Пример #1
        protected void AddDataToChart(Chart chart, MOE.Common.Business.SignalPhase signalPhase, DateTime startDate,
                                      DateTime endDate, int binSize, string signalId, bool showDelayPerHour, bool showDelayPerVehicle)
            foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Plan plan in signalPhase.Plans.PlanList)
                //double totalPlanAoR = 0;
                //double totalPlanDelay = 0;
                //double avgPlanDelay = 0;
                //double totalPlanDetHits = 0;

                if (plan.CycleCollection.Count > 0)
                    DateTime dt = plan.StartTime;

                    //int Yvalueholder = 0;
                    //int Y2valueholder = 0;

                    while (dt < plan.EndTime)
                        var pcds = from item in plan.CycleCollection
                                   where item.StartTime > dt && item.EndTime < dt.AddMinutes(binSize)
                                   select item;

                        if (showDelayPerVehicle)
                            if (pcds.Count() > 0)
                                chart.Series["Approach Delay Per Vehicle"].Points.AddXY(dt, pcds.Sum(d => d.TotalDelay) / pcds.Sum(d => d.TotalVolume));
                                chart.Series["Approach Delay Per Vehicle"].Points.AddXY(dt, 0);

                        if (showDelayPerHour)
                            chart.Series["Approach Delay"].Points.AddXY(dt, (pcds.Sum(d => d.TotalDelay) * (60 / binSize)));

                        dt = dt.AddMinutes(binSize);
            Dictionary <string, string> statistics = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            statistics.Add("Average Delay Per Vehicle (AD)", Math.Round(signalPhase.AvgDelay) + " seconds");
            statistics.Add("Total Delay For Selected Period (TD)", Math.Round(signalPhase.TotalDelay) + " seconds");
            SetChartTitles(signalPhase, statistics);
Пример #2
        //public SignalPhaseCollection( DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string signalID,
        //    bool showVolume, int binSize, int metricTypeID)
        //    MOE.Common.Models.Repositories.ISignalsRepository repository =
        //        MOE.Common.Models.Repositories.SignalsRepositoryFactory.Create();
        //    var signal = repository.GetSignalBySignalID(signalID);
        //    var detectors = signal.GetDetectorsForSignal();
        //     if (detectors.Count > 0)
        //    {
        //        foreach (Models.Detector detector in detectors)
        //        {
        //            int detChannel = detector.DetChannel;
        //            Double offset = detector.GetOffset();
        //            String direction = detector.Approach.DirectionType.Description;
        //            bool isOverlap = detector.Approach.IsProtectedPhaseOverlap;

        //            //Get the phase
        //            MOE.Common.Business.SignalPhase signalPhase = new MOE.Common.Business.SignalPhase(
        //                startDate, endDate, detector.Approach, showVolume, binSize, metricTypeID);
        //            this.SignalPhaseList.Add(signalPhase);
        //        }
        //    }

        public SignalPhaseCollection(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string signalID,
                                     bool showVolume, int binSize, int metricTypeID)
            MOE.Common.Models.Repositories.ISignalsRepository repository =
            var signal = repository.GetSignalBySignalID(signalID);

            List <Models.Approach> approaches = signal.GetApproachesForSignalThatSupportMetric(metricTypeID);

            if (signal.Approaches != null && approaches.Count > 0)
                Parallel.ForEach(approaches, approach =>
                                 //foreach (Models.Approach approach in approaches)
                    String direction = approach.DirectionType.Description;
                    bool isOverlap   = approach.IsProtectedPhaseOverlap;
                    int phaseNumber  = approach.ProtectedPhaseNumber;
                    //double offset = approach.GetOffset();

                    //Get the phase
                    MOE.Common.Business.SignalPhase signalPhase = new MOE.Common.Business.SignalPhase(
                        startDate, endDate, approach, showVolume, binSize, metricTypeID);

