Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method executes a query against the database and returns the results as a
        /// <see cref="DataTransferObject"/>. The primary purpose of this method is to retrieve
        /// a single entity (record) from the database (master) that may have associated child
        /// records (details).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="helper">The <see cref="DALCHelper"/> class that contains the database
        /// command information.</param>
        /// <param name="criteria">The <see cref="DataTransferObject"/> containing the criteria
        /// to be used to determine mathing records in the database.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="DataTransferObject"/> now populated with the record found
        /// in the database matching the specified criteria.</returns>
        protected DataTransferObject ExecuteQueryDto(DALCHelper helper, DataTransferObject criteria)
            // Initialize objects
            IDataReader      reader = null;
            Database         db     = null;
            DbCommandWrapper cw     = null;

            // Initialize output parameters
            DataTransferObject dto = null;

            // If the passed in helper is null throw exception
            if (null == helper)
                throw new MNNonFatalException("CommonDALC.ExecuteQueryDto was passed a null DALCHelper.");

            // Make sure any necessary criteria has been set
            if (helper.CriteriaIsValid(criteria) == false)
                throw new MNNonFatalException("CommonDALC.ExecuteQueryDto was passed invalid search criteria.");

                // Initialize the database and command wrapper
                if (helper.DbInstanceName() == null)
                    db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
                    db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(helper.DbInstanceName());

                cw = helper.InitializeCommand(db, criteria);
                DbCommand command = cw.Command;

                // Execute a data reader
                if (_isInTransaction)
                    reader = db.ExecuteReader(command, _transaction.GetTransaction());
                    reader = db.ExecuteReader(command);

                // set command for garbage collection
                command = null;

                // Convert the results into a data transfer object
                dto = helper.ConvertResultsDto(cw, reader);
            catch (MNException e)
                e.AddMessageTraceData("MNException caught in CommonDALC.ExecuteQueryDto");
            catch (Exception e)
                MNException ex = new MNException(e.Message, e, criteria);
                ex.AddMessageTraceData("Exception caught in CommonDALC.ExecuteQueryDto");
                throw ex;
                // Close the data reader if it has not already been closed
                if ((null != reader) && (reader.IsClosed == false))

                // Set the database object for garbage collection
                if (db != null)
                    db = null;

                // Set the command wrapper object for garbage collection
                if (cw != null)
                    cw = null;

            // Return the data transfer object
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method executes a non-query against the database. The primary purpose of this method
        /// is to insert, update or delete data in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="helper">The <see cref="DALCHelper"/> class that contains the database
        /// command information.</param>
        /// <param name="criteria">The <see cref="DataTransferObject"/> containing the data to be
        /// used for the insert or update and/or the criteria used to determine mathing records in
        /// the database to be updated.</param>
        /// <returns>A long integer representing the count of records affected</returns>
        protected int ExecuteNonQuery(DALCHelper helper, DataTransferObject criteria)
            // Initialize objects
            Database         db = null;
            DbCommandWrapper cw = null;

            // If the passed in helper is null throw exception
            if (null == helper)
                throw new MNNonFatalException("CommonDALC.ExecuteNonQuery was passed a null DALCHelper.");

            // Make sure any necessary criteria has been set
            if (helper.CriteriaIsValid(criteria) == false)
                throw new MNNonFatalException("CommonDALC.ExecuteNonQuery was passed invalid data and/or criteria.");

                // Initialize the database and command wrapper
                if (helper.DbInstanceName() == null)
                    db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
                    db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(helper.DbInstanceName());

                cw = helper.InitializeCommand(db, criteria);
                DbCommand command = cw.Command;

                // Execute the command
                int recordsAffected = 0;
                if (_isInTransaction)
                    recordsAffected = db.ExecuteNonQuery(command, _transaction.GetTransaction());
                    recordsAffected = db.ExecuteNonQuery(command);

                // set command for garbage collection
                command = null;

                // return the count
            catch (MNException e)
                e.AddMessageTraceData("MNException caught in CommonDALC.ExecuteNonQuery");
            catch (Exception e)
                MNException ex = new MNException(e.Message, e, criteria);
                ex.AddMessageTraceData("Exception caught in CommonDALC.ExecuteNonQuery");
                throw ex;
                // Set the database object for garbage collection
                if (db != null)
                    db = null;

                // Set the command wrapper object for garbage collection
                if (cw != null)
                    cw = null;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method updates the database based on modified data within the DataSet object that has been
        /// submitted back to the database through this method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ds">The DataSet containing the modified data.</param>
        /// <param name="helper">The <see cref="DALCHelperDsUpdater"/> class that contains the database
        /// command information.</param>
        /// <returns>An integer value of the number of records affected by the update.</returns>
        protected int UpdateDataSet(DataSet ds, DALCHelperDsUpdater helper)
            // Initialize objects
            Database         db         = null;
            DbCommandWrapper commInsert = null;
            DbCommandWrapper commUpdate = null;
            DbCommandWrapper commDelete = null;

