Пример #1
 private bool InternalInitialize()
         _symbols = StandardLibrary.GetSymbolTable();
         var files     = EntryImporter.GetPossibleAssociatedFiles(Pcc);
         var gameFiles = MELoadedFiles.GetFilesLoadedInGame(Pcc.Game);
         foreach (var fileName in Enumerable.Reverse(files))
             if (gameFiles.TryGetValue(fileName, out string path) && File.Exists(path))
                 using var pcc = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(path);
                 if (!StandardLibrary.ResolveAllClassesInPackage(pcc, ref _symbols))
         return(StandardLibrary.ResolveAllClassesInPackage(Pcc, ref _symbols));
     catch (Exception e)
Пример #2
 private void ListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
     if (e.AddedItems.Count == 1 && e.AddedItems[0] is LoggerInfo info)
         foreach ((string fileName, string filePath) in MELoadedFiles.GetFilesLoadedInGame(Game))
             if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName.ToLower()) == info.packageName)
                 using (var package = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(filePath))
                     foreach (ExportEntry exp in package.Exports)
                         if (exp.ClassName == info.className && exp.ObjectName == info.objectName &&
                             exp.ParentName == info.sequenceName)
                             ExportFound(filePath, exp.UIndex);
         MessageBox.Show("Could not find matching export!");
Пример #3
        public static void InstallDLC_MOD_Interop()
            if (Directory.Exists(ModInstallPath))
            Dictionary <string, string> fileMap = MELoadedFiles.GetFilesLoadedInGame(MEGame.ME3, true);

            string sourcePath = Path.Combine(App.ExecFolder, modName);

            FileSystem.CopyDirectory(sourcePath, ModInstallPath);

            string consoleExtASIWritePath = Path.Combine(ME3Directory.ExecutableFolder, "asi", consoleExtASIName);

            if (File.Exists(consoleExtASIWritePath))
            File.Copy(Path.Combine(App.ExecFolder, consoleExtASIName), consoleExtASIWritePath);

            const string bioPGlobalFileName   = "BioP_Global.pcc";
            const string bioPGlobalNCFileName = "BioP_Global_NC.pcc";
            var          sourceFiles          = new List <(string filePath, string md5)>

            File.WriteAllText(InstallInfoPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new InstallInfo
                InstallTime = DateTime.Now,
                Version     = CURRENT_VERSION,
                SourceFiles = sourceFiles

            (string, string) AugmentAndInstall(string fileName)
                string existingFile = fileMap[fileName];

                using (IMEPackage pcc = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(existingFile))
                    pcc.Save(Path.Combine(ModInstallPath, "CookedPCConsole", fileName));
                return(existingFile, InteropHelper.CalculateMD5(existingFile));
Пример #4
        public bool ApplyMergeMod(Mod associatedMod, GameTarget target, ref int numTotalDone, int numTotalMerges, Action <int, int, string, string> mergeProgressDelegate = null)
            Log.Information($@"Applying {MergeModFilename}");
            var loadedFiles = MELoadedFiles.GetFilesLoadedInGame(target.Game, true, gameRootOverride: target.TargetPath);

            if (target.Game == MEGame.LE2)
                // SPECIAL CASE: LE2 EntryMenu is loaded before DLC version so first load of the file
                // will be basegame one. The majority of time this is likely the desirable
                // file so we only target this one instead.
                loadedFiles[@"EntryMenu.pcc"] = Path.Combine(M3Directories.GetCookedPath(target), @"EntryMenu.pcc");

            int numDone = 0;

            foreach (var mf in FilesToMergeInto)
                mf.ApplyChanges(target, loadedFiles, associatedMod, ref numTotalDone, numTotalMerges, mergeProgressDelegate);

Пример #5
        private static void LoadMusicList()
            var    loadedFiles  = MELoadedFiles.GetFilesLoadedInGame(MERFileSystem.Game, true, includeAFCs: true);
            string fileContents = MERUtilities.GetEmbeddedStaticFilesTextFile("musiclistme2.json");
            var    musicList    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <MusicStreamInfo> >(fileContents);

            AvailableMusicPool = new();
            foreach (var mus in musicList)
                // Check it has AFC available
                if (loadedFiles.TryGetValue(mus.Filename + ".afc", out _))
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Music not available, not adding to pool: {mus.Filename}");

            StaticMusicPool = AvailableMusicPool.ToList();
Пример #6
        public string GetPathToAFC()
            //Check if pcc-stored
            if (IsPCCStored)
                return(null); //it's pcc stored. we will return null for this case since we already coded for "".

            //Look in currect directory first

            string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Export.FileRef.FilePath), Filename + ".afc");

            if (File.Exists(path))
                return(path); //in current directory of this pcc file

            var gameFiles = MELoadedFiles.GetFilesLoadedInGame(Export.FileRef.Game, includeAFCs: true);

            gameFiles.TryGetValue(Filename + ".afc", out string afcPath);
            return(afcPath ?? "");
Пример #7
        // Todo: ME3Exp 5.1: Get rid of this and use the import resolver. It must support a cache so we don't constnatly open packages
        internal static ExportEntry FindExternalAsset(ImportEntry entry, List <ExportEntry> alreadyLoadedPackageEntries, List <IMEPackage> openedPackages)
            //Debug.WriteLine("Finding external asset " + entry.GetFullPath);
            if (entry.Game == MEGame.ME1)
                var    sourcePackageInternalPath = entry.FullPath.Substring(entry.FullPath.IndexOf('.') + 1);
                string baseName = entry.FileRef.FollowLink(entry.idxLink).Split('.')[0].ToUpper() + ".upk"; //Get package filename
                var    preloadedPackageEntry = alreadyLoadedPackageEntries?.FirstOrDefault(x => Path.GetFileName(x.FileRef.FilePath).Equals(baseName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (preloadedPackageEntry == null && MELoadedFiles.GetFilesLoadedInGame(MEGame.ME1).TryGetValue(baseName, out string packagePath))
                    var package = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(packagePath);
                    if (openedPackages != null && !openedPackages.Contains(package))

                    var foundExp = package.Exports.FirstOrDefault(exp => exp.FullPath == sourcePackageInternalPath && exp.ClassName == entry.ClassName);
                    if (foundExp != null)
                    if (openedPackages == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("ME1 External Asset lookup: Using existing preloaded export package");
                    var foundExp = preloadedPackageEntry.FileRef.Exports.FirstOrDefault(exp => exp.FullPath == sourcePackageInternalPath && exp.ClassName == entry.ClassName);
                    if (foundExp != null)
                // Next, split the filename by underscores
                string filenameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(entry.FileRef.FilePath).ToLower();
                string containingDirectory      = Path.GetDirectoryName(entry.FileRef.FilePath);
                var    packagesToCheck          = new List <string>();
                var    gameFiles = MELoadedFiles.GetFilesLoadedInGame(entry.Game);

                if (filenameWithoutExtension.StartsWith("bioa_") || filenameWithoutExtension.StartsWith("biod_"))
                    string[] parts = filenameWithoutExtension.Split('_');
                    if (parts.Length >= 2) //BioA_Nor_WowThatsAlot310.pcc
                        string bioad    = $"{parts[0]}_{parts[1]}.pcc";
                        string filename = Path.Combine(containingDirectory, bioad); //BioA_Nor.pcc
                        if (File.Exists(filename))
                            if (gameFiles.TryGetValue(filename, out string inGamePath))

