Пример #1
 public CodeLookupListsUpdater(DataContext dataContext, string serviceUrl, string serviceUsername, string servicePassword, string category, string source, string codeClass, string codeLength, Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists ListID)
     this.db                  = dataContext;
     this.baseUrl             = serviceUrl;
     this.serviceUsername     = serviceUsername;
     this.servicePassword     = servicePassword;
     this.category            = category;
     this.source              = source;
     this.codeClass           = codeClass;
     this.ListID              = ListID;
     this.StatusCode          = HttpStatusCode.OK;
     this.StatusMessage       = string.Empty;
     this.versionUrl          = baseUrl + category + "/" + source + "/" + codeClass;
     this.categoriesToAdd     = new List <LookupListCategory>();
     this.spanCategoriesToAdd = new List <LookupListCategory>();
     if (codeLength.IsNullOrEmpty())
         this.codeLength = "";
         this.codeLength = "code_length=" + codeLength;
Пример #2
        public async Task DoUpdate()
            Logger.Debug("Starting the update process for codes with ListID equal to" + ListID);

            Logger.Debug("Retrieving latest version from the CommonWealth Web Service.");
            //Pull the highest version number from MCM
            DTO.LookupListsImportDTO versionsList = await LoadVersions();

            var latestVersion = versionsList.Results.LatestVersion.VersionID;

            //Query PMN database for the highest version number (our local version number)
            var localVersion = db.LookupLists.Where(t => t.ListId == this.ListID).Select(j => j.Version).ToString();

            //If the latest version is not the local Version, delete codes with the current ListID, and then import the new set of codes
            if (latestVersion != localVersion)
                string importVersionUrl = "";
                string categoriesUrl    = "";
                if (ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.HCPCSProcedures)
                    importVersionUrl = versionUrl + "/" + latestVersion + "/code?columns=code,category,short_description,data_end";
                    //no categories for hcpcs in pmn database (the categories in the code selector are grouped by code # ranges)
                    //but there are categories in the MCM data so import them here
                    categoriesUrl = versionUrl + "/" + latestVersion + "/code?columns=category";
                if (ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.GenericName)
                    importVersionUrl = versionUrl + "/" + latestVersion + "/code?columns=generic_name,drug_class,data_end";
                    //the categories for Generic Drug Names are the drug class.
                    categoriesUrl = versionUrl + "/" + latestVersion + "/code?columns=drug_class";
                if (ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.DrugClass)
                    importVersionUrl = versionUrl + "/" + latestVersion + "/code?columns=drug_class,data_end";
                    //the categories for drug class are the drug class (the category is just a repetition of the drug class name)
                    categoriesUrl = versionUrl + "/" + latestVersion + "/code?columns=drug_class";
                if (this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Diagnosis ||
                    this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Diagnosis4Digits ||
                    this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Diagnosis5Digits ||
                    this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Procedures ||
                    this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Procedures4Digits)
                    importVersionUrl = versionUrl + "/" + latestVersion + "/code?" + codeLength + "&columns=code,code_unformatted,category,short_description,data_end";
                    categoriesUrl    = versionUrl + "/" + latestVersion + "/code?columns=category";

                //SPAN- Diagnosis (ListID = 10) represents all diagnostic codes (Listid=4,7,8)
                //SPAN- Procedure (ListID = 11) represents all procedure codes (Listid = 5,9)
                if (this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Diagnosis ||
                    this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Diagnosis4Digits ||
                    this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Diagnosis5Digits)
                    this.SpanListID = DTO.Enums.Lists.SPANDiagnosis;
                if (this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Procedures ||
                    this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Procedures4Digits)
                    this.SpanListID = DTO.Enums.Lists.SPANProcedure;

                Logger.Debug("Loading codes and categories from CommonWealth Web Service");
                //Pull in all codes from MCM (deserialize into a list of objects)
                LookupListValuesImportDTO codeValuesList = await LoadValues(importVersionUrl);

                //Pull in all categories from MCM
                LookupListCategoryImportDTO categoriesList = new LookupListCategoryImportDTO();
                if (ListID != DTO.Enums.Lists.HCPCSProcedures)
                    categoriesList = await LoadCategories(categoriesUrl);
                Logger.Debug("Deleting codes and categories with ListId equal to " + ListID);
                //Delete categories and codes for this ListID from the database
                await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync("Delete from LookupListValues where ListId= {0}", ListID);

                await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync("Delete from LookupListCategories where ListId= {0}", ListID);

