public static void UnknownPathError(string message, NLog.Logger logger) { LoggerUtils.LogMessage(message + ". Write the locations of the Testlab installers. " + "It should be a folder named Test.Lab that contains releases.", (LogLevel)LogLevel.Error, logger); }
private async Task RefreshAsync() { try { LoggerUtils.LogMessage("Search installed components will start", (LogLevel)LogLevel.Info, UninstallerViewModel.logger); Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); this.UninstallBarInProgress = true; await Task.Run((Action)(() => this.List = new ObservableCollection <NameObject>((IEnumerable <NameObject>) this.GetProducts()))); watch.Stop(); DateTime elapsedTime = DateTime.MinValue.AddMilliseconds((double)watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); Dialogs.ElapsedTime("Search installed components", elapsedTime, UninstallerViewModel.logger); watch = (Stopwatch)null; } catch (Exception ex) { this.List = new ObservableCollection <NameObject>(); Dialogs.UnknownError(ex.Message, UninstallerViewModel.logger); } finally { this.UninstallBarInProgress = false; this.SaveAllApplicationsFound(); } }
public static void ElapsedTime(string message, DateTime elapsedTime, NLog.Logger logger) { LoggerUtils.LogMessage(message + " completed in " + string.Format("{0} hours ", (object)elapsedTime.Hour) + string.Format("{0} minutes and ", (object)elapsedTime.Minute) + string.Format("{0} seconds.", (object)elapsedTime.Second), (LogLevel)LogLevel.Info, logger); }
public static void DependencyFoundError(string firstName, string secondName, NLog.Logger logger) { LoggerUtils.LogMessage("Application " + firstName + " depends on application " + secondName + ". You need to uninstall " + secondName + " if you want to uninstall " + firstName + ".", (LogLevel)LogLevel.Warn, logger); }
private async Task UninstallProgramsAsync(DataGrid uninstallDataGrid) { if ((uint)uninstallDataGrid.SelectedItems.Count <= 0U) { return; } try { ObservableCollection <NameObject> selectedItemsList = new ObservableCollection <NameObject>(); this.CopyListToList(uninstallDataGrid.SelectedItems, (IList)selectedItemsList); this.UninstallBarInProgress = true; if (this.IsDependencyFound(selectedItemsList)) { this.UninstallBarInProgress = false; } else { LoggerUtils.LogMessage("Uninstall opperation will start", (LogLevel)LogLevel.Info, UninstallerViewModel.logger); Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); await this.UninstallListOfPrograms(selectedItemsList); watch.Stop(); DateTime elapsedTime = DateTime.MinValue.AddMilliseconds((double)watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); Dialogs.ElapsedTime("Uninstall opperation", elapsedTime, UninstallerViewModel.logger); selectedItemsList = (ObservableCollection <NameObject>)null; watch = (Stopwatch)null; } } catch (Exception ex) { Dialogs.UnknownError(ex.Message, UninstallerViewModel.logger); } finally { this.UninstallBarInProgress = false; } }
public LoggerViewModel() { this.LoadData(); LoggerUtils.LogMessage("Logger up and running", (LogLevel)LogLevel.Info, LoggerViewModel.logger); }
public static void DependenciesAdded(NLog.Logger logger) { LoggerUtils.LogMessage("Dependencies were saved successfully", (LogLevel)LogLevel.Info, logger); }
public static void DependenciesAddedError(NLog.Logger logger) { LoggerUtils.LogMessage("The dependencies could not be saved", (LogLevel)LogLevel.Error, logger); }
public static void NoApplications(NLog.Logger logger) { LoggerUtils.LogMessage("There have been no applications found. " + "Use the search button in the Uninstaller tab to update this list.", (LogLevel)LogLevel.Warn, logger); }
public static void PathModified(string path, NLog.Logger logger) { LoggerUtils.LogMessage("Current path: " + path, (LogLevel)LogLevel.Info, logger); }
public static void SavePathError(string path, NLog.Logger logger) { LoggerUtils.LogMessage("The path: " + path + " could not be saved", (LogLevel)LogLevel.Error, logger); }
public static void UnknownError(string message, NLog.Logger logger) { LoggerUtils.LogMessage(message, (LogLevel)LogLevel.Error, logger); }
public static void InstallationFailed(string path, NLog.Logger logger) { LoggerUtils.LogMessage("Installation failed for " + Path.GetFileName(path) + ", path " + path + ".", (LogLevel)LogLevel.Error, logger); }
private void MainWindow_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoggerUtils.LogMessage("Program closed.", LogLevel.Info, logger); Application.Current.Shutdown(); }