Пример #1
        public void ReadSources(Dictionary <long, ResourceDescription> cimSources, Dictionary <long, ResourceDescription> cimTerminals)
            Dictionary <long, MPNode>   nodes    = internalModel.Nodes;
            Dictionary <long, MPRoot>   roots    = internalModel.Roots;
            Dictionary <long, MPBranch> branches = internalModel.Branches;

            foreach (ResourceDescription source in cimSources.Values)
                long        rootId      = source.Id;
                List <long> terminalsID = source.GetProperty(ModelCode.CONDEQ_TERMINALS).AsReferences();

                if (terminalsID.Count < 1)
                    string message = "Invalid CIM model. Root must have at least one terminal";
                    throw new Exception(message);
                //TODO: svi treba da imaju istu faznost
                ResourceDescription firstTerminal = cimTerminals[terminalsID[0]];

                EPhaseCode phaseCode = (EPhaseCode)firstTerminal.GetProperty(ModelCode.TERMINAL_PHASES).AsEnum();
                if (nodes.ContainsKey(rootId))
                    string message = $"Bad input file. There is already root node with specific gid ({rootId:X16}).";
                    throw new Exception(message);

                if (!roots.ContainsKey(rootId))
                    MPRootNode rootNode = new MPRootNode(rootId, rootId, phaseCode);
                    nodes.Add(rootId, rootNode);

                    MPRoot root = new MPRoot(rootId, rootId);
                    roots.Add(rootId, root);

                    long     rootConnNode = firstTerminal.GetProperty(ModelCode.TERMINAL_CONNECTIVITYNODE).AsReference();
                    MPBranch rootBranch   = new MPLine(rootId, phaseCode, rootId, rootConnNode);
                    branches.Add(rootId, rootBranch);

            isRootsInitialized = true;
Пример #2
        public void ReadRootsFromFile()
            String file_name = "Roots.xml";

            Dictionary <long, MPNode> listOfNodes = internalModel.Nodes;

            Dictionary <long, MPBranch> listOfBranches = internalModel.Branches;
            Dictionary <long, MPRoot>   roots          = internalModel.Roots;

            XmlDocument xml_doc = new XmlDocument();

            xml_doc.Load(file_path + file_name);

            XmlNodeList xnList = xml_doc.SelectNodes("/Roots/Root");

            foreach (XmlElement xml_elem in xnList)
                long       root_lid = UInt32.Parse(xml_elem.GetAttribute("LID"));
                long       node_lid = UInt32.Parse(xml_elem["Node"].InnerText);
                EPhaseCode phases   = (EPhaseCode)Byte.Parse(xml_elem["Phases"].InnerText);

                if (listOfNodes.ContainsKey(node_lid))
                    throw new Exception("Bad input file. There is already root node with specific lid.");

                if (!roots.ContainsKey(root_lid))
                    MPRootNode rootNode = new MPRootNode(node_lid, root_lid, EPhaseCode.ABC);
                    listOfNodes.Add(node_lid, rootNode);

                    MPRoot root = new MPRoot(root_lid, node_lid);
                    roots.Add(root_lid, root);