private static bool CreateFolder(string siteUrl, string listName, string relativePath, string folderName, NetworkCredential spCredentials, string spListID)
            bool result = false;

                using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl))
                    clientContext.Credentials = spCredentials;

                    Web  web  = clientContext.Web;
                    List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle(listName);

                    ListItemCreationInformation newItem = new ListItemCreationInformation();
                    newItem.UnderlyingObjectType = FileSystemObjectType.Folder;
                    newItem.FolderUrl            = siteUrl + listName;
                    if (!relativePath.Equals(string.Empty))
                        newItem.FolderUrl += "/" + relativePath;
                    newItem.LeafName = folderName;
                    ListItem item = list.AddItem(newItem);

                    result = true;
            catch (Exception Ex)
                string msg = Ex.Message.ToString();
                //check the error message. If it indicates that the folder already exists then send back true
                if (msg.Contains("Customer_Weekly_Reports already exists"))
                    result = true;
                    LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("ERROR CreateFolder: Could not create SP Folder - " + msg);
                    //a different error occurred so send back false
                    result = false;

                    string errMsg = "ERROR CreateFolder: Could not create SP Folder -  " + msg;
                    PDF_Report_Generator.SaveErrorToDB(spListID, "LIST_ID", errMsg, 1, "CustomerWeeklyReport");

        public static bool createCustomerWeeklyReport(StringBuilder sb_coverpage, HtmlToPdf customerWeekly_html_coverpage, StringBuilder sb_body, HtmlToPdf customerWeekly_html, string jobNumber, string jobGUID, string spListID, string spRptID, string isDebugMode)
            //Save the completed PDF document to the sharepoint doc location for the job
            bool spSave = false;

                PdfDocument PDFDoc_coverpage = createPDFDoucment(sb_coverpage, customerWeekly_html_coverpage);
                PdfDocument PDFDoc_body      = createPDFDoucment(sb_body, customerWeekly_html);
                PdfDocument PDFDoc_Report    = mergePDFDoucments(PDFDoc_coverpage, PDFDoc_body);

                var pdfFileName = "CustomerWeeklyReport_" + jobNumber + "_" + spListID.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".pdf";
                if (isDebugMode == "N")
                    spSave = CustomerWeeklyReport.SaveToSharepointFolder(PDFDoc_Report, jobGUID, spUserName, spUserPWD, pdfFileName, spListID);
                    //for debugging only -we will not save the pdf to a file location
                    PDFDoc_Report.SaveAs(@"C:\Projects\Projects\Create_PDF_Reports\Reports\CustomerWeekly\" + pdfFileName);
            catch (Exception e)
                LogFile_PDFGenerator.WriteLogMessage("ERROR createCustomerWeeklyReport: " + e.Message);

                LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("ERROR createCustomerWeeklyReport: " + e.Message);

                string errMsg  = "ERROR createCustomerWeeklyReport:  " + e.Message;
                string rptName = "CustomerWeeklyReport_" + jobNumber + "_" + spListID;
                SaveErrorToDB(spListID, "LIST_ID", errMsg, Convert.ToInt32(spRptID), rptName);


        //Save the PdfDocument stream to sharepoint
        public static bool SaveToSharepointFolder(PdfDocument PDF, string jobGUID, string username, string pwd, string filename, string spListID)
            bool results = false;

                LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("Saving PDF to Sharepoint");

                String sharePointSite          = "";
                String sharePointRootSite      = "";
                string listname                = "jobs";
                string folderName              = "Customer_Weekly_Reports";
                String folderSiteURL           = "/" + jobGUID + "/" + folderName + "/" + filename;
                string folderServerRelativeUrl = "/jobs/" + jobGUID + "/Customer_Weekly_Reports/";
                string folderPath              = jobGUID + "/Customer_Weekly_Reports";
                string savePDFURL              = "/CustomerReports/jobs/" + jobGUID + "/Customer_Weekly_Reports/" + filename;

                NetworkCredential spCredentials = new NetworkCredential(username, pwd, "test");

                //convert the pdf doc to binary and then to a memory stream
                byte[]       data  = PDF.BinaryData;
                MemoryStream msPDF = new MemoryStream(data);
                //make sure the the memory stream is at the beginning
                msPDF.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                using (ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext(sharePointRootSite))
                    ctx.Credentials = spCredentials;

                    //Get the Site Collection
                    Site oSite = ctx.Site;

