Пример #1
 private void on_fake_button_rows_selected_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
     LogB.Information("fakeButtonRowsSelected in statType.cs");
Пример #2
    public static void Main(string [] args)
    {    /*
          *     bool timeLogPassedOk = Log.Start(args);
          *     Log.WriteLine(string.Format("Time log passed: {0}", timeLogPassedOk.ToString()));
          *     Log.WriteLine(string.Format("Client database option 1 in ... " + Util.GetDatabaseDir()));
          *     Log.WriteLine(string.Format("Client database option 2 in ... " + Util.GetDatabaseTempDir()));
        LogB.Debugging = true;         //now LogB.Debug will be shown. Also there will be thread info on Warning, Error, Information

        var envPath  = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
        var rBinPath = "";

        baseDirectory = Util.GetPrefixDir();
        if (UtilAll.IsWindows())
            //Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("R_HOME", RelativeToPrefix ("library"));
            //rBinPath = RelativeToPrefix ("lib");
            //rBinPath = RelativeToPrefix ("library");
            //var rPath = System.Environment.Is64BitProcess ? @"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\x64" : @"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\i386";
            string x64   = "bin" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "x64";
            string i386  = "bin" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "i386";
            var    rPath = System.Environment.Is64BitProcess ?
                           System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDirectory, x64) : System.IO.Path.Combine(baseDirectory, i386);

            if (Directory.Exists(rPath) == false)
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(string.Format("Could not found the specified path to the directory containing R.dll: {0}", rPath));
                LogB.Error("Could not found the specified path to the directory containing R.dll: ", rPath);

            var newPath = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", rPath, System.IO.Path.PathSeparator, envPath);
            LogB.Information("newPath:", newPath);

            System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", newPath);
            LogB.Information("path:", System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"));

            //use this because we don't want to look at the registry
            //we don't want to force user to install R
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("R_HOME", baseDirectory);
            LogB.Information("R_HOME:", baseDirectory);
            switch (UtilAll.GetOSEnum())
            case UtilAll.OperatingSystems.MACOSX:
                rBinPath = "/Library/Frameworks/R.Framework/Libraries";
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("R_HOME", "/Library/Frameworks/R.Framework/Resources");
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", rBinPath + Path.PathSeparator + envPath);

                //Gstreamer stuff
                string prefix = "/Applications/Chronojump.app/Contents/Home/";
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GST_PLUGIN_PATH", prefix + "lib/gstreamer-0.10");
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH", prefix + "lib/gstreamer-0.10");
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GST_PLUGIN_SCANNER_PATH", prefix + "lib/gstreamer-0.10/gst-plugin-scanner");

            case UtilAll.OperatingSystems.LINUX:
                rBinPath = @"/usr/lib/R/lib";
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("R_HOME", @"/usr/lib/R");
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", envPath + Path.PathSeparator + rBinPath);

        LogB.Information("Platform:" + Environment.OSVersion.Platform);

        LogB.Information("baseDir0:", System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
        LogB.Information("baseDir1:", baseDirectory);
        LogB.Information("envPath+rBinPath:", envPath + Path.PathSeparator + rBinPath);


        if (UtilAll.IsWindows())
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GST_PLUGIN_PATH", RelativeToPrefix("lib\\gstreamer-0.10"));

        //this call has to be done to chronojump.prg
        //chronojump.prg createBlankDB
        //this creates a blank database and exists.
        //Then new user will have an updated database without the need of creating in
        if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "createBlankDB")

        if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "createBlankDBServer")

        string language = "";

        if (File.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(Util.GetDatabaseDir(), "chronojump.db")))
            try {

                 * chronojump 1.5.2 converts DB 1.24 to 1.25 changing language to ""
                 * but this operation is done later (on sqliteThings)
                 * We need here! to define the language from the beginning
                 * so we use language = "" if version is prior to 1.25
                string currentVersion       = SqlitePreferences.Select("databaseVersion", false);
                double currentVersionDouble = Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(currentVersion));
                if (currentVersionDouble < Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator("1.25")))
                    language = "";
                    language = SqlitePreferences.Select("language", false);


                if (language != "")
                    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("LANGUAGE", language);              //works
                    g_setenv("LANGUAGE", language, true);
            catch {
                LogB.Warning("Problem reading language on start");

