internal void Hash() { if (hashed) { return; } MAC macsha1 = mykh.getHMACSHA1(); if (salt == null) { Random random = Session.random; lock (random) { salt = new byte[macsha1.getBlockSize()]; random.fill(salt, 0, salt.Length); } } try { lock (macsha1) { macsha1.init(salt); byte[] foo = host.getBytes(); macsha1.update(foo, 0, foo.Length); hash = new byte[macsha1.getBlockSize()]; macsha1.doFinal(hash, 0); } } catch //(Exception e) { } host = HASH_MAGIC + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Util.toBase64(salt, 0, salt.Length)) + HASH_DELIM + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Util.toBase64(hash, 0, hash.Length)); hashed = true; }
internal override bool isMatched(string _host) { if (!hashed) { return(base.isMatched(_host)); } MAC macsha1 = mykh.getHMACSHA1(); try { lock (macsha1) { macsha1.init(salt); byte[] foo = _host.getBytes(); macsha1.update(foo, 0, foo.Length); byte[] bar = new byte[macsha1.getBlockSize()]; macsha1.doFinal(bar, 0); return(Util.array_equals(hash, bar)); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e); } return(false); }
private void updateKeys(KeyExchange kex) { byte[] K=kex.getK(); byte[] H=kex.getH(); HASH hash=kex.getHash(); String[] guess=kex._guess; if(session_id==null) { session_id=new byte[H.Length];, 0, session_id, 0, H.Length); } /* Initial IV client to server: HASH (K || H || "A" || session_id) Initial IV server to client: HASH (K || H || "B" || session_id) Encryption key client to server: HASH (K || H || "C" || session_id) Encryption key server to client: HASH (K || H || "D" || session_id) Integrity key client to server: HASH (K || H || "E" || session_id) Integrity key server to client: HASH (K || H || "F" || session_id) */ buf.reset(); buf.putMPInt(K); buf.putByte(H); buf.putByte((byte)0x41); buf.putByte(session_id); hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); IVc2s=hash.digest(); int j=buf.index-session_id.Length-1; buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); IVs2c=hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); Ec2s=hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); Es2c=hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); MACc2s=hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); MACs2c=hash.digest(); try { Class c; c=Class.forName(getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_STOC])); s2ccipher=(Cipher)(c.newInstance()); while(s2ccipher.getBlockSize()>Es2c.Length) { buf.reset(); buf.putMPInt(K); buf.putByte(H); buf.putByte(Es2c); hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); byte[] foo=hash.digest(); byte[] bar=new byte[Es2c.Length+foo.Length];, 0, bar, 0, Es2c.Length);, 0, bar, Es2c.Length, foo.Length); Es2c=bar; } s2ccipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, Es2c, IVs2c); cipher_size=s2ccipher.getIVSize(); c=Class.forName(getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_STOC])); s2cmac=(MAC)(c.newInstance()); s2cmac.init(MACs2c); mac_buf=new byte[s2cmac.getBlockSize()]; c=Class.forName(getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_CTOS])); c2scipher=(Cipher)(c.newInstance()); while(c2scipher.getBlockSize()>Ec2s.Length) { buf.reset(); buf.putMPInt(K); buf.putByte(H); buf.putByte(Ec2s); hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); byte[] foo=hash.digest(); byte[] bar=new byte[Ec2s.Length+foo.Length];, 0, bar, 0, Ec2s.Length);, 0, bar, Ec2s.Length, foo.Length); Ec2s=bar; } c2scipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, Ec2s, IVc2s); c=Class.forName(getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_CTOS])); c2smac=(MAC)(c.newInstance()); c2smac.init(MACc2s); if(!guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_CTOS].equals("none")) { String foo=getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_CTOS]); if(foo!=null) { try { c=Class.forName(foo); deflater=(Compression)(c.newInstance()); int level=6; try{ level=Integer.parseInt(getConfig("compression_level"));} catch(Exception ee){ } deflater.init(Compression.DEFLATER, level); } catch(Exception ee) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine(foo+" isn't accessible."); } } } else { if(deflater!=null) { deflater=null; } } if(!guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_STOC].equals("none")) { String foo=getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_STOC]); if(foo!=null) { try { c=Class.forName(foo); inflater=(Compression)(c.newInstance()); inflater.init(Compression.INFLATER, 0); } catch(Exception ee) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine(foo+" isn't accessible."); } } } else { if(inflater!=null) { inflater=null; } } } catch(Exception e){ System.Console.Error.WriteLine("updatekeys: "+e); } }
private void updateKeys(KeyExchange kex) { byte[] K = kex.getK(); byte[] H = kex.getH(); HASH hash = kex.getHash(); // string[] guess=kex.guess; if (session_id == null) { session_id = new byte[H.Length]; Array.Copy(H, 0, session_id, 0, H.Length); } /* Initial IV client to server: HASH (K || H || "A" || session_id) Initial IV server to client: HASH (K || H || "B" || session_id) Encryption key client to server: HASH (K || H || "C" || session_id) Encryption key server to client: HASH (K || H || "D" || session_id) Integrity key client to server: HASH (K || H || "E" || session_id) Integrity key server to client: HASH (K || H || "F" || session_id) */ buf.reset(); buf.putMPInt(K); buf.putByte(H); buf.putByte((byte)0x41); buf.putByte(session_id); hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); IVc2s = hash.digest(); int j = buf.index - session_id.Length - 1; buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); IVs2c = hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); Ec2s = hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); Es2c = hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); MACc2s = hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); MACs2c = hash.digest(); try { Type c; string method; method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_STOC]; c = Type.GetType(getConfig(method)); s2ccipher = (Cipher)(c.newInstance()); while (s2ccipher.getBlockSize() > Es2c.Length) { buf.reset(); buf.putMPInt(K); buf.putByte(H); buf.putByte(Es2c); hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); byte[] foo = hash.digest(); byte[] bar = new byte[Es2c.Length + foo.Length]; Array.Copy(Es2c, 0, bar, 0, Es2c.Length); Array.Copy(foo, 0, bar, Es2c.Length, foo.Length); Es2c = bar; } s2ccipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, Es2c, IVs2c); s2ccipher_size = s2ccipher.getIVSize(); method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_STOC]; c = Type.GetType(getConfig(method)); s2cmac = (MAC)(c.newInstance()); s2cmac.init(MACs2c); //mac_buf=new byte[s2cmac.getBlockSize()]; s2cmac_result1 = new byte[s2cmac.getBlockSize()]; s2cmac_result2 = new byte[s2cmac.getBlockSize()]; method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_CTOS]; c = Type.GetType(getConfig(method)); c2scipher = (Cipher)(c.newInstance()); while (c2scipher.getBlockSize() > Ec2s.Length) { buf.reset(); buf.putMPInt(K); buf.putByte(H); buf.putByte(Ec2s); hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); byte[] foo = hash.digest(); byte[] bar = new byte[Ec2s.Length + foo.Length]; Array.Copy(Ec2s, 0, bar, 0, Ec2s.Length); Array.Copy(foo, 0, bar, Ec2s.Length, foo.Length); Ec2s = bar; } c2scipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, Ec2s, IVc2s); c2scipher_size = c2scipher.getIVSize(); method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_CTOS]; c = Type.GetType(getConfig(method)); c2smac = (MAC)(c.newInstance()); c2smac.init(MACc2s); method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_CTOS]; initDeflater(method); method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_STOC]; initInflater(method); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is JSchException) throw e; throw new JSchException(e.ToString(), e); //Console.Error.WriteLine("updatekeys: "+e); } }