                        string biop = $"BioP_{parts[1]}.pcc";
                        filename = Path.Combine(containingDirectory, biop); //BioP_Nor.pcc
                        if (File.Exists(filename))
                            if (gameFiles.TryGetValue(filename, out string inGamePath))

                // Add globals
                packagesToCheck.Add(Path.Combine(MEDirectories.GetCookedPath(entry.Game), "SFXGame.pcc"));
                packagesToCheck.Add(Path.Combine(MEDirectories.GetCookedPath(entry.Game), "EntryMenu.pcc"));
                packagesToCheck.Add(Path.Combine(MEDirectories.GetCookedPath(entry.Game), entry.Game == MEGame.ME3 ? "Startup.pcc" : "Startup_INT.pcc"));
                packagesToCheck.Add(Path.Combine(MEDirectories.GetCookedPath(entry.Game), "Engine.pcc"));
                packagesToCheck.Add(Path.Combine(MEDirectories.GetCookedPath(entry.Game), "Engine.u")); //ME1

                foreach (string packagePath in packagesToCheck)
                    if (File.Exists(packagePath))
                        var preloadedPackageEntry = alreadyLoadedPackageEntries?.FirstOrDefault(x => Path.GetFileName(x.FileRef.FilePath).Equals(packagePath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                        if (preloadedPackageEntry == null)
                            var sentry = searchPackageForEntry(packagePath, entry.FullPath, entry.ClassName, openedPackages);
                            if (sentry != null)
                            Debug.WriteLine("ME2/3 External Asset lookup: Using existing preloaded export package");
                            var foundExp = preloadedPackageEntry.FileRef.Exports.FirstOrDefault(exp => exp.FullPath == entry.FullPath && exp.ClassName == entry.ClassName);
                            if (foundExp != null)

            Debug.WriteLine("Could not find external asset: " + entry.FullPath);
Пример #8
        public static string Replace(this Texture2D t2d, Image image, PropertyCollection props, string fileSourcePath = null, string forcedTFCName = null)
            string      errors       = "";
            var         textureCache = forcedTFCName ?? t2d.GetTopMip().TextureCacheName;
            string      fmt          = t2d.TextureFormat;
            PixelFormat pixelFormat  = Image.getPixelFormatType(fmt);


            // Not sure what this does?
            // Remove all but one mip?
            //if (Export.Game == MEGame.ME1 && texture.mipMapsList.Count < 6)
            //    for (int i = texture.mipMapsList.Count - 1; i != 0; i--)
            //        texture.mipMapsList.RemoveAt(i);
            PixelFormat newPixelFormat = pixelFormat;

            //Changing Texture Type. Not sure what this is, exactly.
            //if (mod.markConvert)
            //    newPixelFormat = changeTextureType(pixelFormat, image.pixelFormat, ref package, ref texture);

            if (!image.checkDDSHaveAllMipmaps() || t2d.Mips.Count > 1 && image.mipMaps.Count() <= 1 || image.pixelFormat != newPixelFormat)
            //(!mod.markConvert && image.pixelFormat != pixelFormat))
                bool dxt1HasAlpha  = false;
                byte dxt1Threshold = 128;
                if (pixelFormat == PixelFormat.DXT1 && props.GetProp <EnumProperty>("CompressionSettings") is EnumProperty compressionSettings && compressionSettings.Value.Name == "TC_OneBitAlpha")
                    dxt1HasAlpha = true;
                    if (image.pixelFormat == PixelFormat.ARGB ||
                        image.pixelFormat == PixelFormat.DXT3 ||
                        image.pixelFormat == PixelFormat.DXT5)
                        errors += "Warning: Texture was converted from full alpha to binary alpha." + Environment.NewLine;

                //Generate lower mips
                image.correctMips(newPixelFormat, dxt1HasAlpha, dxt1Threshold);

            if (t2d.Mips.Count == 1)
                var topMip = image.mipMaps[0];
                // remove lower mipmaps from source image which not exist in game data
                //Not sure what this does since we just generated most of these mips
                for (int t = 0; t < image.mipMaps.Count(); t++)
                    if (image.mipMaps[t].origWidth <= t2d.Mips[0].width &&
                        image.mipMaps[t].origHeight <= t2d.Mips[0].height &&
                        t2d.Mips.Count > 1)
                        if (!t2d.Mips.Exists(m => m.width == image.mipMaps[t].origWidth && m.height == image.mipMaps[t].origHeight))

                // put empty mips if missing
                for (int t = 0; t < t2d.Mips.Count; t++)
                    if (t2d.Mips[t].width <= image.mipMaps[0].origWidth &&
                        t2d.Mips[t].height <= image.mipMaps[0].origHeight)
                        if (!image.mipMaps.Exists(m => m.origWidth == t2d.Mips[t].width && m.origHeight == t2d.Mips[t].height))
                            MipMap mipmap = new MipMap(t2d.Mips[t].width, t2d.Mips[t].height, pixelFormat);

            //if (!texture.properties.exists("LODGroup"))
            //    texture.properties.setByteValue("LODGroup", "TEXTUREGROUP_Character", "TextureGroup", 1025);
            List <byte[]> compressedMips = new List <byte[]>();

            for (int m = 0; m < image.mipMaps.Count(); m++)
                if (t2d.Export.Game == MEGame.ME2)
                    compressedMips.Add(TextureCompression.CompressTexture(image.mipMaps[m].data, StorageTypes.extLZO)); //LZO
                    compressedMips.Add(TextureCompression.CompressTexture(image.mipMaps[m].data, StorageTypes.extZlib)); //ZLib

