private void Identify_CheckSecretExistsWithDialog_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { LogTextBox.Clear(); try { var secretName = InputBox.Show("Secret name:"); Log("Secret name: {0}", secretName); var dialog = new IdentificationDialog(); dialog.Title = ".NET SDK Sample"; dialog.Description = ((Button)sender).Content.ToString(); dialog.ParentWindow = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle; if (dialog.ShowDialog()) { Log("OK"); Log("User name: {0}", dialog.UserName); Log("Authenticated credentials: {0}", String.Join(", ", dialog.AuthenticatedCredentials)); var secretExists = dialog.SecretExists(secretName); Log("Secret exists: {0}", secretExists); } else { Log("Cancelled"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } }
private void Authenticate_SpecifiedUser_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { LogTextBox.Clear(); try { var userName = InputBox.Show("User name:"); Log("User name: {0}", userName); var dialog = new AuthenticationDialog(); dialog.Title = ".NET SDK Sample"; dialog.Description = ((Button)sender).Content.ToString(); dialog.ParentWindow = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle; dialog.UserName = userName; Log("Show dialog"); if (dialog.ShowDialog()) { Log("OK"); Log("User name: {0}", dialog.UserName); Log("Authenticated credentials: {0}", String.Join(", ", dialog.AuthenticatedCredentials)); } else { Log("Cancelled"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } }
private void Identify_CheckSecretExists_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { LogTextBox.Clear(); try { var userName = InputBox.Show("User name:"); var secretName = InputBox.Show("Secret name:"); Log("User name: {0}", userName); Log("Secret name: {0}", secretName); var dialog = new IdentificationDialog(); dialog.Title = ".NET SDK Sample"; dialog.Description = ((Button)sender).Content.ToString(); dialog.ParentWindow = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle; dialog.UserName = userName; var sercetExists = dialog.SecretExists(secretName); Log("Secret exists: {0}", sercetExists); } catch (Exception ex) { Log("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } }
private void Identify_CustomPolicy_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { LogTextBox.Clear(); try { var policy = new ulong[] { 1 | 2, 4 }; // password+fingerprints or smartcards Log("Custom policy: {0}", String.Join(", ", policy)); var dialog = new IdentificationDialog(); dialog.Title = ".NET SDK Sample"; dialog.Description = ((Button)sender).Content.ToString(); dialog.ParentWindow = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle; dialog.AuthenticationPolicy = policy; Log("Show dialog"); if (dialog.ShowDialog()) { Log("OK"); Log("User name: {0}", dialog.UserName); Log("Authenticated credentials: {0}", String.Join(", ", dialog.AuthenticatedCredentials)); } else { Log("Cancelled"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } }
public GingerCoreNETWindow() { InitializeComponent(); mSolutionRepository = WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository; LogTextBox.Clear(); ElapsedLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; MemKBLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Report.Error", Action = () => ReporterError() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Get all Files", Action = () => GetAllFiles() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Get All BFs", Action = () => GetBFs() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Get All BFs + keep refs", Action = () => GetBFsKeepRef() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Get All BFs and Drill down", Action = () => GetAllBFsandDrilldown() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Get All BFs and Save", Action = () => GetAllBFsandSave() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "GetEnvironments", Action = () => GetEnvironments() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Run C# Code", Action = () => RunCShrapCode() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Repository Item Base Report", Action = () => RepositoryItemBaseReport() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Test crash on non UI thread", Action = () => TestCrash() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "LongPath Test", Action = () => LongPathTest() }); ActionsListBox.ItemsSource = Actions; MainDataGrid.MouseDoubleClick += MainDataGrid_MouseDoubleClick; }
public void Start() { Stop(); _distanceCalculator = new DistanceCalculator(Convert.ToDouble(TimeTextBox.Text)); _globalHook = Hook.GlobalEvents(); _globalHook.KeyUp += OnKeyUp; _step = 0; LogTextBox.Clear(); Log(string.Format("当前时间系数为:{0}\r\n", TimeTextBox.Text)); Log("等待点击第一个点:"); }
