Пример #1
        public void Test3()
            System.Array pr = new double[4];
            pr.SetValue(11, 0);
            pr.SetValue(12, 1);
            pr.SetValue(13, 2);
            pr.SetValue(14, 3);

            System.Array pi = new double[4];
            pi.SetValue(1, 0);
            pi.SetValue(2, 1);
            pi.SetValue(3, 2);
            pi.SetValue(4, 3);

            matlab.PutFullMatrix("a", "base", pr, pi);

            System.Array prresult = new double[4];
            System.Array piresult = new double[4];

            matlab.GetFullMatrix("a", "base", ref prresult, ref piresult);
Пример #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MLApp.MLApp matlab = new MLApp.MLApp();

            System.Array pr = new double[4];
            pr.SetValue(11, 0);
            pr.SetValue(12, 1);
            pr.SetValue(13, 2);
            pr.SetValue(14, 3);

            System.Array pi = new double[4];
            pi.SetValue(1, 0);
            pi.SetValue(2, 1);
            pi.SetValue(3, 2);
            pi.SetValue(4, 3);

            matlab.PutFullMatrix("a", "global", pr, pi);

            System.Array prresult = new double[4];
            System.Array piresult = new double[4];

            matlab.GetFullMatrix("a", "global", ref prresult, ref piresult);
Пример #3
        public static void ScatterPlot(Point2d[] data)
            double[,] dataArray = new double[2, data.Length];
            double[] xdata = new double[data.Length];
            double[] ydata = new double[data.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                dataArray[0, i] = data[i].X;
                dataArray[1, i] = data[i].Y;
                xdata[i]        = data[i].X;
                ydata[i]        = data[i].Y;

            string dataName = "scatterPlot" + count;

            ML.PutWorkspaceData(dataName, WORKSPACENAME, dataArray);
            ML.PutWorkspaceData(dataName + "x", WORKSPACENAME, xdata);
            ML.PutWorkspaceData(dataName + "y", WORKSPACENAME, ydata);

            double[,] d = new double[data.Length, 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                d[i, 0] = data[i].X;
                d[i, 1] = data[i].Y;

            ML.PutWorkspaceData(dataName, WORKSPACENAME, d);
            ML.PutFullMatrix("testScatterPlotMATRIX" + count, WORKSPACENAME, d, d);

            ML.Execute(String.Format(@" clear x;clear y;
                                        scatter(x,y,'x')", dataName));
Пример #4
        public static void Main()

            String E12Acq = "E12Acq";    // name of the process to track [neurofax]
            String str    = "";

            // get process min & max address [32/64bit system dependent]
            SYSTEM_INFO sys_info = new SYSTEM_INFO();

            GetSystemInfo(out sys_info);

            // get handle to MATLAB COM server
            MLApp.MLApp matlab = new MLApp.MLApp();

            // structure for holding memory page information

            // attach to process
            Process process       = Process.GetProcessesByName(E12Acq)[0];
            IntPtr  processHandle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_WM_READ, false, process.Id);

            Console.WriteLine("Attached to " + E12Acq);

            long bufferPage = -1;  // write-buffer's page address

            // SEARCH LOOP
            // do this only once, THE WRITE BUFFER PAGE APPEARS TO NEVER CHANGE
            while (bufferPage == -1)
                // pause loop

                // try to get buffer for max 1 minutes
                if (stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes > 1)

                // get min/max memory addresses from sys_info
                IntPtr proc_min_address = sys_info.minimumApplicationAddress;
                IntPtr proc_max_address = sys_info.maximumApplicationAddress;

                long proc_min_address_l = (long)proc_min_address;
                long proc_max_address_l = (long)proc_max_address;

                // read process memory
                int bytesRead = 0;
                while (proc_min_address_l < proc_max_address_l)
                    // 28 = sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION)
                    VirtualQueryEx(processHandle, proc_min_address, out mem_basic_info, 28);

                    if (mem_basic_info.State == MEM_FREE)
                        if (mem_basic_info.RegionSize > 10000000)
                            // if here, means we hit first large free space in memmap,
                            // if not found buffer untill now, buffer is not found
                        if (mem_basic_info.Protect == PAGE_READWRITE && mem_basic_info.State == MEM_COMMIT)
                            // read current memory page if the page is committed and read-write
                            short[] buf = new short[mem_basic_info.RegionSize / sizeof(short)];
                            ReadProcessMemory((int)processHandle, mem_basic_info.BaseAddress, buf, mem_basic_info.RegionSize, ref bytesRead);
                            bytesRead = bytesRead / sizeof(short);