            // Initialize output parameters
            int recordsAffected;

            // If the passed in helper is null throw exception
            if (null == helper)
                throw new MNNonFatalException("CommonDALC.UpdateDataSet was passed a null DALCHelperDsUpdater.");

            // If the passed in dataset is null throw exception
            if (null == ds)
                throw new MNNonFatalException("CommonDALC.UpdateDataSet was passed a null DataSet.");

                // Initialize the database and command wrapper
                if (helper.DbInstanceName() == null)
                    db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
                    db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(helper.DbInstanceName());

                commInsert = helper.InitializeInsertCommand(db);
                commUpdate = helper.InitializeUpdateCommand(db);
                commDelete = helper.InitializeDeleteCommand(db);

                // Update the database
                if (_isInTransaction)
                    recordsAffected =
                        db.UpdateDataSet(ds, helper.GetDsTableName(), commInsert.Command, commUpdate.Command,
                                         commDelete.Command, _transaction.GetTransaction());
                    recordsAffected =
                        db.UpdateDataSet(ds, helper.GetDsTableName(), commInsert.Command, commUpdate.Command,
                                         commDelete.Command, GetUpdateBehavior(helper.GetDsUpdateBehavior()));
            catch (MNException e)
                e.AddMessageTraceData("MNException caught in CommonDALC.UpdateDataSet");
            catch (Exception e)
                MNException ex = new MNException(e.Message, e);
                ex.AddMessageTraceData("Exception caught in CommonDALC.UpdateDataSet");
                throw ex;
                // Set the database object for garbage collection
                if (db != null)
                    db = null;

                // Set the command wrappers object for garbage collection
                if (commInsert != null)
                    commInsert = null;
                if (commUpdate != null)
                    commUpdate = null;
                if (commDelete != null)
                    commDelete = null;

            // Return the number of records affected by the update
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method executes a query against the database and returns the results
        /// as a DataSet. The primary purpose of this method is to retrieve a set of matching
        /// records from the database that require data processing from the calling procedure.
        /// The difference between ExecuteQueryDs and LoadDataSet is that this method allows
        /// an existing DataSet to be passed in as an input parameter such that additional
        /// results may be added to it versus a new DataSet being created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="helper">The <see cref="DALCHelper"/> class that contains the database
        /// command information.</param>
        /// <param name="ds">An existing DataSet to which  more information shall be added.</param>
        /// <param name="criteria">The <see cref="DataTransferObject"/> containing the criteria
        /// to be used to determine mathing records in the database.</param>
        /// <returns>The DataSet filled with the matching records found in the database matching
        /// the specified criteria.</returns>
        protected void LoadDataSet(DALCHelper helper, DataSet ds, DataTransferObject criteria)
            // Initialize objects
            Database         db = null;
            DbCommandWrapper cw = null;

            string[] tableNames = null;

            // If the passed in helper is null throw exception
            if (null == helper)
                throw new MNNonFatalException("CommonDALC.LoadDataSet was passed a null DALCHelper.");

            // Make sure any necessary criteria has been set
            if (helper.CriteriaIsValid(criteria) == false)
                throw new MNNonFatalException("CommonDALC.LoadDataSet was passed invalid search criteria.");

            // make sure the InitializeDSTableNames method is not returning
            // null.
            tableNames = helper.InitializeDsTableNames();
            if (tableNames == null)
                throw new MNNonFatalException("CommonDALC.LoadDataSet has no table names specified.");

                // Initialize the database and command wrapper
                if (helper.DbInstanceName() == null)
                    db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
                    db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(helper.DbInstanceName());

                cw = helper.InitializeCommand(db, criteria);
                DbCommand command = cw.Command;

                // Load the dataset
                if (_isInTransaction)
                    db.LoadDataSet(command, ds, tableNames, _transaction.GetTransaction());
                    db.LoadDataSet(command, ds, tableNames);

                // set command for garbage collection
                command = null;
            catch (MNException e)
                e.AddMessageTraceData("MNException caught in CommonDALC.LoadDataSet");
            catch (Exception e)
                MNException ex = new MNException(e.Message, e, criteria);
                ex.AddMessageTraceData("Exception caught in CommonDALC.LoadDataSet");
                throw ex;
                // Set the database object for garbage collection
                if (db != null)
                    db = null;

                // Set the command wrapper object for garbage collection
                if (cw != null)
                    cw = null;