internal static void Commit( LogLevel level, LogFlags flags, string tag, string message, Exception exception = null, [CallerMemberName] string callerMemberName = null, [CallerFilePath] string callerFilePath = null, [CallerLineNumber] int callerLineNumber = 0) { var time = DateTime.UtcNow; provider.Commit(new LogEntry( null, time, time - startTime, level, flags, tag, message, exception, callerMemberName, callerFilePath, callerLineNumber)); }
internal LogEntry( string ownerId, DateTime time, TimeSpan relativeTime, LogLevel level, LogFlags flags, string tag, string message, Exception exception, string callerMemberName, string callerFilePath, int callerLineNumber) { OwnerId = ownerId; Time = time; RelativeTime = relativeTime; Level = level; Flags = flags; Tag = tag; Message = message; this.exception = exception; CallerMemberName = callerMemberName; CallerFilePath = callerFilePath; CallerLineNumber = callerLineNumber; }
private void BubbleException(LogFlags flags, Exception ex) { switch (Type) { case LogTypes.Trace: LoggerBundle.Debug(flags, ex); break; case LogTypes.Debug: LoggerBundle.Inform(flags, ex); break; case LogTypes.Info: LoggerBundle.Warn(flags, ex); break; case LogTypes.Warning: LoggerBundle.Error(flags, ex); break; case LogTypes.Error: LoggerBundle.Fatal(flags, ex); break; case LogTypes.Fatal: throw ex; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
private void TestSimpleMessage(Socket serverSocket, bool dontAppendSyslogIdentifier) { using (var message = Journal.GetMessage()) { // Message is enabled Assert.True(message.IsEnabled); message.Append("FIELD", "Value"); // This shouldn't throw. LogFlags flags = LogFlags.Information; if (dontAppendSyslogIdentifier) { flags |= LogFlags.DontAppendSyslogIdentifier; } LogResult result = Journal.Log(flags, message); Assert.Equal(LogResult.Success, result); var fields = ReadFields(serverSocket); if (dontAppendSyslogIdentifier) { Assert.Equal(2, fields.Count); } else { Assert.Equal(3, fields.Count); } Assert.Equal("Value", fields["FIELD"]); Assert.Equal("6", fields["PRIORITY"]); if (!dontAppendSyslogIdentifier) { Assert.Equal(Journal.SyslogIdentifier, fields["SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER"]); } } }
public virtual void OnLogAction(LogPriority priority, LogFlags type, string message) { Output?.Invoke(this, new LoggerEventArgs() { Priority = priority, Flags = type, Message = message, Exception = null }); }
internal ConsoleColor GetColorFromType(LogFlags flags) { if (flags.HasFlag(LogFlags.APP)) { return(ConsoleColor.DarkGray); } if (flags.HasFlag(LogFlags.DEBUG)) { return(ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); } if (flags.HasFlag(LogFlags.ERROR)) { return(ConsoleColor.Red); } if (flags.HasFlag(LogFlags.NOTICE)) { return(ConsoleColor.Yellow); } if (flags.HasFlag(LogFlags.IMPORANT)) { return(ConsoleColor.Magenta); } if (flags.HasFlag(LogFlags.INFO)) { return(m_DefaultColor); } return(m_DefaultColor); }
/// <summary> /// Set ffmpeg log /// </summary> /// <param name="logLevel">log level</param> /// <param name="logFlags">log flags, support & operator </param> /// <param name="logWrite">set <see langword="null"/> to use default log output</param> public static void SetupLogging(LogLevel logLevel = LogLevel.Verbose, LogFlags logFlags = LogFlags.PrintLevel, Action <string> logWrite = null) { unsafe { ffmpeg.av_log_set_level((int)logLevel); ffmpeg.av_log_set_flags((int)logFlags); if (logWrite == null) { logCallback = ffmpeg.av_log_default_callback; } else { logCallback = (p0, level, format, vl) => { if (level > ffmpeg.av_log_get_level()) { return; } var lineSize = 1024; var printPrefix = 1; var lineBuffer = stackalloc byte[lineSize]; ffmpeg.av_log_format_line(p0, level, format, vl, lineBuffer, lineSize, &printPrefix); logWrite.Invoke(((IntPtr)lineBuffer).PtrToStringUTF8()); }; } ffmpeg.av_log_set_callback(logCallback); } }
public static void Error(LogFlags flags, params object[] args) { #if ULINK uLink.Log.Error(uLink.NetworkLogFlags.Socket, args); #elif ULINK_TOOL uLink.ConsoleMain.Log(String.Concat(args)); #elif ULOBBY uLobby.Log.Error(uLobby.LogFlags.Network, args); #endif }
public BeamerLogCfg( string filePath, bool enabled = true, LogFlags trace = (LogFlags)((1 << 17) - 1), string ext = "brays", int rotSizeKb = 5000) { LogFilePath = filePath; IsEnabled = enabled; Ext = ext; RotationLogFileKB = rotSizeKb; Flags = trace; }
