Пример #1
        public void Validate(string text1, string text2, int expectedLength)
            var sut    = new LongestCommonSubsequence();
            var result = sut.Solve(text1, text2);

            Assert.Equal(expectedLength, result);
Пример #2
        public void FixTranspositionTest2()
            var orig    = "baaaq";
            var entered = "zzzaaabbq";

            var alignments = LongestCommonSubsequence.LeftAlignedLCS(orig, entered);
            var additions  = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetAddedCharIndices(entered, alignments);
            var omissions  = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetMissingCharIndices(orig, alignments);
            var fixedouts  = LongestCommonSubsequence.FixTranspositions(alignments, additions, omissions, orig, entered);

            var entered2    = fixedouts.Item1;
            var alignments2 = fixedouts.Item2;
            var additions2  = fixedouts.Item3;
            var omissions2  = fixedouts.Item4;
            var deltas      = fixedouts.Item5;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, deltas.Head);
            Assert.AreEqual("bzzzaaabq", entered2);
            int[] correct_additions = { 1, 2, 3, 7 };
            Assert.AreEqual(true, correct_additions.SequenceEqual <int>(additions2));
            int[] correct_omissions = { };
            Assert.AreEqual(true, correct_omissions.SequenceEqual <int>(omissions2));
            Tuple <int, int>[] correct_alignments = { new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0), new Tuple <int, int>(1, 4), new Tuple <int, int>(2, 5), new Tuple <int, int>(3, 6), new Tuple <int, int>(4, 8) };
            Assert.AreEqual(true, correct_alignments.SequenceEqual <Tuple <int, int> >(alignments2));
Пример #3
        public void TypoString()
            var original = "Testing";
            var entered  = "Tesying";

            // get LCS
            var alignments = LongestCommonSubsequence.LeftAlignedLCS(original, entered);
            // find all character additions
            var additions = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetAddedCharIndices(entered, alignments);
            // find all character omissions
            var omissions = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetMissingCharIndices(original, alignments);
            // find all transpositions
            var outputs = LongestCommonSubsequence.FixTranspositions(alignments, additions, omissions, original, entered);
            // new string
            string entered2 = outputs.Item1;
            // new alignments
            var alignments2 = outputs.Item2;
            // new additions
            var additions2 = outputs.Item3;
            // new omissions
            var omissions2 = outputs.Item4;
            // deltas
            var deltas = outputs.Item5;
            // get typos
            var typos = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetTypos(alignments2, original, entered2);

            // there are two outcomes:
            // 1) 's' -> "sy" and 't' -> ""
            // 2) 's' -> "s" and 't' -> "y"
            Tuple <OptChar, string>[] t1 = { new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.None, ""), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('T'), "T"), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('e'), "e"), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('s'), "sy"), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('t'), ""), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('i'), "i"), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('n'), "n"), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('g'), "g") };
            Tuple <OptChar, string>[] t2 = { new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.None, ""), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('T'), "T"), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('e'), "e"), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('s'), "s"), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('t'), "y"), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('i'), "i"), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('n'), "n"), new Tuple <OptChar, string>(OptChar.Some('g'), "g") };
            Assert.AreEqual(true, typos.SequenceEqual(t1) || typos.SequenceEqual(t2));
Пример #4
        public void Baseline()
            var sut = new LongestCommonSubsequence();

            Assert.Equal(3, sut.GetLongestSunsequence("ABCDGH", "AEDFHR"));
            Assert.Equal(4, sut.GetLongestSunsequence("AGGTAB", "GXTXAYB"));
Пример #5
        public void TypoTest()
            var s1 = "abcd";
            var s2 = "zdcd";

            var ss    = LongestCommonSubsequence.LeftAlignedLCS(s1, s2);
            var typos = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetTypos(ss, s1, s2);

            OptChar[] keys   = { OptChar.None, new OptChar('a'), new OptChar('b'), new OptChar('c'), new OptChar('d') };
            char[]    values = { 'z', 'd', 'c', 'd' };

            var key_hs   = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet <OptChar>(keys);
            var value_hs = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet <char>(values);

            var keys_seen   = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet <OptChar>();
            var values_seen = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet <char>();;

            foreach (var typo in typos)
                var key = typo.Item1;
                var str = typo.Item2;
                foreach (char c in str)

