Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据用户ID判断该用户是否在含短信通知功能用户账号体系下的
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UserID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsSMSNotice(string UserID)
            //var ids = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMSNotice"].ToString();
            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ids))
            //    return false;
            // UserID 是4927 的表示 该用户下的账号有 报警短信通知功能
            string strSql = "with temp(UserID,ParentID) as" +
                            "(  select UserID, ParentID from Users where UserID = " + lib.Config.SMSNoticeUserID +
                            "union all  select Users.UserID, Users.ParentID from Users, temp  where Users.ParentID = temp.UserID and users.Deleted = 0" +
                            ")select UserID from temp where UserID= " + UserID;

            MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating s = new MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating();
            DataTable dt = s.Selects(strSql);

            if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
            //List<Dictionary<string, string>> listDic = s.Selects(strSql).toListDictionary();

            ////目前只有澳博旗下所有用户 才会 发送 报警短信通知  3437 澳博美谷 总账号的UserID  870是xietong
            //if (listDic.Where(l => l.ContainsValue(UserID)).Count() <= 0) //
            //    return false;
Пример #2
        private void GetDeviceTracking(int DeviceID)
            MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating sqlHelper = new MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating();
            string strSql = "select d.DeviceID,d.SerialNumber,DeviceName,l.OLat,l.OLng,l.LastCommunication DeviceDate,l.Speed,l.Course,l.DataContext from devices d inner join LKLocation l on l.DeviceID=d.DeviceiD where d.DeviceID =@DeviceID and d.deleted=0";// model=213 and

            dic = sqlHelper.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("DeviceID", DeviceID) }).toDictionary();

            Geocoding geo = new Amap();
            Gps       gps = geo.Translate(dic["OLat"], dic["OLng"]);

            //Gps gps = Utils.gps84_To_Gcj02(dic["OLat"], dic["OLng"]);
            dic["OLat"]       = gps.getWgLat().ToString();
            dic["OLng"]       = gps.getWgLon().ToString();
            dic["Address"]    = gps.Address;
            dic["CourseName"] = Utils.GetCoureName(dic["Course"]);
            var dc         = dic["DataContext"];
            var doorStatus = "未知";

            if (dc.Split('-').Length > 3 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dc.Split('-')[3]))
                dc = dc.Split('-')[3];
                if (dc.Equals("0"))
                    doorStatus = "打开";
                    doorStatus = "关闭";
            dic["DataContext"] = doorStatus;// = dic["DataContext"].Split('-')[3]; //0--- 主电断开, 1-----主电连接
Пример #3
        public void SMSX30B(string SerialNumber, string DeviceName, string Date, string Phone)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Phone))
            string[] phones = Phone.Split(',', ',');
            if (phones.Length > 0)
                Phone = string.Join(",", phones);
            MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating sqlHelper = new MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating();
            string strSql = @" select count(*) from[dbo].[CarCommandQueue]
                             where deviceid = '" + SerialNumber + "' and datediff(mi, ResponseDate, getdate()) <= 1";
            string res    = sqlHelper.Select(strSql);
            string state  = "";

            if (Convert.ToInt32(res) > 0)
                strSql = @" insert into CarCommandQueue (  DeviceID, CommandText, CreateDate, IsSend, SendDate, IsResponse, ResponseDate, ResponseText, CommandName, IsOfflineSend, Infos, SendCount)
                         values('" + SerialNumber + "', 'KM', getdate(), 0, getdate(), 1, getdate() , 'Success!', '物理开锁', 0, '', 0) ";

                state = "非法";

            string content = string.Format("【美谷科技】尊敬的用户,你好。{0}在{1}发生了一次{2}开箱行为,如是本人操作,请忽略此短信。", DeviceName, Date, state);