            List <Texture2DMipInfo> mipmaps = new List <Texture2DMipInfo>();

            for (int m = 0; m < image.mipMaps.Count(); m++)
                Texture2DMipInfo mipmap = new Texture2DMipInfo();
                mipmap.Export           = t2d.Export;
                mipmap.width            = image.mipMaps[m].origWidth;
                mipmap.height           = image.mipMaps[m].origHeight;
                mipmap.TextureCacheName = textureCache;
                if (t2d.Mips.Exists(x => x.width == mipmap.width && x.height == mipmap.height))
                    var oldMip = t2d.Mips.First(x => x.width == mipmap.width && x.height == mipmap.height);
                    mipmap.storageType = oldMip.storageType;
                    mipmap.storageType = t2d.Mips[0].storageType;
                    if (t2d.Mips.Count() > 1)
                        //Will implement later. ME3Explorer won't support global relinking, that's MEM's job.
                        //if (Export.Game == MEGame.ME1 && matched.linkToMaster == -1)
                        //    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccUnc)
                        //    {
                        //        mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.pccLZO;
                        //    }
                        //else if (Export.Game == MEGame.ME1 && matched.linkToMaster != -1)
                        //    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccUnc ||
                        //        mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccLZO ||
                        //        mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccZlib)
                        //    {
                        //        mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.extLZO;
                        //    }

                //ME2,ME3: Force compression type (not implemented yet)
                if (t2d.Export.Game == MEGame.ME3)
                    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.extLZO) //ME3 LZO -> ZLIB
                        mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.extZlib;
                    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccLZO) //ME3 PCC LZO -> PCCZLIB
                        mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.pccZlib;
                    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.extUnc) //ME3 Uncomp -> ZLib
                        mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.extZlib;
                    //Leave here for future. WE might need this after dealing with double compression
                    //if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccUnc && mipmap.width > 32) //ME3 Uncomp -> ZLib
                    //    mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.pccZlib;
                    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccUnc && m < image.mipMaps.Count() - 6 && textureCache != null) //Moving texture to store externally.
                        mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.extZlib;
                else if (t2d.Export.Game == MEGame.ME2)
                    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.extZlib) //ME2 ZLib -> LZO
                        mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.extLZO;
                    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccZlib) //M2 ZLib -> LZO
                        mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.pccLZO;
                    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.extUnc) //ME2 Uncomp -> LZO
                        mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.extLZO;
                    //Leave here for future. We might neable this after dealing with double compression
                    //if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccUnc && mipmap.width > 32) //ME2 Uncomp -> LZO
                    //    mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.pccLZO;
                    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccUnc && m < image.mipMaps.Count() - 6 && textureCache != null) //Moving texture to store externally. make sure bottom 6 are pcc stored
                        mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.extLZO;

                //Investigate. this has something to do with archive storage types
                //if (mod.arcTexture != null)
                //    if (mod.arcTexture[m].storageType != mipmap.storageType)
                //    {
                //        mod.arcTexture = null;
                //    }

                mipmap.width  = image.mipMaps[m].width;
                mipmap.height = image.mipMaps[m].height;
                if (t2d.Mips.Count() == 1)

            #region MEM code comments. Should probably leave for reference

            //if (texture.properties.exists("TextureFileCacheName"))
            //    string archive = texture.properties.getProperty("TextureFileCacheName").valueName;
            //    if (mod.arcTfcDLC && mod.arcTfcName != archive)
            //        mod.arcTexture = null;

            //    if (mod.arcTexture == null)
            //    {
            //        archiveFile = Path.Combine(GameData.MainData, archive + ".tfc");
            //        if (matched.path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("\\dlc"))
            //        {
            //            mod.arcTfcDLC = true;
            //            string DLCArchiveFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(GameData.GamePath + matched.path), archive + ".tfc");
            //            if (File.Exists(DLCArchiveFile))
            //                archiveFile = DLCArchiveFile;
            //            else if (!File.Exists(archiveFile))
            //            {
            //                List<string> files = Directory.GetFiles(GameData.bioGamePath, archive + ".tfc",
            //                    SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(item => item.EndsWith(".tfc", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();
            //                if (files.Count == 1)
            //                    archiveFile = files[0];
            //                else if (files.Count == 0)
            //                {
            //                    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(DLCArchiveFile, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write))
            //                    {
            //                        fs.WriteFromBuffer(texture.properties.getProperty("TFCFileGuid").valueStruct);
            //                    }
            //                    archiveFile = DLCArchiveFile;
            //                    newTfcFile = true;
            //                }
            //                else
            //                    throw new Exception("More instnces of TFC file: " + archive + ".tfc");
            //            }
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            mod.arcTfcDLC = false;
            //        }

            //        // check if texture fit in old space
            //        for (int mip = 0; mip < image.mipMaps.Count(); mip++)
            //        {
            //            Texture.MipMap testMipmap = new Texture.MipMap();
            //            testMipmap.width = image.mipMaps[mip].origWidth;
            //            testMipmap.height = image.mipMaps[mip].origHeight;
            //            if (ExistMipmap(testMipmap.width, testMipmap.height))
            //                testMipmap.storageType = texture.getMipmap(testMipmap.width, testMipmap.height).storageType;
            //            else
            //            {
            //                oldSpace = false;
            //                break;
            //            }

            //            if (testMipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.extZlib ||
            //                testMipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.extLZO)
            //            {
            //                Texture.MipMap oldTestMipmap = texture.getMipmap(testMipmap.width, testMipmap.height);
            //                if (mod.cacheCprMipmaps[mip].Length > oldTestMipmap.compressedSize)
            //                {
            //                    oldSpace = false;
            //                    break;
            //                }
            //            }
            //            if (texture.mipMapsList.Count() == 1)
            //                break;
            //        }

            //        long fileLength = new FileInfo(archiveFile).Length;
            //        if (!oldSpace && fileLength + 0x5000000 > 0x80000000)
            //        {
            //            archiveFile = "";
            //            foreach (TFCTexture newGuid in guids)
            //            {
            //                archiveFile = Path.Combine(GameData.MainData, newGuid.name + ".tfc");
            //                if (!File.Exists(archiveFile))
            //                {
            //                    texture.properties.setNameValue("TextureFileCacheName", newGuid.name);
            //                    texture.properties.setStructValue("TFCFileGuid", "Guid", newGuid.guid);
            //                    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(archiveFile, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write))
            //                    {
            //                        fs.WriteFromBuffer(newGuid.guid);
            //                    }
            //                    newTfcFile = true;
            //                    break;
            //                }
            //                else
            //                {
            //                    fileLength = new FileInfo(archiveFile).Length;
            //                    if (fileLength + 0x5000000 < 0x80000000)
            //                    {
            //                        texture.properties.setNameValue("TextureFileCacheName", newGuid.name);
            //                        texture.properties.setStructValue("TFCFileGuid", "Guid", newGuid.guid);
            //                        break;
            //                    }
            //                }
            //                archiveFile = "";
            //            }
            //            if (archiveFile == "")
            //                throw new Exception("No free TFC texture file!");
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        texture.properties.setNameValue("TextureFileCacheName", mod.arcTfcName);
            //        texture.properties.setStructValue("TFCFileGuid", "Guid", mod.arcTfcGuid);
            //    }


            int allextmipssize = 0;

            for (int m = 0; m < image.mipMaps.Count(); m++)
                Texture2DMipInfo x = mipmaps[m];
                var compsize       = image.mipMaps[m].data.Length;