            Assert.AreEqual(true, key_hs.SetEquals(keys_seen));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, value_hs.SetEquals(values_seen));
Пример #6
        public void LCSSingleFindsLCSInLCSMulti()
            var s1 = "aacc";
            var s2 = "aaaccac";

            // Run LCS
            var m = s1.Length;
            var n = s2.Length;
            var C = LongestCommonSubsequence.LCSLength(s1, s2);

            // Set timeout
            var t  = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
            var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();


            // Run backtrack-all
            var multi = LongestCommonSubsequence.getCharPairs(C, s1, s2, m, n, sw, t);

            // Run backtrack-single
            var single = LongestCommonSubsequence.getCharPairs_single(C, s1, s2, m, n);

            // single should be in multi
            var found = false;

            foreach (var alignment in multi)
                if (alignment.SequenceEqual(single))
                    found = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(true, found);
        public void Test()
            var a = "AGGTAB";
            var b = "GXTXAYB";

            var res = LongestCommonSubsequence.LCSSimple(a.ToCharArray(), b.ToCharArray(), a.Length, b.Length);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, res);

            res = LongestCommonSubsequence.LCS(a.ToCharArray(), b.ToCharArray(), a.Length, b.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, res);

             *     _____________________________
             *     |___|_A_|_G_|_G_|_T_|_A_|_B_|
             *     | G | - | - | 4 | - | - | - |
             *     | X | - | - | - | - | - | - |
             *     | T | - | - | - | 3 | - | - |
             *     | X | - | - | - | - | - | - |
             *     | A | - | - | - | - | 2 | - |
             *     | Y | - | - | - | - | - | - |
             *     | B | - | - | - | - | - | 1 |
             *     |____________________________
Пример #8
        public void TestLongestCommonSubsequence()
            LongestCommonSubsequence lcs = new LongestCommonSubsequence();
            var output = lcs.PrintLongestCommonSubsequence("AGGTAB", "GXTXAYB");

            Assert.AreEqual(output, "GTAB");
Пример #9
        public void TestAddedAtStart()
            string a = "abc";
            string b = "ddabc";
            // get LCS
            var al = LongestCommonSubsequence.LeftAlignedLCS(a, b);
            // find all character additions
            var ad = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetAddedCharIndices(b, al);
            // find all character omissions
            var om = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetMissingCharIndices(a, al);
            // find all transpositions
            var ou = LongestCommonSubsequence.FixTranspositions(al, ad, om, a, b);
            // new string
            string b2 = ou.Item1;
            // new alignments
            var al2 = ou.Item2;
            // new additions
            var ad2 = ou.Item3;
            // new omissions
            var om2 = ou.Item4;
            // deltas
            var d = ou.Item5;
            // get typos
            var t = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetTypos(al2, a, b2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, om.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(4, t.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, ad.Count());
Пример #10
        public Route FindRoute(string name)
            var route = this.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            if (route != null)

            var longestCommonSubsequence = new LongestCommonSubsequence();

            var   distance     = double.MaxValue;
            Route currentRoute = null;

            foreach (var tmp in this)
                var currentDistance = longestCommonSubsequence.Distance(tmp.Name, name);
                if (currentDistance < distance)
                    distance     = currentDistance;
                    currentRoute = tmp;

Пример #11
        public Tuple <int, int> ProcessTypos(string original, string entered)
            // get LCS
            var alignments = LongestCommonSubsequence.LeftAlignedLCS(original, entered);
            // find all character additions
            var additions = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetAddedCharIndices(entered, alignments);
            // find all character omissions
            var omissions = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetMissingCharIndices(original, alignments);
            // find all transpositions
            var outputs = LongestCommonSubsequence.FixTranspositions(alignments, additions, omissions, original, entered);
            // new string
            string entered2 = outputs.Item1;
            // new alignments
            var alignments2 = outputs.Item2;
            // new additions
            var additions2 = outputs.Item3;
            // new omissions
            var omissions2 = outputs.Item4;
            // deltas
            var deltas = outputs.Item5;
            // get typos
            var typos = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetTypos(alignments2, original, entered2);

            int count_deltas = 0;
            int count_typos  = 0;