                    //try not to add the same direction twice
                    var ExsitingPhases = from MOE.Common.Business.SignalPhase phase in this.SignalPhaseList
                                         where phase.Approach.DirectionType.Description == signalPhase.Approach.DirectionType.Description
                                         select phase;

                    if (ExsitingPhases.Count() < 1)
                this.signalPhaseList = signalPhaseList.OrderBy(s => s.Approach.ProtectedPhaseNumber).ToList();
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds data points to a graph with the series GreenLine, YellowLine, Redline
        /// and Points already added.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chart"></param>
        /// <param name="signalPhase"></param>
        /// <param name="startDate"></param>
        /// <param name="endDate"></param>
        /// <param name="signalId"></param>
        private void AddDataToChart(Chart chart, MOE.Common.Business.SignalPhase signalPhase, DateTime startDate,
                                    DateTime endDate, bool showVolume, bool showArrivalOnGreen)
            decimal totalDetectorHits     = 0;
            decimal totalOnGreenArrivals  = 0;
            decimal percentArrivalOnGreen = 0;

            //Add the data by plan
            foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Plan plan in signalPhase.Plans.PlanList)
                //check for empty pcd collection
                if (plan.CycleCollection.Count > 0)
                    foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Cycle pcd in plan.CycleCollection)
                        //add the data for the green line
                        chart.Series["Change to Green"].Points.AddXY(

                        //add the data for the yellow line
                        chart.Series["Change to Yellow"].Points.AddXY(

                        //add the data for the red line
                        chart.Series["Change to Red"].Points.AddXY(

                        //add the detector hits to the running total
                        totalDetectorHits += pcd.DetectorCollection.Count;

                        //add the detector hits to the detector activation series
                        foreach (MOE.Common.Business.DetectorDataPoint detectorPoint in pcd.DetectorCollection)
                            chart.Series["Detector Activation"].Points.AddXY(

                            //if this is an arrival on green add it to the running total
                            if (detectorPoint.YPoint > pcd.GreenLineY && detectorPoint.YPoint < pcd.RedLineY)

            //add the volume data to the volume series if true
            if (showVolume)
                foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Volume v in signalPhase.Volume.Items)
                    chart.Series["Volume Per Hour"].Points.AddXY(v.XAxis, v.YAxis);

            //if arrivals on green is selected add the data to the chart
            if (showArrivalOnGreen)
                if (totalDetectorHits > 0)
                    percentArrivalOnGreen = (totalOnGreenArrivals / totalDetectorHits) * 100;
                    percentArrivalOnGreen = 0;
                Title title = new Title();
                title.Text = Math.Round(percentArrivalOnGreen).ToString() + "% AoG";
                title.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 20);

                SetPlanStrips(signalPhase.Plans.PlanList, chart, startDate);

            MOE.Common.Models.Repositories.IMetricCommentRepository mcr = MOE.Common.Models.Repositories.MetricCommentRepositoryFactory.Create();

            MOE.Common.Models.MetricComment comment = mcr.GetLatestCommentForReport(signalPhase.Approach.SignalID, MetricTypeID);

            if (comment != null)
                chart.Titles[1].Docking   = Docking.Bottom;
                chart.Titles[1].ForeColor = Color.Red;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="signalId"></param>
        /// <param name="direction"></param>
        /// <param name="delta"></param>
        /// <param name="startDate"></param>
        /// <param name="endDate"></param>
        /// <param name="upstream"></param>
        /// <param name="maxYAxis"></param>
        private void GeneratePCD(Models.Approach approach, int delta,
                                 DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, bool upstream, int maxYAxis)
            MOE.Common.Models.Repositories.ISignalsRepository repository =
            //var signal = repository.GetSignalBySignalID(approach.SignalId);

            //Create a location string to show the combined cross strees
            string location = string.Empty;

            if (approach.Signal != null)
                location = approach.Signal.PrimaryName + " " + approach.Signal.SecondaryName;
            string chartName = string.Empty;

            //MOE.Common.Data.LinkPivotTableAdapters.Graph_DetectorsTableAdapter gdAdapter =
            //  new Data.LinkPivotTableAdapters.Graph_DetectorsTableAdapter();

            //find the upstream approach
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(approach.DirectionType.Description))
                //Find PCD detector for this appraoch
                MOE.Common.Models.Detector gd =
                        6, approach.DirectionType.Description).FirstOrDefault();

                //Check for null value
                if (gd != null)
                    //Instantiate a signal phase object
                    SignalPhase sp = new MOE.Common.Business.SignalPhase(
                        startDate, endDate, approach, false,
                        15, 13);

                    //Check the direction of the Link Pivot
                    if (upstream)
                        //Create a chart for the upstream detector before adjustments
                        upstreamBeforePCDPath = CreateChart(sp, startDate, endDate, location, "before",
                                                            ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImageLocation"], maxYAxis, "UpstreamBefore");

