Пример #1
        /** Adds a miss swipe to characters frame. */
        private void addSwipe(MDRActor source)
            var newSwipe = new GuiAttackSwipe(0.5f, 0.05f);

            newSwipe.X = 3 + Util.Roll(5);
            newSwipe.Y = 1 + Util.Roll(5);
Пример #2
     * Calculates the change this source could backstab hit the target.
    public static float BackstabChance(MDRActor source, MDRActor target)
        float baseChance = (float)source.TotalBackstabChance / 100f;

        float levelDelta    = (source.CombatLevel - target.CombatLevel) / 5f;
        float levelModifier = CalculateLogDifference(levelDelta);

        return(baseChance * (1f + levelModifier));
Пример #3
     * Calculates the change this source could critical hit the target.
    public static float CriticalHitChance(MDRActor source, MDRActor target)
        float baseChance = (float)source.TotalCriticalHitChance / 100f;

        float levelDelta    = (source.CombatLevel - target.CombatLevel) / 5f;
        float levelModifier = CalculateLogDifference(levelDelta);

        float final = baseChance * (1f + levelModifier);

Пример #4
     * Calculates chance one actor can hit another.
    public static float CalculateChanceToHit(MDRActor source, MDRActor target)
        // We calculate a base hit from guild level then offset it by dexterity.
        float dexterityDelta = source.Stats.Dex - target.Stats.Dex;

        float dexMod =
            dexterityDelta >= 0 ?
            (Mathf.Sqrt(1 + dexterityDelta / 4f) - 1f) * 0.5f :
            (Mathf.Sqrt(1 - dexterityDelta / 4f) - 1f) * -0.5f;

        float origionalDexMod = dexMod;

        float levelDelta    = (source.CombatLevel - target.CombatLevel) / 5f;
        float levelModifier = CalculateLogDifference(levelDelta);

        // adjust deviation
        if (levelModifier < 0 && dexMod > 0)
            float dexModReduction = Util.Clamp(-levelModifier * 4f, 0f, 1f);
            dexMod *= dexModReduction;

        // bonus from defending.
        float baseHit = (target.ActionThisRound == ActionType.Defend) ? 0.4f : 0.6f;

        float chanceToHit = baseHit + levelModifier + dexMod + (float)source.TotalHitBonus / 100f;

        float clampedChanceToHit = Util.Clamp(chanceToHit, 0.03f, 0.97f);

         * if (Settings.Advanced.LogCombat && Engines.CombatEngine.CurrentInstance != null) {
         *      var debugString = String.Format("\nChance to hit breakdown [{0:0.00}]:" +
         *                        "\n baseHit: {1:0.00}" +
         *                        "\n levelMod: {2:0.00}" +
         *                        ((dexMod != origionalDexMod) ? "\n dexMod: {3:0.00} (reduced from {4:0.00})" : "\n dexMod: {3:0.00}") +
         *                        "\n hitBonus: {5:0.00}", chanceToHit, baseHit, levelModifier, dexMod, origionalDexMod, (float)source.TotalHitBonus / 100f);
         *      Engines.CombatEngine.CombatLog.Add(new UI.MessageEntry(debugString, Color.gray));
         * }  */

Пример #5
     * Calculates damage from one actor to another.
    public static int CalculateDamage(MDRActor source, MDRActor target, bool didCrit, bool didBackstab, out int mitigation)
        // First work out how much damage this source could inflict.

        int damageRoll = Util.Roll(6) + Util.Roll(6) + Util.Roll(6);

        float critFactor     = didCrit ? 1.5f : 1f;
        float backstabFactor = didBackstab ? 1.25f : 1f;

        float baseDamage = source.NominalDamage * ((float)damageRoll / 9f) * critFactor * backstabFactor;

        float strengthBonus    = Util.Clamp(source.Stats.Str - 15, 0f, 99f);
        float strengthHandicap = Util.Clamp(source.Stats.Str - 10, -99f, 0f) * 0.5f;

        float levelDelta    = (source.CombatLevel - target.CombatLevel) / 5f;
        float levelModifier = CalculateLogDifference(levelDelta);

        float finalDamage = (int)((1f + levelModifier) * (baseDamage + strengthBonus) + strengthHandicap);

        // Next work out how much of this damage the target's armour can exporbe

        float baseMitigation = target.TotalArmour;

        float modifiedMitigation = baseMitigation;

        // Armour ability is reduced by level modifier.
        if (levelModifier < 0)
            modifiedMitigation *= (1 + levelModifier);

        // bonus from defending.
        if (target.ActionThisRound == ActionType.Defend)
            modifiedMitigation *= 1.5f;

        if (didBackstab)
            modifiedMitigation *= 0.25f;

        if (didCrit)
            modifiedMitigation *= 0.75f;

        // Pentration due to weapon and strength.
        var weaponPiercing = source.TotalArmourPierce + strengthBonus * 2f;

        modifiedMitigation -= Util.Clamp(weaponPiercing, 0f, 999f);

        // Strong hits go through weak armour
        float strongHitModifer = finalDamage / 2f;

        modifiedMitigation -= strongHitModifer;

        modifiedMitigation = Util.Clamp(modifiedMitigation, 0f, 999f) / 2f;

        float mitigationReductionFactor = (finalDamage) / (finalDamage + modifiedMitigation);

        float mitigatedDamage = (int)(finalDamage * (1f - mitigationReductionFactor));

        mitigation = (int)mitigatedDamage;

         * if (Settings.Advanced.LogCombat && Engines.CombatEngine.CurrentInstance != null) {
         *      var debugString = String.Format("Damage caused breakdown [{0}]: \n" +
         *                        "SourceSTR:{1}={2} NominalDamage:{3} DamageRoll{4} Final:{10}\n" +
         *                        "levelDelta:{5} level modifier:{6}\n" +
         *                        "mitigation - base:{7} modified:{8} factor:{9}",
         *                                mitigatedDamage, source.Stats.Str, strengthBonus + strengthHandicap,
         *                                source.NominalDamage, damageRoll, levelDelta, levelModifier, baseMitigation, modifiedMitigation, mitigationReductionFactor, finalDamage);
         *      Engines.CombatEngine.CombatLog.Add(new UI.MessageEntry(debugString, Color.gray));
         * } */

        return((int)Util.Clamp(finalDamage - mitigatedDamage, 1f, 999f));