public static SentimentAnalysisData AnalyzeReview(ReviewData data)
            SentimentAnalysisData result = new SentimentAnalysisData {
                Review = data

            result.SentimentEvaluation = regression.Transform(CalculateProbabilities(data.reviewText));
        public void gh_937()
            #region doc_learn_database
            // Note: this example uses a System.Data.DataTable to represent input data,
            // but note that this is not required. The data could have been represented
            // as jagged double matrices (double[][]) directly.

            // If you have to handle heterogeneus data in your application, such as user records
            // in a database, this data is best represented within the framework using a .NET's
            // DataTable object. In order to try to learn a classification or regression model
            // using this datatable, first we will need to convert the table into a representation
            // that the machine learning model can understand. Such representation is quite often,
            // a matrix of doubles (double[][]).
            var data = new DataTable("Customer Revenue Example");

            data.Columns.Add("Day", "CustomerId", "Time (hour)", "Weather", "Buy");
            data.Rows.Add("D1", 0, 8, "Sunny", true);
            data.Rows.Add("D2", 1, 10, "Sunny", true);
            data.Rows.Add("D3", 2, 10, "Rain", false);
            data.Rows.Add("D4", 3, 16, "Rain", true);
            data.Rows.Add("D5", 4, 15, "Rain", true);
            data.Rows.Add("D6", 5, 20, "Rain", false);
            data.Rows.Add("D7", 6, 12, "Cloudy", true);
            data.Rows.Add("D8", 7, 12, "Sunny", false);

            // One way to perform this conversion is by using a Codification filter. The Codification
            // filter can take care of converting variables that actually denote symbols (i.e. the
            // weather in the example above) into representations that make more sense given the assumption
            // of a real vector-based classifier.

            // Create a codification codebook
            var codebook = new Codification()
                { "Weather", CodificationVariable.Categorical },
                { "Time (hour)", CodificationVariable.Continuous },
                { "Revenue", CodificationVariable.Continuous },

            // Learn from the data

            // Now, we will use the codebook to transform the DataTable into double[][] vectors. Due
            // the way the conversion works, we can end up with more columns in your output vectors
            // than the ones started with. If you would like more details about what those columns
            // represent, you can pass then as 'out' parameters in the methods that follow below.
            string[] inputNames;  // (note: if you do not want to run this example yourself, you
            string   outputName;  // can see below the new variable names that will be generated)

            // Now, we can translate our training data into integer symbols using our codebook:
            double[][] inputs  = codebook.Apply(data, "Weather", "Time (hour)").ToJagged(out inputNames);
            double[]   outputs = codebook.Apply(data, "Buy").ToVector(out outputName);
            // (note: the Apply method transform a DataTable into another DataTable containing the codified
            //  variables. The ToJagged and ToVector methods are then used to transform those tables into
            //  double[][] matrices and double[] vectors, respectively.

            // If we would like to learn a logistic regression model for this data, there are two possible
            // ways depending on which aspect of the logistic regression we are interested the most. If we
            // are interested in interpreting the logistic regression, performing hypothesis tests with the
            // coefficients and performing an actual _logistic regression analysis_, then we can use the
            // LogisticRegressionAnalysis class for this. If however we are only interested in using
            // the learned model directly to predict new values for the dataset, then we could be using the
            // LogisticRegression and IterativeReweightedLeastSquares classes directly instead.

            // This example deals with the former case. For the later, please see the documentation page
            // for the LogisticRegression class.

            // We can create a new multiple linear analysis for the variables
            var lra = new LogisticRegressionAnalysis()
                // We can also inform the names of the new variables that have been created by the
                // codification filter. Those can help in the visualizing the analysis once it is
                // data-bound to a visual control such a Windows.Forms.DataGridView or WPF DataGrid:

                Inputs = inputNames, // will be { "Weather: Sunny", "Weather: Rain, "Weather: Cloudy", "Time (hours)" }
                Output = outputName  // will be "Revenue"

            // Compute the analysis and obtain the estimated regression
            LogisticRegression regression = lra.Learn(inputs, outputs);

            // And then predict the label using
            double predicted = lra.Transform(inputs[0]); // result will be ~0.287

            // Because we opted for doing a MultipleLinearRegressionAnalysis instead of a simple
            // linear regression, we will have further information about the regression available:
            int           inputCount        = lra.NumberOfInputs;  // should be 4
            int           outputCount       = lra.NumberOfOutputs; // should be 1
            double        logl              = lra.LogLikelihood;   // should be -4.6035570737785525
            ChiSquareTest x2                = lra.ChiSquare;       // should be 1.37789 (p=0.8480, non-significant)
            double[]      stdErr            = lra.StandardErrors;  // should be high except for the last value of 0.27122079214927985 (due small data)
            double[]      or                = lra.OddsRatios;      // should be 1.1116659950687609 for the last coefficient (related to time of day)
            LogisticCoefficientCollection c = lra.Coefficients;    // coefficient table (bind to a visual control for quick inspection)
            double[][] h = lra.InformationMatrix;                  // should contain Fisher's information matrix for the problem

            Assert.AreEqual(0.28703150858677107, predicted, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, inputCount, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, outputCount, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(-4.6035570737785525, logl, 1e-8);
            Assert.IsTrue(new[] { 0.0019604927838235376, 88.043929817973222, 101.42211648160144, 2.1954970044905113E-07, 1.1116659950687609 }.IsEqual(or, 1e-4));

            Assert.AreEqual(1.377897662970609, x2.Statistic, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.84802726696077046, x2.PValue, 1e-8);