public override void CachePosition() { // Width var inputsWidth = 0f; var outputsWidth = 0f; foreach (var input in inputs) { inputsWidth = Mathf.Max(inputsWidth, input.GetInnerWidth()); } foreach (var output in outputs) { outputsWidth = Mathf.Max(outputsWidth, output.GetInnerWidth()); } var portsWidth = 0f; portsWidth += inputsWidth; portsWidth += Styles.spaceBetweenInputsAndOutputs; portsWidth += outputsWidth; settingsPositions.Clear(); var settingsWidth = 0f; if (showSettings) { foreach (var setting in settings) { var settingWidth = 0f; var settingLabelContent = settingLabelsContents[setting]; if (settingLabelContent != null) { settingWidth += Styles.settingLabel.CalcSize(settingLabelContent).x; } settingWidth += setting.Inspector().GetAdaptiveWidth(); settingWidth = Mathf.Min(settingWidth, Styles.maxSettingsWidth); settingsPositions.Add(setting, new Rect(0, 0, settingWidth, 0)); settingsWidth = Mathf.Max(settingsWidth, settingWidth); } } var headerAddonWidth = 0f; if (showHeaderAddon) { headerAddonWidth = GetHeaderAddonWidth(); } var titleWidth = Styles.title.CalcSize(titleContent).x; var headerTextWidth = titleWidth; var surtitleWidth = 0f; if (showSurtitle) { surtitleWidth = Styles.surtitle.CalcSize(surtitleContent).x; headerTextWidth = Mathf.Max(headerTextWidth, surtitleWidth); } var subtitleWidth = 0f; if (showSubtitle) { subtitleWidth = Styles.subtitle.CalcSize(subtitleContent).x; headerTextWidth = Mathf.Max(headerTextWidth, subtitleWidth); } var iconsWidth = 0f; if (showIcons) { var iconsColumns = Mathf.Ceil((float)description.icons.Length / Styles.iconsPerColumn); iconsWidth = iconsColumns * Styles.iconsSize + ((iconsColumns - 1) * Styles.iconsSpacing); } var headerWidth = Mathf.Max(headerTextWidth + iconsWidth, Mathf.Max(settingsWidth, headerAddonWidth)) + Styles.iconSize + Styles.spaceAfterIcon; var innerWidth = Mathf.Max(portsWidth, headerWidth); var edgeWidth = InnerToEdgePosition(new Rect(0, 0, innerWidth, 0)).width; // Height & Positioning var edgeOrigin = unit.position; var edgeX = edgeOrigin.x; var edgeY = edgeOrigin.y; var innerOrigin = EdgeToInnerPosition(new Rect(edgeOrigin,; var innerX = innerOrigin.x; var innerY = innerOrigin.y; iconPosition = new Rect ( innerX, innerY, Styles.iconSize, Styles.iconSize ); var headerTextX = iconPosition.xMax + Styles.spaceAfterIcon; var y = innerY; var headerHeight = 0f; var surtitleHeight = 0f; if (showSurtitle) { surtitleHeight = Styles.surtitle.CalcHeight(surtitleContent, headerTextWidth); surtitlePosition = new Rect ( headerTextX, y, headerTextWidth, surtitleHeight ); headerHeight += surtitleHeight; y += surtitleHeight; headerHeight += Styles.spaceAfterSurtitle; y += Styles.spaceAfterSurtitle; } var titleHeight = 0f; if (showTitle) { titleHeight = Styles.title.CalcHeight(titleContent, headerTextWidth); titlePosition = new Rect ( headerTextX, y, headerTextWidth, titleHeight ); headerHeight += titleHeight; y += titleHeight; } var subtitleHeight = 0f; if (showSubtitle) { headerHeight += Styles.spaceBeforeSubtitle; y += Styles.spaceBeforeSubtitle; subtitleHeight = Styles.subtitle.CalcHeight(subtitleContent, headerTextWidth); subtitlePosition = new Rect ( headerTextX, y, headerTextWidth, subtitleHeight ); headerHeight += subtitleHeight; y += subtitleHeight; } iconsPositions.Clear(); if (showIcons) { var iconRow = 0; var iconCol = 0; for (int i = 0; i < description.icons.Length; i++) { var iconPosition = new Rect ( innerX + innerWidth - ((iconCol + 1) * Styles.iconsSize) - ((iconCol) * Styles.iconsSpacing), innerY + (iconRow * (Styles.iconsSize + Styles.iconsSpacing)), Styles.iconsSize, Styles.iconsSize ); iconsPositions.Add(iconPosition); iconRow++; if (iconRow % Styles.iconsPerColumn == 0) { iconCol++; iconRow = 0; } } } var settingsHeight = 0f; if (showSettings) { headerHeight += Styles.spaceBeforeSettings; foreach (var setting in settings) { var settingWidth = settingsPositions[setting].width; using (LudiqGUIUtility.currentInspectorWidth.Override(settingWidth)) { var settingHeight = LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(null, setting, settingWidth, settingLabelsContents[setting] ?? GUIContent.none); var settingPosition = new Rect ( headerTextX, y, settingWidth, settingHeight ); settingsPositions[setting] = settingPosition; settingsHeight += settingHeight; y += settingHeight; settingsHeight += Styles.spaceBetweenSettings; y += Styles.spaceBetweenSettings; } } settingsHeight -= Styles.spaceBetweenSettings; y -= Styles.spaceBetweenSettings; headerHeight += settingsHeight; headerHeight += Styles.spaceAfterSettings; y += Styles.spaceAfterSettings; } if (showHeaderAddon) { var headerAddonHeight = GetHeaderAddonHeight(headerAddonWidth); headerAddonPosition = new Rect ( headerTextX, y, headerAddonWidth, headerAddonHeight ); headerHeight += headerAddonHeight; y += headerAddonHeight; } if (headerHeight < Styles.iconSize) { var difference = Styles.iconSize - headerHeight; var centeringOffset = difference / 2; if (showTitle) { var _titlePosition = titlePosition; _titlePosition.y += centeringOffset; titlePosition = _titlePosition; } if (showSubtitle) { var _subtitlePosition = subtitlePosition; _subtitlePosition.y += centeringOffset; subtitlePosition = _subtitlePosition; } if (showSettings) { foreach (var setting in settings) { var _settingPosition = settingsPositions[setting]; _settingPosition.y += centeringOffset; settingsPositions[setting] = _settingPosition; } } if (showHeaderAddon) { var _headerAddonPosition = headerAddonPosition; _headerAddonPosition.y += centeringOffset; headerAddonPosition = _headerAddonPosition; } headerHeight = Styles.iconSize; } y = innerY + headerHeight; var innerHeight = 0f; innerHeight += headerHeight; if (showPorts) { innerHeight += Styles.spaceBeforePorts; y += Styles.spaceBeforePorts; var portsBackgroundY = y; var portsBackgroundHeight = 0f; portsBackgroundHeight +=; innerHeight +=; y +=; var portStartY = y; var inputsHeight = 0f; var outputsHeight = 0f; foreach (var input in inputs) { input.y = y; var inputHeight = input.GetHeight(); inputsHeight += inputHeight; y += inputHeight; inputsHeight += Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; y += Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; } if (inputs.Count > 0) { inputsHeight -= Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; y -= Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; } y = portStartY; foreach (var output in outputs) { output.y = y; var outputHeight = output.GetHeight(); outputsHeight += outputHeight; y += outputHeight; outputsHeight += Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; y += Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; } if (outputs.Count > 0) { outputsHeight -= Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; y -= Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; } var portsHeight = Math.Max(inputsHeight, outputsHeight); portsBackgroundHeight += portsHeight; innerHeight += portsHeight; y = portStartY + portsHeight; portsBackgroundHeight += Styles.portsBackground.padding.bottom; innerHeight += Styles.portsBackground.padding.bottom; y += Styles.portsBackground.padding.bottom; portsBackgroundPosition = new Rect ( edgeX, portsBackgroundY, edgeWidth, portsBackgroundHeight ); } var edgeHeight = InnerToEdgePosition(new Rect(0, 0, 0, innerHeight)).height; _position = new Rect ( edgeX, edgeY, edgeWidth, edgeHeight ); }
private float GetValueHeight(float width) { return(LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(this, valueMetadata, width)); }
protected override float GetHeaderAddonHeight(float width) { return(LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(null, metadata, width, GUIContent.none)); }
internal static void OnSceneGUI(SceneView sceneView) { if (!PeekPlugin.Configuration.enableProbe) { return; } Profiler.BeginSample("Peek." + nameof(Probe)); try { ProgramHighlight(sceneView); #if PROBUILDER_4_OR_NEWER PeekProBuilderIntegration.DrawHighlight(proBuilderHighlight); #endif var shortcut = PeekPlugin.Configuration.probeShortcut; // Make sure not to conflict with right-click pan shortcut.mouseShortcut.checkRelease = true; shortcut.mouseShortcut.requireStaticRelease = true; if (shortcut.Check(e) && !SceneViewIntegration.used) { var hits = ListPool <ProbeHit> .New(); try { PickAllNonAlloc(hits, ProbeFilter.@default, sceneView, e.mousePosition, PeekPlugin.Configuration.probeLimit); if (hits.Count > 0) { var add = e.shift; var activatorPosition = new Rect(e.mousePosition,; activatorPosition.width = 220; activatorPosition = LudiqGUIUtility.GUIToScreenRect(activatorPosition); // Note: Had to make FuzzyWindow use OnMouseUp for select here instead // of OnMouseDown because otherwise escaping the default RectSelection // behaviour with the event order and DefaultControl ID's was... hell. LudiqGUI.FuzzyDropdown ( activatorPosition, new ProbeOptionTree(hits), null, (_hit) => { add |= e?.shift ?? false; var hit = (ProbeHit)_hit; hit.Select(add); } ); FuzzyWindow.instance.Focus(); GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; // Escape the default RectSelection control