Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the unit tests.
        /// </summary>
        public async void RunAsync()
            // Ensure there's an interface to display the test results.
            if (this.Reporter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Reporter");

            // Setup the progress/failure counters
            this.Progress = 0;
            this.Failures = 0;

            // Filter out any test methods based on the current settings
            int filteredTestCount = FilterTests();

            // Write out the test status message which may be modified by the
            // filters

            // Enumerators that track the current group and method to execute
            // (which allows reentrancy into the test loop below to resume at
            // the correct location).
            IEnumerator <TestGroup>  groups  = this.Groups.OrderBy(g => g.Name).GetEnumerator();
            IEnumerator <TestMethod> methods = null;

            // Keep a reference to the current group so we can pass it to the
            // Reporter's EndGroup (we don't need one for the test method,
            // however, because we close over in the continuation).
            TestGroup currentGroup = null;

            // Setup the UI

            // The primary test loop is a "recursive" closure that will pass
            // itself as the continuation to async tests.
            // Note: It's really important for performance to note that any
            // calls to testLoop only occur in the tail position.
            DateTime    RunStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            Func <Task> testLoop     = null;

            testLoop =
                async() =>
                if (methods != null && methods.MoveNext())
                    // If we were in the middle of a test group and there
                    // are more methods to execute, let's move to the next
                    // test method.

                    // Update the progress
                    // Start the test method
                    if (methods.Current.Excluded)
                        // Ignore excluded tests and immediately recurse.
                        await testLoop();
                        // Get the start time for individual tests
                        DateTime testStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        // Record the test result, upload the test log as a blob and clear the
                        // log for next test
                        Func <Task> recordTestResult = async() =>
                            if (!Settings.ManualMode)
                                // upload test log to sunlight blob container
                                string relativeFilePath = this.Platform + "/" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".txt";

                                string blobStorageSasUrl = GetBlobStorageSasUrl(this.Settings.Custom["TestFrameworkStorageContainerUrl"],

                                await UploadToBlobContainerAsync(blobStorageSasUrl, LogDump.ToString());

                                // record the test result
                                var testResult = new TestResult()
                                    FullName     = methods.Current.Name,
                                    StartTime    = testStartTime,
                                    EndTime      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                    Outcome      = methods.Current.Passed ? "Passed" : "Failed",
                                    Source       = currentGroup.Name,
                                    ReferenceUrl = relativeFilePath

                                // Add the test result to the test result collection
                        // Execute the test method
                            new ActionContinuation
                            OnSuccess = async() =>
                                // Mark the test as passing, update the
                                // UI, and continue with the next test.
                                methods.Current.Passed = true;
                                methods.Current.Test   = null;
                                await recordTestResult();
                                await testLoop();
                            OnError = async(message) =>
                                // Mark the test as failing, update the
                                // UI, and continue with the next test.
                                methods.Current.Passed    = false;
                                methods.Current.Test      = null;
                                methods.Current.ErrorInfo = message;
                                await recordTestResult();
                                await testLoop();
                else if (groups.MoveNext())
                    // If we've finished a test group and there are more,
                    // then move to the next one.

                    // Finish the UI for the last group.
                    if (currentGroup != null)
                        currentGroup = null;

                    // Setup the UI for this next group
                    currentGroup = groups.Current;

                    // Get the methods and immediately recurse which will
                    // start executing them.
                    methods = groups.Current.Methods.OrderBy(m => m.Name).GetEnumerator();
                    await testLoop();
                    if (!Settings.ManualMode)
                        // upload test suite result to sunlight blob container
                        string blobStorageSasUrl = GetBlobStorageSasUrl(this.Settings.Custom["TestFrameworkStorageContainerUrl"],
                                                                        this.Platform + "-detail.json");
                        string fileContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testRun.TestResults.ToList(), Formatting.Indented);
                        await UploadToBlobContainerAsync(blobStorageSasUrl, fileContent);

                        // upload test result summary to blob container
                        var masterResult = new MasterTestResult()
                            FullName     = this.Platform + "-" + Settings.Custom["RuntimeVersion"],
                            Outcome      = Failures > 0 ? "Failed" : "Passed",
                            TotalCount   = testRun.TestCount,
                            Passed       = filteredTestCount - Failures,
                            Failed       = Failures,
                            Skipped      = testRun.TestCount - filteredTestCount,
                            StartTime    = RunStartTime,
                            EndTime      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            ReferenceUrl = this.Platform + "-detail.json"

                        // upload test suite result to sunlight blob container
                        blobStorageSasUrl = GetBlobStorageSasUrl(this.Settings.Custom["TestFrameworkStorageContainerUrl"],
                                                                 this.Platform + "-master.json");
                        fileContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(masterResult, Formatting.Indented);
                        await UploadToBlobContainerAsync(blobStorageSasUrl, fileContent);
                    // Otherwise if we've finished the entire test run

                    // Finish the UI for the last group and update the
                    // progress after the very last test method.

                    // Finish the UI for the test run.