public LogView( LogViewModel viewModel, SubjectMemorySink memorySink) { InitializeComponent(); ViewModel = viewModel; this.WhenActivated(d => { LogTextBox.Clear(); memorySink.LogSubject.ObserveOnDispatcher().Subscribe(str => LogTextBox.AppendText(str)).DisposeWith(d); }); }
private void ClearLog() { if (this.InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action(() => ClearLog())); } else { if (!LogTextBox.IsDisposed) { LogTextBox.Clear(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Clear log window contents /// </summary> public void Clear() { if (LogTextBox != null) { Utilities.CallActionSafelyAndWait(LogTextBox, new Action(() => { LogTextBox.Clear(); LogTextBox.ScrollToCaret(); })); } if (DebugLogTextBox != null) { Utilities.CallActionSafelyAndWait(DebugLogTextBox, new Action(() => { DebugLogTextBox.Clear(); DebugLogTextBox.ScrollToCaret(); })); } }
private void StartButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IStatementParser parser = null; switch (StatementTypeComboBox.SelectionBoxItem.ToString()) { case "DES Visa": parser = new StatementParserForDejardingsVisa(); break; case "RBC Chequing": parser = new StatementParserForRbcChecking(); break; case "RBC Visa": parser = new StatementParserForRbcVisa(); break; } if (parser == null) { MessageBox.Show("Statement type is not supported."); return; } LogTextBox.Clear(); Log("Started..."); var path = InputFolderTextBox.Text; //Saving the path var s = new Settings { Path = path, StatementType = StatementTypeComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString(), }; s.Save(); ProcessFiles(Path.Combine(InputFolderTextBox.Text), parser, GeneratePdfTextFilesCheckBox.IsChecked == true); Log("Done."); }
private void Authenticate_CusmonUserNameType_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { LogTextBox.Clear(); try { var userName = InputBox.Show("User name:"); var userNameTypeValues = new Dictionary <string, int>(); userNameTypeValues["SAM (domain\\user_name)"] = 3; userNameTypeValues["DpAccount (user_name)"] = 9; var userNameType = ChooseBox.Show <int>("User name type:", userNameTypeValues); Log("User name: {0}", userName); Log("User name: {0}", userNameType); var dialog = new AuthenticationDialog(); dialog.Title = ".NET SDK Sample"; dialog.Description = ((Button)sender).Content.ToString(); dialog.ParentWindow = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle; dialog.UserName = userName; dialog.UserNameType = userNameType; Log("Show dialog"); if (dialog.ShowDialog()) { Log("OK"); Log("User name: {0}", dialog.UserName); Log("Authenticated credentials: {0}", String.Join(", ", dialog.AuthenticatedCredentials)); } else { Log("Cancel"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } }
private void Authenticate_CusmonPolicyModified_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { LogTextBox.Clear(); try { var dialog = new AuthenticationDialog(); dialog.Title = ".NET SDK Sample"; dialog.Description = ((Button)sender).Content.ToString(); dialog.ParentWindow = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle; dialog.UserName = Environment.UserDomainName + "\\" + Environment.UserName; var policy = dialog.ReadAuthPolicy(); Log("Original policy: {0}", String.Join(", ", policy)); policy = policy.Where(p => (p & 1) != p).ToArray(); // remove password Log("Modified policy: {0}", String.Join(", ", policy)); dialog.AuthenticationPolicy = policy; Log("Show dialog"); if (dialog.ShowDialog()) { Log("OK"); Log("User name: {0}", dialog.UserName); Log("Authenticated credentials: {0}", String.Join(", ", dialog.AuthenticatedCredentials)); } else { Log("Cancel"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } }
public void DoCleanLogs() { bool timerEnabled = timer1.Enabled; if (timerEnabled) { timer1.Stop(); } try { Logging.clear(); lastOffset = 0; LogTextBox.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } if (timerEnabled) { timer1.Start(); } }
/// <summary> /// テキストボックスの文字列を全削除する /// </summary> public void Clear() { MainForm.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { LogTextBox.Clear(); })); }
public void ClearLog() { LogTextBox.Clear(); }
/// <summary> /// Clears log text box /// </summary> private void ClearLog() { LogTextBox.Clear(); }