            SendSMS(Phone, content);
Пример #4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string deviceid = Request.QueryString["deviceid"];

            open_id = Request.QueryString["openid"];
            // imei = Request.QueryString["imei"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceid) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(open_id))
                    device_id = Convert.ToInt32(deviceid);
                    MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating s = new MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating();
                    string    strSql            = @"select DeviceID,SerialNumber,DeviceName,PhoneNum,ActiveDate,HireExpireDate,u.UserID,u.UserName,di.DataText,cast((datediff(DAY,ActiveDate,GETDATE()) + 0.1)/(datediff(DAY,ActiveDate,HireExpireDate)+0.1) as  numeric(10,2)) as UseSituation, datediff(MM,GETDATE(),HireExpireDate) TheRest,
                                 (select count(*) from devices where Deleted=0 and UserID=d.UserID) DeviceCount,
                                 (select count(*) from devices where Deleted=0 and UserID=d.UserID and HireExpireDate > GETDATE() and HireExpireDate <= DATEADD(MM,1,GETDATE())) ExpireCount
                                  from devices d inner join Users u on u.UserID=d.UserID inner join dictionary di on di.DataValue = d.Model where d.Deleted=0 and DeviceID=@DeviceID";
                    DataTable dt = s.Selects(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("DeviceID", device_id) });
                    //X11 8 50   开头的 都是60一年,其他都是120一年    60 100 130               120 200 250
                    if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    DataRow DeviceInfo = dt.Rows[0];
                    var     expire     = Convert.ToDateTime(DeviceInfo["HireExpireDate"].ToString());
                    expire_date = expire.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    if (expire < DateTime.Now)
                        use_situation = 100;
                        use_situation = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(DeviceInfo["UseSituation"].ToString()) * 100);
                    user_name    = DeviceInfo["UserName"].ToString();
                    imei         = DeviceInfo["SerialNumber"].ToString();
                    device_count = DeviceInfo["DeviceCount"].ToString();
                    expire_count = DeviceInfo["ExpireCount"].ToString();
                    device_name  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(DeviceInfo["DeviceName"].ToString()) ? DeviceInfo["SerialNumber"].ToString() : DeviceInfo["DeviceName"].ToString();
                    user_id      = Convert.ToInt32(DeviceInfo["UserID"].ToString());
                    int.TryParse(DeviceInfo["TheRest"].ToString(), out the_rest);
                    the_rest = the_rest - 1;
                    if (the_rest < 0)
                        the_rest = 0;
                    MG_BLL.Pay.MgooOrders.Orders o = new MG_BLL.Pay.MgooOrders.Orders();
                    PriceList = o.GetPriceList(DeviceInfo["DataText"].ToString());
                catch (Exception)
Пример #5
        public void SMSNotice(string UserID, string UserName, string phone, string DeviceName, string MessageDate, string MessageType)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(phone))
                string[] phones = phone.Split(',', ',');
                if (phones.Length > 0)
                    phone = string.Join(",", phones);
                bool isTestAccunt = Common.lib.Permission.IsSMSNotice(UserID);

                if (!isTestAccunt)
                if (isTestAccunt)
                    //string strSql = "select CellPhone from users where userid=3437";
                    string strSql = "with temp(UserID,ParentID,CellPhone) as " +
                                    "(select UserID, ParentID,CellPhone from Users where UserID = " + UserID +
                                    "union all  select Users.UserID, Users.ParentID,Users.CellPhone from Users, temp  where Users.UserID = temp.ParentID and users.Deleted = 0" +
                                    ")select CellPhone from temp where ParentID =  " + lib.Config.SMSNoticeUserID;
                    MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating s = new MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating();
                    string bigUserPhone         = s.Select(strSql);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bigUserPhone))
                        phone = string.IsNullOrEmpty(phone) ? bigUserPhone : phone + "," + bigUserPhone;
                string smsContent = string.Format("【美谷科技】用户{0}的设备{1},在{2}触发了{3},请留意。", UserName, DeviceName, MessageDate.toDateTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), MessageType);
                SendSMS(phone, smsContent);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utils.log("MiaodiYun>SMSNotice Error:" + ex.Message);
                //return ex.Message;0
Пример #6
        private void SendUnlockCommand()
            var DeviceID     = int.Parse(Request.Form["DeviceID"]);
            var SerialNumber = Request.Form["SerialNumber"];
            var Password     = Request.Form["Password"];
            var status       = "3";