                    //Create the folder in the jobs sharepoint doc location for the report if it does not exist yet
                    bool savePDF = CreateFolder(sharePointSite, listname, jobGUID, folderName, spCredentials, spListID);

                    if (savePDF)
                        using (ClientContext ctxSavePDF = new ClientContext(sharePointRootSite))
                            ctxSavePDF.Credentials = spCredentials;
                            Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File.SaveBinaryDirect(ctxSavePDF, savePDFURL, msPDF, true);
                            results = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("ERROR SaveToSharepointFolder: Could not PDF save to SharePoint - " + e.Message);

                string errMsg = "ERROR SaveToSharepointFolder: Could not save PDF to SharePoint - " + e.Message;
                PDF_Report_Generator.SaveErrorToDB(spListID, "LIST_ID", errMsg, 1, filename);

        public static void CreateReport(string spUserName, string spUserPWD, string spListID, HtmlToPdf customerWeekly_html, HtmlToPdf customerWeekly_html_coverpage, string isDebugMode)
                LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("Starting PDF Generator for Customer Weekly Report for List ID: " + spListID.ToString());

                //Get the list of records to process
                DataTable dt = GetDetailsList(spListID);

                if (dt.Rows.Count < 1)
                    string errMsg = "ERROR CreateReport: Unable to retrieve record from the DB for List ID: " + spListID.ToString();
                    PDF_Report_Generator.SaveErrorToDB(spListID, "LIST_ID", errMsg, 1, "CustomerWeeklyReport");

                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    int    listItemID = int.Parse(row["list_id"].ToString());
                    string jobNumber  = row["job_number"].ToString();
                    string jobGUID    = row["jobGUID"].ToString();

                    LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("Sharepoint ListID: " + listItemID.ToString());

                    String            siteUrl     = "";
                    String            listName    = "Customer Weekly Report";
                    NetworkCredential credentials = new NetworkCredential(spUserName, spUserPWD, "test");

                    using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl))
                        LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("Started Attachment Download " + siteUrl);
                        clientContext.Credentials = credentials;

                        //Get the Site Collection
                        Site oSite = clientContext.Site;

                        // Get the Web
                        Web oWeb = clientContext.Web;

                        CamlQuery query = new CamlQuery();
                        query.ViewXml = "<View><Query><Where><Geq><FieldRef Name='ID'/>" +
                                        "<Value Type='Number'>" + listItemID + "</Value></Geq></Where></Query><RowLimit>100</RowLimit></View>";

                        List oList = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listName);

                        ListItemCollection items = oList.GetItems(query);

                        //create the header for each page
                        WebClient     wc_pdf_header = new WebClient();
                        string        pdf_header    = wc_pdf_header.DownloadString("");
                        StringBuilder sb_header     = new StringBuilder(pdf_header);
                        byte[]        bannerImgAsByteArray;
                        using (var webClient = new WebClient())
                            bannerImgAsByteArray = webClient.DownloadData("");
                        //replace the banner image placeholder
                        sb_header.Replace("{banner_image}", photoURI(bannerImgAsByteArray));

                        //add the header html to all body pages
                        customerWeekly_html.PrintOptions.Header = new HtmlHeaderFooter()
                            HtmlFragment = sb_header.ToString(),
                            Height       = 35

                        //create the footer for each page
                        WebClient wc_pdf_footer = new WebClient();
                        string    pdf_footer    = wc_pdf_footer.DownloadString("");

                        //replace the field placeholders
                        StringBuilder sb_footer = new StringBuilder(pdf_footer);
                        sb_footer.Replace("{job_number}", row["job_number"].ToString());
                        sb_footer.Replace("{project_name}", row["project_name"].ToString());
                        sb_footer.Replace("{location}", row["location"].ToString());

                        //add the footer html to all body pages
                        customerWeekly_html.PrintOptions.Footer = new HtmlHeaderFooter()
                            HtmlFragment = sb_footer.ToString(),
                            Height       = 32

                        //Get the pdf coverpage template
                        WebClient wc_pdf_coverpage = new WebClient();
                        string    pdf_coverpage    = wc_pdf_coverpage.DownloadString("");

                        //create the background image for the cover page
                        byte[] bgImgAsByteArray;
                        using (var webClient = new WebClient())
                            bgImgAsByteArray = webClient.DownloadData("");

                        StringBuilder sb_coverpage = new StringBuilder(pdf_coverpage);
                        sb_coverpage.Replace("{background_image}", photoURI(bgImgAsByteArray));
                        sb_coverpage.Replace("{cp_job_number}", row["job_number"].ToString());
                        sb_coverpage.Replace("{cp_project_name}", row["project_name"].ToString());
                        sb_coverpage.Replace("{cp_location}", row["location"].ToString());
                        sb_coverpage.Replace("{report_date}", row["week_ending"].ToString());

