private static void StandaloneModeButton_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { Properties.Settings.Default.backup = "NONE"; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); LogCtrl.Warning("Setting to Standalone Mode."); LogCtrl.Warning("Restart CueController now."); }
// 设置当前游戏状态; public bool SetActiveState(Int32 stateId, object param = null) { // 别闹; if (_currentState != null && _currentState.GetStateID() == stateId) { return(false); } GameState nextState = null; if (!_stateMap.TryGetValue(stateId, out nextState)) { // 如果找不到新状态,就别切换了; LogCtrl.Error("切换游戏错误: 要切换的状态不存在 : " + stateId); return(false); } bool tryLeaveState = _currentState == null ? true : _currentState.TryLeaveState(nextState); bool tryEnterState = nextState.TryEnterState(_currentState); // 尝试离开或进入失败,则意味着,当前条件下,不允许切换(至于具体为什么,请查阅详细代码); if (!tryLeaveState || !tryEnterState) { return(false); } if (_currentState != null) { _currentState.LeaveState(nextState); } _preState = _currentState; _currentState = nextState; _currentState.EnterState(_preState, param); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 提取配置属性 /// </summary> /// <returns>The prototype.</returns> /// <param name="prototypeID">Prototype I.</param> /// <typeparam name="T">The 1st type parameter.</typeparam> public T GetPrototype(int prototypeID) { T basePrototype = null; Type refType = typeof(T); Dictionary <int, T> table = GetPrototypeTable(); if (table != null) { if (table.TryGetValue(prototypeID, out basePrototype)) { if (basePrototype == null) { return(null); } return(basePrototype); } else { #if UNITY_EDITOR LogCtrl.Error("此表中没有此ID GetPrototype = " + refType.Name + " prototypeID = " + prototypeID); #else LogCtrl.Warn("此表中没有此ID GetPrototype = " + refType.Name + " prototypeID = " + prototypeID); #endif } } return(null); }
public static void SendMatrixCmd(MatrixCmd matrixCmd) { LogCtrl.Status(matrixCmd.description); Thread thread = new Thread(() => ExecuteMatrixCmd(matrixCmd)); thread.Start(); }
public JsonResult SetDistFinish(DistMasterModel distModel) { try { if (distModel.dist_idx == null) { throw new Exception(Resources.Resource.res0219); /*잘못된 호출입니다*/ } distModel.dist_st = "DF"; Mapper.Instance().Update("DIST.udtDistMaster", distModel); Mapper.Instance().Update("DIST.udtDistReceiverStatus", new DistReceiverModel { dist_idx = distModel.dist_idx, recv_dist_st = "DF" }); DistMasterModel distMaster = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject <DistMasterModel>("DIST.selDistMaster", new DistMasterModel { dist_idx = distModel.dist_idx }); LogCtrl.SetLog(distModel, eActionType.CompulsionExpire, this.HttpContext, distMaster.dist_title); return(Json("1")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new ResultJsonModel { isError = true, resultMessage = ex.Message, resultDescription = ex.ToString() })); } }
private void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Core.SetWnd(this); CuelistCtrl.Init(); FollowCtrl.Init(); GoCtrl.Init(); LogCtrl.Init(); LogCtrl.Status("CueController 3.43b"); MidiController.Init(); MidiInputCtrl.Init(); MidiOutputCtrl.Init(); PbCtrl.Init(); BeamerlistCtrl.Init(); RecentFilesCtrl.Init(); ReadWriteCtrl.Init(); MatrixCtrl.Init(); ScriptlistCtrl.Init(); CopyCutCtrl.Init(); OscCtrl.Init(); OscListCtrl.Init(); string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (args.Length >= 2) { ReadWriteCtrl.Read(args[1]); } }