e.Use(); } } finally { hits.Free(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } Profiler.EndSample(); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { if (PeekPlugin.Configuration.enableReferenceInspector && !property.hasMultipleDifferentValues && property.objectReferenceValue != null) { Rect buttonPosition, fieldPosition; if (label != GUIContent.none) { buttonPosition = new Rect ( position.x + EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth - IconSize.Small - 1, position.y, IconSize.Small, IconSize.Small ); fieldPosition = position; } else { buttonPosition = new Rect ( position.xMax - IconSize.Small, position.y + 1, IconSize.Small, IconSize.Small ); fieldPosition = new Rect ( position.x, position.y, position.width - buttonPosition.width - 2, position.height ); } DefaultField(property, label, fieldPosition); var isActive = PopupWatcher.IsOpenOrJustClosed(lastPopup); var activatedButton = LudiqGUI.DropdownToggle(buttonPosition, isActive, LudiqGUIUtility.TempContent(PeekPlugin.Icons.propertyDrawer?[IconSize.Small]), GUIStyle.none); if (activatedButton && !isActive) { PopupWatcher.Release(lastPopup); lastPopup = null; var targets = new[] { property.objectReferenceValue }; var activatorGuiPosition = buttonPosition; var activatorScreenPosition = LudiqGUIUtility.GUIToScreenRect(activatorGuiPosition); if (e.IsContextMouseButton()) { if (property.objectReferenceValue is GameObject go) { GameObjectContextMenu.Open(new[] { go }, activatorScreenPosition); } else { UnityObjectContextMenu.Open(targets, activatorGuiPosition); } } else { lastPopup = EditorPopup.Open(targets, activatorScreenPosition); PopupWatcher.Watch(lastPopup); } } } else { DefaultField(property, label, position); } }
private float GetObjectFieldHeight(float width) { return(LudiqGUI.GetFuzzyObjectFieldHeight(visualType, width)); }
protected virtual void OnInspectorGUI(Rect position) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(metadata, position, GUIContent.none); }
private static void Header(string text) { GUILayout.Label(text, Styles.header); LudiqGUI.Space(4); }
private void OnGUI() { EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(EditorApplication.isCompiling); scroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.BeginVertical(); foreach (var configuration in configurations) { if (configuration.Any(i => i.visible)) { if (configurations.Count > 1) { Header(configuration.header.Replace(label + " ", "")); } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); using (Inspector.expandTooltip.Override(true)) { foreach (var item in configuration.Where(i => i.visible)) { LudiqGUI.Space(2); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.Space(4); var iconPosition = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.none, GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.Width(Styles.iconSize), GUILayout.Height(Styles.iconSize), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); EditorTexture icon = null; string tooltip = null; if (item is ProjectSettingMetadata) { icon = BoltCore.Icons.projectSetting; tooltip = "Project Setting: Shared across users, local to this project. Included in version control."; } else if (item is EditorPrefMetadata) { icon = BoltCore.Icons.editorPref; tooltip = "Editor Pref: Local to this user, shared across projects. Excluded from version control."; } if (icon != null) { using (LudiqGUI.color.Override(GUI.color.WithAlpha(0.6f))) { GUI.Label(iconPosition, new GUIContent(icon[Styles.iconSize], tooltip), GUIStyle.none); } } LudiqGUI.Space(6); LudiqGUI.BeginVertical(); LudiqGUI.Space(-3); LudiqGUI.InspectorLayout(item); LudiqGUI.EndVertical(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); } } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { configuration.Save(); InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); } } } LudiqGUI.Space(8); if (GUILayout.Button("Reset to Defaults")) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Reset to Defaults", "Are you sure you want to reset your preferences and project settings to default?", "Reset")) { foreach (var configuration in configurations) { configuration.Reset(); configuration.Save(); } InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); } } LudiqGUI.Space(8); LudiqGUI.EndVertical(); LudiqGUI.Space(8); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); }