                            // check for presence of buffer pattern, if found the pattern => break out
                            if (checkBuffer(buf, bytesRead) >= 0)
                                bufferPage = mem_basic_info.BaseAddress;
                                logOut(String.Format("found buffer at page: {0} ", bufferPage));

                    // step memory page for next page
                    proc_min_address_l += mem_basic_info.RegionSize;
                    proc_min_address    = new IntPtr(proc_min_address_l);

            // ACQUSITION LOOP
            while (bufferPage >= 0)
                // Break condition, 10 minutes [TODO ENABLE BREAKING FROM MATLAB!!!!]
                if (stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes > 10)

                // get write-buffer's page as IntPtr
                IntPtr buf_min_address = new IntPtr(bufferPage);

                // get page's info
                VirtualQueryEx(processHandle, buf_min_address, out mem_basic_info, 28);

                short[] buf       = new short[mem_basic_info.RegionSize / sizeof(short)];
                int     bytesRead = 0;

                // read buffer's page
                ReadProcessMemory((int)processHandle, mem_basic_info.BaseAddress, buf, mem_basic_info.RegionSize, ref bytesRead);
                bytesRead = bytesRead / sizeof(short);

                // send buffer's page to Matlab
                double[] sendData = new double[bytesRead];
                for (int i = 0; i < bytesRead; i++)
                    sendData[i] = Convert.ToDouble(buf[i]);
                matlab.PutFullMatrix("DATA", "base", sendData, sendData);

                double[] send = { 0, 0, bytesRead };
                matlab.PutFullMatrix("POS", "base", send, send);

                // logging
                str = String.Format("Send {0} data", bytesRead);

                // sleep 10 msec
            } // end main loop

        } // end main() function
Пример #5
        protected void plot(LinkedList<double> ds)
            MLApp.MLApp matlab = new MLApp.MLApp();

            System.Array pr = new double[ds.Count+1];
            System.Array pi = new double[ds.Count+1];
            int i = 0;
            foreach (double d in ds)
                pr.SetValue(d, i);
                pi.SetValue(i, i);

            matlab.PutFullMatrix("plottable", "base", pi, pr);
Пример #6
        public static void ComputeUplinkFlowEnery(Sensor sender)
            if (Settings.Default.RoutingAlgorithm == "LORA")
                double n = Convert.ToDouble(sender.NeighborsTable.Count) + 1;

                double LControl = Settings.Default.ExpoLCnt * Math.Sqrt(n);
                double HControl = Settings.Default.ExpoHCnt * Math.Sqrt(n);
                double EControl = Settings.Default.ExpoECnt * Math.Sqrt(n);
                double RControl = Settings.Default.ExpoRCnt * Math.Sqrt(n);

                double HSum = 0; // sum of h value.
                double RSum = 0;
                foreach (NeighborsTableEntry can in sender.NeighborsTable)
                    HSum += can.H;
                    RSum += can.R;

                // normalized values.
                foreach (NeighborsTableEntry neiEntry in sender.NeighborsTable)
                    if (neiEntry.NeiNode.ResidualEnergyPercentage >= 0) // the node is a live.
                        MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry = new MiniFlowTableEntry();
                        MiniEntry.NeighborEntry    = neiEntry;
                        MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.HN = 1.0 / (Math.Pow((Convert.ToDouble(MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.H) + 1.0), HControl));
                        MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.RN = 1 - (Math.Pow(MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.R, RControl) / RSum);
                        MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.LN = Math.Pow(MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.L / 100, LControl);

                        MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.E  = Operations.DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(PublicParamerters.SinkNode.CenterLocation, MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.CenterLocation);
                        MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.EN = (MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.E / (Operations.DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(PublicParamerters.SinkNode.CenterLocation, sender.CenterLocation) + sender.ComunicationRangeRadius));


