public static bool IsMeshAndMaterialRectEnclosedByAtlasRect(Rect uvR, Rect sourceMaterialTiling, Rect samplingEncapsulatinRect, MB2_LogLevel logLevel) { Rect potentialRect = new Rect(); Rect matR = sourceMaterialTiling; // test to see if this would fit in what was baked in the atlas Rect rr = samplingEncapsulatinRect; potentialRect = MB3_UVTransformUtility.CombineTransforms(ref uvR, ref matR); if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { Debug.Log("uvR=" + uvR.ToString("f5") + " matR=" + matR.ToString("f5") + "Potential Rect " + potentialRect.ToString("f5") + " encapsulating=" + rr.ToString("f5")); } } if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { Debug.Log("Potential Rect Cannonical " + potentialRect.ToString("f5") + " encapsulating=" + rr.ToString("f5")); } } if (MB3_UVTransformUtility.RectContainsShifted(ref rr, ref potentialRect)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool IsMeshAndMaterialRectEnclosedByAtlasRect(MB_TextureTilingTreatment tilingTreatment, Rect uvR, Rect sourceMaterialTiling, Rect samplingEncapsulatinRect, MB2_LogLevel logLevel) { Rect potentialRect = new Rect(); Rect matR = sourceMaterialTiling; // test to see if this would fit in what was baked in the atlas Rect rr = samplingEncapsulatinRect; potentialRect = MB3_UVTransformUtility.CombineTransforms(ref uvR, ref matR); if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { Debug.Log("uvR=" + uvR.ToString("f5") + " matR=" + matR.ToString("f5") + "Potential Rect " + potentialRect.ToString("f5") + " encapsulating=" + rr.ToString("f5")); } } if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { Debug.Log("Potential Rect Cannonical " + potentialRect.ToString("f5") + " encapsulating=" + rr.ToString("f5")); } } if (tilingTreatment == MB_TextureTilingTreatment.edgeToEdgeX) { if (MB3_UVTransformUtility.LineSegmentContainsShifted(rr.y, rr.height, potentialRect.y, potentialRect.height)) { return(true); } } else if (tilingTreatment == MB_TextureTilingTreatment.edgeToEdgeY) { if (MB3_UVTransformUtility.LineSegmentContainsShifted(rr.x, rr.width, potentialRect.x, potentialRect.width)) { return(true); } } else if (tilingTreatment == MB_TextureTilingTreatment.edgeToEdgeXY) { //only one rect in atlas and is edge to edge in both X and Y directions. return(true); } else { if (MB3_UVTransformUtility.RectContainsShifted(ref rr, ref potentialRect)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private void CopyScaledAndTiledToAtlas(MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet texSet, MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture source, Vector2 obUVoffset, Vector2 obUVscale, Rect rec, ShaderTextureProperty texturePropertyName, TextureBlender resultMatTexBlender) { Rect r = rec; if (resultMatTexBlender != null) { myCamera.backgroundColor = resultMatTexBlender.GetColorIfNoTexture(texSet.mats[0].mat, texturePropertyName); } else { myCamera.backgroundColor = MB3_TextureCombiner.GetColorIfNoTexture(texturePropertyName); } if (source.t == null) { source.t = combiner._createTemporaryTexture(16, 16, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true); } r.y = 1f - (r.y + r.height); // DrawTexture uses topLeft 0,0, Texture2D uses bottomLeft 0,0 r.x *= _destinationTexture.width; r.y *= _destinationTexture.height; r.width *= _destinationTexture.width; r.height *= _destinationTexture.height; Rect rPadded = r; rPadded.x -= _padding; rPadded.y -= _padding; rPadded.width += _padding * 2; rPadded.height += _padding * 2; Rect srcPrTex = source.matTilingRect.GetRect(); Rect targPr = new Rect(); if (_fixOutOfBoundsUVs) { Rect ruv = new Rect(obUVoffset.x, obUVoffset.y, obUVscale.x, obUVscale.y); srcPrTex = MB3_UVTransformUtility.CombineTransforms(ref srcPrTex, ref ruv); if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { Debug.Log("Fixing out of bounds UVs for tex " + source.t); } } Texture2D tex = source.t; /* * if (_considerNonTextureProperties && resultMatTexBlender != null) * { * if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) Debug.Log(string.Format("Blending texture {0} mat {1} with non-texture properties using TextureBlender {2}",, texSet.mats[0].mat, resultMatTexBlender)); * * resultMatTexBlender.OnBeforeTintTexture(texSet.mats[0].mat,; * //combine the tintColor with the texture * tex = combiner._createTextureCopy(tex); * for (int i = 0; i < tex.height; i++) * { * Color[] cs = tex.GetPixels(0, i, tex.width, 1); * for (int j = 0; j < cs.Length; j++) * { * cs[j] = resultMatTexBlender.OnBlendTexturePixel(, cs[j]); * } * tex.SetPixels(0, i, tex.width, 1, cs); * } * tex.Apply(); * } */ //main texture TextureWrapMode oldTexWrapMode = tex.wrapMode; if (srcPrTex.width == 1f && srcPrTex.height == 1f && srcPrTex.x == 0f && srcPrTex.y == 0f) { //fixes bug where there is a dark line at the edge of the texture tex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; } else { tex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; } if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { Debug.Log("DrawTexture tex=" + + " destRect=" + r + " srcRect=" + srcPrTex + " Mat=" + mat); } //fill the padding first Rect srcPr = new Rect(); //top margin srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y + 1 - 1f / tex.height; srcPr.width = srcPrTex.width; srcPr.height = 1f / tex.height; targPr.x = r.x; targPr.y = rPadded.y; targPr.width = r.width; targPr.height = _padding; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //bot margin srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y; srcPr.width = srcPrTex.width; srcPr.height = 1f / tex.height; targPr.x = r.x; targPr.y = r.y + r.height; targPr.width = r.width; targPr.height = _padding; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //left margin srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y; srcPr.width = 1f / tex.width; srcPr.height = srcPrTex.height; targPr.x = rPadded.x; targPr.y = r.y; targPr.width = _padding; targPr.height = r.height; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //right margin srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x + 1f - 1f / tex.width; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y; srcPr.width = 1f / tex.width; srcPr.height = srcPrTex.height; targPr.x = r.x + r.width; targPr.y = r.y; targPr.width = _padding; targPr.height = r.height; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //top left corner srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y + 1 - 1f / tex.height; srcPr.width = 1f / tex.width; srcPr.height = 1f / tex.height; targPr.x = rPadded.x; targPr.y = rPadded.y; targPr.width = _padding; targPr.height = _padding; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //top right corner srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x + 1f - 1f / tex.width; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y + 1 - 1f / tex.height; srcPr.width = 1f / tex.width; srcPr.height = 1f / tex.height; targPr.x = r.x + r.width; targPr.y = rPadded.y; targPr.width = _padding; targPr.height = _padding; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //bot left corner srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y; srcPr.width = 1f / tex.width; srcPr.height = 1f / tex.height; targPr.x = rPadded.x; targPr.y = r.y + r.height; targPr.width = _padding; targPr.height = _padding; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //bot right corner srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x + 1f - 1f / tex.width; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y; srcPr.width = 1f / tex.width; srcPr.height = 1f / tex.height; targPr.x = r.x + r.width; targPr.y = r.y + r.height; targPr.width = _padding; targPr.height = _padding; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //now the texture Graphics.DrawTexture(r, tex, srcPrTex, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); tex.wrapMode = oldTexWrapMode; }
//a material can appear more than once in an atlas if using fixOutOfBoundsUVs. //in this case need to use the UV rect of the mesh to find the correct rectangle. public bool TryMapMaterialToUVRect(Material mat, Mesh m, int submeshIdx, MB3_MeshCombinerSingle.MeshChannelsCache meshChannelCache, Dictionary <int, MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[]> meshAnalysisCache, out Rect rectInAtlas, //out Rect subrectInAtlasMatTiling, out Rect encapsulatingRect, out Rect sourceMaterialTilingOut, ref String errorMsg, MB2_LogLevel logLevel) { if (tbr.materialsAndUVRects.Length == 0 && tbr.materials.Length > 0) { errorMsg = "The 'Material Bake Result' needs to be re-baked to be compatible with this version of Mesh Baker. Please re-bake using the MB3_TextureBaker."; rectInAtlas = new Rect(); //subrectInAtlasMatTiling = new Rect(); encapsulatingRect = new Rect(); sourceMaterialTilingOut = new Rect(); return(false); } if (mat == null) { rectInAtlas = new Rect(); //subrectInAtlasMatTiling = new Rect(); encapsulatingRect = new Rect(); sourceMaterialTilingOut = new Rect(); errorMsg = String.Format("Mesh {0} Had no material on submesh {1} cannot map to a material in the atlas",, submeshIdx); return(false); } if (submeshIdx >= m.subMeshCount) { errorMsg = "Submesh index is greater than the number of submeshes"; rectInAtlas = new Rect(); //subrectInAtlasMatTiling = new Rect(); encapsulatingRect = new Rect(); sourceMaterialTilingOut = new Rect(); return(false); } //find the first index of this material int idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < matsAndSrcUVRect.Length; i++) { if (mat == matsAndSrcUVRect[i].material) { idx = i; break; } } // if couldn't find material if (idx == -1) { rectInAtlas = new Rect(); //subrectInAtlasMatTiling = new Rect(); encapsulatingRect = new Rect(); sourceMaterialTilingOut = new Rect(); errorMsg = String.Format("Material {0} could not be found in the Material Bake Result",; return(false); } if (!tbr.fixOutOfBoundsUVs) { if (numTimesMatAppearsInAtlas[idx] != 1) { Debug.LogError("There is a problem with this TextureBakeResults. FixOutOfBoundsUVs is false and a material appears more than once."); } rectInAtlas = matsAndSrcUVRect[idx].atlasRect; //subrectInAtlasMatTiling = matsAndSrcUVRect[idx].atlasSubrectMaterialOnly; encapsulatingRect = matsAndSrcUVRect[idx].samplingEncapsulatinRect; sourceMaterialTilingOut = matsAndSrcUVRect[idx].sourceMaterialTiling; return(true); } else { //todo what if no UVs //Find UV rect in source mesh MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[] mar; if (!meshAnalysisCache.TryGetValue(m.GetInstanceID(), out mar)) { mar = new MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[m.subMeshCount]; for (int j = 0; j < m.subMeshCount; j++) { Vector2[] uvss = meshChannelCache.GetUv0Raw(m); MB_Utility.hasOutOfBoundsUVs(uvss, m, ref mar[j], j); } meshAnalysisCache.Add(m.GetInstanceID(), mar); } //this could be a mesh that was not used in the texture baking that has huge UV tiling too big for the rect that was baked //find a record that has an atlas uvRect capable of containing this bool found = false; if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { Debug.LogWarning(String.Format("Trying to find a rectangle in atlas capable of holding tiled sampling rect for mesh {0} using material {1}", m, mat)); } for (int i = idx; i < matsAndSrcUVRect.Length; i++) { if (matsAndSrcUVRect[i].material == mat) { //calculate what the UV rect in the atlas would be if we combined the material tiling of this rect with the UV tiling of this submesh Rect potentialRect = new Rect(); Rect uvR = mar[submeshIdx].uvRect; Rect matR = matsAndSrcUVRect[i].sourceMaterialTiling; // test to see if this would fit in what was baked in the atlas Rect rr = matsAndSrcUVRect[i].samplingEncapsulatinRect; MB3_UVTransformUtility.Canonicalize(ref rr, 0, 0); potentialRect = MB3_UVTransformUtility.CombineTransforms(ref uvR, ref matR); if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { Debug.Log("uvR=" + uvR.ToString("f5") + " matR=" + matR.ToString("f5") + "Potential Rect " + potentialRect.ToString("f5") + " encapsulating=" + rr.ToString("f5")); } MB3_UVTransformUtility.Canonicalize(ref potentialRect, rr.x, rr.y); if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { Debug.Log("Potential Rect Cannonical " + potentialRect.ToString("f5") + " encapsulating=" + rr.ToString("f5")); } if (MB3_UVTransformUtility.RectContains(ref rr, ref potentialRect)) { if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { Debug.Log("Found rect in atlas capable of containing tiled sampling rect for mesh " + m + " at idx=" + i); } idx = i; found = true; break; } } } if (found) { rectInAtlas = matsAndSrcUVRect[idx].atlasRect; //subrectInAtlasMatTiling = matsAndSrcUVRect[idx].atlasSubrectMaterialOnly; encapsulatingRect = matsAndSrcUVRect[idx].samplingEncapsulatinRect; sourceMaterialTilingOut = matsAndSrcUVRect[idx].sourceMaterialTiling; return(true); } else { rectInAtlas = new Rect(); //subrectInAtlasMatTiling = new Rect(); encapsulatingRect = new Rect(); sourceMaterialTilingOut = new Rect(); errorMsg = String.Format("Could not find a tiled rectangle in the atlas capable of containing the uv and material tiling on mesh {0}",; return(false); } } }