protected override void OnGUI(Rect position, GUIContent label) { // Super hacky hotfix: // If the value changes in between OnGUI calls, // the OnValueChange event will not be called, because // we don't even look at the value until showField is true. // For example, an object that was null and becomes non-null // will be reset to null by the inspector unless this line is here, // because type will be null and showField will thus be false. var haxHotfix = metadata.value; // TL;DR: storing a local private type field that does not // take the actual, current variable type into consideration is a // very bad idea and will inevitably cause inspector v. codebase fighting // or inspector v. inspector fighting. var showLabels = !adaptiveWidth && position.width >= 120; BeginBlock(metadata, position, GUIContent.none); if (chooseType) { var x = position.x; var remainingWidth = position.width; if (showLabels) { var typeLabel = label == GUIContent.none ? new GUIContent("Type") : new GUIContent(label.text + " Type"); var typeLabelPosition = new Rect ( x, y, Styles.labelWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); GUI.Label(typeLabelPosition, typeLabel, ProcessLabelStyle(metadata, null)); x += typeLabelPosition.width; remainingWidth -= typeLabelPosition.width; } var typePosition = new Rect ( x, y, remainingWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var newType = LudiqGUI.TypeField(typePosition, GUIContent.none, type, GetTypeOptions, new GUIContent("(Null)")); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { metadata.RecordUndo(); type = newType; EnforceType(); SetHeightDirty(); } y += typePosition.height; } if (chooseType && showValue) { y += Styles.spaceBetweenTypeAndValue; } if (showValue) { Rect valuePosition; if (chooseType) { var x = position.x; var remainingWidth = position.width; if (showLabels) { var valueLabel = label == GUIContent.none ? new GUIContent("Value") : new GUIContent(label.text + " Value"); var valueLabelPosition = new Rect ( x, y, Styles.labelWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); GUI.Label(valueLabelPosition, valueLabel, ProcessLabelStyle(metadata, null)); x += valueLabelPosition.width; remainingWidth -= valueLabelPosition.width; } valuePosition = new Rect ( x, y, remainingWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); LudiqGUI.Inspector(metadata.Cast(type), valuePosition, GUIContent.none); } else { valuePosition = new Rect ( position.x, y, position.width, LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(this, metadata.Cast(type), position.width, label) ); LudiqGUI.Inspector(metadata.Cast(type), valuePosition, label); } y += valuePosition.height; } else { metadata.value = null; } EndBlock(metadata); }
protected override void OnContentGUI() { if (!migrations.SelectMany(m => m.requiredActions).Any()) { Complete(); } scroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll, Styles.background, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); LudiqGUI.BeginVertical(); LudiqGUI.Space(; LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label("The following required update actions could not be completed automatically. Please complete them before continuing to use the plugin.", LudiqStyles.centeredLabel, GUILayout.MaxWidth(340)); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.Space(; foreach (var migration in migrations) { if (!migration.requiredActions.Any()) { continue; } LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.MaxWidth(300)); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Box(LudiqCore.Icons.warningMessage?[IconSize.Small], Styles.migrationIcon); GUILayout.Label($"{}, v.{migration.@from} to v.{}: ", Styles.migration); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); foreach (var requiredAction in migration.requiredActions) { LudiqGUI.Space(5); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Box(GUIContent.none, Styles.requiredActionBullet); GUILayout.Label(requiredAction, Styles.requiredAction); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); } LudiqGUI.EndVertical(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.Space(; } LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button(completeLabel, Styles.completeButton)) { Complete(); } LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.Space(; LudiqGUI.EndVertical(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
public void OnKeyGUI(Rect keyPosition) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(metadata["Key"], keyPosition, GUIContent.none); }
private float GetValueHeight(float width) { return(LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(this, metadata["Value"], width, GUIContent.none)); }
protected virtual void OnHeaderGUI() { LudiqGUI.WindowHeader(title, icon); }
