private ModInstallCompletedStatus InstallAttachedRCWMod()
            CLog.Information(@"Installing attached RCW mod. Checking Coalesced.ini first to make sure this mod can be safely applied", Settings.LogModInstallation);
            ME2Coalesced me2c = new ME2Coalesced(ME2Directory.CoalescedPath(gameTarget));
            RCWMod       rcw  = ModBeingInstalled.GetJob(ModJob.JobHeader.ME2_RCWMOD).RCW;

            foreach (var rcwF in rcw.Files)
                var me2cF = me2c.Inis.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == rcwF.FileName);
                if (me2cF.Key == null)
                    Log.Error(@"RCW mod specifies a file in coalesced that does not exist in the local one: " + rcwF);

                foreach (var rcwS in rcwF.Sections)
                    var section = me2cF.Value.Sections.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Header == rcwS.SectionName);
                    if (section == null)
                        Log.Error($@"RCW mod specifies a section in {rcwF.FileName} that does not exist in the local coalesced: {rcwS.SectionName}");

                //Apply mod
                foreach (var rcwS in rcwF.Sections)
                    var section = me2cF.Value.Sections.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Header == rcwS.SectionName);
                    Dictionary <string, int> keyCount = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                    foreach (var key in section.Entries)
                        if (keyCount.TryGetValue(key.Key, out var existingCount))
                            keyCount[key.Key] = existingCount + 1;
                            keyCount[key.Key] = 1;

                    Dictionary <string, bool> keysSupportingMulti = keyCount.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value > 1);

                    //Remove items
                    foreach (var itemToDelete in rcwS.KeysToDelete)
                        for (int i = section.Entries.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                            var entry = section.Entries[i];
                            if (entry.Key == itemToDelete.Key && entry.Value == itemToDelete.Value)
                                CLog.Information($@"Removing ini entry {entry.RawText} in section {section.Header} of file {me2cF.Key}", Settings.LogModInstallation);

                    foreach (var itemToAdd in rcwS.KeysToAdd)
                        var existingEntries = section.Entries.Where(x => x.Key == itemToAdd.Key).ToList();
                        if (existingEntries.Count <= 0)
                            //just add it
                            CLog.Information($@"Adding ini entry {itemToAdd.RawText} in section {section.Header} of file {me2cF.Key}", Settings.LogModInstallation);
                        else if (existingEntries.Count > 1)
                            //Supports multi. Add this key - but making sure the data doesn't already exist!
                            if (existingEntries.Any(x => x.Value == itemToAdd.Value))
                                CLog.Information($@"Not adding duplicate ini entry {itemToAdd.RawText} in section {section.Header} of file {me2cF.Key}", Settings.LogModInstallation);
                                //Not duplicate - installing key
                                CLog.Information($@"Adding ini entry {itemToAdd.RawText} in section {section.Header} of file {me2cF.Key}", Settings.LogModInstallation);
                            //Only one key exists currently. We need to check multi lookup to choose how to install
                            if (keysSupportingMulti[itemToAdd.Key])
                                //Supports multi. Add this key - but making sure the data doesn't already exist!
                                if (existingEntries.Any(x => x.Value == itemToAdd.Value))
                                    CLog.Information($@"Not adding duplicate ini entry {itemToAdd.RawText} in section {section.Header} of file {me2cF.Key}", Settings.LogModInstallation);
                                    //Not duplicate - installing key
                                    CLog.Information($@"Adding ini entry {itemToAdd.RawText} in section {section.Header} of file {me2cF.Key}", Settings.LogModInstallation);
                                //Replace existing key
                                existingEntries[0].Value = itemToAdd.Value;