                //Delete Span diagnosis and procedure categories only once
                if (this.ListID == DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Diagnosis || this.ListID == DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Procedures)
                    await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync("Delete from LookupListCategories where ListId= {0}", SpanListID);

                    await db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync("Delete from LookupListValues where ListId= {0}", SpanListID);
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                var i = 1;
                int numOfCategories = 0;
                if (this.ListID != DTO.Enums.Lists.HCPCSProcedures)
                    numOfCategories = categoriesList.Categories.Count(); //for debugging purposes
                    foreach (var c in categoriesList.Categories)
                        var categoryname = c[0];

                        var result = new LookupListCategory
                            ListId       = this.ListID,
                            CategoryName = categoryname,
                            CategoryId   = i
                        if (result.CategoryName == "")
                            result.CategoryName = "UNDEFINED";
                        //Add new category to list that will update the database
                        i = i + 1;

                //Add categories for Span Diagnostics (only add once for diagnosis codes and once for procedure codes)
                if (this.ListID == DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Diagnosis || this.ListID == DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Procedures)
                    var k = 1;
                    foreach (var c in categoriesList.Categories)
                        var categoryName = c[0];

                        var result = new LookupListCategory
                            ListId       = SpanListID,
                            CategoryName = categoryName,
                            CategoryId   = k
                        if (result.CategoryName == "")
                            result.CategoryName = "UNDEFINED";
                        k = k + 1;

                Logger.Debug("Beginning of Update for  " + numOfCategories + "categories.");
                //Add the categories to database

                Logger.Debug("Finished processing import of categories. Beginning Saving.");
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                Logger.Debug("Finished saving of categories.");
                //Add the codes to the database
                //empty code list:
                List <LookupListValue> codesToAdd = new List <LookupListValue>();
                var numCodes = codesToAdd.Count();
                //for ICD9 codes:
                if (this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Diagnosis ||
                    this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Diagnosis4Digits ||
                    this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Diagnosis5Digits ||
                    this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Procedures ||
                    this.ListID == Lpp.Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.ICD9Procedures4Digits)
                    foreach (var codeToAdd in codeValuesList.Codes)
                        var code             = codeToAdd[0];
                        var codeUnformatted  = codeToAdd[1];
                        var codeCategoryName = codeToAdd[2];
                        var codeName         = codeToAdd[3];
                        var expiration       = codeToAdd[4];

                        var codeCategory = categoriesToAdd.Where(ct => ct.CategoryName == codeCategoryName).FirstOrDefault();

                        var categoryID = codeCategory.IsEmpty() ? 0 : codeCategory.CategoryId;

                        var newCode = new LookupListValue
                            ListId               = this.ListID,
                            CategoryId           = categoryID,
                            ItemName             = codeName,
                            ItemCode             = code,
                            ItemCodeWithNoPeriod = codeUnformatted,
                            ExpireDate           = null
                        //also add code to Span
                        var newSpanCode = new LookupListValue
                            ListId               = this.SpanListID,
                            CategoryId           = categoryID,
                            ItemName             = codeName,
                            ItemCode             = code,
                            ItemCodeWithNoPeriod = codeUnformatted,
                            ExpireDate           = null
                        if (!expiration.IsNullOrEmpty())
                            var      year           = expiration.Substring(0, 4).ToInt32();
                            var      month          = expiration.Substring(4, 2).ToInt32();
                            var      day            = expiration.Substring(6, 2).ToInt32();
                            DateTime expirationDate = new DateTime(year, month, day);
                            newCode.ExpireDate     = expirationDate;
                            newSpanCode.ExpireDate = expirationDate;

                    //push entire array
                    Logger.Debug("Beginning of Update for" + numCodes + "codes with ListId equal to " + ListID);

                //Update for HCPCS codes
                if (this.ListID == Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.HCPCSProcedures)
                    foreach (var codeToAdd in codeValuesList.Codes)
                        var code = codeToAdd[0];
                        //var codeCategoryName = codeToAdd[1];
                        var codeDescription = codeToAdd[2];
                        var expiration      = codeToAdd[3];

                        //var codeCategory = categoriesToAdd.Where(ct => ct.CategoryName == codeCategoryName).FirstOrDefault();
                        //var categoryID = codeCategory.IsEmpty() ? 0 : codeCategory.CategoryId;