public static void Trace(LogFlags flags, params Object[] obj) { try { Loggers[LogTypes.Trace].ForEach(x => x.Log(flags, obj)); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug(ex); } }
public static void Inform(LogFlags flags, params Object[] obj) { try { Loggers[LogTypes.Info].ForEach(x => x.Log(flags, obj)); } catch (Exception ex) { Warn(ex); } }
public static void Warn(LogFlags flags, params Object[] obj) { try { Loggers[LogTypes.Warning].ForEach(x => x.Log(flags, obj)); } catch (Exception ex) { Error(ex); } }
public static void Error(LogFlags flags, params Object[] obj) { try { Loggers[LogTypes.Error].ForEach(x => x.Log(flags, obj)); } catch (Exception ex) { Fatal(ex); } }
internal string FormatMessage(LogFlags flags, string message, bool timestamp) { StringBuilder final = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder tags = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string fname in GetFlagNames(flags)) { tags.AppendFormat("[{0}]", fname); } final.AppendFormat("{0}{1}: {2}", timestamp ? String.Format("[{0}]", new DateTime().ToLocalTime().ToString()) : String.Empty, tags.ToString(), flags, message); return(final.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Configure the logging system. /// </summary> public static void Configure(LogFlags flags) { // Configure base system XmlConfigurator.Configure(); // Log OpenGL method calls KhronosApi.RegisterApplicationLogDelegate(delegate(string format, object[] args) { _ProcedureLogger.Debug(format, args); }); // Enabe procedure logging KhronosApi.LogEnabled = true; }
public static void Info(LogFlags flags, params object[] args) { #if ULINK uLink.Log.Info(uLink.NetworkLogFlags.Socket, args); #elif ULINK_TOOL // TODO: add support for log levels in the tools #if DEBUG uLink.ConsoleMain.Log(String.Concat(args)); #endif #elif ULOBBY uLobby.Log.Info(uLobby.LogFlags.Network, args); #endif }
internal JournalLogger(string name, IExternalScopeProvider scopeProvider, JournalLoggerOptions options) { if (name == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name)); } Name = name; ScopeProvider = scopeProvider; if (options.DropWhenBusy) { _additionalFlags |= LogFlags.DropWhenBusy; } _syslogIdentifier = options.SyslogIdentifier; _additionalFlags |= LogFlags.DontAppendSyslogIdentifier; }
public LogFlagPipe(LogTypes type, LogFlags flags) : base(o => { ProcessPipe <String, String> pipe = new EmptyPipe <String>(); if (flags.HasFlag(LogFlags.PrefixLoggerType)) { pipe = pipe.Connect(new ProcessPipe <String, String>(s => $"[{type}] {s}")); } if (flags.HasFlag(LogFlags.PrefixTimeStamp)) { pipe = pipe.Connect(new ProcessPipe <String, String>(s => $"[{DateTime.Now:s}] {s}")); } if (flags.HasFlag(LogFlags.SuffixNewLine)) { pipe = pipe.Connect(new ProcessPipe <String, String>(s => $"{s}{Environment.NewLine}")); } return(pipe.Process(o)); }) { }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="vLogs.Objects.LogObject"/> class with the specified sources, timestamp, flags, priority, indent and payload. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Individual sources may be null. /// </remarks> /// <param name="sources">Hierachically-descending sequence of named sources.</param> /// <param name="timestamp">Instant in time at which the object is emitted.</param> /// <param name="flags">Set of flags describing the object.</param> /// <param name="priority">Relative priority.</param> /// <param name="indent">Logical indentation level.</param> /// <param name="payloads">An enumeration of different payloads of the object.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the given sources sequence or payloads enumeration are null.</exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when a given payload is of unknown type -or- two payloads are of the same type -or- when a payload is null -or- a source is null.