Пример #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        gameManager = FindObjectOfType <GameManager> ();

        Rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();
        mp = GetComponentInParent <MP_Control> ();

        Home = GameObject.Find(mp.Party + "Home");
Пример #2
    void DetermineFocus()
        Debug.Log("Finding focus");
        GameManager gm = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>();

        // Copy the list of mps to a new array so that any changes to the list after yielding do not cause errors.
        // Get the most interesting position by getting the average position of hit mps but multiplying the positions by their HitsPerSecond cubed to shift the average position towards them.
        Vector3 mostInterestingPosition = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 averagePosition         = Vector3.zero;
        float   totalInterest           = 0.0f;
        int     numMPs = 0;

        foreach (Party p in gm.partyManager.parties)
            numMPs += p.mps.Count;

            // Access the mps through a normal for loop since the number of mps could change after yielding.
            for (int i = 0; i < p.mps.Count; ++i)
                if (p.mps[i] != null)
                    averagePosition += p.mps[i].transform.position;

                    MP_Control mpControl = p.mps[i].GetComponent <MP_Control>();

                    // If the mp has not been hit recently, ignore it.
                    if (mpControl.HitsPerSecond != 0)
                        float interest = Mathf.Pow(1 + mpControl.HitsPerSecond, 3);
                        mostInterestingPosition += p.mps[i].transform.Find("HeadTarget").position *interest;
                        totalInterest           += interest;

        // Rescale the average positions.
        mostInterestingPosition /= totalInterest;
        averagePosition         /= numMPs;
        FocusDefaultPosition     = percentageCentre;

        //Debug.Log ("Num MPS: " + numMPs + " | Interest: " + totalInterest);

        // If nothing specifically interesting is going on, just focus at the average position.
        if (totalInterest / numMPs < AutoFocusInterestThreshold)
            Debug.Log("Percentage Centre 1");
            // Get the most beat up MP nearest to the position.
            float     bestDistance = float.MaxValue;
            Transform bestMP       = null;
            foreach (Party p in gm.partyManager.parties)
                for (int i = 0; i < p.mps.Count; ++i)
                    if (p.mps[i] != null)
                        MP_Control mpControl = p.mps[i].GetComponent <MP_Control>();
                        if (mpControl.HitsPerSecond != 0)
                            float distance = Vector3.Distance(p.mps[i].transform.Find("HeadTarget").position, mostInterestingPosition) / mpControl.HitsPerSecond;
                            if (distance < bestDistance)
                                bestDistance = distance;
                                bestMP       = p.mps[i].transform;

            SetFocus(bestMP == null ? null : bestMP.Find("HeadTarget"));