        Catalog.Init("chronojump", System.IO.Path.Combine(Util.GetPrefixDir(), "share/locale"));

        new ChronoJump(args);
Пример #3
     * public static bool CheckPort(string port)
     * {
     *      if(File.Exists(UtilAll.GetECapSimSignalFileName())) { //simulatedEncoder
     *              simulated = true;
     *              return true;
     *      }
     *      simulated = false;
     *      LogB.Information("testing encoder port: ", port);
     *      sp = new SerialPort(port);
     *      sp.BaudRate = 115200;
     *      LogB.Information("testing 1: sp created");
     *      try {
     *              sp.Open();
     *              LogB.Information("testing 2: sp opened");
     *              sp.Close();
     *              LogB.Information("testing 3: sp closed. Success!");
     *      } catch {
     *              LogB.Error("testing encoder port failed");
     *              return false;
     *      }
     *      return true;
     * }

    //if cont (continuous mode), then will not end when too much time passed before start
    public void InitGlobal(int widthG, int heightG, int time, int timeEnd, bool cont, string eccon, string port)
        this.widthG  = widthG;
        this.heightG = heightG;
        this.cont    = cont;
        this.eccon   = eccon;

        //---- a) open port -----
        if (!simulated)
            LogB.Debug("runEncoderCaptureCsharp start port:", port);
            sp          = new SerialPort(port);
            sp.BaudRate = 115200;
            LogB.Information("sp created");
            LogB.Information("sp opened");

        //---- b) initialize variables ----

        Ecca = new EncoderCaptureCurveArray();

        Countdown = time;
        msCount   = 0;          //used for visual feedback of remaining time

        recordingTime    = time * 1000;
        recordedTimeCont = 1;         //not 0 to not have divide by zero problems

        encoderReaded                    = new List <int>();
        encoderReadedInertialDisc        = new List <int>();
        EncoderCapturePoints             = new List <Gdk.Point>();
        EncoderCapturePointsInertialDisc = new List <Gdk.Point>();
        EncoderCapturePointsCaptured     = 0;
        EncoderCapturePointsPainted      = 0;           //-1 means delete screen
        sum = 0;

        i = -20;         //delete first records because there's encoder bug

         * calculate params with R explanation

        /*               3
         *              / \
         *             /   B
         *            /     \
         * --1       /
         *    \     /
         *     \   A
         *      \2/
         * Record the signal, when arrive to A, then store the descending phase (1-2) and calculate params (power, ...)
         * When arrive to B, then store the ascending phase (2-3)

        directionChangePeriod = 25;       //how long (ms) to recognize as change direction. (from 2 to A in ms)
        //it's in ms and not in cm, because it's easier to calculate
        directionChangeCount = 0;         //counter for this period
        directionNow         = 1;         // +1 or -1
        directionLastMSecond = 1;         // +1 or -1 (direction on last millisecond)
        directionCompleted   = -1;        // +1 or -1
        previousEnd          = 0;
        lastNonZero          = 0;

        //this will be used to stop encoder automatically (on !cont mode)
        consecutiveZeros    = -1;
        consecutiveZerosMax = timeEnd * 1000;

        //only can be true on inertial capture subclass
        inertialShouldCheckStartDirection = false;
        inertialCaptureDirectionInverted  = false;


        cancel = false;
        finish = false;
Пример #4
    //get pending tasks on other stations
    public List <StationCount> GetOtherStationsWithPendingTasks(int personID, int stationID)
        // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
        if (!createWebRequest(requestType.GENERIC, "/getOtherStationsWithPendingTasks"))
            return(new List <StationCount>());

        // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
        request.Method = "POST";

        // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
        request.ContentType = "application/json; Charset=UTF-8";         //but this is not enough, see this line:

        // Creates the json object
        JsonObject json = new JsonObject();

        json.Add("personId", personID.ToString());
        json.Add("stationId", stationID.ToString());

        // Converts it to a String
        String js = json.ToString();

        // Writes the json object into the request dataStream
        Stream dataStream;

        if (!getWebRequestStream(request, out dataStream, Catalog.GetString("Could not get tasks from other sessions.")))
            return(new List <StationCount>());

        dataStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js), 0, js.Length);

        HttpWebResponse response;

        if (!getHttpWebResponse(request, out response, Catalog.GetString("Could not get tasks from other sessions.")))
            return(new List <StationCount>());

        string responseFromServer;

        using (var sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
            responseFromServer = sr.ReadToEnd();