</exception> public LogObject(IList<string> sources, DateTime timestamp, LogFlags flags, sbyte priority, byte indent, IEnumerable<IPayload> payloads) { if (sources == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sources"); if (payloads == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("payloads"); this.Timestamp = timestamp; this.Flags = flags; this.Priority = priority; this.Indent = indent; for (int i = 0; i < sources.Count; i++) if (sources[i] == null) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The list of sources contains a null element at index {0}.", i), "sources"); this.Sources = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(sources); var plds = payloads.ToArray(); this.Payloads = new ReadOnlyCollection<IPayload>(plds); for (int i = 0; i < plds.Length; i++) { PayloadTypes pldt; try { pldt = plds[i].GetType().GetPayloadType(); } catch (ArgumentException x) { throw new ArgumentException("Payloads enumeration contains a payload of unkown type.", x); } catch (NullReferenceException x) { throw new ArgumentException("Payloads enumeration contains a null payload.", x); } if ((this.PayloadTypes & pldt) == 0) this.PayloadTypes |= pldt; else throw new ArgumentException("Payloads enumerations may not contain two payloads of the same type." + Environment.NewLine + "Duplicated type: " + pldt); } }
public void Log(LogFlags flags, params Object[] args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ProcessPipe <Object, String> preparePipe = _prepareLogPipe.Connect(new LogFlagPipe(Type, flags)); foreach (Object arg in args) { try { sb.Append(preparePipe.Process(arg)); } catch (Exception ex) { BubbleException(flags, ex); } } _executeLogPipe.Process(sb.ToString()); }
private void Log(string message, LogFlags flag) { if ((Logging & flag) != flag) { return; } if ((Logging & LogFlags.Caller) == LogFlags.Caller) { var frame = new StackTrace(true).GetFrame(2); var method = frame.GetMethod(); var callerClass = method.DeclaringType; var callerMethod = method.Name; Debug.Log($"[Minerva]: {message}\nCaller: {callerClass}.{callerMethod}"); } else { Debug.Log($"[Minerva]: {message}"); } }
private void LogAdd(string message, LogFlags flags = LogFlags.None) { if (fMain.IsInitialized == false) { return; } //add time if ((chkLogTime.IsChecked.Value == true) && (flags.HasFlag(LogFlags.noTime) == false)) { message = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH\\:mm\\:ss.fff") + "> " + message; } //new line if (!flags.HasFlag(LogFlags.noReturn)) { message += Environment.NewLine; } //write to file if (!flags.HasFlag(LogFlags.toFile)) { lock (writeLock) try { File.AppendAllText(logFileName, message); } catch (Exception e) { message += "[writeFileError]" + e.Message; } } txtLog.AppendText(message); txtLog.ScrollToEnd(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the object with the given property values. /// </summary> /// <param name="manager">The manager which owns the object; must be non-null.</param> /// <param name="timestamp">The creation timestamp.</param> /// <param name="flags">Flags for logging the object.</param> /// <param name="priority">Relative priority of the object.</param> /// <param name="indent">Logical indentation of the object.</param> /// <param name="sources">An enumeration of sources of the object.</param> /// <param name="payloads">An enumeration of payloads of the object.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the given manager object is null.</exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when an enumerated source is null -or- an enumerated payload is null -or- a given payload is of unknown type -or- two payloads are of the same type.</exception> protected FluentLogObject(IFluentManager manager, DateTime timestamp, LogFlags flags = Defaults.LogFlags, sbyte priority = Defaults.Priority, byte indent = Defaults.Indent, IEnumerable<string> sources = null, IEnumerable<IPayload> payloads = null) { if (manager == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("manager"); this.Manager = manager; this.Timestamp = timestamp; this.Flags = flags; this.Priority = priority; this.Indent = indent; if (sources == null) { this.sources = new List<string>(); } else { this.sources = new List<string>(sources); for (int i = 0; i < this.sources.Count; i++) if (this.sources[i] == null) throw new ArgumentException("The enumeration of sources contains a null element.", "sources"); } this.Sources = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(this.sources); if (payloads == null) { this.payloads = new List<IPayload>(); } else { var plds = payloads.