Пример #1
 public virtual void DoDestroy()        // ready to destroy or despawn
     if (poolRefScript == null || MF_AutoPool.Despawn(poolRefScript) == false)
Пример #2
 protected void SpawnEffect(DamageDescriptor d, Vector3 origin)
     if (ImpactFX != null && d.component == null)
         MF_AutoPool.Spawn(ImpactFX, d.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(d.normal));
Пример #3
 private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
     if (other.CompareTag("AsteroidDespawner"))
    void Timeout()
        if (deathPrefab != null)
            Quaternion rot = transform.rotation;
            if (resetRotation)
                rot = Quaternion.identity;

            if (!deathPrefabPooled)
                Instantiate(deathPrefab, transform.position, rot);
                MF_AutoPool.Spawn(deathPrefab, transform.position, rot);

        if (!pooled)
Пример #5
    void Update()
        if (Time.time >= nextSpawn)
            Vector2    errorV2    = Random.insideUnitCircle * spawnAngleError;
            Quaternion spawnAngle = Quaternion.Euler(errorV2.x, errorV2.y, 0);

            GameObject obj = null;
            if (randomChild == true)
                obj = MF_AutoPool.Spawn(spawnPrefab, Random.Range(0, 3), transform.position + (spawnAngle * transform.forward), transform.rotation * spawnAngle);
                obj = MF_AutoPool.Spawn(spawnPrefab, transform.position + (spawnAngle * transform.forward), transform.rotation * spawnAngle);

            // add some force and some random direction
            Rigidbody rb = null;
            if (obj)
                rb = obj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            if (rb)
                Vector3 myVelocity = myRigidbody ? myRigidbody.velocity : Vector3.zero;
                rb.velocity = myVelocity + (obj.transform.forward * spawnVelocity);

            nextSpawn = Time.time + spawnInterval;
Пример #6
 public void Spawn(LeanFinger finger)
     if (finger != null && Prefab != null)
         MF_AutoPool.Spawn(Prefab, finger.GetWorldPosition(FingerDistance), Quaternion.identity);
Пример #7
    private void Update()
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hit, rayRange, mask))
            if (hit.collider.tag == damagingTag)
                if (hit.collider != null)
                    Health hp = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Health>();
                    if (hp != null)

            if (deathPrefab != null && hit.collider.tag != "Player")
                MF_AutoPool.Spawn(deathPrefab, hit.point, transform.rotation);
                //Instantiate(deathPrefab, hit.point, transform.rotation);

Пример #8
 private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (collision.tag == "Player")
         //collect the gold and add to gold score
         MF_AutoPool.Despawn(this.gameObject); // this would despawn the gold
Пример #9
 private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (collision.tag == "ball")
         collision.GetComponent <cannonball>().powerup = 10;
Пример #10
 public void Spawn()
     if (Prefab != null)
         MF_AutoPool.Spawn(Prefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
Пример #11
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //We can create timers using the command Time.deltaTime. This means time that
        //has passed since the last frame (so a constant timer). We can take a float and
        //add or subtract Time.deltaTime to create a timer that counts up or down
        timer -= Time.deltaTime; // -= subtracts time from the timer consistently
        timer += Time.deltaTime; // += adds time to the timer

        if (timer >= 0)
            mybutton.interactable = true; //This allows thwe button to be pressed

        if (timer < 0)
            mybutton.interactable = false; //This greys the button out and cannot be pressed

        Vector3.MoveTowards(start, finish, speed); //This line will move the object
        //The start position is set to the movers position
        //The target position gets set to another gameobject (Usually the player)
        //The speed is constant

        //INSTANTIATE is a way to make things appear in our scene, this could be enemies
        //loot, power ups

        GameObject loot = Instantiate(money, transform.position, transform.rotation);

        //The above line makes a new gameobjects by creating money at our current location
        //We say GameObject loot because we are creating a new gameobject in the hierarchy call loot
        //Money is usually a prefab that we can call over and over again this means money
        //Won't be in the hierarchy but inside the game's asset folder
        Destroy(money, 5f); //This destroys the money if we don't get it fast enough