private void CopyScaledAndTiledToAtlas(MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture source, Vector2 obUVoffset, Vector2 obUVscale, Rect rec) { Rect r = rec; myCamera.backgroundColor = source.colorIfNoTexture; if (source.t == null) { source.t = combiner._createTemporaryTexture(16, 16, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true); Debug.Log("Creating texture with color " + source.colorIfNoTexture + " isNormal" + _isNormalMap); MB_Utility.setSolidColor(source.t, source.colorIfNoTexture); } r.y = 1f - (r.y + r.height); // DrawTexture uses topLeft 0,0, Texture2D uses bottomLeft 0,0 r.x *= _destinationTexture.width; r.y *= _destinationTexture.height; r.width *= _destinationTexture.width; r.height *= _destinationTexture.height; Rect rPadded = r; rPadded.x -= _padding; rPadded.y -= _padding; rPadded.width += _padding * 2; rPadded.height += _padding * 2; Rect srcPrTex = source.matTilingRect.GetRect(); Rect targPr = new Rect(); if (_fixOutOfBoundsUVs) { Rect ruv = new Rect(obUVoffset.x, obUVoffset.y, obUVscale.x, obUVscale.y); srcPrTex = MB3_UVTransformUtility.CombineTransforms(ref srcPrTex, ref ruv); if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { Debug.Log("Fixing out of bounds UVs for tex " + source.t); } } Texture tex = source.t; //main texture TextureWrapMode oldTexWrapMode = tex.wrapMode; if (srcPrTex.width == 1f && srcPrTex.height == 1f && srcPrTex.x == 0f && srcPrTex.y == 0f) { //fixes bug where there is a dark line at the edge of the texture tex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; } else { tex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; } if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { Debug.Log("DrawTexture tex=" + + " destRect=" + r + " srcRect=" + srcPrTex + " Mat=" + mat); } //fill the padding first Rect srcPr = new Rect(); //top margin srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y + 1 - 1f / tex.height; srcPr.width = srcPrTex.width; srcPr.height = 1f / tex.height; targPr.x = r.x; targPr.y = rPadded.y; targPr.width = r.width; targPr.height = _padding; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //bot margin srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y; srcPr.width = srcPrTex.width; srcPr.height = 1f / tex.height; targPr.x = r.x; targPr.y = r.y + r.height; targPr.width = r.width; targPr.height = _padding; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //left margin srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y; srcPr.width = 1f / tex.width; srcPr.height = srcPrTex.height; targPr.x = rPadded.x; targPr.y = r.y; targPr.width = _padding; targPr.height = r.height; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //right margin srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x + 1f - 1f / tex.width; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y; srcPr.width = 1f / tex.width; srcPr.height = srcPrTex.height; targPr.x = r.x + r.width; targPr.y = r.y; targPr.width = _padding; targPr.height = r.height; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //top left corner srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y + 1 - 1f / tex.height; srcPr.width = 1f / tex.width; srcPr.height = 1f / tex.height; targPr.x = rPadded.x; targPr.y = rPadded.y; targPr.width = _padding; targPr.height = _padding; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //top right corner srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x + 1f - 1f / tex.width; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y + 1 - 1f / tex.height; srcPr.width = 1f / tex.width; srcPr.height = 1f / tex.height; targPr.x = r.x + r.width; targPr.y = rPadded.y; targPr.width = _padding; targPr.height = _padding; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //bot left corner srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y; srcPr.width = 1f / tex.width; srcPr.height = 1f / tex.height; targPr.x = rPadded.x; targPr.y = r.y + r.height; targPr.width = _padding; targPr.height = _padding; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //bot right corner srcPr.x = srcPrTex.x + 1f - 1f / tex.width; srcPr.y = srcPrTex.y; srcPr.width = 1f / tex.width; srcPr.height = 1f / tex.height; targPr.x = r.x + r.width; targPr.y = r.y + r.height; targPr.width = _padding; targPr.height = _padding; Graphics.DrawTexture(targPr, tex, srcPr, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); //now the texture Graphics.DrawTexture(r, tex, srcPrTex, 0, 0, 0, 0, mat); tex.wrapMode = oldTexWrapMode; }