                        if (codeDescription == "" || codeDescription == null)
                            codeDescription = "UNDEFINED";

                        var newCode = new LookupListValue
                            ListId               = this.ListID,
                            CategoryId           = 0,
                            ItemName             = codeDescription,
                            ItemCode             = code,
                            ItemCodeWithNoPeriod = code,
                            ExpireDate           = null
                        if (!expiration.IsNullOrEmpty())
                            var      year           = expiration.Substring(0, 4).ToInt32();
                            var      month          = expiration.Substring(4, 2).ToInt32();
                            var      day            = expiration.Substring(6, 2).ToInt32();
                            DateTime expirationDate = new DateTime(year, month, day);
                            newCode.ExpireDate = expirationDate;

                        if (code != null && code != "")
                    //Some repeated codes
                    //IEnumerable<LookupListValue> codesDistinct = codesToAdd.DistinctBy(a => new { a.ItemName, a.ItemCode, a.CategoryId }).ToList();
                    //push entire array
                    numCodes = codesToAdd.Count();
                    Logger.Debug("Beginning of Update for" + numCodes + " codes with ListId equal to " + ListID);

                //Update for Generic Names
                if (this.ListID == Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.GenericName)
                    foreach (var codeToAdd in codeValuesList.Codes)
                        var name       = codeToAdd[0];
                        var drugClass  = codeToAdd[1];
                        var expiration = codeToAdd[2];

                        var codeCategory = categoriesToAdd.Where(ct => ct.CategoryName == drugClass).FirstOrDefault();
                        var categoryID   = codeCategory.IsEmpty() ? 0 : codeCategory.CategoryId;

                        var newCode = new LookupListValue
                            ListId               = this.ListID,
                            CategoryId           = categoryID,
                            ItemName             = name,
                            ItemCode             = name,
                            ItemCodeWithNoPeriod = name,
                            ExpireDate           = null

                        if (!expiration.IsNullOrEmpty())
                            var      year           = expiration.Substring(0, 4).ToInt32();
                            var      month          = expiration.Substring(4, 2).ToInt32();
                            var      day            = expiration.Substring(6, 2).ToInt32();
                            DateTime expirationDate = new DateTime(year, month, day);
                            newCode.ExpireDate = expirationDate;

                        if (name != null && name != "")
                    Logger.Debug("Beginning of Update for" + numCodes + " codes with ListId equal to " + ListID);

                //Update for Drug Classes
                if (this.ListID == Dns.DTO.Enums.Lists.DrugClass)
                    foreach (var codeToAdd in codeValuesList.Codes)
                        var drugClass  = codeToAdd[0];
                        var expiration = codeToAdd[1];

                        var codeCategory = categoriesToAdd.Where(ct => ct.CategoryName == drugClass).FirstOrDefault();
                        var categoryID   = codeCategory.IsEmpty() ? 0 : codeCategory.CategoryId;

                        var newCode = new LookupListValue
                            ListId               = this.ListID,
                            CategoryId           = categoryID,
                            ItemName             = drugClass,
                            ItemCode             = drugClass,
                            ItemCodeWithNoPeriod = "''",
                            ExpireDate           = null

                        if (!expiration.IsNullOrEmpty())
                            var      year           = expiration.Substring(0, 4).ToInt32();
                            var      month          = expiration.Substring(4, 2).ToInt32();
                            var      day            = expiration.Substring(6, 2).ToInt32();
                            DateTime expirationDate = new DateTime(year, month, day);
                            newCode.ExpireDate = expirationDate;
                        if (drugClass != null && drugClass != "")
                    Logger.Debug("Beginning of Update for " + numCodes + " codes with ListId equal to " + ListID);

                LookupList currentLookupList = db.LookupLists.Where(l => l.ListId == ListID).FirstOrDefault();
                currentLookupList.Version = latestVersion;
                if (SpanListID == DTO.Enums.Lists.SPANDiagnosis || SpanListID == DTO.Enums.Lists.SPANProcedure)
                    LookupList currentSpanLookupList = db.LookupLists.Where(s => s.ListId == SpanListID).FirstOrDefault();
                    currentSpanLookupList.Version = latestVersion;
                Logger.Debug("Finished processing import of codes. Beginning Saving.");
                await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                Logger.Debug("Finished Saving of codes.");