            // Start running the tests
            await testLoop();
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the unit tests.
        /// </summary>
        public async void RunAsync()
            // Ensure there's an interface to display the test results.
            if (this.Reporter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Reporter");

            /// Record the test metadata to the test run object at the start of the test run

            // Setup the progress/failure counters
            this.Progress = 0;
            this.Failures = 0;

            // Filter out any test methods based on the current settings
            int filteredTestCount = FilterTests();

            // get the actual count of tests going to run
            testRun.TestCount = filteredTestCount;

            // Write out the test status message which may be modified by the
            // filters

            // Enumerators that track the current group and method to execute
            // (which allows reentrancy into the test loop below to resume at
            // the correct location).
            IEnumerator <TestGroup>  groups  = this.Groups.OrderBy(g => g.Name).GetEnumerator();
            IEnumerator <TestMethod> methods = null;

            // Keep a reference to the current group so we can pass it to the
            // Reporter's EndGroup (we don't need one for the test method,
            // however, because we close over in the continuation).
            TestGroup currentGroup = null;

            // Create daylight test run and get the run id
            string runId = String.Empty;

            if (!Settings.ManualMode)
                runId = await TestLogger.CreateDaylightRun(testRun, Settings);

            // Setup the UI

            // The primary test loop is a "recursive" closure that will pass
            // itself as the continuation to async tests.
            // Note: It's really important for performance to note that any
            // calls to testLoop only occur in the tail position.
            JObject     sasResponseObject = null;
            DateTime    RunStartTime      = DateTime.UtcNow;
            Func <Task> testLoop          = null;

            // Get the SAS token to upload the test logs to upload test logs to blob store
            if (!Settings.ManualMode && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(runId))
                sasResponseObject = await TestLogger.GetSaSToken(Settings);
            testLoop =
                async() =>
                if (methods != null && methods.MoveNext())
                    // If we were in the middle of a test group and there
                    // are more methods to execute, let's move to the next
                    // test method.

                    // Update the progress
                    // Start the test method
                    if (methods.Current.Excluded)
                        // Ignore excluded tests and immediately recurse.
                        await testLoop();
                        // Get the start time for individual tests
                        DateTime testStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        // Record the test result, upload the test log as a blob and clear the
                        // log for next test
                        Func <Task> recordTestResult = async() =>
                            if (!Settings.ManualMode && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(runId))
                                var log = new TestLogs()
                                    LogLines = LogDump.ToString(),
                                    LogHash  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                                // record the test result
                                var testResult = new TestResult()
                                    FullName  = methods.Current.Name,
                                    StartTime = testStartTime,
                                    EndTime   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                    Outcome   = methods.Current.Passed ? "Passed" : "Failed",
                                    RunId     = runId,
                                    Tags      = new List <string> {
                                    Source = currentGroup.Name,
                                    Logs   = sasResponseObject != null ? log : null

                                // upload test log to the blob store
                                if (sasResponseObject != null)
                                    await TestLogger.UploadTestLog(log, sasResponseObject);

                                // Add the test result to the test result collection, which will eventually
                                // be uploaded to daylight
                        // Execute the test method
                            new ActionContinuation
                            OnSuccess = async() =>
                                // Mark the test as passing, update the
                                // UI, and continue with the next test.
                                methods.Current.Passed = true;
                                methods.Current.Test   = null;
                                await recordTestResult();
                                await testLoop();
                            OnError = async(message) =>
                                // Mark the test as failing, update the
                                // UI, and continue with the next test.
                                methods.Current.Passed    = false;
                                methods.Current.Test      = null;
                                methods.Current.ErrorInfo = message;
                                await recordTestResult();
                                await testLoop();
                else if (groups.MoveNext())
                    // If we've finished a test group and there are more,
                    // then move to the next one.

                    // Finish the UI for the last group.
                    if (currentGroup != null)
                        currentGroup = null;

                    // Setup the UI for this next group
                    currentGroup = groups.Current;

                    // Get the methods and immediately recurse which will
                    // start executing them.
                    methods = groups.Current.Methods.OrderBy(m => m.Name).GetEnumerator();
                    await testLoop();
                    if (!Settings.ManualMode && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(runId))
                        // post all the test results to daylight
                        await TestLogger.PostTestResults(testRun.TestResults.ToList(), Settings);

                        // String to store the test result summary of the entire suite
                        StringBuilder resultLog = new StringBuilder("Total Tests:" + filteredTestCount);
                        resultLog.AppendLine("Passed Tests:" + (filteredTestCount - Failures).ToString());
                        resultLog.AppendLine("Failed Tests:" + Failures);
                        resultLog.AppendLine("Detailed Results:" + Settings.Custom["DayLightUrl"] + "/" + Settings.Custom["DaylightProject"] + "/runs/" + runId);

                        var logs = new TestLogs()
                            LogLines = resultLog.ToString(),
                            LogHash  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                        // Record the the result of the entire test suite to master test run
                        var testResult = new TestResult()
                            FullName  = Platform + " " + Settings.Custom["RuntimeVersion"],
                            Name      = Platform + " " + Settings.Custom["RuntimeVersion"],
                            StartTime = RunStartTime,
                            EndTime   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            Outcome   = Failures > 0 ? "Failed" : "Passed",
                            RunId     = Settings.Custom["MasterRunId"],
                            Tags      = new List <string> {
                            Source = "Managed",
                            Logs   = sasResponseObject != null ? logs : null

                        // Upload the log of the test result summary for the test suite
                        if (sasResponseObject != null)
                            await TestLogger.UploadTestLog(logs, sasResponseObject);

                        // Post the test suite result to master run
                        await TestLogger.PostTestResults(new List <TestResult> {
                        }, Settings);
                    // Otherwise if we've finished the entire test run

                    // Finish the UI for the last group and update the
                    // progress after the very last test method.

                    // Finish the UI for the test run.

            // Start running the tests
            await testLoop();