Пример #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ExcludeFields ef = new ExcludeFields()
                FirstName = "Jack", LastName = "Makan", EmployeeID = 100, Designation = "SSE", Address = "United States"
            List <string> discardedFieldsList = new List <string>();

            var log = new LoggerConfiguration()
            ILogglyClient _loggly  = new LogglyClient();
            var           logEvent = new LogglyEvent();

            logEvent.Data.Add("message", "Simple message at {0}");
            logEvent.Data.Add("context", ef.excludeFields(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ef), discardedFieldsList));
            logEvent.Data.Add("Error", new Exception("your exception message"));
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Emit the provided log event to the sink.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logEvent">The log event to write.</param>
        public void Emit(LogEvent logEvent)
            var logglyEvent = new LogglyEvent();

            var isHttpTransport = LogglyConfig.Instance.Transport.LogTransport == LogTransport.Https;

            logglyEvent.Syslog.Level = ToSyslogLevel(logEvent);

            foreach (var key in logEvent.Properties.Keys)
                var propertyValue = logEvent.Properties[key];
                var simpleValue   = LogglyPropertyFormatter.Simplify(propertyValue);
                logglyEvent.Data.AddIfAbsent(key, simpleValue);

            logglyEvent.Data.AddIfAbsent("Message", logEvent.RenderMessage(_formatProvider));

            if (isHttpTransport)
                // syslog will capture these via the header
                logglyEvent.Data.AddIfAbsent("Level", logEvent.Level.ToString());

            if (logEvent.Exception != null)
                logglyEvent.Data.AddIfAbsent("Exception", logEvent.Exception);

Пример #3
        protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent)
            var loggly = new LogglyClient();

            // The unwrapped event has a zero sequenceId, grab it before unwrapping;
            var sequenceId = logEvent.SequenceID;

            logEvent = GetCorrectEvent(logEvent);

            if (logEvent.Properties.ContainsKey("syslog-suppress"))
                 * logging delimiting messages like "--------------" makes sense for pretty printing to file log targets
                 * but not so much for loggly. Support suppression.

            var logMessage = Layout.Render(logEvent);

            var logglyEvent     = new LogglyEvent();
            var isHttpTransport = LogglyConfig.Instance.Transport.LogTransport == LogTransport.Https;

            logglyEvent.Timestamp        = logEvent.TimeStamp;
            logglyEvent.Syslog.MessageId = sequenceId;
            logglyEvent.Syslog.Level     = ToSyslogLevel(logEvent.Level);

            if (logEvent.Exception != null)
                logglyEvent.Data.Add("exception", logEvent.Exception);

            if (isHttpTransport)
                // syslog will capture these via the header
                logglyEvent.Data.Add("sequenceId", sequenceId);
                logglyEvent.Data.Add("level", logEvent.Level.Name);

            logglyEvent.Data.Add("message", logMessage);
            foreach (var tag in Tags.Split(','))
                logglyEvent.Options.Tags.Add(new SimpleTag {
                    Value = tag

            foreach (var key in logEvent.Properties.Keys)
                logglyEvent.Data.AddIfAbsent(key.ToString(), logEvent.Properties[key]);

Пример #4
        public async Task SelfReferencingLoopShouldNotFailMessageSerialization()
            var transportMock = new Mock <IMessageTransport>();

            transportMock.Setup(x => x.Send(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <LogglyMessage> >()))
            .Callback((IEnumerable <LogglyMessage> x) => x.ToList())    //making sure the messages are evaluated
            .Returns(() => Task.FromResult(new LogResponse {
                Code = ResponseCode.Success

            var logglyEvent = new LogglyEvent();

            logglyEvent.Data.AddIfAbsent("ReferenceLoopType", new TypeWithReferenceLoopParent());

            var client = new LogglyClient(transportMock.Object);

            var res = await client.Log(logglyEvent);

            Assert.AreEqual(ResponseCode.Success, res.Code);
Пример #5
        public void LogglyClientSendException()
            var config = LogglyConfig.Instance;

            config.CustomerToken   = "83fe7674-f87d-473e-a8af-bbbbbbbbbbbb";
            config.ApplicationName = $"test";

            config.Transport.EndpointHostname = "logs-01.loggly.com";
            config.Transport.EndpointPort     = 443;
            config.Transport.LogTransport     = LogTransport.Https;

            var ct = new ApplicationNameTag {
                Formatter = "application-{0}"

            var logglyClient = new LogglyClient();

            catch (Exception e)
                LogglyEvent logglyEvent = new LogglyEvent
                    Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                    Syslog    = { Level = Level.Emergency }
                logglyEvent.Data.AddIfAbsent("Message", "xZx");
                logglyEvent.Data.AddIfAbsent("Level", "Error");
                logglyEvent.Data.AddIfAbsent("Exception", e);

                var res = logglyClient.Log(logglyEvent).Result;
                Assert.Equal(ResponseCode.Success, res.Code);
Пример #6
        async Task OnTick()
            LogEventLevel?minimumAcceptedLevel = LogEventLevel.Debug;