                if (x.storageType == StorageTypes.extZlib ||
                    x.storageType == StorageTypes.extLZO ||
                    x.storageType == StorageTypes.extUnc)
                    allextmipssize += compsize; //compsize on Unc textures is same as LZO/ZLib
            //todo: check to make sure TFC will not be larger than 2GiB
            Guid tfcGuid       = Guid.NewGuid(); //make new guid as storage
            bool locallyStored = mipmaps[0].storageType == StorageTypes.pccUnc || mipmaps[0].storageType == StorageTypes.pccZlib || mipmaps[0].storageType == StorageTypes.pccLZO;
            for (int m = 0; m < image.mipMaps.Count(); m++)
                Texture2DMipInfo mipmap = mipmaps[m];
                //if (mipmap.width > 32)
                //    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccUnc)
                //    {
                //        mipmap.storageType = Export.Game == MEGame.ME2 ? StorageTypes.pccLZO : StorageTypes.pccZlib;
                //    }
                //    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.extUnc)
                //    {
                //        mipmap.storageType = Export.Game == MEGame.ME2 ? StorageTypes.extLZO : StorageTypes.extZlib;
                //    }

                mipmap.uncompressedSize = image.mipMaps[m].data.Length;
                if (t2d.Export.Game == MEGame.ME1)
                    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccLZO ||
                        mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccZlib)
                        mipmap.Mip            = compressedMips[m];
                        mipmap.compressedSize = mipmap.Mip.Length;
                    else if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccUnc)
                        mipmap.compressedSize = mipmap.uncompressedSize;
                        mipmap.Mip            = image.mipMaps[m].data;
                        throw new Exception("Unknown mip storage type!");
                    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.extZlib ||
                        mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.extLZO)
                        if (compressedMips.Count != image.mipMaps.Count())
                            throw new Exception("Amount of compressed mips does not match number of mips of incoming image!");
                        mipmap.Mip            = compressedMips[m];
                        mipmap.compressedSize = mipmap.Mip.Length;

                    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccUnc ||
                        mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.extUnc)
                        mipmap.compressedSize = mipmap.uncompressedSize;
                        mipmap.Mip            = image.mipMaps[m].data;

                    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccLZO || mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.pccZlib)
                        mipmap.Mip            = compressedMips[m];
                        mipmap.compressedSize = mipmap.Mip.Length;

                    if (mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.extZlib ||
                        mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.extLZO ||
                        mipmap.storageType == StorageTypes.extUnc)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mipmap.TextureCacheName) && mipmap.Export.Game != MEGame.ME1)
                            //Check local dir
                            string tfcarchive            = mipmap.TextureCacheName + ".tfc";
                            var    localDirectoryTFCPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(mipmap.Export.FileRef.FilePath), tfcarchive);
                            if (File.Exists(localDirectoryTFCPath))
                                    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(localDirectoryTFCPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                                        tfcGuid = fs.ReadGuid();
                                        fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
                                        mipmap.externalOffset = (int)fs.Position;
                                        fs.Write(mipmap.Mip, 0, mipmap.compressedSize);
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    throw new Exception("Problem appending to TFC file " + tfcarchive + ": " + e.Message);

                            //Check game
                            var gameFiles = MELoadedFiles.GetFilesLoadedInGame(mipmap.Export.Game, includeTFCs: true);
                            if (gameFiles.TryGetValue(tfcarchive, out string archiveFile))
                                    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(archiveFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                                        tfcGuid = fs.ReadGuid();
                                        fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
                                        mipmap.externalOffset = (int)fs.Position;
                                        fs.Write(mipmap.Mip, 0, mipmap.compressedSize);
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    throw new Exception("Problem appending to TFC file " + archiveFile + ": " + e.Message);

                            //Cache not found. Make new TFC
                                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(localDirectoryTFCPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write))
                                    mipmap.externalOffset = (int)fs.Position;
                                    fs.Write(mipmap.Mip, 0, mipmap.compressedSize);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                throw new Exception("Problem creating new TFC file " + tfcarchive + ": " + e.Message);
                mipmaps[m] = mipmap;
                if (t2d.Mips.Count() == 1)


            //Set properties

            // The bottom 6 mips are apparently always pcc stored. If there is less than 6 mips, set neverstream to true, which tells game
            // and toolset to never look into archives for mips.
            //if (Export.Game == MEGame.ME2 || Export.Game == MEGame.ME3)
            //    if (texture.properties.exists("TextureFileCacheName"))
            //    {
            //        if (texture.mipMapsList.Count < 6)
            //        {
            //            mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.pccUnc;
            //            texture.properties.setBoolValue("NeverStream", true);
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            if (Export.Game == MEGame.ME2)
            //                mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.extLZO;
            //            else
            //                mipmap.storageType = StorageTypes.extZlib;
            //        }
            //    }

            var hasNeverStream = props.GetProp <BoolProperty>("NeverStream") != null;
            if (locallyStored)
                // Rules for default neverstream
                // 1. Must be Package Stored
                // 2. Must have at least 6 not empty mips
                if (mipmaps.Count >= 6)
                    props.AddOrReplaceProp(new BoolProperty(true, "NeverStream"));
                // Side case: NeverStream property was already set, we should respect the value
                // But won't that always be set here?
                // Is there a time where we should remove NeverStream? I can't see any logical way
                // neverstream would be here

            if (mipmaps.Count < 6)

            if (!locallyStored)
                if (mipmaps[0].storageType == StorageTypes.extLZO || mipmaps[0].storageType == StorageTypes.extUnc || mipmaps[0].storageType == StorageTypes.extZlib)
                    //Requires texture cache name
                    props.AddOrReplaceProp(new NameProperty(textureCache, "TextureFileCacheName"));
                    //Should not have texture cache name
                    var cacheProp = props.GetProp <NameProperty>("TextureFileCacheName");
                    if (cacheProp != null)

            props.AddOrReplaceProp(new IntProperty(t2d.Mips.First().width, "SizeX"));
            props.AddOrReplaceProp(new IntProperty(t2d.Mips.First().height, "SizeY"));
            if (t2d.Export.Game < MEGame.ME3 && fileSourcePath != null)
                props.AddOrReplaceProp(new StrProperty(fileSourcePath, "SourceFilePath"));
                props.AddOrReplaceProp(new StrProperty(File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(fileSourcePath).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "SourceFileTimestamp"));

            var mipTailIdx = props.GetProp <IntProperty>("MipTailBaseIdx");
            if (mipTailIdx != null)
                mipTailIdx.Value = t2d.Mips.Count - 1;