            // train the model for all non-transpositions
            foreach (var alignment in alignments)

            // train the model for all actual transpositions
            foreach (var delta in deltas)
                count_deltas += 1;

            // train the model for each "typo", including non-typos
            foreach (var typo in typos)
                OptChar c = typo.Item1;
                string  s = typo.Item2;
                AddTypoError(c, s);

                // non-empty string
                if (OptChar.get_IsSome(c))
                    count_typos += c.Value.ToString().Equals(s) ? 0 : 1;
                // empty string
                    count_typos += s.Equals("") ? 0 : 1;
            return(new Tuple <int, int>(count_deltas, count_typos));
Пример #12
        public void TestSubstring()
            var s1 = "Hello";
            var s2 = "Helloo";
            var ss = LongestCommonSubsequence.LCS_Hash(s1, s2);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, ss.Contains(s1));
Пример #13
        public void LongestCommonSubsequence()
            var input    = new[] { "XMJYAUZ;MZJAWXU" };
            var expected = "MJAU";
            var result   = new LongestCommonSubsequence(input).Run().First();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Пример #14
        public void TestDistance()
            var instance = new LongestCommonSubsequence();

            // LCS = GA or GC => distance = 4 (remove 3 letters and add 1)

            Assert.Equal(expected: 4, actual: instance.Distance("AGCAT", "GAC"));
            Assert.Equal(expected: 1, actual: instance.Distance("AGCAT", "AGCT"));
Пример #15
        public void EnumFixTranspositionTests()
            var orig1 = "acc";
            var ent1  = "cca";
            var al1   = LongestCommonSubsequence.LeftAlignedLCS(orig1, ent1);
            var ad1   = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetAddedCharIndices(ent1, al1);
            var om1   = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetMissingCharIndices(orig1, al1);
            var fix1  = LongestCommonSubsequence.FixTranspositions(al1, ad1, om1, orig1, ent1);

            Assert.AreEqual(orig1, fix1.Item1);
            Tuple <int, int>[] correct_alignments = { new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0), new Tuple <int, int>(1, 1), new Tuple <int, int>(2, 2) };
            Assert.AreEqual(true, correct_alignments.SequenceEqual <Tuple <int, int> >(fix1.Item2));
            int [] correct_additions = {};
            Assert.AreEqual(true, correct_additions.SequenceEqual <int>(fix1.Item3));
            int[] correct_omissions = { };
            Assert.AreEqual(true, correct_omissions.SequenceEqual <int>(fix1.Item4));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, fix1.Item5.Head);

            var orig2 = "acc";
            var ent2  = "cac";

            // this line is to avoid nondeterministic choice of alignments
            Tuple <int, int>[] al2_a = { new Tuple <int, int>(0, 1), new Tuple <int, int>(2, 2) };
            var al2  = LongestCommonSubsequence.ToFSList(al2_a);
            var ad2  = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetAddedCharIndices(ent2, al2);
            var om2  = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetMissingCharIndices(orig2, al2);
            var fix2 = LongestCommonSubsequence.FixTranspositions(al2, ad2, om2, orig2, ent2);

            Assert.AreEqual(orig2, fix2.Item1);
            Tuple <int, int>[] correct_alignments2 = { new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0), new Tuple <int, int>(1, 1), new Tuple <int, int>(2, 2) };
            Assert.AreEqual(true, correct_alignments2.SequenceEqual <Tuple <int, int> >(fix2.Item2));
            int[] correct_additions2 = { };
            Assert.AreEqual(true, correct_additions2.SequenceEqual <int>(fix2.Item3));
            int[] correct_omissions2 = { };
            Assert.AreEqual(true, correct_omissions2.SequenceEqual <int>(fix2.Item4));
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, fix2.Item5.Head);

            var orig3 = "cac";
            var ent3  = "acc";