                        //add the header html to the coverpage
                        customerWeekly_html_coverpage.PrintOptions.Header = new HtmlHeaderFooter()
                            HtmlFragment = sb_header.ToString(),
                            Height       = 35

                        //replace the coverpage footer placeholders - this page will not have any data in the footer
                        StringBuilder sb_footer_coverpage = new StringBuilder(pdf_footer);
                        sb_footer_coverpage.Replace("Job#: </strong>{job_number}", "&nbsp;");
                        sb_footer_coverpage.Replace("Project Name: </strong>{project_name}", "&nbsp;");
                        sb_footer_coverpage.Replace("Location: </strong>{location}", "&nbsp;");

                        //add the footer html to the coverpage
                        customerWeekly_html_coverpage.PrintOptions.Footer = new HtmlHeaderFooter()
                            HtmlFragment = sb_footer_coverpage.ToString(),
                            Height       = 32

                        //Get the pdf body template
                        WebClient wc_pdf_Body = new WebClient();
                        string    pdf_body    = wc_pdf_Body.DownloadString("");

                        StringBuilder sb_body = new StringBuilder(pdf_body);

                        DataTable dtVP            = GeNARContacts();
                        bool      narContact1Flag = false;
                        bool      narContact2Flag = false;
                        bool      narContact3Flag = false;

                        foreach (DataRow narContact in dtVP.Rows)
                            if (narContact["OrderBy"].ToString() == "1")
                                sb_body.Replace("{vp_name}", narContact["FullName"].ToString());
                                sb_body.Replace("{vp_title}", narContact["PositionIdName"].ToString());
                                sb_body.Replace("{vp_phone}", narContact["address1_telephone1"].ToString());
                                sb_body.Replace("{vp_email}", narContact["internalemailaddress"].ToString());
                                narContact1Flag = true;
                            if (narContact["OrderBy"].ToString() == "2")
                                sb_body.Replace("{sdr_name}", narContact["FullName"].ToString());
                                sb_body.Replace("{sdr_title}", narContact["PositionIdName"].ToString());
                                sb_body.Replace("{sdr_phone}", narContact["address1_telephone1"].ToString());
                                sb_body.Replace("{sdr_email}", narContact["internalemailaddress"].ToString());
                                narContact2Flag = true;
                            if (narContact["OrderBy"].ToString() == "3")
                                sb_body.Replace("{mdr_name}", narContact["FullName"].ToString());
                                sb_body.Replace("{mdr_title}", narContact["PositionIdName"].ToString());
                                sb_body.Replace("{mdr_phone}", narContact["address1_telephone1"].ToString());
                                sb_body.Replace("{mdr_email}", narContact["internalemailaddress"].ToString());
                                narContact3Flag = true;

                        //clear out placeholders for the NAR contacts that we do not have
                        if (!narContact1Flag)
                            sb_body.Replace("{vp_name}", "");
                            sb_body.Replace("{vp_title}", "");
                            sb_body.Replace("{vp_phone}", "");
                            sb_body.Replace("{vp_email}", "");

                        if (!narContact2Flag)
                            sb_body.Replace("{sdr_name}", "");
                            sb_body.Replace("{sdr_title}", "");
                            sb_body.Replace("{sdr_phone}", "");
                            sb_body.Replace("{sdr_email}", "");

                        if (!narContact3Flag)
                            sb_body.Replace("{mdr_name}", "");
                            sb_body.Replace("{mdr_title}", "");
                            sb_body.Replace("{mdr_phone}", "");
                            sb_body.Replace("{mdr_email}", "");

                        //replace the field placeholders in the body
                        sb_body.Replace("{pm_name}", row["pm_name"].ToString());
                        sb_body.Replace("{pm_phone}", row["pm_phone"].ToString());
                        sb_body.Replace("{pm_email}", row["pm_email"].ToString());
                        sb_body.Replace("{apm_name}", row["apm_name"].ToString());
                        sb_body.Replace("{apm_phone}", row["apm_phone"].ToString());
                        sb_body.Replace("{apm_email}", row["apm_email"].ToString());
                        sb_body.Replace("{job_type}", row["job_type"].ToString());
                        sb_body.Replace("{job_size}", row["job_size"].ToString());
                        sb_body.Replace("{est_completion_date}", row["est_completion_date"].ToString());
                        sb_body.Replace("{total_squares}", row["total_squares"].ToString());
                        sb_body.Replace("{percent_complete}", row["percent_complete"].ToString());
                        sb_body.Replace("{squares_installed}", row["squares_installed"].ToString());
                        sb_body.Replace("{total_squares}", row["total_squares"].ToString());