            EndianReader mem = new EndianReader(new MemoryStream())
                Endian = t2d.Export.FileRef.Endian
            props.WriteTo(mem.Writer, t2d.Export.FileRef);
            mem.Position = 0;
            var test      = PropertyCollection.ReadProps(t2d.Export, mem.BaseStream, "Texture2D", true, true); //do not set properties as this may interfere with some other code. may change later.
            int propStart = t2d.Export.GetPropertyStart();
            var pos       = mem.Position;
            mem.Position = 0;
            byte[] propData = mem.ToArray();
            if (t2d.Export.Game == MEGame.ME3)
                t2d.Export.Data = t2d.Export.Data.Take(propStart).Concat(propData).Concat(t2d.SerializeNewData()).ToArray();
                var array    = t2d.Export.Data.Take(propStart).Concat(propData).ToArray();
                var testdata = new MemoryStream(array);
                var test2    = PropertyCollection.ReadProps(t2d.Export, testdata, "Texture2D", true, true, t2d.Export); //do not set properties as this may interfere with some other code. may change later.
                                                                                                                        //ME2 post-data is this right?
                t2d.Export.Data = t2d.Export.Data.Take(propStart).Concat(propData).Concat(t2d.SerializeNewData()).ToArray();

            //using (MemoryStream newData = new MemoryStream())
            //    newData.WriteFromBuffer(texture.properties.toArray());
            //    newData.WriteFromBuffer(texture.toArray(0, false)); // filled later
            //    package.setExportData(matched.exportID, newData.ToArray());

            //using (MemoryStream newData = new MemoryStream())
            //    newData.WriteFromBuffer(texture.properties.toArray());
            //    newData.WriteFromBuffer(texture.toArray(package.exportsTable[matched.exportID].dataOffset + (uint)newData.Position));
            //    package.setExportData(matched.exportID, newData.ToArray());

            //Since this is single replacement, we don't want to relink to master
            //We want to ensure names are different though, will have to implement into UI
            //if (Export.Game == MEGame.ME1)
            //    if (matched.linkToMaster == -1)
            //        mod.masterTextures.Add(texture.mipMapsList, entryMap.listIndex);
            //    if (triggerCacheArc)
            //    {
            //        mod.arcTexture = texture.mipMapsList;
            //        mod.arcTfcGuid = texture.properties.getProperty("TFCFileGuid").valueStruct;
            //        mod.arcTfcName = texture.properties.getProperty("TextureFileCacheName").valueName;
            //    }

Пример #9
        public static void BuildBioPGlobal(GameTarget target)
            var loadedFiles = MELoadedFiles.GetFilesLoadedInGame(target.Game, gameRootOverride: target.TargetPath);

            //var mergeFiles = loadedFiles.Where(x =>
            //    x.Key.StartsWith(@"BioH_") && x.Key.Contains(@"_DLC_MOD_") && x.Key.EndsWith(@".pcc") && !x.Key.Contains(@"_LOC_") && !x.Key.Contains(@"_Explore."));

            Log.Information($@"SQMMERGE: Building BioP_Global");
            var appearanceInfo = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <SquadmateInfoSingle> >();

            int appearanceId       = 255; // starting
            int currentConditional = STARTING_OUTFIT_CONDITIONAL;

            // Scan squadmate merge files
            var sqmSupercedances = M3Directories.GetFileSupercedances(target, new[] { @".sqm" });

            if (sqmSupercedances.TryGetValue(SQUADMATE_MERGE_MANIFEST_FILE, out var infoList))
                foreach (var dlc in infoList)
                    Log.Information($@"SQMMERGE: Processing {dlc}");

                    var jsonFile    = Path.Combine(M3Directories.GetDLCPath(target), dlc, target.Game.CookedDirName(), SQUADMATE_MERGE_MANIFEST_FILE);
                    var infoPackage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SquadmateMergeInfo>(File.ReadAllText(jsonFile));
                    if (!infoPackage.Validate(dlc, target, loadedFiles))
                        continue; // skip this

                    // Enumerate all outfits listed for a single squadmate
                    foreach (var outfit in infoPackage.Outfits)
                        List <SquadmateInfoSingle> list;

                        // See if we already have an outfit list for this squadmate, maybe from another mod...
                        if (!appearanceInfo.TryGetValue(outfit.HenchName, out list))
                            list = new List <SquadmateInfoSingle>();
                            appearanceInfo[outfit.HenchName] = list;

                        outfit.ConditionalIndex = currentConditional++; // This is always incremented, so it might appear out of order in game files depending on how mod order is processed, that should be okay though.
                        outfit.AppearanceId     = appearanceId++;       // may need adjusted
                        outfit.DLCName          = dlc;
                        Log.Information($@"SQMMERGE: ConditionalIndex for {outfit.HenchName} appearanceid {outfit.AppearanceId}: {outfit.ConditionalIndex}");

            if (appearanceInfo.Any())
                var biopGlobal      = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(loadedFiles[@"BioP_Global.pcc"]);
                var lsk             = biopGlobal.Exports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClassName == @"LevelStreamingKismet");
                var persistentLevel = biopGlobal.FindExport(@"TheWorld.PersistentLevel");

                // Clone LevelStreamingKismets
                foreach (var sqm in appearanceInfo.Values)
                    foreach (var outfit in sqm)
                        var fName  = outfit.HenchPackage;
                        var newLSK = EntryCloner.CloneEntry(lsk);
                        newLSK.WriteProperty(new NameProperty(fName, @"PackageName"));

                        if (target.Game.IsGame3())
                            // Game 3 has _Explore files too
                            fName += @"_Explore";
                            newLSK = EntryCloner.CloneEntry(lsk);
                            newLSK.WriteProperty(new NameProperty(fName, @"PackageName"));

                // Update BioWorldInfo
                // Doesn't have consistent number so we can't find it by instanced full path
                var bioWorldInfo = biopGlobal.Exports.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClassName == @"BioWorldInfo");

                var props = bioWorldInfo.GetProperties();

                // Update Plot Streaming
                var plotStreaming = props.GetProp <ArrayProperty <StructProperty> >(@"PlotStreaming");
                foreach (var sqm in appearanceInfo.Values)
                    foreach (var outfit in sqm)
                        // find item to add to
                        buildPlotElementObject(plotStreaming, outfit, target.Game, false);
                        if (target.Game.IsGame3())
                            buildPlotElementObject(plotStreaming, outfit, target.Game, true);

                // Update StreamingLevels
                var streamingLevels = props.GetProp <ArrayProperty <ObjectProperty> >(@"StreamingLevels");
                streamingLevels.ReplaceAll(biopGlobal.Exports.Where(x => x.ClassName == @"LevelStreamingKismet").Select(x => new ObjectProperty(x)));


                M3MergeDLC.GenerateMergeDLC(target, Guid.NewGuid());