            // this line is to avoid nondeterministic choice of alignments
            Tuple <int, int>[] al3_a = { new Tuple <int, int>(0, 1), new Tuple <int, int>(2, 2) };
            var al3  = LongestCommonSubsequence.ToFSList(al3_a);
            var ad3  = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetAddedCharIndices(ent3, al3);
            var om3  = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetMissingCharIndices(orig3, al3);
            var fix3 = LongestCommonSubsequence.FixTranspositions(al3, ad3, om3, orig3, ent3);

            Assert.AreEqual(orig3, fix3.Item1);
            Tuple <int, int>[] correct_alignments3 = { new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0), new Tuple <int, int>(1, 1), new Tuple <int, int>(2, 2) };
            Assert.AreEqual(true, correct_alignments3.SequenceEqual <Tuple <int, int> >(fix2.Item2));
            int[] correct_additions3 = { };
            Assert.AreEqual(true, correct_additions3.SequenceEqual <int>(fix2.Item3));
            int[] correct_omissions3 = { };
            Assert.AreEqual(true, correct_omissions3.SequenceEqual <int>(fix2.Item4));
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, fix3.Item5.Head);
    public void TestPerformance3000Letters()
        var first       = "xxxxx" + new string('a', 3000) + "xxxxx";
        var second      = "bbb" + new string('a', 3000) + "bbb";
        var expectedLCS = new string('a', 3000);
        var actualLCS   = LongestCommonSubsequence.
                          FindLongestCommonSubsequence(first, second);

        Assert.AreEqual(expectedLCS, actualLCS);
    public void TestSimilarStrings()
        var first       = "Petko Marinov";
        var second      = "Pletko Malinov";
        var expectedLCS = "Petko Mainov";
        var actualLCS   = LongestCommonSubsequence.
                          FindLongestCommonSubsequence(first, second);

        Assert.AreEqual(expectedLCS, actualLCS);
    public void TestSingleLetter()
        var first       = "a";
        var second      = "a";
        var expectedLCS = "a";
        var actualLCS   = LongestCommonSubsequence.
                          FindLongestCommonSubsequence(first, second);

        Assert.AreEqual(expectedLCS, actualLCS);
    public void TestSingleLetterOverlappingStrings()
        var first       = "hello";
        var second      = "beer";
        var expectedLCS = "e";
        var actualLCS   = LongestCommonSubsequence.
                          FindLongestCommonSubsequence(first, second);

        Assert.AreEqual(expectedLCS, actualLCS);
    public void TestNonOverlappingStrings()
        var first       = "hello";
        var second      = "rakiya";
        var expectedLCS = "";
        var actualLCS   = LongestCommonSubsequence.
                          FindLongestCommonSubsequence(first, second);

        Assert.AreEqual(expectedLCS, actualLCS);
    public void TestSimilarLongStrings()
        var first       = "dynamic progamming we brak the oiginal prolem to smaller sub-problms that hae the same strcture";
        var second      = "In dynmic prgamming we break th oriinal problem to smaler subprobems that have the sme struture";
        var expectedLCS = "dynmic prgamming we brak th oiinal prolem to smaler subprobms that hae the sme strture";
        var actualLCS   = LongestCommonSubsequence.
                          FindLongestCommonSubsequence(first, second);

        Assert.AreEqual(expectedLCS, actualLCS);
        public void Get_Exists_Find()
            var lhs    = "abcbdab";
            var rhs    = "bdcaba";
            var solver = new LongestCommonSubsequence(lhs, rhs);

            var lcs = solver.Get();

            using var scope = new AssertionScope();
Пример #23
 private void AssertMatrix <T>(LongestCommonSubsequence <T> lcm, int[,] expected)
     for (int i = 0; i < expected.GetLength(0); i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < expected.GetLength(1); j++)
                 expected[i, j] == lcm[i, j],
                 $"[{i}, {j}] expected to be {expected[i, j]} but was {lcm[i, j]}"
Пример #24
        public void IndicesExcluded()
            var s1 = "abc";
            var s2 = "bc";
            // this returns exactly one left-aligned common subsequence, chosen randomly
            var ss = LongestCommonSubsequence.LeftAlignedLCS(s1, s2);

