private static void RequestCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { TcpClient client = (TcpClient)ar.AsyncState; lock (locker) { byte localsysid = newsysid++; if (client.Connected) { MAVLinkInterface mav = new MAVLinkInterface(); mav.BaseStream = new TcpSerial() { client = client }; try { mav.GetParam("SYSID_THISMAV"); } catch { } try { mav.GetParam("SYSID_THISMAV"); } catch { } try { mav.GetParam("SYSID_THISMAV"); } catch { } try { var ans = mav.setParam("SYSID_THISMAV", localsysid); Console.WriteLine("this mav set " + ans); } catch { } mav = null; clients.Add(client); } } }
private static void RequestCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { TcpClient client = (TcpClient)ar.AsyncState; byte localsysid = 0; lock (locker) { localsysid = newsysid++; } if (client.Connected) { MAVLinkInterface mav = new MAVLinkInterface(); mav.BaseStream = new TcpSerial() { client = client }; try { mav.GetParam((byte)mav.sysidcurrent, (byte)mav.compidcurrent, "SYSID_THISMAV"); } catch { } try { mav.GetParam((byte)mav.sysidcurrent, (byte)mav.compidcurrent, "SYSID_THISMAV"); } catch { } try { mav.GetParam((byte)mav.sysidcurrent, (byte)mav.compidcurrent, "SYSID_THISMAV"); } catch { } try { var ans = mav.setParam("SYSID_THISMAV", localsysid); Console.WriteLine("this mav set " + ans); } catch { } Connect?.Invoke(mav, localsysid.ToString()); } }
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { if (keyData == (Keys.Control | Keys.S)) { var exepath = CheckandGetSITLImage("ArduCopter.elf"); var model = "+"; var config = GetDefaultConfig(model); var max = 10; for (int a = max; a >= 0; a--) { var extra = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config)) { extra += @" --defaults """ + config + @""" -P SERIAL0_PROTOCOL=2 -P SERIAL1_PROTOCOL=2 "; } var home = new PointLatLngAlt(markeroverlay.Markers[0].Position).newpos((double)NUM_heading.Value, a * 4); if (max == a) { extra += String.Format( " -M{4} -s1 --home {3} --instance {0} --uartA tcp:0 {1} -P SYSID_THISMAV={2} ", a, "", a + 1, BuildHomeLocation(home, (int)NUM_heading.Value), model); } else { extra += String.Format( " -M{4} -s1 --home {3} --instance {0} --uartA tcp:0 {1} -P SYSID_THISMAV={2} ", a, "--uartD tcpclient:" + (5770 + 10 * a), a + 1, BuildHomeLocation(home, (int)NUM_heading.Value), model); } string simdir = sitldirectory + model + (a + 1) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; Directory.CreateDirectory(simdir); string path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", sitldirectory + ";" + simdir + ";" + path, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("HOME", simdir, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); ProcessStartInfo exestart = new ProcessStartInfo(); exestart.FileName = exepath; exestart.Arguments = extra; exestart.WorkingDirectory = simdir; exestart.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized; exestart.UseShellExecute = true; Process.Start(exestart); } try { var client = new Comms.TcpSerial(); client.client = new TcpClient("", 5760); MainV2.comPort.BaseStream = client; SITLSEND = new UdpClient("", 5501); Thread.Sleep(200); MainV2.instance.doConnect(MainV2.comPort, "preset", "5760"); return(true); } catch { CustomMessageBox.Show(Strings.Failed_to_connect_to_SITL_instance, Strings.ERROR); return(true); } } if (keyData == (Keys.Control | Keys.D)) { var exepath = CheckandGetSITLImage("ArduCopter.elf"); var model = "+"; var config = GetDefaultConfig(model); var max = 10; for (int a = max; a >= 0; a--) { var extra = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config)) { extra += @" --defaults """ + config + @""" -P SERIAL0_PROTOCOL=2 -P SERIAL1_PROTOCOL=2 "; } var home = new PointLatLngAlt(markeroverlay.Markers[0].Position).newpos((double)NUM_heading.Value, a * 4); if (max == a) { extra += String.Format( " -M{4} -s1 --home {3} --instance {0} --uartA tcp:0 {1} -P SYSID_THISMAV={2} ", a, "", a + 1, BuildHomeLocation(home, (int)NUM_heading.Value), model); } else { extra += String.Format( " -M{4} -s1 --home {3} --instance {0} --uartA tcp:0 {1} -P SYSID_THISMAV={2} ", a, "" /*"--uartD tcpclient:" + (5770 + 10 * a)*/, a + 1, BuildHomeLocation(home, (int)NUM_heading.Value), model); } string simdir = sitldirectory + model + (a + 1) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; Directory.CreateDirectory(simdir); string path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", sitldirectory + ";" + simdir + ";" + path, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("HOME", simdir, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); ProcessStartInfo exestart = new ProcessStartInfo(); exestart.FileName = exepath; exestart.Arguments = extra; exestart.WorkingDirectory = simdir; exestart.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized; exestart.UseShellExecute = true; Process.Start(exestart); } try { for (int a = max; a >= 0; a--) { var mav = new MAVLinkInterface(); var client = new Comms.TcpSerial(); client.client = new TcpClient("", 5760 + (10 * (a))); mav.BaseStream = client; //SITLSEND = new UdpClient("", 5501); Thread.Sleep(200); MainV2.instance.doConnect(mav, "preset", "5760"); try { mav.GetParam("SYSID_THISMAV"); mav.setParam("SYSID_THISMAV", a + 1, true); mav.GetParam("FRAME_CLASS"); mav.setParam("FRAME_CLASS", 1, true); } catch { } MainV2.Comports.Add(mav); } return(true); } catch { CustomMessageBox.Show(Strings.Failed_to_connect_to_SITL_instance, Strings.ERROR); return(true); } } return(base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.CancelKeyPress += Console_CancelKeyPress; if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("usage: UAVCANFlasher com1 flow-crc.bin"); Console.WriteLine("this program will flash the firmware to every connected uavcan node. DONT connect devices that its not intended for"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } var portname = args[0]; var firmware_name = args[1]; var port = new MissionPlanner.Comms.SerialPort(args[0], 115200); port.Open(); if (!File.Exists(firmware_name)) { Console.WriteLine("firmware file not found"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } MAVLinkInterface mav = new MAVLinkInterface(); mav.BaseStream = port; mav.getHeartBeat(); try { mav.GetParam((byte)mav.sysidcurrent, (byte)mav.compidcurrent, "CAN_SLCAN_TIMOUT"); mav.GetParam((byte)mav.sysidcurrent, (byte)mav.compidcurrent, "CAN_SLCAN_SERNUM"); mav.setParam("CAN_SLCAN_TIMOUT", 2, true); mav.setParam("CAN_SLCAN_SERNUM", 0, true); // usb } catch { } DroneCAN.DroneCAN can = new DroneCAN.DroneCAN(); can.SourceNode = 127; //can.Update(); // updater var firmware_namebytes = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Path.GetFileName(firmware_name.ToLower())); ulong firmware_crc = ulong.MaxValue; Exception exception = null; Dictionary <int, DateTime> lastseenDateTimes = new Dictionary <int, DateTime>(); DroneCAN.DroneCAN.MessageRecievedDel updatedelegate = (frame, msg, transferID) => { if (frame.IsServiceMsg && frame.SvcDestinationNode != can.SourceNode) { return; } if (frame.SourceNode == 0) { return; } lastseenDateTimes[frame.SourceNode] = DateTime.Now; if (msg.GetType() == typeof(DroneCAN.DroneCAN.uavcan_protocol_file_BeginFirmwareUpdate_res)) { var bfures = msg as DroneCAN.DroneCAN.uavcan_protocol_file_BeginFirmwareUpdate_res; if (bfures.error != 0) { exception = new Exception(frame.SourceNode + " Begin Firmware Update