public LootBoxElement(int width, int height, GraphicsDevice device, GUI gui, string rarity, LootBox loot) : base(width, height, device, gui) { using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("Content/Lootbox/" + rarity + ".png", FileMode.Open)) { Texture = Texture2D.FromStream(Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, fileStream); fileStream.Dispose(); } Scale = new Vector2((float)width / (float)Texture.Width, (float)height / (float)Texture.Height); Lootbox = loot; if (rarity.Equals("common")) { this.rarity = Rarity.common; } else if (rarity.Equals("uncommon")) { this.rarity = Rarity.uncommon; } else if (rarity.Equals("rare")) { this.rarity = Rarity.rare; } Tooltip = new Tooltip(400, Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, Gui, Gui.mediumFont, true, 300); Tooltip.Text = "Name: " + Lootbox.Name + "\n" + "Rarity: " + rarity + "\n" + "Cost: " + Lootbox.Cost; }
public static string ValidateLootbox(LootBox lootbox) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lootbox.Name)) { return(FailureReasons.VALUE_NOT_IN_RANGE + "name"); } if (lootbox.Cost < 0) { return(FailureReasons.VALUE_NOT_IN_RANGE + "cost"); } if (lootbox.NumberOfShips <= 0) { return(FailureReasons.VALUE_NOT_IN_RANGE + "number of ships"); } double chancesSum = 0.0; foreach (var entry in lootbox.ChancesForRarities) { if (entry.Value < 0) { return(FailureReasons.VALUE_NOT_IN_RANGE + "chance for " + entry.Key.GetRarityName()); } chancesSum += entry.Value; } if (!chancesSum.IsEqualWithTolerance(1.0, 0.00001)) { return(FailureReasons.VALUE_NOT_IN_RANGE + "chances do not sum up to 1.0"); } return(OK); }
public void Parse(ICLIFlags toolFlags) { var unlocks = GetUnlocks(); if (toolFlags is ListFlags flags) { if (flags.JSON) { ParseJSON(unlocks, flags); return; } } ListHeroUnlocks.DisplayUnlocks("Other", unlocks.OtherUnlocks); if (unlocks.LootBoxesUnlocks != null) { foreach (LootBoxUnlocks lootBoxUnlocks in unlocks.LootBoxesUnlocks) { string boxName = LootBox.GetName(lootBoxUnlocks.LootBoxType); ListHeroUnlocks.DisplayUnlocks(boxName, lootBoxUnlocks.Unlocks); } } if (unlocks.AdditionalUnlocks != null) { foreach (AdditionalUnlocks additionalUnlocks in unlocks.AdditionalUnlocks) { ListHeroUnlocks.DisplayUnlocks($"Level {additionalUnlocks.Level}", additionalUnlocks.Unlocks); } } }
protected void Die() { Instantiate(fixedParticleEffect, transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.5f, Quaternion.identity); rigidbody2d.simulated = false; xpAmount -= (CalculateDamage() / 2); CharacterSheet.charSheet.ChangeXP(xpAmount); GameEvents.OnXpAwarded(); audioSource.Stop(); audioSource.PlayOneShot(hitSound); List <string> tags = (List <string>)gameObject.GetComponent <CustomTags>().GetTags(); tags.Add(gameObject.tag); if (Random.Range(0, 3) == 1 || GetComponent <CustomTags>().HasTag("Wyrm")) { LootBox box = Instantiate(lootboxPrefab, gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); box.CreateLootbox(itemDrops, coinAmount); } Destroy(this.gameObject); GameEvents.OnKillSuccessful(tags); }