                // Save BioP_Global into DLC
                var cookedDir = Path.Combine(M3Directories.GetDLCPath(target), M3MergeDLC.MERGE_DLC_FOLDERNAME, target.Game.CookedDirName());
                var outP      = Path.Combine(cookedDir, @"BioP_Global.pcc");

                // Generate conditionals file
                if (target.Game.IsGame3())
                    CNDFile cnd = new CNDFile();
                    cnd.ConditionalEntries = new List <CNDFile.ConditionalEntry>();

                    foreach (var sqm in appearanceInfo.Values)
                        foreach (var outfit in sqm)
                            var scText   = $@"(plot.ints[{GetSquadmateOutfitInt(outfit.HenchName, target.Game)}] == i{outfit.MemberAppearanceValue})";
                            var compiled = ME3ConditionalsCompiler.Compile(scText);
                            cnd.ConditionalEntries.Add(new CNDFile.ConditionalEntry()
                                Data = compiled, ID = outfit.ConditionalIndex

                    cnd.ToFile(Path.Combine(cookedDir, $@"Conditionals{M3MergeDLC.MERGE_DLC_FOLDERNAME}.cnd"));
                else if (target.Game.IsGame2())
                    var startupF = Path.Combine(cookedDir, $@"Startup_{M3MergeDLC.MERGE_DLC_FOLDERNAME}.pcc");
                    var startup  = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackageFromStream(Utilities.GetResourceStream(
                    var conditionalClass =

                    // Add Conditional Functions
                    FileLib fl          = new FileLib(startup);
                    bool    initialized = fl.Initialize(new RelativePackageCache()
                        RootPath = M3Directories.GetBioGamePath(target)
                    if (!initialized)
                        throw new Exception(
                                  $@"FileLib for script update could not initialize, cannot install conditionals");

                    var funcToClone =
                    foreach (var sqm in appearanceInfo.Values)
                        foreach (var outfit in sqm)
                            var func = EntryCloner.CloneEntry(funcToClone);
                            func.ObjectName = $@"F{outfit.ConditionalIndex}";
                            func.indexValue = 0;

                            var scText = new StreamReader(Utilities.GetResourceStream(

                            scText = scText.Replace(@"%CONDITIONALNUM%", outfit.ConditionalIndex.ToString());
                            scText = scText.Replace(@"%SQUADMATEOUTFITPLOTINT%", outfit.AppearanceId.ToString());
                            scText = scText.Replace(@"%OUTFITINDEX%", outfit.MemberAppearanceValue.ToString());

                            (_, MessageLog log) = UnrealScriptCompiler.CompileFunction(func, scText, fl);
                            if (log.AllErrors.Any())
                                Log.Error($@"Error compiling function {func.InstancedFullPath}:");
                                foreach (var l in log.AllErrors)

                                throw new Exception(M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_errorCompilingConditionalFunction, func, string.Join('\n', log.AllErrors.Select(x => x.Message))));

                    // Relink the conditionals chain
                    UClass uc = ObjectBinary.From <UClass>(conditionalClass);


                // Add startup package, member appearances
                if (target.Game.IsGame2())
                    var bioEngine = Path.Combine(cookedDir, @"BIOEngine.ini");
                    var ini       = DuplicatingIni.LoadIni(bioEngine);

                    var startupSection = ini.GetOrAddSection(@"Engine.StartupPackages");

                    startupSection.Entries.Add(new DuplicatingIni.IniEntry(@"+DLCStartupPackage", $@"Startup_{M3MergeDLC.MERGE_DLC_FOLDERNAME}"));
                    startupSection.Entries.Add(new DuplicatingIni.IniEntry(@"+Package", $@"PlotManager{M3MergeDLC.MERGE_DLC_FOLDERNAME}"));

                else if (target.Game.IsGame3())
                    var mergeCoalFile = Path.Combine(M3Directories.GetDLCPath(target), M3MergeDLC.MERGE_DLC_FOLDERNAME, target.Game.CookedDirName(), $@"Default_{M3MergeDLC.MERGE_DLC_FOLDERNAME}.bin");
                    var mergeCoal     = CoalescedConverter.DecompileGame3ToMemory(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(mergeCoalFile)));

                    // Member appearances
                    var bioUiDoc = XDocument.Parse(mergeCoal[@"BIOUI.xml"]);

                    foreach (var sqm in appearanceInfo.Values)
                        foreach (var outfit in sqm)
                            var entry = new Game3CoalescedValueEntry()
                                Section = @"sfxgame.sfxguidata_teamselect",
                                Name    = @"selectappearances",
                                Type    = 3,
                                Value   = StringStructParser.BuildCommaSeparatedSplitValueList(outfit.ToPropertyDictionary(), @"AvailableImage", @"HighlightImage", @"DeadImage", @"SilhouetteImage")
                            Game3CoalescedHelper.AddArrayEntry(bioUiDoc, entry);

                    mergeCoal[@"BIOUI.xml"] = bioUiDoc.ToString();

                    // Dynamic load mapping
                    var bioEngineDoc = XDocument.Parse(mergeCoal[@"BIOEngine.xml"]);

                    foreach (var sqm in appearanceInfo.Values)
                        foreach (var outfit in sqm)
                            // * <Section name="sfxgame.sfxengine">
                            // <Property name="dynamicloadmapping">
                            // <Value type="3">(ObjectName="BIOG_GesturesConfigDLC.RuntimeData",SeekFreePackageName="GesturesConfigDLC")</Value>

                            var entry = new Game3CoalescedValueEntry()
                                Section = @"sfxgame.sfxengine",
                                Name    = @"dynamicloadmapping",
                                Type    = 3

                            entry.Values.Add($"(ObjectName=\"{outfit.AvailableImage}\",SeekFreePackageName=\"SFXHenchImages_{outfit.DLCName}\")"); // do not localize
                            entry.Values.Add($"(ObjectName=\"{outfit.HighlightImage}\",SeekFreePackageName=\"SFXHenchImages_{outfit.DLCName}\")"); // do not localize
                            Game3CoalescedHelper.AddArrayEntry(bioEngineDoc, entry);

                    mergeCoal[@"BIOEngine.xml"] = bioEngineDoc.ToString();

Пример #10
        public static void RunGame2EmailMerge(GameTarget target)
            var loadedFiles = MELoadedFiles.GetFilesLoadedInGame(target.Game, gameRootOverride: target.TargetPath);

            // File to base modifications on
            using IMEPackage pcc = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackage(loadedFiles[@"BioD_Nor103_Messages.pcc"]);

            // Path to Message templates file - different files for ME2/LE2
            string ResourcesFilePath = $@"MassEffectModManagerCore.modmanager.emailmerge.{target.Game}.103Message_Template_{target.Game}";

            using IMEPackage resources = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackageFromStream(Utilities.GetResourceStream(ResourcesFilePath));

