public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

            // Create a MapView
            mapView           = new MGLMapView(View.Bounds);
            mapView.StyleURL  = MGLStyle.LightStyleURLWithVersion(9);
            mapView.TintColor = UIColor.DarkGray;
            mapView.SetZoomLevel(1, false);
            mapView.WeakDelegate = this;


            // Polyline
            // Create a coordinates array with all of the coordinates for our polyline.
            List <CLLocationCoordinate2D> coordinates = new List <CLLocationCoordinate2D>()
                new CLLocationCoordinate2D(35, -25),
                new CLLocationCoordinate2D(20, -30),
                new CLLocationCoordinate2D(0, -25),
                new CLLocationCoordinate2D(-15, 0),
                new CLLocationCoordinate2D(-45, 10),
                new CLLocationCoordinate2D(-45, 40)

            var coords = coordinates.ToArray();

            //TODO Use CustomPolyline
            MGLPolyline polyline = CustomPolyline.PolylineWithCoordinates(ref coords[0], (uint)coords.Count());

            // Set the custom `color` property, later used in the `mapView:strokeColorForShapeAnnotation:` delegate method.
            //((CustomPolyline)polyline).Color = UIColor.DarkGray;

            // Add the polyline to the map. Note that this method name is singular.

            // Point Annotations
            // Add a custom point annotation for every coordinate (vertex) in the polyline.
            List <CustomPointAnnotation> pointAnnotations = new List <CustomPointAnnotation>();

            foreach (var coordinate in coordinates)
                CustomPointAnnotation point = new CustomPointAnnotation(coordinate, "Custom Point Annotation " + pointAnnotations.Count + 1, "");
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

            // Create a MapView and set the coordinates/zoom
            mapView = new MGLMapView(View.Bounds);
            mapView.SetCenterCoordinate(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(37.745395, -119.594421), false);
            mapView.SetZoomLevel(11, false);


            mapView.WeakDelegate = this;

            button       = new UIButton(UIButtonType.RoundedRect);
            button.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(10, 10, 150, 40);
            button.SetTitle("Toggle Contours", UIControlState.Normal);
            button.Selected       = true;
            button.TouchUpInside += Button_TouchUpInside;
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

            mapView = new MGLMapView(View.Bounds);

            // Set the map’s center coordinate and zoom level
            mapView.SetCenterCoordinate(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(0, 66), false);
            mapView.SetZoomLevel(2, false);
            mapView.StyleURL = MGLStyle.DarkStyleURLWithVersion(9);

            // Set the delegate property of our map view to `self` after instantiating it
            mapView.WeakDelegate = this;


            // Specify coordinates for our annotations.
            List <CLLocationCoordinate2D> coordinates = new List <CLLocationCoordinate2D>();

            coordinates.Add(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(0, 33));
            coordinates.Add(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(0, 66));
            coordinates.Add(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(0, 99));

            List <MGLPointAnnotation> pointAnnotations = new List <MGLPointAnnotation>();

            // Fill an array with point annotations and add it to the map.
            foreach (var coord in coordinates)
                MGLPointAnnotation point = new MGLPointAnnotation();
                point.Coordinate = coord;
                point.Title      = $"Lat: {coord.Latitude}, Long: {coord.Longitude}";

Пример #4
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

            /*Dictionary<string, CLLocationCoordinate2D> boundsDict = FindBounds(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2);*/

            var lat1          = 21.353550;
            var lng1          = -157.842061;
            var lat2          = 35.832595;
            var lng2          = 139.535024;
            var pickupPoint   = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(lat1, lng1);
            var deliveryPoint = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(lat2, lng2);

            var initialBounds = new MGLCoordinateBounds()
                sw = pickupPoint,
                ne = deliveryPoint

            var mapView = new MGLMapView(frame: View.Bounds)
                //This can be cleaned up at the end

/*                ZoomLevel = 6,
 *              CenterCoordinate = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(28.903782, -36.516551),
 *              VisibleCoordinateBounds = initialBounds,
 *              Direction = 0*/

            bool crossesMeridianOrDateline;

            if ((lng1 > 0.0 && lng2 < 0.0) || (lng1 < 0.0 && lng2 > 0.0))
                crossesMeridianOrDateline = true;
                crossesMeridianOrDateline = false;

            var xDiffPrimeMeridianZero = FindXDiffPrimeMeridianZero(lng1, lng2);
            var xDiffDatelineZero      = FindXDiffDatelineZero(lng1, lng2);

            List <double> xList;
            List <double> lngList;

            if ((Math.Abs(xDiffDatelineZero) > Math.Abs(xDiffPrimeMeridianZero)) && crossesMeridianOrDateline == true)
                var latCenter = (lat1 + lat2) / 2.0;

                // Find center coordinate here
                var    x1      = FindXPrimeMeridianZero(lng1);
                var    xCenter = x1 + (xDiffPrimeMeridianZero / 2.0);
                double lngCenter;

                if (x1 > 180.0)
                    lngCenter = xCenter - 360.0;
                    lngCenter = xCenter;

                mapView.SetCenterCoordinate(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(latCenter, lngCenter), false);
                mapView.SetZoomLevel(1.5, false);

                xList   = CreateXList(xDiffPrimeMeridianZero, x1);
                lngList = ConvertToLngsPrimeMeridianZero(xList);
                // find max/min lat/lng here
                // use those to determine the initialBounds

                var latDict = FindLowHigh(lat1, lat2);
                var latHigh = latDict["high"];
                var latLow  = latDict["low"];
                var lngDict = FindLowHigh(lng1, lng2);
                var lngHigh = lngDict["high"];
                var lngLow  = lngDict["low"];

                var latBuffer = (latHigh - latLow) / 10.0;
                var lngBuffer = (lngHigh - lngLow) / 10.0;

                var swLat = latLow - latBuffer;
                var swLng = lngLow - lngBuffer;
                var neLat = latHigh + latBuffer;
                var neLng = lngHigh + lngBuffer;

                var bounds = new MGLCoordinateBounds()
                    sw = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(swLat, swLng),
                    ne = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(neLat, neLng)

                mapView.SetVisibleCoordinateBounds(bounds, new UIEdgeInsets(top: 0.0f, left: 0.0f, bottom: 0.0f, right: 0.0f), false);

                xList   = CreateXList(xDiffDatelineZero, FindXDatelineZero(lng1));
                lngList = ConvertToLngsDatelineZero(xList);

            var yList = CreateYList(lat1, lat2);

            var latList = ConvertToLats(yList);
            var coords  = ConvertToCoords(latList, lngList);

            mapView.WeakDelegate = this;

/*            mapView.SetCenterCoordinate(new CLLocationCoordinate2D(50.392381, -98.94189), 6, false);*/

            var pickupPointAnnotation = new MGLPointAnnotation()
                Title      = "Echo Chicago",
                Subtitle   = "#1 3PL",
                Coordinate = pickupPoint

            var deliveryPointAnnotation = new MGLPointAnnotation()
                Title      = "St. Louis",
                Subtitle   = "Delivery Spot",
                Coordinate = deliveryPoint


            CreateDashedLine(coords, mapView);

            /*			var newLayer = new MGLSymbolStyleLayer(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), new MGLSource("xxx"))
             *          {
             *              IconImageName = NSExpression.FromConstant(new NSString("temple")),
             *              IconOpacity = NSExpression.FromConstant(NSNumber.FromDouble(0.7))
             *          };
             *          Debug.WriteLine(newLayer.IconImageName.ToString());*/