public GingerCoreNETWindow() { InitializeComponent(); mSolutionRepository = WorkSpace.Instance.SolutionRepository; LogTextBox.Clear(); ElapsedLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; MemKBLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Report.Error", Action = () => ReporterError() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Get all Files", Action = () => GetAllFiles() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Get All BFs", Action = () => GetBFs() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Get All BFs + keep refs", Action = () => GetBFsKeepRef() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Get All BFs and Drill down", Action = () => GetAllBFsandDrilldown() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Get All BFs and Save", Action = () => GetAllBFsandSave() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Get All BFs and Copy", Action = () => GetBFsAndCopy() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Create 100 Big BFs", Action = () => Create100BigBFs() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Clear Business Flows Cache", Action = () => ClearBusinessFlowsCache() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "GetEnvironments", Action = () => GetEnvironments() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Start Ginger Grid", Action = () => StartGingerGrid() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "List Ginger Grid Nodes", Action = () => ListGingerGridNodes() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Open GingerGrid Window", Action = () => OpenGingerGridWindows() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Run Goto URL On all Nodes", Action = () => RunGotoURLOnallNodes() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Run Selenium Actions", Action = () => RunSeleniumActions() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "List Plugins", Action = () => ListPlugins() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Run C# Code", Action = () => RunCShrapCode() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Run Selenium Driver Core Plugin", Action = () => RunSeleniumDriverCorePlugin() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Open Applications", Action = () => OpenApplciations() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Open BF With Old Actions", Action = () => OpenBFWithOldActions() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Run Action", Action = () => RunAction() }); Actions.Add(new MyAction() { Name = "Repository Item Base Report", Action = () => RepositoryItemBaseReport() }); ActionsListBox.ItemsSource = Actions; MainDataGrid.MouseDoubleClick += MainDataGrid_MouseDoubleClick; }
private void OnFinished(Status status) { if (status == Status.BurnFinish) { // continue next step currentstatus = Status.TestFinish; label3.Text = "测试"; process = null; if (ValidateCurrent("$$OK FLASHING")) { ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("bsl.exe"); startInfo.Arguments = "reset"; startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized; startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; //startInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; //startInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; //startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized; resetprocess = Process.Start(startInfo); resetprocess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; resetprocess.Exited += process_Exited; resetprocess.OutputDataReceived += process_OutputDataReceived2; resetprocess.BeginOutputReadLine(); return; } else { ResultLabel.Text = "FAIL"; fs.WriteLine("FAIL {0} {1} {2}", MacAddrTextBox.Text, BoardIdTextBox.Text, OperatorTextBox.Text); } } else if (status != Status.Done) { currentstatus = Status.Done; if (status == Status.Fail) { // warning ResultLabel.Text = "出错了"; fs.WriteLine("FAIL {0} {1} {2}", MacAddrTextBox.Text, BoardIdTextBox.Text, OperatorTextBox.Text); } else { ResultLabel.Text = "测试通过"; fs.WriteLine("OK {0} {1} {2}", MacAddrTextBox.Text, BoardIdTextBox.Text, OperatorTextBox.Text); } } fs.Close(); // save the result timer2.Enabled = false; // enable the control, get ready for next RunButton.Enabled = true; MacAddrTextBox.ReadOnly = false; label3.Text = "测试通过,下一个"; MacAddrTextBox.Focus(); MacAddrTextBox.SelectAll(); LogTextBox.Clear(); }
private void ClearLogMenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Logging.Clear(); _currentOffset = 0; LogTextBox.Clear(); }
private void StartUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Properties.Settings.Default.UserLogin = UserLogin.Text; Properties.Settings.Default.UserPassword = Cryptography.EncryptPassword(UserLogin.Text, UserPassword.Text); LogTextBox.Clear(); MainUpdateSettings.Visible = false; SPUpdateSettings.Visible = false; UpdateReady = false; CompliteChecker.Start(); new Task(() => { void AppendLog(string text) => Invoke(new Action <string>(LogTextBox.AppendText), new object[] { text }); try { if (UpdateSharePoint.Checked || UpdateMSSQL.Checked) { AppendLog("Получение списка сортрудников Active Directory "); var adEmployeeList = ADRepository.GetEmployeeList(); AppendLog($"({adEmployeeList.Count} записей)\r\n\r\n"); if (UpdateMSSQL.Checked) { AppendLog("Получение списка сортрудников MSSQL "); var sqlEmployeeList = SqlRepository.GetEmployeeList(); AppendLog($"({sqlEmployeeList.Count} записей)\r\n"); AppendLog($"Поиск различий Active Directory и MSSQL\r\n"); (var createEmployeeList, var updateEmployeeList, var deleteEmployeeList) = DefiningDifferences(adEmployeeList, sqlEmployeeList); AppendLog($"\tДобавить: {createEmployeeList.Count}\r\n" + $"\tИзменить: {updateEmployeeList.Count}\r\n" + $"\tУдалить: {deleteEmployeeList.Count}\r\n"); AppendLog($"Обновление данных MSSQL "); SqlRepository.UpdateEmployeeList(createEmployeeList, updateEmployeeList, deleteEmployeeList); AppendLog($"(Выполнено)\r\n\r\n"); } if (UpdateSharePoint.Checked) { AppendLog("Получение списка сортрудников SharePoint "); var spEmployeeList = SPRepository.GetEmployeeList(); AppendLog($"({spEmployeeList.Count} записей)\r\n"); AppendLog($"Поиск различий Active Directory и SharePoint:\r\n"); (var createEmployeeList, var updateEmployeeList, var deleteEmployeeList) = DefiningDifferences(adEmployeeList, spEmployeeList); AppendLog($"\tДобавить: {createEmployeeList.Count}\r\n" + $"\tИзменить: {updateEmployeeList.Count}\r\n" + $"\tУдалить: {deleteEmployeeList.Count}\r\n"); AppendLog($"Обновление данных SharePoint "); SPRepository.UpdateEmployeeList(createEmployeeList, updateEmployeeList, deleteEmployeeList); AppendLog($"(Выполнено)\r\n\r\n"); } } else { AppendLog("Выполнение прервано, так как не указано ни одного хранилища данных.\r\n\r\n"); } } catch (Exception ex) { AppendLog("Ошибка при выполнении:\r\n\t" + ex.Message + "\r\n\r\n" + "Трассировка: \r\n\t" + ex.StackTrace); } finally { AppendLog($"Выполнение завершено\r\n"); UpdateReady = true; } }).Start(); }
private void MapErrorMessageChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { LogTextBox.Clear(); // Should be a list of messages LogTextBox.AppendText(MapControl.ErrorMessage + "\n"); }
public WpfMailSender() { InitializeComponent(); LogTextBox.Clear(); }
private void ClearButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { LogTextBox.Clear(); }
private void LogCleanMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LogTextBox.Clear(); }
private void btnClearLog_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { LogTextBox.Clear(); }
private void Start_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { list0 = CustomerHelper.fun1(); //获取设置 cpuCount = AppConfigHelper.GetAppConfigInt("CpuCount"); threadCount = AppConfigHelper.GetAppConfigInt("ThreadCount"); //清空当前列表 ListQueue.Clear(); //清空进度条 this.pb.Maximum = 0; this.tb.Text = "0%"; this.pb.Value = 0; var foldPath = ""; var newfoldPath = ""; var waterMarkImg = ""; if (TabControl0.SelectedIndex == 0 || TabControl0.SelectedIndex == 2) { foldPath = FileDir.Text; newfoldPath = NewFileDir.Text; cmdPath = CommonStatic.FFmpegPath; if (TabControl0.SelectedIndex == 2) { foldPath = FileDir2.Text; newfoldPath = NewFileDir2.Text; waterMarkImg = WaterMarkTextBox.Text.Trim(); } } else if (TabControl0.SelectedIndex == 1) { foldPath = FileDir1.Text; newfoldPath = NewFileDir1.Text; cmdPath = CommonStatic.Qtpath; } if (TabControl0.SelectedIndex == 2 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(waterMarkImg)) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("请选择要添加水印的图片", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(foldPath)) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("请选择要转换的视频的路径", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newfoldPath)) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("请输入要转换的视频的新路径", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (TabControl0.SelectedIndex == 1 || TabControl0.SelectedIndex == 2) { //在 【将元信息设置到第一帧】 模式下,生成文件的路径不能够和源文件路径一样,否则会出错 if (foldPath == newfoldPath) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("【生成文件路径】不能够和【源文件路径】一样。", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } } DirectoryInfo thisOne = new DirectoryInfo(foldPath); DeepFileDir(thisOne); if (ListQueue.Count == 0) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("该路径下未找到MP4格式的视频", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } LogTextBox.Clear(); LogTextBox.Text = "该目录下共找到 " + ListQueue.Count + " 个视频,开始进行转换......\n"; iAmount = ListQueue.Count; iCount = 0; iNow = 0; Thread thread = new Thread(ThreadStart); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); Select.IsEnabled = false; Start.IsEnabled = false; Select1.IsEnabled = false; Start1.IsEnabled = false; pb.Maximum = ListQueue.Count; }