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < plds.Length; i++) { PayloadTypes pldt; try { pldt = plds[i].GetType().GetPayloadType(); } catch (ArgumentException x) { throw new ArgumentException("Payloads enumeration contains a payload of unkown type.", x); } catch (NullReferenceException x) { throw new ArgumentException("Payloads enumeration contains a null payload.", x); } if ((this.PayloadTypes & pldt) == 0) this.PayloadTypes |= pldt; else throw new ArgumentException("Payloads enumerations may not contain two payloads of the same type." + Environment.NewLine + "Duplicated type: " + pldt); } this.payloads = new List<IPayload>(plds); } this.Payloads = new ReadOnlyCollection<IPayload>(this.payloads); }
public void Log <TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func <TState, Exception, string> formatter) { if (!IsEnabled(logLevel)) { return; } if (formatter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(formatter)); } string message = formatter(state, exception); LogFlags flags = LogFlags.None; switch (logLevel) { case LogLevel.Trace: case LogLevel.Debug: flags = LogFlags.Debug; break; case LogLevel.Information: flags = LogFlags.Information; break; case LogLevel.Warning: flags = LogFlags.Warning; break; case LogLevel.Error: flags = LogFlags.Error; break; case LogLevel.Critical: flags = LogFlags.Critical; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(logLevel)); } flags |= _additionalFlags; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) || exception != null) { using (var logMessage = Journal.GetMessage()) { if (_syslogIdentifier != null) { logMessage.Append(JournalFieldName.SyslogIdentifier, _syslogIdentifier); } logMessage.Append(Logger, Name); if (eventId.Id != 0 || eventId.Name != null) { logMessage.Append(EventId, eventId.Id); } if (exception != null) { logMessage.Append(Exception, exception.Message); logMessage.Append(ExceptionType, exception.GetType().FullName); logMessage.Append(ExceptionStackTrace, exception.StackTrace); Exception innerException = exception.InnerException; if (innerException != null) { logMessage.Append(InnerException, innerException.Message); logMessage.Append(InnerExceptionType, innerException.GetType().FullName); logMessage.Append(InnerExceptionStackTrace, innerException.StackTrace); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { logMessage.Append(JournalFieldName.Message, message); } var scopeProvider = ScopeProvider; if (scopeProvider != null) { scopeProvider.ForEachScope((scope, msg) => AppendScope(scope, msg), logMessage); } if (state != null) { AppendState("STATE", state, logMessage); } Journal.Log(flags, logMessage); } } }
/// <summary> /// Submit a log entry to the journal. /// </summary> public static unsafe LogResult Log(LogFlags flags, JournalMessage message) { Socket socket = GetJournalSocket(); if (socket == null) { if (s_isSupported.Value) { return(LogResult.NotAvailable); } else { return(LogResult.NotSupported); } } if (message.IsEmpty) { return(LogResult.Success); } int priority = (int)flags & 0xf; if (priority != 0) { message.Append(JournalFieldName.Priority, priority - 1); } if (((flags & LogFlags.DontAppendSyslogIdentifier) == LogFlags.None) && SyslogIdentifier != null) { message.Append(JournalFieldName.SyslogIdentifier, SyslogIdentifier); } List <ArraySegment <byte> > data = message.GetData(); int dataLength = data.Count; if (dataLength > MaxIovs) { // We should handle this the same way as EMSGSIZE, which we don't handle atm. ErrorWhileLogging("size exceeded"); return(LogResult.Size); } Span <IOVector> iovs = stackalloc IOVector[dataLength]; Span <GCHandle> handles = stackalloc GCHandle[dataLength]; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { handles[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(data[i].Array, GCHandleType.Pinned); iovs[i].Base = handles[i].AddrOfPinnedObject(); iovs[i].Length = new IntPtr(data[i].Count); } int sendmsgFlags = 0; if ((flags & LogFlags.DropWhenBusy) != 0) { sendmsgFlags |= MSG_DONTWAIT; } LogResult result = LogResult.Success; fixed(IOVector *pIovs = &MemoryMarshal.GetReference(iovs)) { bool loop; do { loop = false; msghdr msg; msg.msg_iov = pIovs; msg.msg_iovlen = (SizeT)dataLength; int rv = sendmsg(socket.Handle.ToInt32(), &msg, sendmsgFlags).ToInt32(); if (rv < 0) { int errno = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (errno == EINTR) { loop = true; } else if (errno == EAGAIN) { result = LogResult.Busy; } else { result = LogResult.UnknownError; ErrorWhileLogging($"errno={errno}"); } } } while (loop); } for (int i = 0; i < handles.Length; i++) { handles[i].Free(); } return(result); }