                        //Create the invdividual photo template
                        WebClient wc_pdf_photopage   = new WebClient();
                        string    photopage_Template = wc_pdf_photopage.DownloadString("");

                        StringBuilder sp_photopage = new StringBuilder(photopage_Template);

                        //Create the invdividual photo template
                        WebClient wc_pdf_photo   = new WebClient();
                        string    photo_Template = wc_pdf_photo.DownloadString("");

                        StringBuilder photoDivs = new StringBuilder();
                        bool          hasImages = false;

                        foreach (ListItem listItem in items)
                            if (Int32.Parse(listItem["ID"].ToString()) == listItemID)
                                string folderURL = oSite.Url + "/customerWeeklyRpts/Lists/" + listName + "/Attachments/" + listItem["ID"];
                                Folder folder    = oWeb.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(folderURL);


                                catch (ServerException ex)
                                    LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("No Attachment for ID " + listItem["ID"].ToString());

                                FileCollection attachments = folder.Files;

                                //Set the counts used to insert rows of images - 3 images per row
                                int imageCnt    = 0;
                                int totalImgCnt = 0;

                                string photo1 = "";
                                string photo2 = "";

                                //Loop through the photos attached to the sharepoint report
                                foreach (Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File oFile in folder.Files)
                                    FileInfo  fiPhoto = new FileInfo(oFile.Name);
                                    WebClient client1 = new WebClient();
                                    client1.Credentials = credentials;

                                    LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("Downloading " + oFile.ServerRelativeUrl);
                                    if (IsImageExtension(fiPhoto.Extension))
                                        //convert the photo to a byte image and then resize it so that they are all uniform.
                                        byte[] fileContents = client1.DownloadData("" + oFile.ServerRelativeUrl);
                                        byte[] resizedImage = CreateThumbnail(fileContents, 300);

                                        //Get the extension of the file - we can only use images on the PDF - jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp
                                        LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("Photo Extension " + fiPhoto.Extension);

                                        hasImages = true;
                                        //Add the image to the photo area template
                                        if (imageCnt == 2)
                                            //now convert the byte image to a DataUri stream so we can include it in the pdf
                                            photo1 = photoURI(resizedImage);
                                            photoDivs.Replace("{photo_number}", totalImgCnt.ToString());
                                            photoDivs.Replace("{photo_source}", photo1);

                                            //Reset our image variable for the next row
                                            imageCnt = 0;
                                            //now convert the byte image to a DataUri stream so we can include it in the pdf
                                            photo2 = photoURI(resizedImage);
                                            photoDivs.Replace("{photo_number}", totalImgCnt.ToString());
                                            photoDivs.Replace("{photo_source}", photo2);
                                        LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("Invalid Photo Extension " + fiPhoto.Extension);

                                //Add the last row of images
                                if (imageCnt < 2 && hasImages == true)
                        if (!hasImages)
                            //There was no valid image for this job so leave the photo are blank
                            sb_body.Replace("{photos_page}", "");
                            //There was at least one valid image for this job so insert the photopage template into the body
                            sb_body.Replace("{photos_page}", sp_photopage.ToString());
                            //Then insert the photo template into the body template
                            sb_body.Replace("{photos}", photoDivs.ToString());

                        //Save the completed PDF document to the sharepoint doc location for the job
                        bool spSave      = PDF_Report_Generator.createCustomerWeeklyReport(sb_coverpage, customerWeekly_html_coverpage, sb_body, customerWeekly_html, jobNumber, jobGUID, spListID, "1", isDebugMode);
                        var  pdfFileName = "CustomerWeeklyReport_" + jobNumber + "_" + spListID.ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".pdf";

                        if (spSave)
                            LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("SUCCESS: File " + pdfFileName + " saved to sharepoint doc location for job #: " + jobNumber);
                            LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("ERROR: File " + pdfFileName + " was not saved to sharepoint doc location for job: " + jobNumber);

                        //for debugging only -we will not save the pdf to a file location
                        //PDFDoc_Report.SaveAs(@"C:\Projects\Projects\Create_PDF_Reports\Reports\" + pdfFileName);

            catch (Exception e)
                LogFile_CustomerWeekly.WriteLogMessage("ERROR CreateReport: Unable to create PDF report - " + e.Message);

                string errMsg = "ERROR CreateReport: Unable to create PDF report - " + e.Message;
                PDF_Report_Generator.SaveErrorToDB(spListID, "LIST_ID", errMsg, 1, "CustomerWeeklyReport");