public ActionResult RecvView(int?dist_idx) { if (dist_idx == null) { return(RedirectToAction("ErrorView", "Error", Resources.Resource.res0270 /*잘못된 페이지를 호출하셨습니다*/)); } var distModel = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject <DistMasterModel>("Recv.selReciverDistInfo", new DistMasterModel { dist_idx = dist_idx, recv_us = Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_IDX"]) }); var distEoModel = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject <DistEoModel>("DIST.selDistEo", new DistEoModel { dist_idx = dist_idx }); var distRecvFile = Mapper.Instance().QueryForList <DistRecvFileModel>("DIST.selDistRecvFile", new DistRecvFileModel { dist_idx = dist_idx, recv_us = Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_IDX"]), use_fl = "Y" }); var distRecieverInfo = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject <DistReceiverModel>("DIST.selDistReceiver", new DistReceiverModel { dist_idx = dist_idx, recv_us = Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_IDX"]) }); var eoBom = Mapper.Instance().QueryForList <ItfBomInfo>("Part.selPartBom", new ItfBomInfo { eo_idx = distModel.eo_idx }); ViewBag.distModel = distModel; ViewBag.distEoModel = distEoModel; ViewBag.distRecvFile = distRecvFile; ViewBag.eoBomList = eoBom; ViewBag.distRecieverInfo = distRecieverInfo; LogCtrl.SetLog(distModel, eActionType.RecvView, this.HttpContext, distModel.dist_title); return(View()); }
public static void LoadScripts(DataTable dataTable) { try { int x = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows) { if (row.ItemArray.Length == 2) { string title = row[0].ToString(); string body = row[1].ToString(); string[] lines = body.Split('\n'); Script script = new Script(title, lines, body); editItems[x].Header = (x + 1) + " " + script.title; executeItems[x].Header = (x + 1) + " " + script.title; scripts[x] = script; } x++; } } catch (Exception e) { LogCtrl.Error("Couldn't load Scripts."); LogCtrl.Error(e.ToString()); } }
public JsonResult SetCommCode(CommLibraryModel commcode) { try { int resultInt = 0; if (commcode.idx == null) { commcode.create_us = Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_IDX"]); resultInt = (int)Mapper.Instance().Insert("Common.insCommCode", commcode); commcode.idx = resultInt; LogCtrl.SetLog(commcode, eActionType.DataInsert, this.HttpContext, commcode.kor_nm); } else { resultInt = Mapper.Instance().Update("Common.udtCommCode", commcode); LogCtrl.SetLog(commcode, eActionType.DataUpdate, this.HttpContext, commcode.kor_nm); } return(Json(resultInt)); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(string.Format("ERROR : 공통코드 저장"), ex); return(Json(new ResultJsonModel { isError = true, resultMessage = ex.Message, resultDescription = ex.ToString() })); } }
private static void SetIp(string _ip) { ip = _ip; Properties.Settings.Default.matrixIp = ip; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); LogCtrl.Status("Set Matrix IP: " + ip); }
public JsonResult SetVender(VendModel argModel) { try { int resultInt = 0; if (argModel.vend_idx == null) { argModel.create_us = Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_IDX"]); resultInt = (int)Mapper.Instance().Insert("User.insVender", argModel); argModel.vend_idx = resultInt; LogCtrl.SetLog(argModel, eActionType.DataInsert, this.HttpContext, argModel.vend_nm); } else { resultInt = Mapper.Instance().Update("User.udtVender", argModel); LogCtrl.SetLog(argModel, eActionType.DataUpdate, this.HttpContext, argModel.vend_nm); } return(Json(resultInt)); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(string.Format("ERROR : 협력사 저장"), ex); return(Json(new ResultJsonModel { isError = true, resultMessage = ex.Message, resultDescription = ex.ToString() })); } }
public JsonResult SetDepartment(DeptModel SearchDept) { try { int resultInt = 0; if (SearchDept.dept_idx == null) { SearchDept.create_us = Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_IDX"]); resultInt = (int)Mapper.Instance().Insert("User.insDepartment", SearchDept); SearchDept.dept_idx = resultInt; LogCtrl.SetLog(SearchDept, eActionType.DataInsert, this.HttpContext, SearchDept.dept_nm); } else { resultInt = Mapper.Instance().Update("User.udtDepartment", SearchDept); LogCtrl.SetLog(SearchDept, eActionType.DataUpdate, this.HttpContext, SearchDept.dept_nm); } return(Json(resultInt)); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(string.Format("ERROR : 부서저장"), ex); return(Json(new ResultJsonModel { isError = true, resultMessage = ex.Message, resultDescription = ex.ToString() })); } }