                        //Add the total arrival on green before adjustments to the running total
                        existingTotalAOG += sp.TotalArrivalOnGreen;

                        //Add the volume from the signal phase to the running total
                        existingVolume += sp.TotalVolume;

                        //Re run the signal phase by the optimized delta change to get the adjusted pcd
                        sp.LinkPivotAddSeconds(delta * -1);

                        //Create a chart for the upstream detector after adjustments
                        upstreamAfterPCDPath = CreateChart(sp, startDate, endDate, location, "after",
                                                           ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImageLocation"], maxYAxis, "UpstreamAfter");

                        //Add the total arrival on green after adjustments to the running total
                        predictedTotalAOG += sp.TotalArrivalOnGreen;

                        //Add the volume from the signal phase to the running total
                        predictedVolume += sp.TotalVolume;
                        //Create a chart for downstream detector before adjustments
                        downstreamBeforePCDPath = CreateChart(sp, startDate, endDate, location, "before",
                                                              ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImageLocation"], maxYAxis, "DownstreamBefore");

                        //Add the arrivals on green to the total arrivals on green running total
                        existingTotalAOG += sp.TotalArrivalOnGreen;

                        //Add the volume before adjustments to the running total volume
                        existingVolume += sp.TotalVolume;

                        //Re run the signal phase by the optimized delta change to get the adjusted pcd

                        //Create a pcd chart for downstream after adjustments
                        downstreamAfterPCDPath = CreateChart(sp, startDate, endDate, location, "after",
                                                             ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImageLocation"], maxYAxis, "DownstreamAfter");

                        //Add the total arrivals on green to the running total
                        predictedTotalAOG += sp.TotalArrivalOnGreen;

                        //Add the total volume to the running total after adjustments
                        predictedVolume += sp.TotalVolume;
Пример #5
        public DelayChart(WCFServiceLibrary.ApproachDelayOptions options, MOE.Common.Business.SignalPhase signalPhase)
            Options = options;
            TimeSpan reportTimespan    = Options.EndDate - Options.StartDate;
            string   extendedDirection = signalPhase.Approach.DirectionType.Description;

            //Set the chart properties
            chart.ImageStorageMode = ImageStorageMode.UseImageLocation;
            chart.ImageType        = ChartImageType.Jpeg;
            chart.Height           = 550;
            chart.Width            = 1100;

            //Create the chart legend
            Legend chartLegend = new Legend();

            chartLegend.Name    = "MainLegend";
            chartLegend.Docking = Docking.Left;

            //Create the chart area
            ChartArea chartArea = new ChartArea();

            chartArea.Name = "ChartArea1";

            //Primary Y axis (delay per vehicle)
            if (Options.ShowDelayPerVehicle)
                if (Options.YAxisMax != null)
                    chartArea.AxisY.Maximum = Options.YAxisMax.Value;
                chartArea.AxisY.Minimum = 0;
                chartArea.AxisY.Enabled = AxisEnabled.True;
                chartArea.AxisY.MajorTickMark.Enabled = true;
                chartArea.AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled     = true;
                chartArea.AxisY.Interval       = 5;
                chartArea.AxisY.TitleForeColor = Color.Blue;
                chartArea.AxisY.Title          = "Delay Per Vehicle (Seconds) ";

            //secondary y axis (total delay)
            if (Options.ShowDelayPerVehicle)
                if (Options.Y2AxisMax != null && Options.Y2AxisMax > 0)
                    chartArea.AxisY2.Maximum = Options.Y2AxisMax.Value;
                    chartArea.AxisY2.Maximum = 50000;
                chartArea.AxisY2.Minimum = 0;
                chartArea.AxisY2.Enabled = AxisEnabled.True;
                chartArea.AxisY2.MajorTickMark.Enabled = true;
                chartArea.AxisY2.MajorGrid.Enabled     = false;
                chartArea.AxisY2.Interval       = 5000;
                chartArea.AxisY2.Title          = "Delay per Hour (Seconds) ";
                chartArea.AxisY2.TitleForeColor = Color.Red;
            chartArea.AxisX.Title              = "Time (Hour of Day)";
            chartArea.AxisX.IntervalType       = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours;
            chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Format  = "HH";
            chartArea.AxisX2.LabelStyle.Format = "HH";
            if (reportTimespan.Days < 1)
                if (reportTimespan.Hours > 1)
                    chartArea.AxisX2.Interval = 1;
                    chartArea.AxisX.Interval  = 1;
                    chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Format  = "HH:mm";
                    chartArea.AxisX2.LabelStyle.Format = "HH:mm";
            chartArea.AxisX2.Enabled = AxisEnabled.True;
            chartArea.AxisX2.MajorTickMark.Enabled = true;
            chartArea.AxisX2.IntervalType          = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours;
            chartArea.AxisX2.LabelAutoFitStyle     = LabelAutoFitStyles.None;