public static Game ReadFrom(System.IO.BinaryReader reader) { var result = new Game(); result.CurrentTick = reader.ReadInt32(); result.Properties = Properties.ReadFrom(reader); result.Level = Level.ReadFrom(reader); result.Players = new Player[reader.ReadInt32()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Players.Length; i++) { result.Players[i] = Player.ReadFrom(reader); } result.Units = new Unit[reader.ReadInt32()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Units.Length; i++) { result.Units[i] = Unit.ReadFrom(reader); } result.Bullets = new Bullet[reader.ReadInt32()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Bullets.Length; i++) { result.Bullets[i] = Bullet.ReadFrom(reader); } result.Mines = new Mine[reader.ReadInt32()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Mines.Length; i++) { result.Mines[i] = Mine.ReadFrom(reader); } result.LootBoxes = new LootBox[reader.ReadInt32()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.LootBoxes.Length; i++) { result.LootBoxes[i] = LootBox.ReadFrom(reader); } return(result); }
private void CreateLootBox() { int itemAmountForLootBox = Random.Range(minItemInLootBox, maxItemInLootBox); List <Item> itemsForLootBox = new List <Item>(); while (creatingItemsForLootBox < itemAmountForLootBox) { randomItemNumber = Random.Range(1, inventoryItemList.itemList.Count - 1); int raffle = Random.Range(1, 100); if (raffle <= inventoryItemList.itemList[randomItemNumber].rarity) { itemsForLootBox.Add(inventoryItemList.itemList[randomItemNumber].getCopy()); creatingItemsForLootBox++; } } if (itemsForLootBox.Count == 0) { return; } Vector3 posLootBox = transform.position; posLootBox.y = 0.5f; GameObject lootBox = Instantiate(LootBox, posLootBox, transform.rotation);; LootBox sI = LootBox.GetComponent <LootBox>(); sI.storageItems.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < itemsForLootBox.Count; i++) { sI.storageItems.Add(inventoryItemList.getItemByID(itemsForLootBox[i].itemID)); int randomValue = Random.Range(1, sI.storageItems[sI.storageItems.Count - 1].maxStack); sI.storageItems[sI.storageItems.Count - 1].itemValue = randomValue; } }
public static LootBox ReadFrom(System.IO.BinaryReader reader) { var result = new LootBox(); result.Position = Model.Vec2Double.ReadFrom(reader); result.Size = Model.Vec2Double.ReadFrom(reader); result.Item = Model.Item.ReadFrom(reader); return(result); }
private async Task Open(InventoryWrapper inventory, LootBox variety, int count) { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); IUserMessage message = null; if (count > 1) { string m = string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(variety.Emote.ToString() + "\n", count)); message = await ReplyAsync(m); await Task.Delay(1000); } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var box = variety.Open(Context.Bot, 0); if (count == 1) { message = await ReplyAsync(variety.Emote.ToString()); await Task.Delay(1000); StringBuilder animation = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var(rarity, emoji) in box) { animation.Append($"{rarity.LeftBracket}❔{rarity.RightBracket}"); } await message.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = animation.ToString()); await Task.Delay(1000); animation.Clear(); } foreach (var(rarity, emoji) in box) { var trans = Transaction.FromLootbox(marketId: 0, buyer: inventory.UserId, variety.Name); inventory.Add(new Models.Emoji { Owner = Context.User.Id, Transactions = new List <TransactionInfo>() { Context.Bot.Clerk.Queue(trans).Receive() }, Unicode = emoji }, true); text.Append($"{rarity.LeftBracket}{emoji}{rarity.RightBracket}"); } text.AppendLine(); } inventory.Save(); await message.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = text.ToString()); }