        //AUTOPOOLING we are using a plugin called Mob Farm Auto Pooler
        GameObject loot2 = MF_AutoPool.Spawn(money, transform.position, transform.rotation);

        //This is the mobile friendly version
        MF_AutoPool.Despawn(this.gameObject, 5f); //This line would be on the money gameobject
        //put it back into the pool without any left over issues

        //ARRAY (How to go through your list and affect each object one at a time)
        //FOR LOOP
        for (int i = 0; i < alltheenemies.Length; i++)

            alltheenemies[i].SetActive(true); //We set each enemy active

        //int i = 0 means we start at the top of the list
        //i < alltheenemies, means as long as the number we are on isn't larger than the list
        //Lets say the list is 10 long, if we are at 0, 0 <10 so we add 1, 1 is less than
        //10  so we add another so on until we get to 10
        //i ++ we move down the list by one
Пример #12
    public int GB; // this is just a normal int

    void Start()
        //Player Prefs first we need to create a custom player pref

        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("GreenBird", 2); // this changes the Green Player Pref number to 2
        // this value is remembered between gameplay

        // Next we need to check the player refs
        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("GreenBird"))      // Has key checks to see if the player pref exists
            GB = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("GreenBird"); // this is  taking our normal int and setting
            // the same as our player prefs int

        //Finally we need to use the player prefs to make a change

        if (GB == 2)
            myButton.interactable = true; // this makes the green bird button work

        //ARRAY Step 1 Get the list
        alltheenemies = gameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("enemy"); // this gets all the gameObjects
        //tagged enemy when the game starts. you can put this line in Update to make the list
        // update in real time

        //ARRAY Step 2 Change objects inside the list
        //FOR LOOP this lets us run through the list and make changes to all the objects on the list
        for (int i = 0; i < alltheenemies.Length; i++) // this line foes through the array untill it gets
            alltheenemies[i].SetActive(false);         // this would turn all the enemies off at once

        // int i = 0 means we start at the top of the list Unity lists start at 0
        // i < alltheenemies.Length this means as long as our current number isn't larger than the whole list
        // so if our list is just 10 we are start at 0 which is lest than 10
        // i++ means we just add one so now we are at 1 which is also less than 10 so we add another
        // now we are at 2 we check again and 2 < 10 so we add another and so on

        StartCoroutine(StartPower());       // this calls the IEnumerator which doesn't run by itself
        // DO NO CALL IEnumerator inside Update
        start  = transform.position;        // this sets out position to the start position
        finish = target.transform.position; // this gets the targets position

        GameObject loot = Instantiate(money, transform.position, transform.rotation);

        // this above line will bring loot into existence at this location and this rotation
        Destroy(money, 5f); // this line gets rid of our instantiated prefab "money"
        // Instantiate and destroy will cause garbage to accumulate so NOT mobile friendly
        //AUTO POOLING
        GameObject loot = MF_AutoPool.Spawn(money, transform.position, transform.rotation);

        MF_AutoPool.Despawn(this.gameObject, 5f); // this line would be on a script on the money
        //gameobject and would despawn it after 5 seconds
Пример #13
    IEnumerator Finish()
        mo.enabled = true;
        anim.SetBool("fall", false);
        hit = false;
        transform.position = start.position;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(.01f));

Пример #14
 void DoDestroy()
     if (poolRefScript)
Пример #15
 void Start()
     for (int i = 0; i < spawnTypes.Length; i++)
         if (spawnTypes[i].objectPool == true)
             MF_AutoPool.InitializeSpawn(spawnTypes[i].prefab, spawnTypes[i].addPool, spawnTypes[i].minPool);
Пример #16
    public void SpawnAgain()
        Vector3 spawnPosition2 = new Vector3();

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPlatforms; i++)
            spawnPosition2.y += (player.transform.position.y + Random.Range(minY, maxY));
            spawnPosition2.x  = Random.Range(-levelWidth, levelWidth);
            MF_AutoPool.Spawn(platformPrefab, spawnPosition2, Quaternion.identity);
Пример #17
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //we can create timers using command Time.deltaTime
        //This is the time that has past since the last frame (so a constant timer)
        //we can take a float and add or subtract Time.deltaTime that counts up or down
        timer -= Time.deltaTime; //-= subtracts time from timer, += adds time to timer

        if (timer >= 0)
            mybutton.interactable = true; //allows button to be pressed

        if (timer < 0)
            mybutton.interactable = false; //this grays out button and it cannot be pressed