protected override void OnGUI() { base.OnGUI(); // Reloaded from serialization if (treeView == null) { Close(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } // Close on Escape if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown && e.modifiers == EventModifiers.None && e.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape) { Close(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } var innerPosition = new Rect(0, 0, position.width, position.height); // Draw Background EditorGUI.DrawRect(innerPosition, ColorPalette.unityBackgroundMid); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); // Draw Search GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(LudiqStyles.searchFieldBackground, GUILayout.Height(LudiqStyles.searchFieldOuterHeight), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); GUI.SetNextControlName(searchFieldName); // Special keyboard controls while search field is selected if (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == searchFieldName && e.type == EventType.KeyDown) { // Pass arrow events to tree view if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.DownArrow || e.keyCode == KeyCode.UpArrow || !treeView.hasSearch && (e.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftArrow || e.keyCode == KeyCode.RightArrow)) { var selection = treeView.GetSelection(); treeView.SetFocus(); treeView.SetSelection(selection); } // Confirm search with enter else if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) { if (treeView.SelectActive()) { Close(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } else { e.Use(); } } // Close if pressing space again without search else if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Space && !treeView.hasSearch) { Close(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } } treeView.searchString = EditorGUILayout.TextField(treeView.searchString, LudiqStyles.searchField); // Focus on Search if (focusSearch && e.type == EventType.Repaint) { GUI.FocusControl(searchFieldName); focusSearch = false; } // Reload Tree View on Search if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { treeView.Reload(); } // Search Cancel Button if (GUILayout.Button(GUIContent.none, treeView.hasSearch ? LudiqStyles.searchFieldCancelButton : LudiqStyles.searchFieldCancelButtonEmpty) && treeView.hasSearch) { treeView.searchString = string.Empty; treeView.Reload(); GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Horizontal Separator GUILayout.Box(GUIContent.none, LudiqStyles.horizontalSeparator); // Handle special keyboard strokes in tree view if (treeView.HasFocus() && e.type == EventType.KeyDown) { // Select current item if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Space) { if (treeView.SelectActive()) { Close(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } else { e.Use(); } } // Move back up to search field else if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.UpArrow) { if (treeView.GetSelection().FirstOrDefault() == treeView.GetRows().FirstOrDefault()?.id) { focusSearch = true; e.Use(); } } // Delete character from search else if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace) { treeView.searchString = treeView.searchString.Substring(0, Mathf.Max(0, treeView.searchString.Length - 1)); e.Use(); } // Append characters to search else if (e.modifiers == EventModifiers.None && !char.IsWhiteSpace(e.character) && !char.IsControl(e.character)) { treeView.searchString += e.character; e.Use(); } // Focus search else if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.F && e.CtrlOrCmd()) { focusSearch = true; e.Use(); } } // Draw Tree View var treeViewPosition = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.none, GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); treeView.OnGUI(treeViewPosition); // Draw Preview previewEditorTargets.Clear(); previewEditorTargets.AddRange(treeView.GetActiveGameObjects()); if ((previewEditor == null && previewEditorTargets.Count > 0) || (previewEditor != null && !previewEditorTargets.SequenceEqual(previewEditor.targets))) { if (previewEditor != null) { DestroyImmediate(previewEditor); previewEditor = null; } previewEditor = UEditor.CreateEditor(previewEditorTargets.ToArray(), null); } if (previewEditor != null && (previewEditor.HasPreviewGUI() || previewEditorTargets.Any(PreviewUtility.HasPreview))) { GUILayout.Box(GUIContent.none, LudiqStyles.horizontalSeparator); var previewPosition = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.none, GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.Height(Styles.previewHeight), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); previewEditor.DrawPreview(previewPosition); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); // Draw Border if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) { LudiqGUI.DrawEmptyRect(new Rect(, position.size), ColorPalette.unityBackgroundVeryDark); } // Repaint on hover if (innerPosition.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { Repaint(); } }