            //Add the point series

            Series delayPerVehicleSeries = new Series();

            delayPerVehicleSeries.ChartType  = SeriesChartType.Line;
            delayPerVehicleSeries.Color      = Color.Blue;
            delayPerVehicleSeries.Name       = "Approach Delay Per Vehicle";
            delayPerVehicleSeries.YAxisType  = AxisType.Primary;
            delayPerVehicleSeries.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;

            Series delaySeries = new Series();

            delaySeries.ChartType  = SeriesChartType.Line;
            delaySeries.Color      = Color.Red;
            delaySeries.Name       = "Approach Delay";
            delaySeries.YAxisType  = AxisType.Secondary;
            delaySeries.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;

            Series pointSeries = new Series();

            pointSeries.ChartType         = SeriesChartType.Point;
            pointSeries.Color             = Color.White;
            pointSeries.Name              = "Posts";
            pointSeries.XValueType        = ChartValueType.DateTime;
            pointSeries.IsVisibleInLegend = false;


            //Add points at the start and and of the x axis to ensure
            //the graph covers the entire period selected by the user
            //whether there is data or not
            chart.Series["Posts"].Points.AddXY(Options.StartDate, 0);
            chart.Series["Posts"].Points.AddXY(Options.EndDate, 0);

            AddDataToChart(chart, signalPhase, Options.StartDate, Options.EndDate, Options.SelectedBinSize,
                           signalPhase.Approach.SignalID, Options.ShowTotalDelayPerHour, Options.ShowDelayPerVehicle);
            SetPlanStrips(signalPhase.Plans.PlanList, chart, Options.StartDate, Options.ShowPlanStatistics);
Пример #6
        public ArriveOnRedChart(WCFServiceLibrary.AoROptions options,
                                MOE.Common.Business.SignalPhase signalPhase)
            Options = options;
            TimeSpan reportTimespan = Options.EndDate - Options.StartDate;

            //Set the chart properties
            chart.ImageStorageMode = ImageStorageMode.UseImageLocation;
            chart.ImageType        = ChartImageType.Jpeg;
            chart.Height           = 550;
            chart.Width            = 1100;

            //Create the chart legend
            Legend chartLegend = new Legend();

            chartLegend.Name    = "MainLegend";
            chartLegend.Docking = Docking.Left;

            //Create the chart area
            ChartArea chartArea = new ChartArea();

            chartArea.Name = "ChartArea1";
            if (Options.YAxisMax != null)
                chartArea.AxisY.Maximum = Options.YAxisMax.Value;

            chartArea.AxisY.Minimum   = 0;
            chartArea.AxisY.Title     = "Volume (Vehicles Per Hour)";
            chartArea.AxisY.Interval  = 500;
            chartArea.AxisY2.Title    = "Percent AoR";
            chartArea.AxisY2.Maximum  = 100;
            chartArea.AxisY2.Interval = 10;
            chartArea.AxisY2.Enabled  = AxisEnabled.True;

            chartArea.AxisX.Title              = "Time (Hour of Day)";
            chartArea.AxisX.IntervalType       = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours;
            chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Format  = "HH";
            chartArea.AxisX2.LabelStyle.Format = "HH";
            if (reportTimespan.Days < 1)
                if (reportTimespan.Hours > 1)
                    chartArea.AxisX2.Interval = 1;
                    chartArea.AxisX.Interval  = 1;
                    chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Format  = "HH:mm";
                    chartArea.AxisX2.LabelStyle.Format = "HH:mm";
            chartArea.AxisX2.Enabled = AxisEnabled.True;
            chartArea.AxisX2.MajorTickMark.Enabled = true;
            chartArea.AxisX2.IntervalType          = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours;
            chartArea.AxisX2.LabelAutoFitStyle     = LabelAutoFitStyles.None;