            // Startup file to place conditionals and transitions into
            using IMEPackage startup = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackageFromStream(Utilities.GetResourceStream(

            var emailInfos        = new List <ME2EmailMergeFile>();
            var jsonSupercedances = M3Directories.GetFileSupercedances(target, new[] { @".json" });

            if (jsonSupercedances.TryGetValue(EMAIL_MERGE_MANIFEST_FILE, out var jsonList))
                foreach (var dlc in jsonList)
                    var jsonFile = Path.Combine(M3Directories.GetDLCPath(target), dlc, target.Game.CookedDirName(),
                    emailInfos.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ME2EmailMergeFile>(File.ReadAllText(jsonFile)));

            // Sanity checks
            if (!emailInfos.Any() || !emailInfos.SelectMany(e => e.Emails).Any())

            if (emailInfos.Any(e => e.Game != target.Game))
                throw new Exception("ME2 email merge manifest targets incorrect game");

            // Startup File
            // Could replace this with full instanced path in M3 implementation
            ExportEntry stateEventMapExport = startup.Exports
                                              .First(e => e.ClassName == "BioStateEventMap" && e.ObjectName == "StateTransitionMap");
            BioStateEventMap StateEventMap    = stateEventMapExport.GetBinaryData <BioStateEventMap>();
            ExportEntry      ConditionalClass =

            #region Sequence Exports
            // Send message - All email conditionals are checked and emails transitions are triggered
            ExportEntry SendMessageContainer = pcc.FindExport(@"TheWorld.PersistentLevel.Main_Sequence.Send_Messages");
            ExportEntry LastSendMessage      = KismetHelper.GetSequenceObjects(SendMessageContainer).OfType <ExportEntry>()
                                               .FirstOrDefault(e =>
                var outbound = KismetHelper.GetOutboundLinksOfNode(e);
                return(outbound.Count == 1 && outbound[0].Count == 0);
            ExportEntry TemplateSendMessage          = resources.FindExport(@"TheWorld.PersistentLevel.Main_Sequence.Send_MessageTemplate");
            ExportEntry TemplateSendMessageBoolCheck = resources.FindExport(@"TheWorld.PersistentLevel.Main_Sequence.Send_MessageTemplate_BoolCheck");

            // Mark Read - email ints are set to read
            // This is the only section that does not gracefully handle different DLC installations - DLC_CER is required atm
            ExportEntry MarkReadContainer = pcc.FindExport(@"TheWorld.PersistentLevel.Main_Sequence.Mark_Read");
            ExportEntry LastMarkRead      = pcc.FindExport(@"TheWorld.PersistentLevel.Main_Sequence.Mark_Read.DLC_CER");
            ExportEntry MarkReadOutLink   = KismetHelper.GetOutboundLinksOfNode(LastMarkRead)[0][0].LinkedOp as ExportEntry;

            ExportEntry TemplateMarkRead           = resources.FindExport(@"TheWorld.PersistentLevel.Main_Sequence.Mark_ReadTemplate");
            ExportEntry TemplateMarkReadTransition = resources.FindExport(@"TheWorld.PersistentLevel.Main_Sequence.Mark_Read_Transition");

            // Display Messages - Str refs are passed through to GUI
            ExportEntry DisplayMessageContainer =
            ExportEntry DisplayMessageOutLink =

            ExportEntry LastDisplayMessage = SeqTools.FindOutboundConnectionsToNode(DisplayMessageOutLink, KismetHelper.GetSequenceObjects(DisplayMessageContainer).OfType <ExportEntry>())[0];
            var         DisplayMessageVariableLinks = LastDisplayMessage.GetProperty <ArrayProperty <StructProperty> >("VariableLinks");
            ExportEntry TemplateDisplayMessage      =

            // Archive Messages - Message ints are set to 3
            ExportEntry ArchiveContainer = pcc.FindExport(@"TheWorld.PersistentLevel.Main_Sequence.Archive_Message");
            ExportEntry ArchiveSwitch    = pcc.FindExport(@"TheWorld.PersistentLevel.Main_Sequence.Archive_Message.SeqAct_Switch_0");
            ExportEntry ArchiveOutLink   =
            ExportEntry ExampleSetInt  = KismetHelper.GetOutboundLinksOfNode(ArchiveSwitch)[0][0].LinkedOp as ExportEntry;
            ExportEntry ExamplePlotInt = SeqTools.GetVariableLinksOfNode(ExampleSetInt)[0].LinkedNodes[0] as ExportEntry;

            int messageID      = KismetHelper.GetOutboundLinksOfNode(ArchiveSwitch).Count + 1;
            int currentSwCount = ArchiveSwitch.GetProperty <IntProperty>("LinkCount").Value;

            foreach (var emailMod in emailInfos)
                string modName = "DLC_MOD_" + emailMod.ModName;

                foreach (var email in emailMod.Emails)
                    string emailName = modName + "_" + email.EmailName;

                    // Create send transition
                    int transitionId  = WriteTransition(StateEventMap, email.StatusPlotInt);
                    int conditionalId = WriteConditional(email.TriggerConditional);

                    #region SendMessage
                    // SendMessage

                    // Create seq object
                    var SMTemp = emailMod.InMemoryBool.HasValue ? TemplateSendMessageBoolCheck : TemplateSendMessage;
                                                         SMTemp, pcc, SendMessageContainer, true, new RelinkerOptionsPackage(), out var outSendEntry);

                    var newSend = outSendEntry as ExportEntry;

                    // Set name, comment, add to sequence
                    newSend.ObjectName = new NameReference(emailName);
                    KismetHelper.AddObjectToSequence(newSend, SendMessageContainer);
                    KismetHelper.SetComment(newSend, emailName);
                    if (target.Game == MEGame.ME2)
                        newSend.WriteProperty(new StrProperty(emailName, "ObjName"));

                    // Set Trigger Conditional
                    var pmCheckConditionalSM = newSend.GetChildren()
                                               .FirstOrDefault(e => e.ClassName == "BioSeqAct_PMCheckConditional" && e is ExportEntry);
                    if (pmCheckConditionalSM is ExportEntry conditional)
                        conditional.WriteProperty(new IntProperty(conditionalId, "m_nIndex"));
                        KismetHelper.SetComment(conditional, "Time for " + email.EmailName + "?");

                    // Set Send Transition
                    var pmExecuteTransitionSM = newSend.GetChildren()
                                                .FirstOrDefault(e => e.ClassName == "BioSeqAct_PMExecuteTransition" && e is ExportEntry);
                    if (pmExecuteTransitionSM is ExportEntry transition)
                        transition.WriteProperty(new IntProperty(transitionId, "m_nIndex"));
                        KismetHelper.SetComment(transition, "Send " + email.EmailName + " message.");