private float GetKeyHeight(Metadata keyMetadata, float keyWidth) { return(LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(parentInspector, keyMetadata, keyWidth, GUIContent.none)); }
private float GetObjectFieldWidth() { return(LudiqGUI.GetFuzzyObjectFieldWidth(value, visualType)); }
private float GetValueHeight(Metadata valueMetadata, float valueWidth) { return(LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(parentInspector, valueMetadata, valueWidth, GUIContent.none)); }
protected override void OnControlGUI(Rect position) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var oldValue = (UnityObject)accessor.value; var fieldPosition = new Rect ( position.x, position.y, position.width, GetObjectFieldHeight(position.width) ); UnityObject newValue; if (fuzzy) { newValue = LudiqGUI.ObjectField ( fieldPosition, oldValue, accessor.definedType, scene, allowAssetObjects, typeLabel, typeIcon, Filter, GetOptions, visualType, hidableFrame ); } else { newValue = EditorGUI.ObjectField ( fieldPosition, oldValue, accessor.definedType, scene != null ); } y += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; var isValid = Filter(newValue); if (!isValid) { y += EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing; var message = InvalidValueMessage(newValue); var invalidValueMessagePosition = position.VerticalSection(ref y, LudiqGUIUtility.GetHelpBoxHeight(message, MessageType.Error, position.width)); EditorGUI.HelpBox(invalidValueMessagePosition, message, MessageType.Error); if (newValue != null && GUI.Button(invalidValueMessagePosition, GUIContent.none, GUIStyle.none)) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(newValue); } } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (isValid) { accessor.RecordUndo(); accessor.value = newValue; } else { Debug.LogWarning(InvalidValueMessage(newValue)); } } }
private void OnKeyGUI(Metadata keyMetadata, Rect keyPosition) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(keyMetadata, keyPosition, GUIContent.none); }
protected virtual float GetInspectorHeight(float width) { return(LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(this, metadata, width, GUIContent.none)); }
private void OnValueGUI(Metadata valueMetadata, Rect valuePosition) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(valueMetadata, valuePosition, GUIContent.none); }
private void OnGUI() { view?.Update(); if (!cached) { if (!isInstance && !isDefinition) { isInstance = true; } cached = true; } if (!locked && (!focused && FuzzyWindow.instance == null || !focused && focusedWindow != FuzzyWindow.instance)) { Close(); } HUMEditor.Draw(new Rect(new Vector2(0, 0), position.size)).Box(HUMEditorColor.DefaultEditorBackground,, BorderDrawPlacement.Inside, 1); HUMEditor.Horizontal(() => { var instance = isInstance; isInstance = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(isInstance, new GUIStyle(, GUILayout.Height(24)); var lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.Label(lastRect, new GUIContent("Instance"), new GUIStyle( { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }); if (isInstance != instance) { isDefinition = false; } var definition = isDefinition; isDefinition = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(isDefinition, new GUIStyle(, GUILayout.Height(24)); lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.Label(lastRect, new GUIContent("Definition"), new GUIStyle( { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }); if (isDefinition != definition) { isInstance = false; } locked = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(locked, new GUIStyle(, GUILayout.Width(48), GUILayout.Height(24)); lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); GUI.Label(lastRect, new GUIContent("Locked"), new GUIStyle( { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter }); }); scrollPosition = HUMEditor.Draw().ScrollView(scrollPosition, () => { if (isInstance) { LudiqGUI.InspectorLayout(windowVariablesMetadata); } if (isDefinition) { LudiqGUI.InspectorLayout(variablesMetadata); } }); view?.ApplyModifiedProperties(); if (locked) { Repaint(); } }