            //Add the point series

            Series AoRSeries = new Series();

            AoRSeries.ChartType       = SeriesChartType.Line;
            AoRSeries.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash;
            AoRSeries.Color           = Color.Red;
            AoRSeries.Name            = "Arrivals on Red";
            AoRSeries.XValueType      = ChartValueType.DateTime;

            Series TVSeries = new Series();

            TVSeries.ChartType       = SeriesChartType.Line;
            TVSeries.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash;
            TVSeries.Color           = Color.Black;
            TVSeries.Name            = "Total Vehicles";
            TVSeries.XValueType      = ChartValueType.DateTime;

            Series PARSeries = new Series();

            PARSeries.ChartType   = SeriesChartType.Line;
            PARSeries.Color       = Color.Red;
            PARSeries.Name        = "Percent Arrivals on Red";
            PARSeries.BorderWidth = 2;
            PARSeries.XValueType  = ChartValueType.DateTime;
            PARSeries.YAxisType   = AxisType.Secondary;

            Series pointSeries = new Series();

            pointSeries.ChartType         = SeriesChartType.Point;
            pointSeries.Color             = Color.White;
            pointSeries.Name              = "Posts";
            pointSeries.XValueType        = ChartValueType.DateTime;
            pointSeries.IsVisibleInLegend = false;


            //Add points at the start and and of the x axis to ensure
            //the graph covers the entire period selected by the user
            //whether there is data or not
            chart.Series["Posts"].Points.AddXY(Options.StartDate, 0);
            chart.Series["Posts"].Points.AddXY(Options.EndDate, 0);

            AddDataToChart(chart, signalPhase);
            SetPlanStrips(signalPhase.Plans.PlanList, chart, Options.StartDate, Options.ShowPlanStatistics);
Пример #7
        protected void AddDataToChart(Chart chart, MOE.Common.Business.SignalPhase signalPhase)
            double totalDetectorHits = 0;
            int    yAxisHolder       = 0;

            foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Plan plan in signalPhase.Plans.PlanList)
                if (plan.CycleCollection.Count > 0)
                    DateTime dt = plan.StartTime;

                    while (dt < plan.EndTime)
                        double binTotalStops   = 0;
                        double binPercentAoR   = 0;
                        double binDetectorHits = 0;
                        var    pcds            = from item in plan.CycleCollection
                                                 where item.StartTime > dt && item.EndTime < dt.AddMinutes(Options.SelectedBinSize)
                                                 select item;
                        foreach (MOE.Common.Business.Cycle pcd in pcds)
                            totalDetectorHits += pcd.DetectorCollection.Count;
                            binDetectorHits   += pcd.DetectorCollection.Count;
                            foreach (MOE.Common.Business.DetectorDataPoint detectorPoint in pcd.DetectorCollection)
                                if (detectorPoint.YPoint < pcd.GreenLineY) //&& detectorPoint.YPoint < pcd.RedLineY)

                            if (binDetectorHits > 0)
                                binPercentAoR = ((binTotalStops / binDetectorHits) * 100);
                        chart.Series["Percent Arrivals on Red"].Points.AddXY(dt, binPercentAoR);
                        chart.Series["Total Vehicles"].Points.AddXY(dt, (binDetectorHits * (60 / Options.SelectedBinSize)));
                        chart.Series["Arrivals on Red"].Points.AddXY(dt, (binTotalStops * (60 / Options.SelectedBinSize)));
                        dt = dt.AddMinutes(Options.SelectedBinSize);
                        if (yAxisHolder < (binTotalStops * (60 / Options.SelectedBinSize)) && Options.YAxisMax == null)
                            yAxisHolder = Convert.ToInt16(binDetectorHits * (60 / Options.SelectedBinSize));
                            yAxisHolder = RoundToNearest(yAxisHolder, 100);
                            chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = yAxisHolder + 250;
            totalCars = totalDetectorHits;

            if (totalDetectorHits > 0)
                totalPercentAoR = ((totalAoR / totalCars) * 100);
            Dictionary <string, string> statistics = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            statistics.Add("Total Detector Hits", totalCars.ToString());
            statistics.Add("Total AoR", totalAoR.ToString());
            statistics.Add("Percent AoR for the select period", Math.Round(totalPercentAoR).ToString());
            SetChartTitles(signalPhase, statistics);