            // get the excluded indices
            var idxs = LongestCommonSubsequence.GetMissingCharIndices(s1, ss);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, idxs.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(idxs[0], 0);
Пример #25
        public void TestCharSequences()
            var s1 = "abc";
            var s2 = "abcc";

            Tuple <int, int>[] shouldbe_1_a = { new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0), new Tuple <int, int>(1, 1), new Tuple <int, int>(2, 2) };
            Tuple <int, int>[] shouldbe_2_a = { new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0), new Tuple <int, int>(1, 1), new Tuple <int, int>(2, 3) };
            var shouldbe_1 = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Tuple <int, int> >(shouldbe_1_a);
            var shouldbe_2 = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Tuple <int, int> >(shouldbe_2_a);
            var sss        = LongestCommonSubsequence.LCS_Hash_Char(s1, s2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, sss.Count);
Пример #26
        public void TestLeftAlignedLCS()
            var s1 = "abc";
            var s2 = "abcc";
            // this returns exactly one left-aligned common subsequence, chosen randomly
            var ss = LongestCommonSubsequence.LeftAlignedLCSList(s1, s2);

            // but in this case, both left-aligned subsequences will be the same
            Tuple <int, int>[] shouldbe = { new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0), new Tuple <int, int>(1, 1), new Tuple <int, int>(2, 2) };

            Assert.AreEqual(true, ss.SequenceEqual <Tuple <int, int> >(shouldbe));

            var s3  = "aaab";
            var s4  = "bzzzaaa";
            var ss2 = LongestCommonSubsequence.LeftAlignedLCS(s3, s4);

            Tuple <int, int>[] shouldbe2 = { new Tuple <int, int>(0, 4), new Tuple <int, int>(1, 5), new Tuple <int, int>(2, 6) };

            Assert.AreEqual(true, ss2.SequenceEqual <Tuple <int, int> >(shouldbe2));
Пример #27
        public void TestCharSequence()
            var s1 = "Hello";
            var s2 = "Heellloo";

            Tuple <int, int>[] shouldbe_a     = { new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0), new Tuple <int, int>(1, 2), new Tuple <int, int>(2, 4), new Tuple <int, int>(3, 5), new Tuple <int, int>(4, 7) };
            Tuple <int, int>[] shouldalsobe_a = { new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0), new Tuple <int, int>(1, 2), new Tuple <int, int>(2, 4), new Tuple <int, int>(3, 5), new Tuple <int, int>(4, 6) };
            var shouldbe     = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Tuple <int, int> >(shouldbe_a);
            var shouldalsobe = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Tuple <int, int> >(shouldalsobe_a);
            var sss          = LongestCommonSubsequence.LCS_Hash_Char(s1, s2);
            var found        = 0;

            foreach (var ss in sss)
                if (ss.SequenceEqual <Tuple <int, int> >(shouldbe) || ss.SequenceEqual <Tuple <int, int> >(shouldalsobe))
                    found += 1;
            Assert.AreEqual <int>(2, found);
            Assert.AreEqual(12, sss.Count);
Пример #28
        private void FindTwoSimilarString(List <string> strings, out string s1, out string s2)
            int min = -1;
            var LCS = new LongestCommonSubsequence();

            s1 = "";
            s2 = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < strings.Count - 1; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < strings.Count; j++)
                    int distance = (int)LCS.Distance(strings[i], strings[j]);

                    if (min == -1 || distance < min)
                        min = distance;
                        s1  = strings[i];
                        s2  = strings[j];
Пример #29
        public void LcsStringDynamic(string s1, string s2, string expected)
            string actual = LongestCommonSubsequence.LcsStringDynamic(s1, s2);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Пример #30
        public void LcsLengthDynamic_ValidStrings_ReturnsExpected(string s1, string s2, int expected)
            int actual = LongestCommonSubsequence.LcsLengthDynamic(s1, s2);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Пример #31
 public void LongestCommonSubsequence()
     var input = new[] {"XMJYAUZ;MZJAWXU"};
     var expected = "MJAU";
     var result = new LongestCommonSubsequence(input).Run().First();
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);