public void OnGUI(Rect position, GUIContent label, bool showLabels, ref float y) { if (parent.chooseType) { var x = position.x; var remainingWidth = position.width; if (showLabels) { var typeLabel = label == GUIContent.none ? new GUIContent("Type") : new GUIContent(label.text + " Type"); var typeLabelPosition = new Rect ( x, y, SystemObjectInspector.Styles.labelWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); GUI.Label(typeLabelPosition, typeLabel, Inspector.ProcessLabelStyle(parent.metadata, null)); x += typeLabelPosition.width; remainingWidth -= typeLabelPosition.width; } var typePosition = new Rect ( x, y, remainingWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var newType = LudiqGUI.TypeField(typePosition, GUIContent.none, parent.type, GetTypeOptions, new GUIContent("(Null)")); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { parent.metadata.RecordUndo(); parent.type = newType; parent.SetValue(); parent.SetHeightDirty(); } y += typePosition.height; } if (parent.chooseType && parent.showValue) { y += SystemObjectInspector.Styles.spaceBetweenTypeAndValue; } if (parent.showValue) { Rect valuePosition; if (parent.chooseType) { var x = position.x; var remainingWidth = position.width; if (showLabels) { var valueLabel = label == GUIContent.none ? new GUIContent("Value") : new GUIContent(label.text + " Value"); var valueLabelPosition = new Rect ( x, y, SystemObjectInspector.Styles.labelWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); GUI.Label(valueLabelPosition, valueLabel, Inspector.ProcessLabelStyle(parent.metadata, null)); x += valueLabelPosition.width; remainingWidth -= valueLabelPosition.width; } valuePosition = new Rect ( x, y, remainingWidth, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight ); LudiqGUI.Inspector(parent.metadata.Cast(parent.type), valuePosition, GUIContent.none); } else { valuePosition = new Rect ( position.x, y, position.width, LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(parent, parent.metadata.Cast(parent.type), position.width, label) ); LudiqGUI.Inspector(parent.metadata.Cast(parent.type), valuePosition, label); } y += valuePosition.height; } else { parent.metadata.value = null; } }
protected override void OnContentGUI() { GUILayout.BeginVertical(Styles.background, GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); var text = "Choose the assemblies in which you want to look for units.\n" + "By default, all project and Unity assemblies are included.\n" + "Unless you use a third-party plugin distributed as a DLL, you shouldn't need to change this."; GUILayout.Label(text, LudiqStyles.centeredLabel, GUILayout.MaxWidth(370)); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.Space(10); var height = LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(null, assemblyOptionsMetadata, Styles.optionsWidth, GUIContent.none); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var position = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(Styles.optionsWidth, height); LudiqGUI.Inspector(assemblyOptionsMetadata, position, GUIContent.none); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { assemblyOptionsMetadata.Save(); Codebase.UpdateSettings(); } LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.Space(10); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("Reset to Defaults", Styles.defaultsButton)) { assemblyOptionsMetadata.Reset(true); assemblyOptionsMetadata.Save(); } LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.Space(10); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button(completeLabel, Styles.completeButton)) { Complete(); } LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndVertical(); }
protected virtual float GetMemberHeight(Metadata member, float width) { return(LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(this, member, width)); }
public void OnValueGUI(Rect valuePosition) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(valueMetadata, valuePosition, GUIContent.none); }
protected virtual void OnMemberGUI(Metadata member, Rect memberPosition) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(member, memberPosition); }
private void OnImplementationGUI(Rect implementationPosition) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(implementationMetadata, implementationPosition, GUIContent.none); }