public void ReadFinish() { if (!EventExtension.InvokeGracefully(callBack)) { LogCtrl.Error(" callBack Is Null "); } }
public ActionResult PdfViewer(int?link_file_idx, string is_itf) { string fileOrgName = string.Empty; string fileConvName = string.Empty; string filePath = string.Empty; if (is_itf == "N") { DistTempFileModel fileInfo = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject <DistTempFileModel>("DIST.selDistTempFile", new DistTempFileModel { temp_file_idx = link_file_idx }); if (fileInfo == null) { throw new Exception(Resources.Resource.res0320);//잘못된 파일을 호출하셨습니다. } fileOrgName = fileInfo.file_org_nm; fileConvName = fileInfo.file_conv_nm; filePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LocalFilePath"].ToString() + "\\" + fileInfo.dist_idx; LogCtrl.SetLog(fileInfo, eActionType.FileView, this.HttpContext, fileInfo.file_org_nm); } else { ItfFileInfo fileInfo = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject <ItfFileInfo>("ITF.selItfFIleInfo", new ItfFileInfo { file_idx = link_file_idx }); if (fileInfo == null) { throw new Exception(Resources.Resource.res0320);//잘못된 파일을 호출하셨습니다. } fileOrgName = fileInfo.file_org_nm; fileConvName = fileInfo.file_conv_nm; filePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EoFilePath"].ToString() + "\\" + fileInfo.part_no; LogCtrl.SetLog(fileInfo, eActionType.FileView, this.HttpContext, fileInfo.file_org_nm); } if (!CommonUtil.IsFile(filePath, fileConvName)) { ViewBag.Massage = @Resources.Resource.res0366; // 파일이 없습니다. return(View()); } PdfWatermark watermark = new PdfWatermark(); string watermarkFile = watermark.SetWaterMarkPdf(filePath, fileConvName, Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_IDX"]), CommonUtil.GetRemoteIP(this.Request)); string fPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ViewTempFileUrl"].ToString() + "/" + Path.GetFileName(watermarkFile); ViewBag.Massage = null; ViewBag.FileName = fPath; return(View()); //return View("PdfFileViewer" + (System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fPath, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"))).Replace("+", "%20")); }
public JsonResult SetDistEoInfo(DistEoModel distEo) { try { bool isNew = distEo.dist_idx == null ? true : false; Mapper.Instance().BeginTransaction(); // 신규 if (isNew) { distEo.dist_idx = SetDistMaster(new DistMasterModel() { eo_fl = "Y", dist_st = "CR", create_us = Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_IDX"]) }); Mapper.Instance().Insert("DIST.insDistEo", distEo); } else { DistEoModel compareEo = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject <DistEoModel>("DIST.selDistEo", new DistEoModel() { dist_idx = distEo.dist_idx }); // 기존 EO에 속한 파일이 있을 경우 지워버린다. if (compareEo != null) { Mapper.Instance().Delete("DIST.delDistRecvEoFile", new DistRecvFileModel { dist_idx = distEo.dist_idx, eo_idx = compareEo.eo_idx }); Mapper.Instance().Update("DIST.udtDistEo", distEo); } else { Mapper.Instance().Insert("DIST.insDistEo", distEo); } SetUdtDistMaster(new DistMasterModel { dist_idx = distEo.dist_idx }); } SetRecieverLinkFile(distEo.dist_idx); DistMasterModel dist = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject <DistMasterModel>("DIST.selDistMaster", new DistMasterModel() { dist_idx = distEo.dist_idx }); LogCtrl.SetLog(distEo, eActionType.DistEoSave, this.HttpContext, dist.dist_title); Mapper.Instance().CommitTransaction(); return(Json(distEo.dist_idx)); } catch (Exception ex) { Mapper.Instance().RollBackTransaction(); return(Json(new ResultJsonModel { isError = true, resultMessage = ex.Message, resultDescription = ex.ToString() })); } }