private void Start() { LootBox box = FindObjectOfType <LootBox>(); if (box) { box.OnBoxOpen += GetChestItems; } }
public void Parse(ICLIFlags toolFlags) { Dictionary <string, ProgressionUnlocks> unlocks = GetUnlocks(); if (toolFlags is ListFlags flags) { if (flags.JSON) { if (flags.Flatten) { var @out = unlocks.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value.IterateUnlocks()); OutputJSON(@out, flags); } else { OutputJSON(unlocks, flags); } return; } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ProgressionUnlocks> heroPair in unlocks) { Log("Unlocks for {0}", heroPair.Key); if (heroPair.Value.LevelUnlocks != null) { foreach (LevelUnlocks levelUnlocks in heroPair.Value.LevelUnlocks) { DisplayUnlocks("Default", levelUnlocks.Unlocks); } } if (heroPair.Value.OtherUnlocks != null) { var owlUnlocks = heroPair.Value.OtherUnlocks.Where(u => u.STU.m_0B1BA7C1 != null).ToArray(); var otherUnlocks = heroPair.Value.OtherUnlocks.Where(u => u.STU.m_0B1BA7C1 == null).ToArray(); DisplayUnlocks("Other", otherUnlocks); DisplayUnlocks("OWL", owlUnlocks); } if (heroPair.Value.LootBoxesUnlocks != null) { foreach (LootBoxUnlocks lootBoxUnlocks in heroPair.Value.LootBoxesUnlocks) { string boxName = LootBox.GetName(lootBoxUnlocks.LootBoxType); DisplayUnlocks(boxName, lootBoxUnlocks.Unlocks); } } Log(); // New line } }
private void ShowTooltip(LootBox lootBox) { tooltipWindow.alpha = 1; tooltipWindow.interactable = true; tooltipWindow.blocksRaycasts = true; itemName.text = lootBox.GetItem().name; itemSellPrice.text = new Money(lootBox.GetItem().sellPrice).ToString(); itemDescription.text = ItemDescription(lootBox.GetItem()); itemType.text = lootBox.GetItem().itemType.ToString(); }
public LootSafe Initialize(string apiUrl, string apiKey) { balance = gameObject.AddComponent <Balance>().Initialize(apiUrl); crafter = gameObject.AddComponent <Crafter>().Initialize(apiUrl); events = gameObject.AddComponent <Events>().Initialize(apiUrl); general = gameObject.AddComponent <General>().Initialize(apiUrl); items = gameObject.AddComponent <Items>().Initialize(apiUrl); lootbox = gameObject.AddComponent <LootBox>().Initialize(apiUrl); return(this); }
public void CreateLootBox(Vector position, Reward reward, Types type, int disposeMs) { var id = GetNextObjectId(); var hash = HashedObjects.Keys.ToList()[id]; var box = new LootBox(id, hash, type, position, this, reward, disposeMs); HashedObjects[hash] = box; if (AddObject(box)) { Out.WriteLog("Created LootBox [" + type + "] on mapId " + Id); } }
public void GetLootboxes(ICLIFlags toolFlags) { string basePath; if (toolFlags is ExtractFlags flags) { basePath = flags.OutputPath; } else { throw new Exception("no output path"); } foreach (ulong key in TrackedFiles[0xCF]) { STULootBox lootbox = GetInstance <STULootBox>(key); if (lootbox == null) { continue; } string name = LootBox.GetName(lootbox.m_lootboxType); Combo.ComboInfo info = Combo.Find(null, lootbox.m_baseEntity); // 003 Combo.Find(info, lootbox.m_chestEntity); // 003 Combo.Find(info, lootbox.m_idleEffect); // 00D Combo.Find(info, lootbox.m_FEC3ED62); // 00D Combo.Find(info, lootbox.m_FFE7768F); // 00D Combo.Find(info, lootbox.m_baseModelLook); // 01A Combo.Find(info, lootbox.m_modelLook); Combo.Find(info, 0x400000000001456); // coin chest, todo // 00000000315A.00C in 000000001456.003 (288230376151716950) if (lootbox.m_shopCards != null) { foreach (STULootBoxShopCard lootboxShopCard in lootbox.m_shopCards) { Combo.Find(info, lootboxShopCard.m_cardTexture); // 004 } } var context = new SaveLogic.Combo.SaveContext(info); SaveLogic.Combo.SaveLooseTextures(flags, Path.Combine(basePath, Container, name, "ShopCards"), context); SaveLogic.Combo.Save(flags, Path.Combine(basePath, Container, name), context); context.Wait(); SaveScratchDatabase(); } }