                // pro sum
                double HpSum = 0; // sum of h value.
                double LpSum = 0;
                double RpSum = 0;
                double EpSum = 0;
                foreach (MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry in sender.MiniFlowTable)
                    HpSum += (1 - Math.Exp(MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.HN));
                    RpSum += Math.Exp(MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.RN);
                    LpSum += (1 - Math.Exp(-MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.LN));
                    EpSum += (Math.Pow((1 - Math.Sqrt(MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.EN)), EControl));

                double sumAll = 0;
                foreach (MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry in sender.MiniFlowTable)
                    MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.HP = (1 - Math.Exp(MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.HN)) / HpSum;
                    MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.RP = Math.Exp(MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.RN) / RpSum;
                    MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.LP = (1 - Math.Exp(-MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.LN)) / LpSum;
                    MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.EP = (Math.Pow((1 - Math.Sqrt(MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.EN)), EControl)) / EpSum;

                    MiniEntry.UpLinkPriority = (MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.EP + MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.HP + MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.RP + MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.LP) / 4;
                    sumAll += MiniEntry.UpLinkPriority;

                // normalized:
                foreach (MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry in sender.MiniFlowTable)
                    MiniEntry.UpLinkPriority = (MiniEntry.UpLinkPriority / sumAll);
                // sort:
                sender.MiniFlowTable.Sort(new MiniFlowTableSorterUpLinkPriority());

                // action:
                double average         = 1 / Convert.ToDouble(sender.MiniFlowTable.Count);
                int    Ftheashoeld     = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(n)))); // theshold.
                int    forwardersCount = 0;
                foreach (MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry in sender.MiniFlowTable)
                    if (MiniEntry.UpLinkPriority >= average && forwardersCount <= Ftheashoeld)
                        MiniEntry.UpLinkAction = FlowAction.Forward;
                        MiniEntry.UpLinkAction = FlowAction.Drop;

            if (Settings.Default.RoutingAlgorithm == "AHP_Fuzzy")
                 * ------------------------------------
                 |MiniFlowTable|NeighborEntry|NeiNode |
                 * ------------------------------------


                if (sender.HopsToSink > 1)

                    foreach (NeighborsTableEntry neiEntry in sender.NeighborsTable)
                        //筛选一:仅当夹角为锐角且距离sink跳数更近的邻居节点才加入MiniFlowTable,初始UpLinkAction = Forward
                        if (neiEntry.angle < 90 && neiEntry.NeiNode.HopsToSink <= sender.HopsToSink)
                            MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry = new MiniFlowTableEntry();
                            MiniEntry.NeighborEntry = neiEntry;
                    int number_of_MiniFlowTable = sender.MiniFlowTable.Count;

                    double[] Energy     = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];
                    double   Energy_max = 100;

                    double[] Distance     = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];
                    double   Distance_max = PublicParamerters.CommunicationRangeRadius;

                    double[] Angle     = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];
                    double   Angle_max = 90;

                    double[] pr = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                    for (int i = 0; i < number_of_MiniFlowTable; i++)
                        Energy[i]   = sender.MiniFlowTable.ToArray()[i].ResidualEnergyPercentage;
                        Distance[i] = sender.MiniFlowTable.ToArray()[i].Distance_Sender_To_Receiver;
                        Angle[i]    = sender.MiniFlowTable.ToArray()[i].Angle;

                    for (int i = 0; i < number_of_MiniFlowTable; i++)
                        Energy[i] = Energy[i] / Energy_max;

                        Distance[i] = Distance[i] / Distance_max;

                        Angle[i] = Angle[i] / Angle_max;


                    double[] Energy_Up_To_Matlab = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                    double[] Distance_Up_To_Matlab = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                    double[] Angle_Up_To_Matlab = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                    for (int i = 0; i < number_of_MiniFlowTable; i++)
                        Energy_Up_To_Matlab[i] = Standardization_Energy(Energy[i]);
                        // Energy_Up_To_Matlab[i] = Energy[i];

                        Distance_Up_To_Matlab[i] = Standardization_Distance(Distance[i]);
                        //Distance_Up_To_Matlab[i] = 1 - Distance[i];
                        Angle_Up_To_Matlab[i] = Standardization_Angle(Angle[i]);
                        //Angle_Up_To_Matlab[i] = 1 - Angle[i];