private void CheckIsFinish() { LogCtrl.Log(" 读取配置表,剩余表数量 " + listTableInfos.Count); if (listTableInfos.Count == 0) { ReadFinish(); } }
public override void EnterState(GameState preState, object param) { LogCtrl.Log(" 进入 更新配置 状态 。。"); ReadPrototypeManager.Instance.InitialPrototype(() => { GameStateManager.Instance.SetActiveState(GameStateManager.STATE_START); }); }
public static void Connect(string ip, int domain) { Auto.UnInitialize(); Auto.InitializeTCP(ip, domain, true); LogCtrl.Status("Connecting to PB: " + ip + " (Domain " + domain + ")"); Properties.Settings.Default.masterIp = ip; Properties.Settings.Default.domain = domain; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); }
/// <summary> /// Загрузить настройки. /// </summary> /// <param name="storage">Хранилище настроек.</param> public void Load(SettingsStorage storage) { var settings = storage.GetValue <SettingsStorage>("LogControl"); if (settings != null) { LogCtrl.Load(settings); } }
public int SetDistMaster(DistMasterModel distMaster) { int distIDX = (int)Mapper.Instance().Insert("DIST.insDistMaster", distMaster); LogCtrl.SetLog(new DistMasterModel { dist_idx = distIDX }, eActionType.DistInsert, this.HttpContext, distMaster.dist_title); return(distIDX); }
public void InitialTask(int type, int maxCount = 6) { if (mapTasks.ContainsKey(type)) { LogCtrl.Error("Call GetFreeType Function GetType. Error : " + type); return; } mapTasks.Add(type, CreateTaskData(type, maxCount)); }
public void Addition(IEnumeratorTask task) { if (mlistTask.Contains(task)) { LogCtrl.Warn("AddTask Contains Type : " + TaskType); return; } mlistTask.Add(task); TryExcuteNextTask(); }
public static void procesaFacturacion(string pathFacturas, string pathAvon) { ExcelInterop oEI = new ExcelInterop(); Worksheet xlWorkSheet; Workbook xlWorkBook; lstTransTarifa = readTransporteTarifa(); lstManioTarifa = readManiobraTarifa(); LogCtrl.writeLog("Termina lectura de tarifas..."); xlWorkBook = oEI.openBook(pathFacturas); LogCtrl.writeLog("Comienza lectura de facturas..."); List <factura> lst = new List <factura>(); for (int i = 1; i <= xlWorkBook.Worksheets.Count; i++) { try { xlWorkSheet = (Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(i); lst.Add(procesaHoja(xlWorkSheet)); xlWorkSheet = null; } catch (Exception e) { LogCtrl.writeLog(e.Message); } } oEI.closeBook(xlWorkBook); Console.WriteLine("Lectura de facturas completa"); #region Crea xls Avon xlWorkBook = oEI.openBook(getPathFile("PlantillaAvon.xlsx")); xlWorkSheet = (Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1); insertaParcialesColumnas(xlWorkSheet);//Inserta tantas columnas como el máximo número de parciales que se hayan registrado int fila = 2; foreach (factura item in lst) { try { insertaFila(xlWorkSheet, fila, item); fila++; } catch { } } Console.WriteLine("Escritura de facturas en la plantilla completa"); oEI.saveXls(xlWorkBook, xlWorkSheet, pathAvon.Replace("/", @"\")); #endregion //Console.Read(); }
public static void Shutter(int id, bool open) { foreach (BeamerCtrl b in beamers) { if ( == id) { b.Shutter(open); return; } } LogCtrl.Error("Beamer " + id + " doesn't exist."); }
private static void SetBackup() { isMain = false; if (!server.Init()) { LogCtrl.Error("Can't set to Backup."); } else { server.Start(); LogCtrl.Status("Set to Backup Mode."); } }
public void StartLoadRes(int count) { mRequest = Resources.LoadAsync(AssetName); dateTimeOut = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(TimeOut); curRetryCount = count; if (count == 0) { LogCtrl.Log(" 开始加载 资源 " + AssetName); } else { LogCtrl.Log(" 超时重试 加载 资源 " + AssetName + " 当前次数 " + count); } }
