public void GeneralExceptionNotWrappedShouldBeSuccess() { try { throw new Exception("An example of a general exception"); } catch (Exception ex) { HoundResult result = LogHound.LogException(_testApiKey, ex); result.IsSuccess.ShouldBeTrue(); } }
public void TestWarningExceptionShouldBeSuccess() { try { throw new TestWarningException("Hound-001", "In a Glass Darkly"); } catch (HoundException ex) { HoundResult result = LogHound.LogException(_testApiKey, ex); result.IsSuccess.ShouldBeTrue(); } }
public void TestExceptionShouldBeSuccess() { try { throw new TestException("Hound-001", "Sheridan Le Fanu"); } catch (HoundException ex) { HoundResult result = LogHound.LogException(_testApiKey, ex); result.IsSuccess.ShouldBeTrue(); } }
public void TestExceptionWithTagsShouldBeSuccess() { try { throw new TestException("Hound-001", "Sheridan Le Fanu"); } catch (HoundException ex) { HoundResult result = LogHound.LogException(_testApiKey, ex, new List <string>() { "test", "exception" }); result.IsSuccess.ShouldBeTrue(); } }
public void InvalidApiKeyShouldBeFailureNotException() { HoundResult result = LogHound.LogException("NULL", new TestException("Hound-001", "Mary Shelley")); result.IsSuccess.ShouldBeFalse(); }
public void MultipleCallsShouldAllBeSuccess() { LogHound.LogException(_testApiKey, new Exception("An example of a general exception")); LogHound.LogException(_testApiKey, new Exception("An example of a general exception")); }