                    //从 C# 客户端程序中,将对您的项目的引用添加到 MATLAB COM 对象。例如,在 Microsoft® Visual Studio® 中,打开您的项目。在项目菜单中,选择添加引用。在“添加引用”对话框中,选择 COM 选项卡。选择 MATLAB 应用程序

                     * 在文件夹 c:\temp\example 中创建 MATLAB 函数 myfunc。
                     * function [x,y] = myfunc(a,b,c)
                     * x = a + b;
                     * y = sprintf('Hello %s',c);
                     * //// Create the MATLAB instance
                     * MLApp.MLApp matlab = new MLApp.MLApp();
                     * // Change to the directory where the function is located
                     * matlab.Execute(@"cd c:\temp\example");
                     * // Define the output
                     * object result = null;
                     * // Call the MATLAB function myfunc
                     * matlab.Feval("myfunc", 2, out result, 3.14, 42.0, "world");
                     * //Display result
                     * object[] res = result as object[];
                     * Console.WriteLine(res[0]);
                     * Console.WriteLine(res[1]);
                     * Console.ReadLine();


                    // MLApp.MLApp matlab = new MLApp.MLApp();
                    MLApp.MLApp matlab = sender.matlab;
                    matlab.Execute(@"cd C:\Users\Kang\Documents\MATLAB\Fuzzy");
                    matlab.PutFullMatrix("Energy_Up_To_Matlab", "base", Energy_Up_To_Matlab, pr);
                    matlab.PutFullMatrix("Distance_Up_To_Matlab", "base", Distance_Up_To_Matlab, pr);
                    matlab.PutFullMatrix("Angle_Up_To_Matlab", "base", Angle_Up_To_Matlab, pr);


                    //定义对应的二维数组,表示Forward Set中节点相对应各属性的AHP矩阵

                    Array AHP_Energy = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable, number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                    Array AHP_Distance = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable, number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                    Array AHP_Angle = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable, number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                    Array AHP_out_pr = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable, number_of_MiniFlowTable];


                    //接收Energy矩阵,实部存放在AHP_Energy中,虚部存放在ref AHP_out_pr中
                    matlab.GetFullMatrix("AHP_Energy_output", "base", ref AHP_Energy, ref AHP_out_pr);

                    matlab.GetFullMatrix("AHP_Distance_output", "base", ref AHP_Distance, ref AHP_out_pr);

                    matlab.GetFullMatrix("AHP_Angle_output", "base", ref AHP_Angle, ref AHP_out_pr);

                    double AHP_Energy_Eigenvalue;
                    double AHP_Distance_Eigenvalue;
                    double AHP_Angle_Eigenvalue;
                    Array AHP_Energy_Eigenvector   = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];
                    Array AHP_Distance_Eigenvector = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];
                    Array AHP_Angle_Eigenvector    = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                    Array AHP_Eigenvector_pr = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                    matlab.PutFullMatrix("Matrix", "base", AHP_Energy, AHP_out_pr);
                    matlab.Execute("[Eigenvalue,Eigenvector] = Get_Max_Eigenvalue_Eigenvector(Matrix)");
                    AHP_Energy_Eigenvalue = matlab.GetVariable("Eigenvalue", "base");
                    matlab.GetFullMatrix("Eigenvector", "base", ref AHP_Energy_Eigenvector, ref AHP_Eigenvector_pr);

                    matlab.PutFullMatrix("Matrix", "base", AHP_Distance, AHP_out_pr);
                    matlab.Execute("[Eigenvalue,Eigenvector] = Get_Max_Eigenvalue_Eigenvector(Matrix)");
                    AHP_Distance_Eigenvalue = matlab.GetVariable("Eigenvalue", "base");
                    matlab.GetFullMatrix("Eigenvector", "base", ref AHP_Distance_Eigenvector, ref AHP_Eigenvector_pr);

                    matlab.PutFullMatrix("Matrix", "base", AHP_Angle, AHP_out_pr);
                    matlab.Execute("[Eigenvalue,Eigenvector] = Get_Max_Eigenvalue_Eigenvector(Matrix)");
                    AHP_Angle_Eigenvalue = matlab.GetVariable("Eigenvalue", "base");
                    matlab.GetFullMatrix("Eigenvector", "base", ref AHP_Angle_Eigenvector, ref AHP_Eigenvector_pr);