public static void Fatal(LogFlags flags, params Object[] obj) { Loggers[LogTypes.Fatal].ForEach(x => x.Log(flags, obj)); }
IFluentLogObject IFluentLogObject.WithExtraFlags(LogFlags flags) { this.Flags |= flags; return this; }
IFluentLogObject IFluentLogObject.WithFlags(LogFlags flags) { this.Flags = flags; return this; }
IFluentLogObject IFluentLogObject.WithoutFlags(LogFlags flags) { this.Flags &= ~flags; return this; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="vLogs.Fluent.FluentLogObject"/> class with the specified fluent logging manager, sources enumeration, logging flags, priority and indent. /// </summary> /// <param name="manager">The fluent logging manager which owns the current object.</param> /// <param name="sources">An enumeration of sources for the log object.</param> /// <param name="flags">optional; Flags for logging the object.</param> /// <param name="priority">optional; Relative priority of the object.</param> /// <param name="indent">optional; Logical indentation of the object.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the given manager object is null.</exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when an enumerated source is null.</exception> public FluentLogObject(IFluentManager manager, IEnumerable<string> sources, LogFlags flags = Defaults.LogFlags, sbyte priority = Defaults.Priority, byte indent = Defaults.Indent) : this(manager, DateTime.Now, flags, priority, indent, sources) { }
public LogRecord(DateTimeOffset dateTime, object?data, LogPriority priority = LogPriority.Debug, LogFlags flags = LogFlags.None, string?tag = null) { this.TimeStamp = dateTime; this.Data = data; this.Priority = priority; this.Flags = flags; this.Tag = tag; this.Guid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); }
// methods /// <summary> /// Writes a log entry. /// </summary> /// <param name="severity">The severity level</param> /// <param name="message">The text</param> /// <param name="exception">The exception</param> /// <param name="date">The date</param> /// <param name="application">The application</param> /// <param name="category">The category</param> /// <param name="flags">The flags</param> /// <returns>Is written or not</returns> public bool Write(LogLevel severity, string message, Exception exception = null, LogFlags? flags = LogFlags.None, DateTimeOffset? date = null, string category = null, string threadFrom = null, string application = null) { var context = LoggerContext.Current; return context.Write(new LogEntry() { Application = application ?? context.Application, ThreadFrom = threadFrom ?? Thread.CurrentThread.Name, Category = category ?? this.category, Date = date ?? DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, Exception = exception, Flags = flags ?? LogFlags.None, Message = message, Severity = severity }); }
public LogRecord(object?data, LogPriority priority = LogPriority.Debug, LogFlags flags = LogFlags.None, string?tag = null) : this(0, data, priority, flags, tag) { }
public static void Post(object?obj, LogPriority priority = LogPriority.Debug, string kind = LogKind.Default, LogFlags flags = LogFlags.None, string?tag = null) => Router?.PostLog(new LogRecord(obj, priority, flags, tag), kind);
public LogRecord(long tick, object?data, LogPriority priority = LogPriority.Debug, LogFlags flags = LogFlags.None, string?tag = null) : this(tick == 0 ? ((data as ILogRecordTimeStamp)?.TimeStamp ?? DateTimeOffset.Now) : Time.Tick64ToDateTimeOffsetLocal(tick), data, priority, flags, tag) { }
public Logger(String name, LogFlags flag = LogFlags.StdoutOnly, String filename = "log.txt") { this.flags = flag; this.filename = filename; = name; }
public static void PrintConsole(object?obj, bool noConsole = false, LogPriority priority = LogPriority.Info, string?tag = null, LogFlags flags = LogFlags.None) => Post(obj, priority, flags: flags | (noConsole ? LogFlags.NoOutputToConsole : LogFlags.None), tag: tag);