                    // Set Send Transition
                    if (emailMod.InMemoryBool.HasValue)
                        var pmCheckStateSM = newSend.GetChildren()
                                             .FirstOrDefault(e => e.ClassName == "BioSeqAct_PMCheckState" && e is ExportEntry);
                        if (pmCheckStateSM is ExportEntry checkState)
                            checkState.WriteProperty(new IntProperty(emailMod.InMemoryBool.Value, "m_nIndex"));
                            KismetHelper.SetComment(checkState, "Is " + emailMod.ModName + " installed?");

                    // Hook up output links
                    KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(LastSendMessage, "Out", newSend);
                    LastSendMessage = newSend;

                    #region MarkRead
                    // MarkRead

                    // Create seq object
                    var MRTemp = email.ReadTransition.HasValue ? TemplateMarkReadTransition : TemplateMarkRead;
                                                         MRTemp, pcc, MarkReadContainer, true, new RelinkerOptionsPackage(), out var outMarkReadEntry);
                    var newMarkRead = outMarkReadEntry as ExportEntry;

                    // Set name, comment, add to sequence
                    newMarkRead.ObjectName = new NameReference(emailName);
                    KismetHelper.AddObjectToSequence(newMarkRead, MarkReadContainer);
                    KismetHelper.SetComment(newMarkRead, emailName);
                    if (target.Game == MEGame.ME2)
                        newMarkRead.WriteProperty(new StrProperty(emailName, "ObjName"));

                    // Set Plot Int
                    var storyManagerIntMR = newMarkRead.GetChildren()
                                            .FirstOrDefault(e => e.ClassName == "BioSeqVar_StoryManagerInt" && e is ExportEntry);
                    if (storyManagerIntMR is ExportEntry plotIntMR)
                        plotIntMR.WriteProperty(new IntProperty(email.StatusPlotInt, "m_nIndex"));
                        KismetHelper.SetComment(plotIntMR, email.EmailName);

                    if (email.ReadTransition.HasValue)
                        var pmExecuteTransitionMR = newMarkRead.GetChildren()
                                                    .FirstOrDefault(e => e.ClassName == "BioSeqAct_PMExecuteTransition" && e is ExportEntry);
                        if (pmExecuteTransitionMR is ExportEntry transitionMR)
                            transitionMR.WriteProperty(new IntProperty(email.ReadTransition.Value, "m_nIndex"));
                            KismetHelper.SetComment(transitionMR, "Trigger " + email.EmailName + " read transition");

                    // Hook up output links
                    KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(LastMarkRead, "Out", newMarkRead);
                    LastMarkRead = newMarkRead;

                    #region DisplayEmail
                    // Display Email

                    // Create seq object
                                                         TemplateDisplayMessage, pcc, DisplayMessageContainer, true, new RelinkerOptionsPackage(), out var outDisplayMessage);
                    var newDisplayMessage = outDisplayMessage as ExportEntry;

                    // Set name, comment, variable links, add to sequence
                    newDisplayMessage.ObjectName = new NameReference(emailName);
                    KismetHelper.AddObjectToSequence(newDisplayMessage, DisplayMessageContainer);
                    KismetHelper.SetComment(newDisplayMessage, emailName);
                    if (target.Game == MEGame.ME2)
                        newDisplayMessage.WriteProperty(new StrProperty(emailName, "ObjName"));

                    var displayChildren = newDisplayMessage.GetChildren();

                    // Set Plot Int
                    var storyManagerIntDE = displayChildren.FirstOrDefault(e =>
                                                                           e.ClassName == "BioSeqVar_StoryManagerInt" && e is ExportEntry);
                    if (storyManagerIntDE is ExportEntry plotIntDE)
                        plotIntDE.WriteProperty(new IntProperty(email.StatusPlotInt, "m_nIndex"));

                    // Set Email ID
                    var emailIdDE = displayChildren.FirstOrDefault(e =>
                                                                   e.ClassName == "SeqVar_Int" && e is ExportEntry);
                    if (emailIdDE is ExportEntry EmailIDDE)
                        EmailIDDE.WriteProperty(new IntProperty(messageID, "IntValue"));

                    // Set Title StrRef
                    var titleStrRef = displayChildren.FirstOrDefault(e =>
                                                                     e.ClassName == "BioSeqVar_StrRef" && e is ExportEntry ee && ee.GetProperty <NameProperty>("VarName").Value == "Title StrRef");
                    if (titleStrRef is ExportEntry Title)
                        Title.WriteProperty(new StringRefProperty(email.TitleStrRef, "m_srValue"));

                    // Set Description StrRef
                    var descStrRef = displayChildren.FirstOrDefault(e =>
                                                                    e.ClassName == "BioSeqVar_StrRef" && e is ExportEntry ee && ee.GetProperty <NameProperty>("VarName").Value == "Desc StrRef");
                    if (descStrRef is ExportEntry Desc)
                        Desc.WriteProperty(new StringRefProperty(email.DescStrRef, "m_srValue"));

                    // Hook up output links
                    KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(LastDisplayMessage, "Out", newDisplayMessage);
                    LastDisplayMessage = newDisplayMessage;

                    #region ArchiveEmail
                    // Archive Email

                    var NewSetInt = EntryCloner.CloneEntry(ExampleSetInt);
                    KismetHelper.AddObjectToSequence(NewSetInt, ArchiveContainer);
                    KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(NewSetInt, "Out", ArchiveOutLink);

                    KismetHelper.CreateNewOutputLink(ArchiveSwitch, "Link " + (messageID - 1), NewSetInt);

                    var NewPlotInt = EntryCloner.CloneEntry(ExamplePlotInt);
                    KismetHelper.AddObjectToSequence(NewPlotInt, ArchiveContainer);
                    NewPlotInt.WriteProperty(new IntProperty(email.StatusPlotInt, "m_nIndex"));
                    NewPlotInt.WriteProperty(new StrProperty(emailName, "m_sRefName"));

                    var linkedVars = SeqTools.GetVariableLinksOfNode(NewSetInt);
                    linkedVars[0].LinkedNodes = new List <IEntry>()
                    SeqTools.WriteVariableLinksToNode(NewSetInt, linkedVars);

            KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(LastMarkRead, "Out", MarkReadOutLink);
            KismetHelper.CreateOutputLink(LastDisplayMessage, "Out", DisplayMessageOutLink);
            ArchiveSwitch.WriteProperty(new IntProperty(currentSwCount, "LinkCount"));


            // Save Messages file into DLC
            var cookedDir   = Path.Combine(M3Directories.GetDLCPath(target), M3MergeDLC.MERGE_DLC_FOLDERNAME, target.Game.CookedDirName());
            var outMessages = Path.Combine(cookedDir, @"BioD_Nor103_Messages.pcc");

            // Save Startup file into DLC
            var startupF = Path.Combine(cookedDir, $@"Startup_{M3MergeDLC.MERGE_DLC_FOLDERNAME}.pcc");