                    Array AHP_Energy_Eigenvector_Normalization   = Normalization(AHP_Energy_Eigenvector);
                    Array AHP_Distance_Eigenvector_Normalization = Normalization(AHP_Distance_Eigenvector);
                    Array AHP_Angle_Eigenvector_Normalization    = Normalization(AHP_Angle_Eigenvector);

                    sender.AHP_Angle_Eigenvector_Normalization    = AHP_Angle_Eigenvector_Normalization;
                    sender.AHP_Distance_Eigenvector_Normalization = AHP_Distance_Eigenvector_Normalization;


                    double[,] array =
                        {       1,       1, 3 },
                        {       1,       1, 2 },
                        { 1.0 / 3, 1.0 / 2, 1 }
                    Array AHP_Level1 = new double[3, 3];
                    AHP_Level1 = array;

                    Array  AHP_Level1_pr_in      = new double[3, 3];
                    Array  AHP_Level1_pr_out     = new double[3];
                    double AHP_Level1_Eigenvalue = 0;

                    Array AHP_Level1_Eigenvector = new double[3];

                    matlab.PutFullMatrix("Matrix", "base", AHP_Level1, AHP_Level1_pr_in);
                    matlab.Execute("[Eigenvalue,Eigenvector] = Get_Max_Eigenvalue_Eigenvector(Matrix)");
                    AHP_Level1_Eigenvalue = matlab.GetVariable("Eigenvalue", "base");
                    matlab.GetFullMatrix("Eigenvector", "base", ref AHP_Level1_Eigenvector, ref AHP_Level1_pr_out);

                    Array AHP_Level1_Eigenvector_Normalization = Normalization(AHP_Level1_Eigenvector);

                    //求Priority == 属性在总目标上的权重 * 节点在该属性上的权重   然后求和
                    for (int i = 0; i < sender.MiniFlowTable.Count; i++)
                        double Priority_Energy   = (double)AHP_Level1_Eigenvector_Normalization.GetValue(0) * (double)AHP_Energy_Eigenvector_Normalization.GetValue(i);
                        double Priority_Distance = (double)AHP_Level1_Eigenvector_Normalization.GetValue(1) * (double)AHP_Distance_Eigenvector_Normalization.GetValue(i);
                        double Priority_Angle    = (double)AHP_Level1_Eigenvector_Normalization.GetValue(2) * (double)AHP_Angle_Eigenvector_Normalization.GetValue(i);
                        sender.MiniFlowTable.ToArray()[i].UpLinkPriority = Priority_Energy + Priority_Distance + Priority_Angle;
                        sender.MiniFlowTable.ToArray()[i].UpLinkPriority_Energy   = Priority_Energy;
                        sender.MiniFlowTable.ToArray()[i].UpLinkPriority_Distance = Priority_Distance;
                        sender.MiniFlowTable.ToArray()[i].UpLinkPriority_Angle    = Priority_Angle;

                    sender.MiniFlowTable.Sort(new MiniFlowTableSorterUpLinkPriority());

                    int Ftheashoeld = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(sender.NeighborsTable.Count)));
                    sender.forwardnumber = 0;
                    foreach (MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry in sender.MiniFlowTable)
                        if (sender.forwardnumber < Ftheashoeld)
                            MiniEntry.UpLinkAction = FlowAction.Forward;
                            MiniEntry.UpLinkAction = FlowAction.Drop;

                    foreach (MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry in sender.MiniFlowTable)
                        if (MiniEntry.UpLinkAction == FlowAction.Forward)
                            foreach (MiniFlowTableEntry mini in MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.NeiNode.MiniFlowTable)
                                if (mini.ID == sender.ID && mini.UpLinkAction == FlowAction.Forward)
                                    if (sender.forwardnumber >= MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.NeiNode.forwardnumber)
                                        MiniEntry.UpLinkAction = FlowAction.Drop;
                                        mini.UpLinkAction = FlowAction.Drop;