public void GetGeneralUnlocks(ICLIFlags toolFlags) { string basePath; if (toolFlags is ExtractFlags flags) { basePath = flags.OutputPath; } else { throw new Exception("no output path"); } string path = Path.Combine(basePath, "General"); foreach (var key in TrackedFiles[0x54]) { STUGenericSettings_PlayerProgression progression = GetInstance <STUGenericSettings_PlayerProgression>(key); if (progression == null) { continue; } PlayerProgression playerProgression = new PlayerProgression(progression); if (playerProgression.LootBoxesUnlocks != null) { foreach (LootBoxUnlocks lootBoxUnlocks in playerProgression.LootBoxesUnlocks) { string boxName = LootBox.GetName(lootBoxUnlocks.LootBoxType); ExtractHeroUnlocks.SaveUnlocks(flags, lootBoxUnlocks.Unlocks, path, boxName, null, null, null, null); } } if (playerProgression.AdditionalUnlocks != null) { foreach (AdditionalUnlocks additionalUnlocks in playerProgression.AdditionalUnlocks) { ExtractHeroUnlocks.SaveUnlocks(flags, additionalUnlocks.Unlocks, path, "Standard", null, null, null, null); } } if (playerProgression.OtherUnlocks != null) { ExtractHeroUnlocks.SaveUnlocks(flags, playerProgression.OtherUnlocks, path, "Achievement", null, null, null, null); } SaveScratchDatabase(); } }
public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { if (!ItemInSlot) { return; } if (isLootBox) { LootBox lootBox = (LootBox)dataProvider.Player.ClosesActionObject; lootBox.RemoveItem(ItemInSlot, SlotID); } ItemImage.transform.position = eventData.position; }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col) { if (col.tag == "LootBox") { lb = col.GetComponent <LootBox>(); if (!lb.IsPressed) { useCase.SetActive(true); anim.SetBool("useCase", true); canUse = true; } else { canUse = false; } } if (col.tag == "ZombieDrop") { int id = col.GetComponent <ZombieDrop>().DropIndex; switch (id) { case 0: int ammo = minMoneyDrop * currentDay; if (currentGunShooter.ammoLeft + ammo <= currentGunShooter.maxAmmo) { currentGunShooter.ammoLeft += ammo; } else { currentGunShooter.ammoLeft = currentGunShooter.maxAmmo; } break; case 1: int gold = Random.Range(minMoneyDrop, maxMoneyDrop) * currentDay; money += gold; break; case 2: GetComponent <Heals>().CurrentHeals += 10; break; } Destroy(col.gameObject); } }
public string GetRarity(LootBox loot) { string result = "0"; if (loot.Name.Equals("basic lootbox")) { result = "common"; } if (loot.Name.Equals("better lootbox")) { result = "uncommon"; } if (loot.Name.Equals("supreme lootbox")) { result = "rare"; } return(result); }
private void DropAndDeadProcess() { //실질적인 드랍이 이루어지도록 한다. CoinManager.PopCoin(transform.position, dropCoinCount); if (dropItem != null) { LootBox lb = Instantiate(lootBoxPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); lb.SetLootItem(dropItem); lb.Popup(transform.position); //여기에 보스의 HP바를 지워주는 걸 해주면 된다. UIManager.HideBossHPBar(); gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
