selected = false;
            bool componentSelected = false;
            bool hilited = false;

            hilited = (selectInfo.displayStatus == M3dView.DisplayStatus.kHilite);
            if ( hilited ) {
                componentSelected = selectVertices( selectInfo, selectionList,
                                                    worldSpaceSelectPts );
                selected = selected || componentSelected;

            if ( !selected ) {

                apiMesh meshNode = (apiMesh)surfaceShape;

                // NOTE: If the geometry has an intersect routine it should
                // be called here with the selection ray to determine if the
                // the object was selected.

                selected = true;
                MSelectionMask priorityMask = new MSelectionMask( MSelectionMask.SelectionType.kSelectNurbsSurfaces );
                MSelectionList item = new MSelectionList();
                item.add( selectInfo.selectPath );
                MPoint xformedPt = new MPoint();
                if ( selectInfo.singleSelection ) {
                    MPoint center = meshNode.boundingBox().center;
                    xformedPt = center;
                    xformedPt.multiplyEqual( selectInfo.selectPath.inclusiveMatrix );

                selectInfo.addSelection( item, xformedPt, selectionList,
                                         worldSpaceSelectPts, priorityMask, false );

            return selected;
Пример #6
        public bool selectVertices(MSelectInfo selectInfo,
                                   MSelectionList selectionList,
                                   MPointArray worldSpaceSelectPts)
        // Description:
        //     Vertex selection.
        // Arguments:
        //     selectInfo           - the selection state information
        //     selectionList        - the list of selected items to add to
        //     worldSpaceSelectPts  -
            bool    selected = false;
            M3dView view     = selectInfo.view;

            MPoint xformedPoint   = new MPoint();
            MPoint selectionPoint = new MPoint();
            double z         = 0.0;
            double previousZ = 0.0;
            int    closestPointVertexIndex = -1;

            MDagPath path = selectInfo.multiPath;

            // Create a component that will store the selected vertices
            MFnSingleIndexedComponent fnComponent = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent();
            MObject surfaceComponent = fnComponent.create(MFn.Type.kMeshVertComponent);
            uint    vertexIndex;

            // if the user did a single mouse click and we find > 1 selection
            // we will use the alignmentMatrix to find out which is the closest
            MMatrix alignmentMatrix = new MMatrix();
            MPoint  singlePoint     = new MPoint();
            bool    singleSelection = selectInfo.singleSelection;

            if (singleSelection)
                alignmentMatrix = selectInfo.alignmentMatrix;

            // Get the geometry information
            apiMesh     meshNode = (apiMesh)surfaceShape;
            apiMeshGeom geom     = meshNode.meshGeom();

            // Loop through all vertices of the mesh and
            // see if they lie withing the selection area
            uint numVertices = geom.vertices.length;

            for (vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < numVertices; vertexIndex++)
                MPoint currentPoint = geom.vertices[(int)vertexIndex];

                // Sets OpenGL's render mode to select and stores
                // selected items in a pick buffer


                if (view.endSelect() > 0)                       // Hit count > 0
                    selected = true;

                    if (singleSelection)
                        xformedPoint = currentPoint;
                        z = xformedPoint.z;
                        if (closestPointVertexIndex < 0 || z > previousZ)
                            closestPointVertexIndex = (int)vertexIndex;
                            singlePoint             = currentPoint;
                            previousZ = z;
                        // multiple selection, store all elements

            // If single selection, insert the closest point into the array
            if (selected && selectInfo.singleSelection)

                // need to get world space position for this vertex
                selectionPoint = singlePoint;

            // Add the selected component to the selection list
            if (selected)
                MSelectionList selectionItem = new MSelectionList();
                selectionItem.add(path, surfaceComponent);

                MSelectionMask mask = new MSelectionMask(MSelectionMask.SelectionType.kSelectComponentsMask);
                    selectionItem, selectionPoint,
                    selectionList, worldSpaceSelectPts,
                    mask, true);