                //we'll use this to control the number of events read per cycle. If the batch limit is reached,
                //then there is probably more events queued and we should continue to read them. Otherwise,
                // we can wait for the next timer tick moment to see if anything new is available.
                int numberOfEventsRead;
                    //this should consistently return the same batch of events until
                    //a MarkAsProcessed message is sent to the provider. Never return a null, please...
                    var payload = _bufferDataProvider.GetNextBatchOfEvents();
                    numberOfEventsRead = payload.Count();

                    if (numberOfEventsRead > 0)
                        //send the loggly events through the bulk API
                        var result = await _logglyClient.Log(payload).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (result.Code == ResponseCode.Success)
                        else if (result.Code == ResponseCode.Error)
                            // The connection attempt was successful - the payload we sent was the problem.
                            _bufferDataProvider.MarkCurrentBatchAsProcessed();  //move foward

                            _invalidPayloadLogger.DumpInvalidPayload(result, payload);
                            SelfLog.WriteLine("Received failed HTTP shipping result {0}: {1}", result.Code,
                        // For whatever reason, there's nothing waiting to send. This means we should try connecting again at the
                        // regular interval, so mark the attempt as successful.

                        // not getting any batch may mean our marker is off, or at the end of the current, old file.
                        // Try to move foward and cleanup
                } while (numberOfEventsRead == _batchPostingLimit);
                //keep sending as long as we can retrieve a full batch. If not, wait for next tick
            catch (Exception ex)
                SelfLog.WriteLine("Exception while emitting periodic batch from {0}: {1}", this, ex);
                lock (_stateLock)

                    if (!_unloading)
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Emit a batch of log events, running asynchronously.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="events">The events to emit.</param>
 /// <remarks>Override either <see cref="PeriodicBatchingSink.EmitBatch"/> or <see cref="PeriodicBatchingSink.EmitBatchAsync"/>,
 /// not both.</remarks>
 protected override async Task EmitBatchAsync(IEnumerable <LogEvent> events)
     await _client.Log(events.Select(_converter.CreateLogglyEvent));
        async Task OnTick()
            LogEventLevel?minimumAcceptedLevel = LogEventLevel.Debug;

                // Locking the bookmark ensures that though there may be multiple instances of this
                // class running, only one will ship logs at a time.
                using (var bookmark = IOFile.Open(_bookmarkFilename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read))
                    using (var bookmarkStreamReader = new StreamReader(bookmark, Encoding.UTF8, false, 128))
                        using (var bookmarkStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(bookmark))
                            int count;
                                count = 0;

                                long   nextLineBeginsAtOffset;
                                string currentFile;

                                TryReadBookmark(bookmark, bookmarkStreamReader, out nextLineBeginsAtOffset, out currentFile);

                                var fileSet = GetFileSet();

                                if (currentFile == null || !IOFile.Exists(currentFile))
                                    nextLineBeginsAtOffset = 0;
                                    currentFile            = fileSet.FirstOrDefault();

                                if (currentFile == null)

                                //grab the list of pending LogglyEvents from the file
                                var payload = GetListOfEvents(currentFile, ref nextLineBeginsAtOffset, ref count);

                                if (count > 0)
                                    //sen the loggly events through the bulk API
                                    var result = await _logglyClient.Log(payload).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                    if (result.Code == ResponseCode.Success)
                                        WriteBookmark(bookmarkStreamWriter, nextLineBeginsAtOffset, currentFile);
                                    else if (result.Code == ResponseCode.Error)
                                        // The connection attempt was successful - the payload we sent was the problem.

                                        DumpInvalidPayload(result, payload);
                                        WriteBookmark(bookmarkStreamWriter, nextLineBeginsAtOffset, currentFile);
                                        SelfLog.WriteLine("Received failed HTTP shipping result {0}: {1}", result.Code,

                                    // For whatever reason, there's nothing waiting to send. This means we should try connecting again at the
                                    // regular interval, so mark the attempt as successful.

                                    // Only advance the bookmark if no other process has the
                                    // current file locked, and its length is as we found it.
                                    if (fileSet.Length == 2 && fileSet.First() == currentFile &&
                                        IsUnlockedAtLength(currentFile, nextLineBeginsAtOffset))
                                        WriteBookmark(bookmarkStreamWriter, 0, fileSet[1]);

                                    if (fileSet.Length > 2)
                                        // Once there's a third file waiting to ship, we do our
                                        // best to move on, though a lock on the current file
                                        // will delay this.

                            } while (count == _batchPostingLimit);
            catch (Exception ex)
                SelfLog.WriteLine("Exception while emitting periodic batch from {0}: {1}", this, ex);
                lock (_stateLock)

                    if (!_unloading)