private async Task <int> CreateLootBox(CreateItemCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var requiresKey = request.RequiresKey == "true" ? true : false; var treasure = new LootBox { Name = request.Name, Type = request.BoxType, RequiresKey = requiresKey, RewardAmplifier = request.RewardAmplifier, ImagePath = this.imagePath.Process(new string[] { "Item", request.Slot, request.Name }), Slot = request.Slot, }; this.Context.LootBoxes.Add(treasure); await this.Context.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken); return(treasure.Id); }
public LootBoxElement(int width, int height, GraphicsDevice device, GUI gui, string rarity, LootBox loot) : base(width, height, device, gui) { Lootbox = loot; if (rarity.Equals("common")) { AssetManager z = Game.Activity.Assets; z.Open("Loots/Common.png"); using (var fileStream = Game.Activity.Assets.Open("Loots/Common.png")) { Texture = Texture2D.FromStream(Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, fileStream); fileStream.Dispose(); } this.rarity = Rarity.common; } else if (rarity.Equals("uncommon")) { using (var fileStream = Game.Activity.Assets.Open("Loots/Uncommon.png")) { Texture = Texture2D.FromStream(Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, fileStream); fileStream.Dispose(); } this.rarity = Rarity.uncommon; } else if (rarity.Equals("rare")) { using (var fileStream = Game.Activity.Assets.Open("Loots/Rare.png")) { Texture = Texture2D.FromStream(Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, fileStream); fileStream.Dispose(); } this.rarity = Rarity.rare; } Scale = new Vector2((float)width / (float)Texture.Width, (float)height / (float)Texture.Height); Tooltip = new Tooltip(400, Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, Gui, Gui.mediumFont, true, 300); Tooltip.Text = "Name: " + Lootbox.Name + "\n" + "Rarity: " + rarity + "\n" + "Cost: " + Lootbox.Cost; }
// On click to OpenBox, looks at how many items are in the box and adds an Item. public void OpenBox() { if (User.user.LootBoxes > 0) { LootBox lootBox = GenerateLootBox(); if (User.user.inventory.Count + lootBox.ItemCount > User.user.InventorySlots) { errorText.enabled = true; errorText.text = "Your inventory is too full!"; StartCoroutine(DisableErrorText()); return; } for (int i = 0; i < lootBox.ItemCount; i++) { GameObject thisObject = lootManager.lootSlots[i].gameObject; ClearItemSprites(thisObject); CreateLoot(thisObject, thisObject.GetComponent <Image>()); } User.user.Experience += lootBox.Experience; if (User.user.Experience >= User.user.ExperienceToNext) { LevelUp levelUp = new LevelUp(); levelUp.IncreaseLevel(playerLevelText, firebaseManager); } if (User.user.LootBoxes == User.user.MaxLootBoxes) { firebaseManager.UpdateLastTimeOpenedLootBox(); } User.user.LootBoxes -= 1; User.user.Experience += lootBox.Experience; firebaseManager.UpdateDatabaseValues(); } else { errorText.enabled = true; errorText.text = "You do not have any more loot boxes!"; StartCoroutine(DisableErrorText()); } //DataManager.dataManager.Save(); }
public void Parse(ICLIFlags toolFlags) { Dictionary <string, ProgressionUnlocks> unlocks = GetUnlocks(); if (toolFlags is ListFlags flags) { if (flags.JSON) { ParseJSON(unlocks, flags); return; } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ProgressionUnlocks> heroPair in unlocks) { Log("Unlocks for {0}", heroPair.Key); if (heroPair.Value.LevelUnlocks != null) { foreach (LevelUnlocks levelUnlocks in heroPair.Value.LevelUnlocks) { DisplayUnlocks("Default", levelUnlocks.Unlocks); } } DisplayUnlocks("Other", heroPair.Value.OtherUnlocks); if (heroPair.Value.LootBoxesUnlocks != null) { foreach (LootBoxUnlocks lootBoxUnlocks in heroPair.Value.LootBoxesUnlocks) { string boxName = LootBox.GetName(lootBoxUnlocks.LootBoxType); DisplayUnlocks(boxName, lootBoxUnlocks.Unlocks); } } } }