private void OnOptionsGUI(FuzzyOptionNode parent, float scrollViewHeight) { if (parent.isLoading || (tree.showBackgroundWorkerProgress && BackgroundWorker.hasProgress)) { LudiqGUI.BeginVertical(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.LoaderLayout(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.Space(16); LudiqGUI.BeginHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.Space(10); var progressBarPosition = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(GUIContent.none, GUIStyle.none, GUILayout.Height(19), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); if (progressBarPosition.width > 0 && progress > 0) { if (tree.showBackgroundWorkerProgress && BackgroundWorker.hasProgress) { EditorGUI.ProgressBar(progressBarPosition, BackgroundWorker.progressProportion, BackgroundWorker.progressLabel); } else if (showProgress) { EditorGUI.ProgressBar(progressBarPosition, progress, progressText); } } LudiqGUI.Space(10); LudiqGUI.EndHorizontal(); LudiqGUI.FlexibleSpace(); LudiqGUI.EndVertical(); return; } parent.scroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(parent.scroll); EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(new Vector2(IconSize.Small, IconSize.Small)); var selectedOptionPosition = default(Rect); if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) { minOptionWidth = 0; } foreach (var node in parent.children) { node.EnsureDrawable(); minOptionWidth = Mathf.Max(minOptionWidth, Mathf.Min(node.width, Styles.maxOptionWidth)); } for (var i = 0; i < parent.children.Count; i++) { var node = parent.children[i]; var optionPosition = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(IconSize.Small, Styles.optionHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); if (!isAnimating) { if (((e.type == EventType.MouseMove && GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(e.mousePosition) != lastMouseMovePosition) || e.type == EventType.MouseDown) && parent.selectedIndex != i && optionPosition.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { parent.selectedIndex = i; requireRepaint = true; lastMouseMovePosition = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(e.mousePosition); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } } var optionIsSelected = false; if (i == parent.selectedIndex) { optionIsSelected = true; selectedOptionPosition = optionPosition; } // Clipping if (optionPosition.yMax < parent.scroll.y || optionPosition.yMin > parent.scroll.y + scrollViewHeight) { continue; } if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) {, node.label, false, false, optionIsSelected, optionIsSelected); } var right = optionPosition.xMax; if (node.hasChildren) { right -= 13; var rightArrowPosition = new Rect(right, optionPosition.y + 4, 13, 13); if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) { Styles.rightArrow.Draw(rightArrowPosition, false, false, false, false); } } if (!node.hasChildren && tree.selected.Contains(node.option.value)) { right -= 16; var checkPosition = new Rect(right, optionPosition.y + 4, 12, 12); if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) { Styles.check.Draw(checkPosition, false, false, false, false); } } if (tree.favorites != null && tree.CanFavorite(node.option.value) && (optionIsSelected || tree.favorites.Contains(node.option.value))) { right -= 19; var starPosition = new Rect(right, optionPosition.y + 2, IconSize.Small, IconSize.Small); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); var isFavorite = tree.favorites.Contains(node.option.value); isFavorite = GUI.Toggle(starPosition, isFavorite, GUIContent.none,; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (isFavorite) { tree.favorites.Add(node.option.value); } else { tree.favorites.Remove(node.option.value); } tree.OnFavoritesChange(); UpdateFavorites(); } } if (!isAnimating) { if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == (int)MouseButton.Left && optionPosition.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { e.Use(); parent.selectedIndex = i; SelectChild(node); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } } } EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(default(Vector2)); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); if (scrollToSelected && e.type == EventType.Repaint) { scrollToSelected = false; var lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (selectedOptionPosition.yMax - lastRect.height > parent.scroll.y) { var scroll = parent.scroll; scroll.y = selectedOptionPosition.yMax - lastRect.height; parent.scroll = scroll; requireRepaint = true; } if (selectedOptionPosition.y < parent.scroll.y) { var scroll = parent.scroll; scroll.y = selectedOptionPosition.y; parent.scroll = scroll; requireRepaint = true; } } }