public void ApplySettings() { link = InputLink.text; bloom = Toggle_Bloom.isOn; motionblur = Toggle_MotionBlur.isOn; resolutionIndex = dropdown_resolution.value; Screen.SetResolution(resolutions[dropdown_resolution.value].width, resolutions[dropdown_resolution.value].height, Screen.fullScreen); SettingsAndControls.Settings.SetSetting("link", new SACString(link), Setting.SettingType.STRING); SettingsAndControls.Settings.SetSetting("bloom", new SACBool(bloom), Setting.SettingType.BOOLEAN); SettingsAndControls.Settings.SetSetting("blur", new SACBool(motionblur), Setting.SettingType.BOOLEAN); SettingsAndControls.Settings.SetSetting("resolution_index", new SACInt(resolutionIndex), Setting.SettingType.INTEGER); SettingsAndControls.Save(); if ( == "SettingsPanel") { //display messagebox from login module LoginModule loginModule = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <LoginModule>(); loginModule.messagePrompt("Settings has been changed successfully", 2); } else if ( == "InGameSettingsPanel") { gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
IEnumerator dbPassUpdate(string settingsLink, string accPassword, string newPassword, string confPassword) { // get link for password update module string link = "http://" + settingsLink + "/game_client/update_password.php"; WWWForm passwordForm = new WWWForm(); // check if new password and confirm new password exactly match if (txt_accPassword.text != string.Empty && txt_newPassword.text != string.Empty && txt_confirmNewPassword.text != string.Empty && txt_newPassword.text.Length > 8) { if (newPassword == confPassword) { // get user credentials for user update reference string userID = login_module.userID; string username = login_module.accountUsername; int accLevel = int.Parse(login_module.accountLevel); // send appropriate data for update passwordForm.AddField("accPassword", accPassword); passwordForm.AddField("accID", userID); passwordForm.AddField("accUsername", username); passwordForm.AddField("accLevel", accLevel); passwordForm.AddField("newPassword", newPassword); WWW wwwRequest = new WWW(link, passwordForm); // disable controls that may interrupt the process btnUpdate.interactable = false; //btnUpdate.GetComponent<Text>().text = "Processing requests..."; btnPanelClose.interactable = false; yield return(wwwRequest); Debug.Log(wwwRequest.text); // display response after processing the request if (wwwRequest.text == "success") { // display success message login_module.messagePrompt("Account password updated successfully!", 2); gameObject.SetActive(false); } else if (wwwRequest.text == "mismatch") { // display password mismatch message login_module.messagePrompt("Invalid account password!", 1); } else { // display failure message login_module.messagePrompt("Account password updated failed!", 1); } btnUpdate.interactable = true; //btnUpdate.GetComponent<Text>().text = "Update Password"; btnPanelClose.interactable = true; } else { // display error message box and clear values to all textbox on the password panel login_module.messagePrompt("Confirm password doesn't match!", 1); } } else { if (txt_newPassword.text.Length < 8) { login_module.messagePrompt("Password should be at least 8 characters long!", 1); } else { login_module.messagePrompt("Fill the required fields!", 1); } } txt_accPassword.text = null; txt_newPassword.text = null; txt_confirmNewPassword.text = null; }