//Buy a new lootbox of the given "loot" type public void BuyLootBox(LootBox loot) { string shortCode = ""; switch (loot) { case LootBox.SkinRelic: shortCode = "SkinRelic"; break; case LootBox.CharacterBlueprint: shortCode = "CharacterBlueprint"; break; case LootBox.TimeCapsule: shortCode = "TimeCapsule"; break; default: break; } new GameSparks.Api.Requests.BuyVirtualGoodsRequest() .SetCurrencyType(1) .SetQuantity(1) .SetShortCode(shortCode) .Send((response) => { if (!response.HasErrors) { GetGoods(); GetTokens(); } else { //TODO: add error handling } }); }
//Unlocks a given type of loot box of a given index public void Unlock(LootBox loot, int index) { string shortCode = ""; switch (loot) { case LootBox.SkinRelic: shortCode = "SkinRelic"; playerData.SkinUnlocks[index] = true; break; case LootBox.CharacterBlueprint: shortCode = "CharacterBlueprint"; playerData.SkinUnlocks[index] = true; break; case LootBox.TimeCapsule: shortCode = "TimeCapsule"; playerData.CharUnlocks[index] = true; break; } SavePlayerData(); new GameSparks.Api.Requests.ConsumeVirtualGoodRequest() .SetQuantity(1) .SetShortCode(shortCode) .Send((response) => { if (!response.HasErrors) { LoadPlayerData(); } else { //TODO: add error handling } }); }
public void SaveUnlocksForHeroes(ICLIFlags flags, IEnumerable <STUHero> heroes, string basePath, bool npc = false) { if (flags.Positionals.Length < 4) { QueryHelp(QueryTypes); return; } Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, ParsedArg> > parsedTypes = ParseQuery(flags, QueryTypes, QueryNameOverrides); if (parsedTypes == null) { return; } foreach (STUHero hero in heroes) { if (hero == null) { continue; } string heroNameActual = GetString(hero.m_0EDCE350); if (heroNameActual == null) { continue; } Dictionary <string, ParsedArg> config = GetQuery(parsedTypes, heroNameActual.ToLowerInvariant(), "*"); heroNameActual = heroNameActual.TrimEnd(' '); string heroFileName = GetValidFilename(heroNameActual); if (config.Count == 0) { continue; } string heroPath = Path.Combine(basePath, RootDir, heroFileName); VoiceSet voiceSet = new VoiceSet(hero); ProgressionUnlocks progressionUnlocks = new ProgressionUnlocks(hero); if (progressionUnlocks.LevelUnlocks == null && !npc) { continue; } if (progressionUnlocks.LootBoxesUnlocks != null && npc) { continue; } Log($"Processing unlocks for {heroNameActual}"); { Combo.ComboInfo guiInfo = new Combo.ComboInfo(); foreach (STU_1A496D3C tex in hero.m_8203BFE1) { Combo.Find(guiInfo, tex.m_texture); guiInfo.SetTextureName(tex.m_texture, teResourceGUID.AsString(tex.m_id)); } SaveLogic.Combo.SaveLooseTextures(flags, Path.Combine(heroPath, "GUI"), guiInfo); } if (progressionUnlocks.OtherUnlocks != null) // achievements and stuff { Dictionary <string, TagExpectedValue> tags = new Dictionary <string, TagExpectedValue> { { "event", new TagExpectedValue("base") } }; SaveUnlocks(flags, progressionUnlocks.OtherUnlocks, heroPath, "Achievement", config, tags, voiceSet, hero); } if (npc) { foreach (var skin in hero.m_skinThemes) { if (!config.ContainsKey("skin") || !config["skin"].ShouldDo(GetFileName(skin.m_5E9665E3))) { continue; } SkinTheme.Save(flags, Path.Combine(heroPath, Unlock.GetTypeName(typeof(STUUnlock_SkinTheme)), string.Empty, GetFileName(skin.m_5E9665E3)), skin, hero); } continue; } if (progressionUnlocks.LevelUnlocks != null) // default unlocks { Dictionary <string, TagExpectedValue> tags = new Dictionary <string, TagExpectedValue> { { "event", new TagExpectedValue("base") } }; foreach (LevelUnlocks levelUnlocks in progressionUnlocks.LevelUnlocks) { SaveUnlocks(flags, levelUnlocks.Unlocks, heroPath, "Default", config, tags, voiceSet, hero); } } if (progressionUnlocks.LootBoxesUnlocks != null) { foreach (LootBoxUnlocks lootBoxUnlocks in progressionUnlocks.LootBoxesUnlocks) { if (lootBoxUnlocks.Unlocks == null) { continue; } string lootboxName = LootBox.GetName(lootBoxUnlocks.LootBoxType); var tags = new Dictionary <string, TagExpectedValue> { { "event", new TagExpectedValue(LootBox.GetBasicName(lootBoxUnlocks.LootBoxType)) } }; SaveUnlocks(flags, lootBoxUnlocks.Unlocks, heroPath, lootboxName, config, tags, voiceSet, hero); } } } }
public void OpenLootBox(LootBox lootBox) { LootData loot = lootBox.GetLoot(); Debug.Log(loot); }
public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { if (!ItemInSlot) { return; } LootBox lootBox = null; if (eventData.hovered.Count > 0) { // print(eventData.hovered[0]); bool check = false; int indx = 0; foreach (var c in eventData.hovered) { if (c.gameObject.GetComponent <InventoryItemSlot>()) { check = true; break; } indx++; } Debug.Log("Ui invebtory check ststus: " + check); if (check) { InventoryItemSlot targetslot = eventData.hovered[indx].GetComponent <InventoryItemSlot>(); if (ItemInSlot.Equiped && !targetslot.ItemInSlot && !targetslot.isLootBox) { Inventory inventory = dataProvider.Player.Inventory; ItemInSlot.Equiped = false; inventory.UnEquipItem(ItemInSlot); } if (targetslot.ItemInSlot) { ItemImage.transform.localPosition = oldPos; } else { if (!targetslot.isLootBox) { ItemInSlot.gameObject.SetActive(false); dataProvider.Player.Inventory.AddItemToList(ItemInSlot); print("Change item position: " +; if (targetslot.SlotID == 10) { Inventory inventory = dataProvider.Player.Inventory; ItemInSlot.Equiped = true; inventory.EquipItem(ItemInSlot); } targetslot.ItemInSlot = ItemInSlot; targetslot.ItemImage.sprite = ItemImage.sprite; ItemInSlot = null; ItemImage.sprite = dataProvider.BattleUI.emptySprite; ItemImage.transform.localPosition = oldPos; } else { ItemImage.transform.localPosition = oldPos; } } } else { Debug.Log("DropItem_2"); ItemImage.transform.localPosition = oldPos; } } else { Debug.Log("DropItem_3"); if (isLootBox) { lootBox = (LootBox)dataProvider.Player.ClosesActionObject; if (lootBox) { lootBox.RemoveItem(ItemInSlot); } } else { dataProvider.Player.Inventory.RemovItemFromList(ItemInSlot); } ItemInSlot.gameObject.transform.position = dataProvider.Player.ItemDropPoint.position; ItemInSlot.transform.SetParent(null); ItemInSlot.gameObject.SetActive(true); Inventory inventory = dataProvider.Player.Inventory; ItemInSlot.Equiped = false; inventory.UnEquipItem(ItemInSlot); ItemInSlot = null; ItemImage.sprite = dataProvider.BattleUI.emptySprite; ItemImage.transform.localPosition = oldPos; } }
private void OnEnable() { chest = (LootBox)target; }
public void DestroyLootBox(LootBox lootBox) { activeLootBoxes.Remove(lootBox.GetComponent <LootBox>()); RemoveLootBoxFromTile(lootBox); Destroy(lootBox.gameObject); }