public ActionResult DistPdfViewer(int?dist_file_idx) { string fileOrgName = string.Empty; string fileConvName = string.Empty; string filePath = string.Empty; DistRecvFileModel distFile = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject <DistRecvFileModel>("DIST.selDistRecvFile", new DistRecvFileModel { dist_file_idx = dist_file_idx, recv_us = Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_IDX"]) }); if (distFile == null) { throw new Exception(Resources.Resource.res0320);//잘못된 파일을 호출하셨습니다. } if (distFile.recv_dist_st == "DF") { throw new Exception(Resources.Resource.res0297);//배포가 만료된 파일입니다. } fileOrgName = distFile.file_org_nm; fileConvName = distFile.file_conv_nm; if (distFile.is_itf == "N") { filePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LocalFilePath"].ToString() + "\\" + distFile.dist_idx; } else { filePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EoFilePath"].ToString() + "\\" + distFile.part_no; } if (!CommonUtil.IsFile(filePath, fileConvName)) { ViewBag.Massage = Resources.Resource.res0366; //파일이 없습니다. return(View()); } PdfWatermark watermark = new PdfWatermark(); string watermarkFile = watermark.SetWaterMarkPdf(filePath, fileConvName, Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_IDX"]), CommonUtil.GetRemoteIP(this.Request)); LogCtrl.SetLog(distFile, eActionType.FileView, this.HttpContext, distFile.file_org_nm); string fPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ViewTempFileUrl"].ToString() + "/" + Path.GetFileName(watermarkFile); ViewBag.Massage = null; ViewBag.FileName = fPath; return(View("PdfViewer")); }
public ActionResult BbsFileDownload(int?bbs_file_idx) //11 { System.IO.Stream fStream = null; string fileOrgName = string.Empty; string fileConvName = string.Empty; string filePath = string.Empty; BbsFileModel bbsfile = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject <BbsFileModel>("Bbs.selBbsFile", new BbsFileModel { bbs_file_idx = bbs_file_idx }); if (bbsfile == null) { throw new Exception(Resources.Resource.res0320);//잘못된 파일을 호출하셨습니다. } //foreach () { } fileOrgName = bbsfile.file_org_nm; fileConvName = bbsfile.file_conv_nm; filePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BbsFilePath"].ToString() + "\\" + bbsfile.bbs_idx; if (!CommonUtil.IsFile(filePath, fileConvName)) { ViewBag.Massage = Resources.Resource.res0366; // 파일이 없습니다. return(View()); } if (fileConvName.ToLower().Contains(".pdf")) { PdfWatermark watermark = new PdfWatermark(); string watermarkFile = watermark.SetWaterMarkPdf(filePath, fileConvName, Convert.ToInt32(Session["USER_IDX"]), CommonUtil.GetRemoteIP(this.Request)); fStream = CommonUtil.FileStream(watermarkFile); } else { fStream = CommonUtil.FileStream(filePath, fileConvName); } LogCtrl.SetLog(bbsfile, eActionType.FileDown, this.HttpContext, bbsfile.file_org_nm); if (Request.Browser.Browser == "IE" || Request.Browser.Browser == "InternetExplorer") { return(File(fStream, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileOrgName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))); } else { return(File(fStream, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, fileOrgName)); } }
public void Start() { try { udpThread = new Thread(StartReceive); udpThread.Start(); } catch (Exception e) { LogCtrl.Error("Couldn't start Go Listener thread!"); LogCtrl.Error(e.Message); udpThread.Abort(); } }
private void StartReceive() { try { while (!_shouldStop) { data = client.Receive(ref sender); string[] message = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, data.Length).Split(' '); if (message.Length == 2) { int cueNr; if (int.TryParse(message[1], out cueNr)) { switch (message[0]) { case "GO": Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { GoCtrl.Go(cueNr); })); break; case "BACK": Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { GoCtrl.GoBack(); })); break; } } } } } catch (SocketException se) { if (se.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.TimedOut) { Start(); } else { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { LogCtrl.Error("Backup listener thread crashed!"); LogCtrl.Error(se.Message); })); } } }