                    foreach (NeighborsTableEntry neiEntry in sender.NeighborsTable)
                        if (neiEntry.ID == 0)
                            MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry = new MiniFlowTableEntry();
                            MiniEntry.NeighborEntry  = neiEntry;
                            MiniEntry.UpLinkPriority = 1;

            if (Settings.Default.RoutingAlgorithm == "ORR")
                if (sender.HopsToSink == 1)
                    foreach (NeighborsTableEntry neiEntry in sender.NeighborsTable)
                        if (neiEntry.ID == 0)
                            MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry = new MiniFlowTableEntry();
                            MiniEntry.NeighborEntry  = neiEntry;
                            MiniEntry.UpLinkPriority = 1;
                    foreach (NeighborsTableEntry nei in sender.NeighborsTable)
                        if (sender.Forwarders.Contains(nei.NeiNode))
                            MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry = new MiniFlowTableEntry();
                            MiniEntry.NeighborEntry = nei;
                            MiniEntry.UpLinkPriority = nei.NeiNode.FS;

            if (Settings.Default.RoutingAlgorithm == "ORW")
                if (sender.HopsToSink == 1)
                    foreach (NeighborsTableEntry neiEntry in sender.NeighborsTable)
                        if (neiEntry.ID == 0)
                            MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry = new MiniFlowTableEntry();
                            MiniEntry.NeighborEntry  = neiEntry;
                            MiniEntry.UpLinkPriority = 1;
                    foreach (NeighborsTableEntry nei in sender.NeighborsTable)
                        if (sender.Forwarders.Contains(nei.NeiNode))
                            MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry = new MiniFlowTableEntry();
                            MiniEntry.NeighborEntry = nei;
                            MiniEntry.UpLinkPriority = nei.NeiNode.EDC;
Пример #7
        private static void ComputeUplinkFlowEnery_Updataenergy(Sensor sender)

            if (sender.HopsToSink > 1)
                foreach (NeighborsTableEntry neiEntry in sender.NeighborsTable)
                    //筛选一:仅当夹角为锐角且距离sink跳数更近的邻居节点才加入MiniFlowTable,初始UpLinkAction = Forward
                    if (neiEntry.angle < 90 && neiEntry.NeiNode.HopsToSink <= sender.HopsToSink)
                        MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry = new MiniFlowTableEntry();
                        MiniEntry.NeighborEntry = neiEntry;
                int number_of_MiniFlowTable = sender.MiniFlowTable.Count;

                double[] Energy     = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];
                double   Energy_max = 100;

                double[] pr = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                for (int i = 0; i < number_of_MiniFlowTable; i++)
                    Energy[i] = sender.MiniFlowTable.ToArray()[i].ResidualEnergyPercentage;

                for (int i = 0; i < number_of_MiniFlowTable; i++)
                    Energy[i] = Energy[i] / Energy_max;

                double[] Energy_Up_To_Matlab = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                for (int i = 0; i < number_of_MiniFlowTable; i++)
                    Energy_Up_To_Matlab[i] = Standardization_Energy(Energy[i]);


                // MLApp.MLApp matlab = new MLApp.MLApp();
                MLApp.MLApp matlab = sender.matlab;
                matlab.Execute(@"cd C:\Users\Kang\Documents\MATLAB\Fuzzy");
                matlab.PutFullMatrix("Energy_Up_To_Matlab", "base", Energy_Up_To_Matlab, pr);


                //定义对应的二维数组,表示Forward Set中节点相对应各属性的AHP矩阵

                Array AHP_Energy = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable, number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                Array AHP_out_pr = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable, number_of_MiniFlowTable];


                //接收Energy矩阵,实部存放在AHP_Energy中,虚部存放在ref AHP_out_pr中
                matlab.GetFullMatrix("AHP_Energy_output", "base", ref AHP_Energy, ref AHP_out_pr);

                double AHP_Energy_Eigenvalue;