            // if (DeviceID == 75539)
            //  {
            //     DeviceID = 74324;
            // }
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SerialNumber) && DeviceID > 0 && Password.Length > 0 && Password.Length < 10)
                string strSql = "select DevicePassword from devices where deviceid=@DeviceID and deleted=0";
                MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating sqlHelper = new MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating();
                string devicePassword = sqlHelper.Select(strSql, new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("DeviceID", DeviceID) });
                if (devicePassword.Equals(Password))
                    status = Utils.SendTcpCmd("VTR-Command-" + SerialNumber + "-KM");
                    // status = Utils.SendTcpCmd("VTR-Command-" + SerialNumber + "-DY");
                    // if (status .Equals("1"))
                    //Task.Run(() => {
                    //    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000);
                    //    var cmdRes = Utils.SendTcpCmd("VTR-Command-" + SerialNumber + "-TY");
                    //    while (cmdRes!= "1")
                    //    {
                    //        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000);
                    //        cmdRes = Utils.SendTcpCmd("VTR-Command-" + SerialNumber + "-TY");
                    //    }
                    //  }
                    status = "2";
            Response.Redirect("Unlock.aspx?DeviceID=" + DeviceID + "&status=" + status);
Пример #7
 public string SendCommand(string deviceid)
         MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating s = new MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating();
         string imei = s.Selects("select SerialNumber from devices where deviceid=@deviceid and Deleted=0",
                                 new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("deviceid", deviceid) }).Rows[0]["SerialNumber"].toStringEmpty();
         string cmd = "VTR-SCommand-" + imei + "-TY";
         string res = Utils.SendTcpCmd(cmd);
         Utils.log(" MG_BLL.DeviceManager.SendCommand:" + cmd + "," + res);
         if (res == "1")
     catch (Exception e)
         Utils.log("MG_BLL.DeviceManager.SendCommand Error:" + e.Message + "-" + e.StackTrace + "-" + e.Source);
Пример #8
        public static string SendTcpCmd(string cmd, string ServerID = null)
            Socket clientSocket = null;

                string sid = "1";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerID))
                    string imeiOrDeviceID = cmd.Split('-')[2]; //IMEI号 或者 DeviceID
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imeiOrDeviceID))
                        sid = "1";
                        Utils.log("SendTcpCmd Error: cmd:" + cmd);
                        string strSql = " select dc.cmdid from devices d inner join devicesconfig dc on dc.deviceid=d.deviceid where d.deleted=0 and ( d.SerialNumber='" + imeiOrDeviceID + "' or d.DeviceID=" + imeiOrDeviceID + ")";
                        MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating s = new MG_DAL.SQLServerOperating();
                        sid = s.Select(strSql);
                    sid = ServerID;
                string configName = "tcpIP" + sid;

                int    port = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["tcpPort"]); // 7700;
                string host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[configName].ToString();      //"";//服务器端ip地址

                IPAddress  ip  = IPAddress.Parse(host);
                IPEndPoint ipe = new IPEndPoint(ip, port);

                clientSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

                clientSocket.SendTimeout = 3000;

                //send message
                byte[] sendBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cmd);
                clientSocket.BeginSend(sendBytes, 0, sendBytes.Length, SocketFlags.None, null, null);

                //receive message
                string recStr   = "";
                byte[] recBytes = new byte[2];
                int    bytes    = clientSocket.Receive(recBytes, recBytes.Length, 0);
                recStr += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(recBytes, 0, bytes);
                Log.Info(new Utils(), cmd + ":" + host, recStr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Common.Log.Error("SendTcpCmd Error", ex);
                // Utils.log("SendTcpCmd Error:"+ex.Message+ ","+ cmd);
                if (clientSocket != null)