returned an error"); } } else if (msg.GetType() == typeof(DroneCAN.DroneCAN.uavcan_protocol_GetNodeInfo_res)) { var gnires = msg as DroneCAN.DroneCAN.uavcan_protocol_GetNodeInfo_res; Console.WriteLine("GetNodeInfo: seen '{0}' from {1}", ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString('\0'), frame.SourceNode); if (firmware_crc != gnires.software_version.image_crc || firmware_crc == ulong.MaxValue) { if (gnires.status.mode != DroneCAN.DroneCAN.uavcan_protocol_NodeStatus.UAVCAN_PROTOCOL_NODESTATUS_MODE_SOFTWARE_UPDATE) { Console.WriteLine("Update node " + frame.SourceNode); var req_msg = new DroneCAN.DroneCAN.uavcan_protocol_file_BeginFirmwareUpdate_req() { image_file_remote_path = new DroneCAN.DroneCAN.uavcan_protocol_file_Path() { path = firmware_namebytes }, source_node_id = can.SourceNode }; req_msg.image_file_remote_path.path_len = (byte)firmware_namebytes.Length; var slcan = can.PackageMessageSLCAN(frame.SourceNode, frame.Priority, transferID, req_msg); can.WriteToStreamSLCAN(slcan); } else { //exception = new Exception("already in update mode"); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine(frame.SourceNode + " CRC matchs"); } } }; can.MessageReceived += updatedelegate; // getfile crc using (var stream = File.OpenRead(firmware_name)) { string app_descriptor_fmt = "<8cQI"; var SHARED_APP_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURES = new byte[][] { new byte[] { 0xd7, 0xe4, 0xf7, 0xba, 0xd0, 0x0f, 0x9b, 0xee }, new byte[] { 0x40, 0xa2, 0xe4, 0xf1, 0x64, 0x68, 0x91, 0x06 } }; var app_descriptor_len = 8 * 1 + 8 + 4; var location = GetPatternPositions(stream, SHARED_APP_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURES[0]); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var location2 = GetPatternPositions(stream, SHARED_APP_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURES[1]); if (location.Count > 0 || location2.Count > 0) { var offset = location.Count > 0 ? location[0] : location2[0]; stream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] buf = new byte[app_descriptor_len]; stream.Read(buf, 0, app_descriptor_len); firmware_crc = BitConverter.ToUInt64(buf, 8); } } can.NodeAdded += (id, status) => { Console.WriteLine(id + " Node status seen"); // get node info DroneCAN.DroneCAN.uavcan_protocol_GetNodeInfo_req gnireq = new DroneCAN.DroneCAN.uavcan_protocol_GetNodeInfo_req() { }; var slcan = can.PackageMessageSLCAN((byte)id, 30, 0, gnireq); can.WriteToStreamSLCAN(slcan); }; DroneCAN.DroneCAN.uavcan_protocol_NodeStatus node; can.FileSendComplete += (id, file) => { Console.WriteLine(id + " File send complete " + file); can.NodeList.TryRemove(id, out node); lastseenDateTimes.Remove(id); }; can.StartSLCAN(port.BaseStream); can.ServeFile(args[1]); can.SetupFileServer(); can.SetupDynamicNodeAllocator(); Console.WriteLine("Ready.. " + portname + " -> " + firmware_name); run = true; while (run) { Thread.Sleep(100); foreach (var lastseenDateTime in lastseenDateTimes.ToArray()) { if (lastseenDateTime.Value.AddSeconds(3) < DateTime.Now) { can.NodeList.TryRemove(lastseenDateTime.Key, out node); lastseenDateTimes.Remove(lastseenDateTime.Key); Console.WriteLine(lastseenDateTime.Key + " Remove old node - 3 seconds of no data"); } } if (exception != null) { Console.WriteLine(exception.ToString()); exception = null; } } }