                Array AHP_Energy_Eigenvector = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                Array AHP_Eigenvector_pr = new double[number_of_MiniFlowTable];

                matlab.PutFullMatrix("Matrix", "base", AHP_Energy, AHP_out_pr);
                matlab.Execute("[Eigenvalue,Eigenvector] = Get_Max_Eigenvalue_Eigenvector(Matrix)");
                AHP_Energy_Eigenvalue = matlab.GetVariable("Eigenvalue", "base");
                matlab.GetFullMatrix("Eigenvector", "base", ref AHP_Energy_Eigenvector, ref AHP_Eigenvector_pr);

                Array AHP_Energy_Eigenvector_Normalization = Normalization(AHP_Energy_Eigenvector);


                double[,] array =
                    {       1,       1, 3 },
                    {       1,       1, 2 },
                    { 1.0 / 3, 1.0 / 2, 1 }
                Array AHP_Level1 = new double[3, 3];
                AHP_Level1 = array;

                Array  AHP_Level1_pr_in      = new double[3, 3];
                Array  AHP_Level1_pr_out     = new double[3];
                double AHP_Level1_Eigenvalue = 0;

                Array AHP_Level1_Eigenvector = new double[3];

                matlab.PutFullMatrix("Matrix", "base", AHP_Level1, AHP_Level1_pr_in);
                matlab.Execute("[Eigenvalue,Eigenvector] = Get_Max_Eigenvalue_Eigenvector(Matrix)");
                AHP_Level1_Eigenvalue = matlab.GetVariable("Eigenvalue", "base");
                matlab.GetFullMatrix("Eigenvector", "base", ref AHP_Level1_Eigenvector, ref AHP_Level1_pr_out);

                Array AHP_Level1_Eigenvector_Normalization = Normalization(AHP_Level1_Eigenvector);

                //求Priority == 属性在总目标上的权重 * 节点在该属性上的权重   然后求和
                for (int i = 0; i < sender.MiniFlowTable.Count; i++)
                    double Priority_Energy   = (double)AHP_Level1_Eigenvector_Normalization.GetValue(0) * (double)AHP_Energy_Eigenvector_Normalization.GetValue(i);
                    double Priority_Distance = (double)AHP_Level1_Eigenvector_Normalization.GetValue(1) * (double)sender.AHP_Distance_Eigenvector_Normalization.GetValue(i);
                    double Priority_Angle    = (double)AHP_Level1_Eigenvector_Normalization.GetValue(2) * (double)sender.AHP_Angle_Eigenvector_Normalization.GetValue(i);
                    sender.MiniFlowTable.ToArray()[i].UpLinkPriority = Priority_Energy + Priority_Distance + Priority_Angle;
                    sender.MiniFlowTable.ToArray()[i].UpLinkPriority_Energy   = Priority_Energy;
                    sender.MiniFlowTable.ToArray()[i].UpLinkPriority_Distance = Priority_Distance;
                    sender.MiniFlowTable.ToArray()[i].UpLinkPriority_Angle    = Priority_Angle;

                sender.MiniFlowTable.Sort(new MiniFlowTableSorterUpLinkPriority());

                int Ftheashoeld = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(sender.NeighborsTable.Count)));
                sender.forwardnumber = 0;
                foreach (MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry in sender.MiniFlowTable)
                    if (sender.forwardnumber < Ftheashoeld)
                        MiniEntry.UpLinkAction = FlowAction.Forward;
                        MiniEntry.UpLinkAction = FlowAction.Drop;

                foreach (MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry in sender.MiniFlowTable)
                    if (MiniEntry.UpLinkAction == FlowAction.Forward)
                        foreach (MiniFlowTableEntry mini in MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.NeiNode.MiniFlowTable)
                            if (mini.ID == sender.ID && mini.UpLinkAction == FlowAction.Forward)
                                if (sender.MiniFlowTable_Energy_average >= MiniEntry.NeighborEntry.NeiNode.MiniFlowTable_Energy_average)
                                    MiniEntry.UpLinkAction = FlowAction.Drop;
                                    mini.UpLinkAction = FlowAction.Drop;
                foreach (NeighborsTableEntry neiEntry in sender.NeighborsTable)
                    if (neiEntry.ID == 0)
                        MiniFlowTableEntry MiniEntry = new MiniFlowTableEntry();
                        MiniEntry.NeighborEntry  = neiEntry;
                        MiniEntry.UpLinkPriority = 1;