        Vector3.MoveTowards(start, finish, speed); //this line will move the object
        //start position set to movers position
        //target position gets set to another GameObject (such as the player)
        //speed is constant

        //INSTANTIATE is a way to make objects appear in our scene, this could be enemies, loot, power ups

        GameObject loot = Instantiate(money, transform.position, transform.rotation);

        //Above code creates money at our currant location
        //we say GameObject loot to create a new GameObject in the hierarchy called loot
        //Money is usually a prefab that we can call over and over again
        //this means money won't be in the heirarchy but inside the game's asset folder
        Destroy(money, 5f); //destroys the money we don't pick up fast enough

        //we are using a plugin called Mob FArm Auto Pooler
        GameObject loot2 = MF_AutoPool.Spawn(money, transform.position, transform.rotation);

        //mobile friendly version
        MF_AutoPool.Despawn(this.gameObject, 5f); //this would take the money away and add it back to the pool
                                                  //line is on money itself

        //How to go thro your list and affect each object one at a time
        //FOR LOOP
        for (int i = 0; i < alltheenemies.Length; i++)
            alltheenemies[i].SetActive(true); //we set all the enemies as active
// int i = 0 means we start at the top of the list
// i < allenemies, means as long as the number we're on isn't larger than the list i++
//we move down the list by 1, starting at 0 (list is 10 long, we add 1 until we get to 10)
Пример #18
 public override void Awake()
     if (error == true)
     if (objectPool == true)
         MF_AutoPool.InitializeSpawn(shot.gameObject, addToPool, minPool);
Пример #19
    void Awake()
        MF_AutoPool.InitializeSpawn(startPlatformPrefab, 1, 100);
        MF_AutoPool.InitializeSpawn(middlePlatformPrefab, 1, 100);
        MF_AutoPool.InitializeSpawn(endPlatfromPrefab, 1, 100);
        MF_AutoPool.InitializeSpawn(movingPlatformPrefab, 4, 100);
        for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.Count; i++)
            MF_AutoPool.InitializeSpawn(obstacles[i], 1, 50);

        levelfinishScreen = gameCanvas.transform.Find("LevelFinishButton").GetComponent <Button>();
Пример #20
    void Update()
        // check if time to die
        if (didDeath == false && Time.time >= startTime + deathTime)
            if (myRigidbody)
                myRigidbody.isKinematic = true;
            // swap states of objects to show blast and hide object
            if (enabledObject)
            if (disabledObject)
            for (int i = 0; i < version.Length; i++)
                if (version[i])
            didDeath = true;
        // check if time to despawn
        if (Time.time >= startTime + deathTime + despawnTime)
            if (refScript)
                if (MF_AutoPool.Despawn(refScript) == false)
                    // if object couldn't be despawned, then destroy it
                // Alternately, we could use:

                // MF_AutoPool.Despawn( gameObject );

                // and not have to bother with initializing AP_Reference at all,
                // but using gameObject is a little slower, since internally it uses GetComponent<MF_AutoPoolreference>() to find the script
                // no refScript found
    protected void FireProjectile()
        Vector3 dir = spawner.transform.forward;

        dir += spawner.transform.right * Random.Range(-coneSize, coneSize);
        dir += spawner.transform.up * Random.Range(-coneSize, coneSize);

        Bullet instance = MF_AutoPool.Spawn(projectilePrefab, spawner.position, spawner.transform.rotation).GetComponent <Bullet>();

        //Bullet instance = Instantiate(projectilePrefab, spawner.position, spawner.transform.rotation);
        instance.Init(damage, dir.normalized * projectileForce);