private async Task CheckAndClean(bool clean) { LogTextBox.Clear(); MainTabControl.SelectedTab = LogsTabPage; var cancellationToken = new CancellationToken(false); var so = ControlsHelper.MainTaskScheduler; var unused = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { AddLogLine("Enumerating Devices..."); var devices = DeviceDetector.GetDevices(); var offline = devices.Where(x => !x.IsPresent && x.IsRemovable && !x.Description.Contains("RAS Async Adapter")).ToArray(); var problem = devices.Where(x => x.Status.HasFlag(DeviceNodeStatus.DN_HAS_PROBLEM)).Except(offline).ToArray(); var unknown = devices.Where(x => x.Description.Contains("Unknown")).Except(offline).Except(problem).ToArray(); var list = new List <string>(); if (offline.Length > 0) { list.Add(string.Format("{0} offline devices.", offline.Length)); } if (problem.Length > 0) { list.Add(string.Format("{0} problem devices.", problem.Length)); } if (unknown.Length > 0) { list.Add(string.Format("{0} unknown devices.", unknown.Length)); } var message = string.Join("\r\n", list); if (list.Count == 0) { AddLogLine("No offline, problem or unknown devices found."); } else if (clean) { foreach (var item in list) { AddLogLine(item); } var result = DialogResult.No; ControlsHelper.Invoke(new Action(() => { var form = new JocysCom.ClassLibrary.Controls.MessageBoxForm { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent }; ControlsHelper.CheckTopMost(form); result = form.ShowForm( "Do you want to remove offline, problem or unknown devices?\r\n\r\n" + message, "Do you want to remove devices?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); form.Dispose(); })); if (result != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } var devList = new List <DeviceInfo>(); devList.AddRange(offline); devList.AddRange(problem); devList.AddRange(unknown); for (var i = 0; i < devList.Count; i++) { var item = devList[i]; AddLogLine("Removing Device: {0}/{1} - {2}", i + 1, list.Count, item.Description); try { var exception = DeviceDetector.RemoveDevice(item.DeviceId); if (exception != null) { AddLogLine(exception.Message); } //System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); } catch (Exception ex) { AddLogLine(ex.Message); } } } AddLogLine("Done"); }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, so).ConfigureAwait(true); }
private void StartOnXml_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (TabControl0.SelectedIndex == 2 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(waterMarkImg)) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("请选择要添加水印的图片", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } //获取设置 cpuCount = AppConfigHelper.GetAppConfigInt("CpuCount"); threadCount = AppConfigHelper.GetAppConfigInt("ThreadCount"); //清空当前列表 ListQueue.Clear(); //清空进度条 this.pb.Maximum = 0; this.tb.Text = "0%"; this.pb.Value = 0; //先从根目录下查找xml XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); try { string xmlPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "watermark.xml"; xmldoc.Load(xmlPath); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("xml文件加载出错", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); LogHelper.AddErrorLog(ex.ToString()); return; } //获取节点列表 XmlNodeList topNode = xmldoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes; foreach (XmlElement element in topNode) { var str = element.InnerText; var item = new VideoMp4(); var oldFilePath = str; // newFilePath.Substring(0,newFilePath.LastIndexOf(".")) var filename = oldFilePath.Substring(oldFilePath.LastIndexOf("\\")).Replace("\\", ""); var fileformat = filename.Substring(filename.LastIndexOf(".")); var newfilename = filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf(".")) + "_znykt_cnki" + fileformat; var newFilePath = oldFilePath.Substring(0, oldFilePath.LastIndexOf("\\")) + "\\" + newfilename; item.CmdString = string.Format(" -y -i \"{0}\" -vf \"movie={1},scale=170:60[watermark];[in][watermark]overlay=main_w-overlay_w-10:10[out]\" \"{2}\"", oldFilePath, waterMarkImg, newFilePath); item.NewFileName = newfilename; item.NewFilePath = newFilePath; item.OldFilePath = oldFilePath; item.OldfileName = filename; ListQueue.Enqueue(item); } if (ListQueue.Count == 0) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("该路径下未找到MP4格式的视频", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } LogTextBox.Clear(); LogTextBox.Text = "该目录下共找到 " + ListQueue.Count + " 个视频,开始进行转换......\n"; iAmount = ListQueue.Count; iCount = 0; iNow = 0; Thread thread = new Thread(ThreadStart); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); Select.IsEnabled = false; Start.IsEnabled = false; Select1.IsEnabled = false; Start1.IsEnabled = false; pb.Maximum = ListQueue.Count; }
/// <summary> /// Clears the current content in the Log window in the Addon form. /// </summary> public static void ClearLogWindow() { LogTextBox.Clear(); }
private void CleatLogButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { LogTextBox.Clear(); }