public async Task StartSwarmSeperate() { var max = 10.0; if (InputBox.Show("how many?", "how many?", ref max) != DialogResult.OK) { return; } // kill old session try { simulator.ForEach(a => { try { a.Kill(); } catch { } }); } catch { } var exepath = CheckandGetSITLImage("ArduCopter.elf"); var model = "+"; var config = await GetDefaultConfig(model); max--; for (int a = (int)max; a >= 0; a--) { var extra = " --disable-fgview -r50 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config)) { extra += @" --defaults """ + config + @",identity.parm"" -P SERIAL0_PROTOCOL=2 -P SERIAL1_PROTOCOL=2 "; } var home = new PointLatLngAlt(markeroverlay.Markers[0].Position).newpos((double)NUM_heading.Value, a * 4); if (max == a) { extra += String.Format( " -M{4} -s1 --home {3} --instance {0} --uartA tcp:0 {1} -P SYSID_THISMAV={2} ", a, "", a + 1, BuildHomeLocation(home, (int)NUM_heading.Value), model); } else { extra += String.Format( " -M{4} -s1 --home {3} --instance {0} --uartA tcp:0 {1} -P SYSID_THISMAV={2} ", a, "" /*"--uartD tcpclient:" + (5770 + 10 * a)*/, a + 1, BuildHomeLocation(home, (int)NUM_heading.Value), model); } string simdir = sitldirectory + model + (a + 1) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; Directory.CreateDirectory(simdir); File.WriteAllText(simdir + "identity.parm", String.Format(@"SERIAL0_PROTOCOL=2 SERIAL1_PROTOCOL=2 SYSID_THISMAV={0} SIM_TERRAIN=0 TERRAIN_ENABLE=0 SCHED_LOOP_RATE=50 SIM_DRIFT_SPEED=0 SIM_DRIFT_TIME=0 ", a + 1)); string path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", sitldirectory + ";" + simdir + ";" + path, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("HOME", simdir, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); ProcessStartInfo exestart = new ProcessStartInfo(); exestart.FileName = await exepath; exestart.Arguments = extra; exestart.WorkingDirectory = simdir; exestart.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized; exestart.UseShellExecute = true; simulator.Add(System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(exestart)); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); MainV2.View.ShowScreen(MainV2.View.screens[0].Name); try { for (int a = (int)max; a >= 0; a--) { var mav = new MAVLinkInterface(); var client = new Comms.TcpSerial(); client.client = new TcpClient("", 5760 + (10 * (a))); mav.BaseStream = client; //SITLSEND = new UdpClient("", 5501); Thread.Sleep(200); MainV2.instance.doConnect(mav, "preset", "5760"); try { mav.GetParam((byte)mav.sysidcurrent, (byte)mav.compidcurrent, "SYSID_THISMAV"); mav.setParam("SYSID_THISMAV", a + 1, true); mav.GetParam((byte)mav.sysidcurrent, (byte)mav.compidcurrent, "FRAME_CLASS"); mav.setParam("FRAME_CLASS", 1, true); } catch { } MainV2.Comports.Add(mav); } return; } catch { CustomMessageBox.Show(Strings.Failed_to_connect_to_SITL_instance, Strings.ERROR); return; } }
private static void RequestCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { TcpClient client = (TcpClient)ar.AsyncState; byte localsysid = newsysid++; if (client.Connected) { MAVLinkInterface mav = new MAVLinkInterface(); mav.BaseStream = new TcpSerial() { client = client }; try { mav.GetParam("SYSID_THISMAV"); } catch { } var ans = mav.setParam("SYSID_THISMAV", localsysid); Console.WriteLine("this mav set " + ans); mav = null; clients.Add(client); } }
private static void RequestCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { TcpClient client = (TcpClient)ar.AsyncState; lock (locker) { byte localsysid = newsysid++; if (client.Connected) { MAVLinkInterface mav = new MAVLinkInterface(); mav.BaseStream = new TcpSerial() { client = client }; try { mav.GetParam("SYSID_THISMAV"); } catch { } try { mav.GetParam("SYSID_THISMAV"); } catch { } try { mav.GetParam("SYSID_THISMAV"); } catch { } try { var ans = mav.setParam("SYSID_THISMAV", localsysid); Console.WriteLine("this mav set " + ans); } catch { } //mav = null; MainV2.instance.Invoke((Action) delegate { MainV2.instance.doConnect(mav, "preset", localsysid.ToString()); MainV2.Comports.Add(mav); }); //clients.Add(client); } } }