Пример #22
    public void SpawnCoolGuy()
        MF_AutoPool.InitializeSpawn(coolguy, 1, 50);

        coolguyOnGame = MF_AutoPool.Spawn(coolguy);

        coolguyOnGame.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 5, 1);
        coolguyOnGame.transform.parent   = transform;
        animatorController = coolguyOnGame.GetComponent <Animator>();

        isFinish = false;
Пример #23
    void Start()
        MF_AutoPool.InitializeSpawn(coolguy, 1, 50);

        //events for character control
        CoolGuy.CollisionTypeSnd  += null;
        LevelBuilder.onCoolGuySpa += null;
        LevelBuilder.onCoolGuySpa += SpawnCoolGuy;
        CoolGuy.CollisionTypeSnd  += CollisionBehaviour;
        CoolGuy.CollisionCountSnd += GameFailedFromFallPlatform;

        lifeAmountText.text = "lifeAmount : " + lifeAmount.ToString();
Пример #24
    IEnumerator SpawnEnemies()
        while (true)
            float delay = Random.Range(minDelay, maxDelay);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay));

            int       spawnIndex = Random.Range(0, spawnPoints.Length);
            Transform spawnPoint = spawnPoints[spawnIndex];

            GameObject senemy = MF_AutoPool.Spawn(enemy, spawnPoint.position, spawnPoint.rotation);
            //Destroy(senemy, 5f);
Пример #25
    void SpawnPlatformandObstacle(GameObject platformPrefab, bool isObstacle)
        GameObject singleplatform = MF_AutoPool.Spawn(platformPrefab);

        singleplatform.transform.parent   = this.transform;
        singleplatform.transform.position = Vector3.zero;

        singleplatform.transform.position = new Vector3(singleplatform.transform.position.x, singleplatform.transform.position.y, (singleplatform.transform.localScale.z / 2) + iterationValuePlatform);

        if (!isObstacle)
            iterationValuePlatform = IterationPositionValue(singleplatform);
Пример #26
 public virtual void DoDestroy()
     // destroy or despawn object
     if (poolRefScript == null || MF_AutoPool.Despawn(poolRefScript) == false)
         if (transform.parent != null)                 // part of larger object
Пример #27
 private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
     if (collision.tag == "Player")
         powerup = 10;
         mm.goldCount += 1;
         //ev.money += 1;
     if (collision.tag == "Catcher")
         powerup = 10;
Пример #28
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (up == true)
            myRB2d.velocity = new Vector2(0, jetpower);

            myRB2d.velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);

        if (CnInputManager.GetButtonDown("Shoot"))
            MF_AutoPool.Spawn(cannonball, transform.position, transform.rotation);
            cannonball.GetComponent <cannonball>().powerup = 10;
Пример #29
    public void SpawnCoolGuy()
        coolguyOnGame = MF_AutoPool.Spawn(coolguy);

        coolguyOnGame.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 3, 1);
        coolguyOnGame.transform.parent   = transform;
        animatorController = coolguyOnGame.GetComponent <Animator>();

        //getting collider for ragdoll
        mainCollider = coolguyOnGame.transform.GetComponent <Collider>();
        allColliders = coolguyOnGame.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>(true);

        //holding start position
        holdStartPos = coolguyOnGame.transform.position;

Пример #30
    public override void DoFire(Transform target)
        if (error == true)
        if (active == false)

        // fire weapon
        // create shot
        GameObject myShot = null;

        for (int spr = 0; spr < shotsPerRound; spr++)
            if (objectPool == true)
                myShot = MF_AutoPool.Spawn(shot.gameObject, exits[curExit].transform.position, exits[curExit].transform.rotation);
                myShot = (GameObject)Instantiate(shot.gameObject, exits[curExit].transform.position, exits[curExit].transform.rotation);
            if (myShot != null)
                Vector2 errorV2 = Random.insideUnitCircle * curInaccuracy;
                myShot.transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(errorV2.x, errorV2.y, 0);
                Rigidbody _rb = myShot.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                _rb.velocity   = platformVelocity + (myShot.transform.forward * shotSpeed);
                _rb.useGravity = usingGravity;
                MF_B_Projectile shotScript = myShot.GetComponent <MF_B_Projectile>();
                shotScript.duration = shotDuration;
        if (myShot != null)             // at least one shot was created