/// <summary> /// Load Invoice Line /// </summary> /// <param name="inout">shipment/receipt</param> /// <returns>DocLine Array</returns> private DocLine[] LoadLines(MInOut inout) { List <DocLine> list = new List <DocLine>(); MInOutLine[] lines = inout.GetLines(false); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { MInOutLine line = lines[i]; if (line.IsDescription() || line.GetM_Product_ID() == 0 || Env.Signum(line.GetMovementQty()) == 0) { log.Finer("Ignored: " + line); continue; } // PO Matching if (_MatchRequirementR.Equals(X_M_InOut.MATCHREQUIREMENTR_PurchaseOrder) || _MatchRequirementR.Equals(X_M_InOut.MATCHREQUIREMENTR_PurchaseOrderAndInvoice)) { Decimal poDiff = line.GetMatchPODifference(); if (Env.Signum(poDiff) != 0) { _matchProblem += "; Line=" + line.GetLine() + " PO Match diff=" + poDiff; } else if (!line.IsMatchPOPosted()) { _matchProblem += "; PO Match not posted for Line=" + line.GetLine(); } } // Inv Matching else if (_MatchRequirementR.Equals(X_M_InOut.MATCHREQUIREMENTR_Invoice) || _MatchRequirementR.Equals(X_M_InOut.MATCHREQUIREMENTR_PurchaseOrderAndInvoice)) { Decimal invDiff = line.GetMatchInvDifference(); if (Env.Signum(invDiff) != 0) { _matchProblem += "; Line=" + line.GetLine() + " PO Match diff=" + invDiff; } else if (!line.IsMatchInvPosted()) { _matchProblem += "; Inv Match not posted for Line=" + line.GetLine(); } } DocLine docLine = new DocLine(line, this); Decimal Qty = line.GetMovementQty(); docLine.SetQty(Qty, GetDocumentType().Equals(MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_MATERIALDELIVERY)); // sets Trx and Storage Qty // log.Fine(docLine.ToString()); list.Add(docLine); } // Return Array DocLine[] dls = new DocLine[list.Count]; dls = list.ToArray(); return(dls); }
/** * Split Shipment into confirmed and dispute * @param original original shipment * @param C_DocType_ID target DocType * @param confirmLines confirm lines */ private void SplitInOut(MInOut original, int C_DocType_ID, MInOutLineConfirm[] confirmLines) { MInOut split = new MInOut(original, C_DocType_ID, original.GetMovementDate()); split.AddDescription("Splitted from " + original.GetDocumentNo()); split.SetIsInDispute(true); // new 13 jan int _count = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT count(*) FROM AD_Column clm INNER JOIN ad_table tbl on (tbl.ad_table_id=clm.ad_table_id) where tbl.tablename='M_InOutLineConfirm' and clm.columnname = 'M_Locator_ID' ")); //nnayak : Change for bug 1431337 split.SetRef_InOut_ID(original.Get_ID()); if (!split.Save(Get_TrxName())) { throw new Exception("Cannot save Split"); } original.AddDescription("Split: " + split.GetDocumentNo()); if (!original.Save(Get_TrxName())) { throw new Exception("Cannot update original Shipment"); } // Go through confirmations for (int i = 0; i < confirmLines.Length; i++) { MInOutLineConfirm confirmLine = confirmLines[i]; Decimal differenceQty = confirmLine.GetDifferenceQty(); if (differenceQty.CompareTo(Env.ZERO) == 0) { continue; } // MInOutLine oldLine = confirmLine.GetLine(); log.Fine("Qty=" + differenceQty + ", Old=" + oldLine); // MInOutLine splitLine = new MInOutLine(split); splitLine.SetC_OrderLine_ID(oldLine.GetC_OrderLine_ID()); splitLine.SetC_UOM_ID(oldLine.GetC_UOM_ID()); splitLine.SetDescription(oldLine.GetDescription()); splitLine.SetIsDescription(oldLine.IsDescription()); splitLine.SetLine(oldLine.GetLine()); splitLine.SetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(oldLine.GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID()); //new 13 jan vikas ,assigne by surya sir if (_count > 0) { if (confirmLine.GetM_Locator_ID() > 0) { splitLine.SetM_Locator_ID(confirmLine.GetM_Locator_ID()); } else { splitLine.SetM_Locator_ID(oldLine.GetM_Locator_ID()); } } else { splitLine.SetM_Locator_ID(oldLine.GetM_Locator_ID()); } //End // splitLine.SetM_Locator_ID(oldLine.GetM_Locator_ID()); splitLine.SetM_Product_ID(oldLine.GetM_Product_ID()); splitLine.SetM_Warehouse_ID(oldLine.GetM_Warehouse_ID()); splitLine.SetRef_InOutLine_ID(oldLine.GetRef_InOutLine_ID()); splitLine.AddDescription("Split: from " + oldLine.GetMovementQty()); // Qtys splitLine.SetQty(differenceQty); // Entered/Movement if (!splitLine.Save(Get_TrxName())) { throw new Exception("Cannot save Split Line"); } // Old oldLine.AddDescription("Splitted: from " + oldLine.GetMovementQty()); oldLine.SetQty(Decimal.Subtract(oldLine.GetMovementQty(), differenceQty)); if (!oldLine.Save(Get_TrxName())) { throw new Exception("Cannot save Splited Line"); } // Update Confirmation Line confirmLine.SetTargetQty(Decimal.Subtract(confirmLine.GetTargetQty(), differenceQty)); confirmLine.SetDifferenceQty(Env.ZERO); if (!confirmLine.Save(Get_TrxName())) { throw new Exception("Cannot save Split Confirmation"); } } // for all confirmations _processMsg = "Split @M_InOut_ID@=" + split.GetDocumentNo() + " - @M_InOutConfirm_ID@="; // Create Dispute Confirmation split.ProcessIt(DocActionVariables.ACTION_PREPARE); // split.createConfirmation(); split.Save(Get_TrxName()); MInOutConfirm[] splitConfirms = split.GetConfirmations(true); if (splitConfirms.Length > 0) { int index = 0; if (splitConfirms[index].IsProcessed()) { if (splitConfirms.Length > 1) { index++; // try just next } if (splitConfirms[index].IsProcessed()) { _processMsg += splitConfirms[index].GetDocumentNo() + " processed??"; return; } } splitConfirms[index].SetIsInDispute(true); splitConfirms[index].Save(Get_TrxName()); _processMsg += splitConfirms[index].GetDocumentNo(); // Set Lines to unconfirmed MInOutLineConfirm[] splitConfirmLines = splitConfirms[index].GetLines(false); for (int i = 0; i < splitConfirmLines.Length; i++) { MInOutLineConfirm splitConfirmLine = splitConfirmLines[i]; splitConfirmLine.SetScrappedQty(Env.ZERO); splitConfirmLine.SetConfirmedQty(Env.ZERO); splitConfirmLine.Save(Get_TrxName()); } } else { _processMsg += "??"; } }