        LogB.Information("GetOtherStationsWithPendingTasks: " + responseFromServer);

        if (responseFromServer == "" || responseFromServer == "[]")
            LogB.Information(" Empty ");
            return(new List <StationCount>());

        //return taskDeserializeFromServer (responseFromServer);
        List <StationCount> stations     = new List <StationCount>();
        JsonValue           jsonStations = JsonValue.Parse(responseFromServer);

        foreach (JsonValue jsonStation in jsonStations)
            string stationName = jsonStation ["stationName"];
            int    tasksCount  = jsonStation ["tasksCount"];
            stations.Add(new StationCount(stationName, tasksCount));
Пример #5
     * Unused, now using the above methods
     * public EncoderExercise GetEncoderExercise(int exerciseId)
     * {
     *      EncoderExercise ex = new EncoderExercise();
     *      // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
     *      WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create (serverUrl + "/getEncoderExercise");
     *      // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
     *      request.Method = "POST";
     *      // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
     *      request.ContentType = "application/json; Charset=UTF-8"; //but this is not enough, see this line:
     *      // Creates the json object
     *      JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
     *      json.Add("exerciseId", exerciseId);
     *      // Converts it to a String
     *      String js = json.ToString();
     *      // Writes the json object into the request dataStream
     *      Stream dataStream;
     *      try {
     *              dataStream = request.GetRequestStream ();
     *      } catch {
     *              this.ResultMessage =
     *                      string.Format(Catalog.GetString("You are not connected to the Internet\nor {0} server is down."),
     *                      serverUrl);
     *              return ex;
     *      }
     *      dataStream.Write (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js), 0, js.Length);
     *      dataStream.Close ();
     *      HttpWebResponse response;
     *      try {
     *              response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();
     *      } catch {
     *              this.ResultMessage =
     *                      string.Format(Catalog.GetString("You are not connected to the Internet\nor {0} server is down."),
     *                      serverUrl);
     *              return ex;
     *      }
     *      string responseFromServer;
     *      using (var sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
     *      {
     *              responseFromServer = sr.ReadToEnd();
     *      }
     *      LogB.Information("GetEncoderExercise: " + responseFromServer);
     *      if(responseFromServer == "")
     *              LogB.Information(" Empty "); //never happens
     *      else if(responseFromServer == "[]")
     *              LogB.Information(" Empty2 "); //when rfid is not on server
     *      else {
     *              ex = encoderExerciseDeserialize(responseFromServer);
     *      }
     *      return ex;
     * }
     * private EncoderExercise encoderExerciseDeserialize(string str)
     * {
     *      JsonValue jsonEx = JsonValue.Parse(str);
     *      Int32 id = jsonEx ["id"];
     *      string name = jsonEx ["name"];
     *      Int32 stationId = jsonEx ["stationId"];
     *      int percentBodyMassDisplaced = jsonEx ["percentBodyMassDisplaced"];
     *      return new EncoderExercise(id, name, percentBodyMassDisplaced,
     *                      "", "", 0); //ressitance, description, speed1RM
     * }

    public bool UploadSprintData(UploadSprintDataObject o)
        LogB.Information("calling upload sprint");
        // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
        if (!createWebRequest(requestType.GENERIC, "/uploadSprintData"))

         * LogB.Information("UploadSprintData doubles:");
         * foreach(double d in splitTimesL)
         *      LogB.Information(d.ToString());

        // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
        request.Method = "POST";

        // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
        request.ContentType = "application/json; Charset=UTF-8";         //but this is not enough, see this line:
        //exerciseName = Util.RemoveAccents(exerciseName);

        // Creates the json object
        JsonObject json = new JsonObject();

        json.Add("personId", o.personId);
        json.Add("distances", o.sprintPositions);
        json.Add("t1", o.splitTimesL[1]);

        //splitTimesL starts with a 0 that is not passed
        if (o.splitTimesL.Count >= 3)
            json.Add("t2", o.splitTimesL[2] - o.splitTimesL[1]);             //return lap (partial time) and not split (accumulated time)
            json.Add("t2", "");

        if (o.splitTimesL.Count >= 4)
            json.Add("t3", o.splitTimesL[3] - o.splitTimesL[2]);
            json.Add("t3", "");

        if (o.splitTimesL.Count >= 5)
            json.Add("t4", o.splitTimesL[4] - o.splitTimesL[3]);
            json.Add("t4", "");

        json.Add("k", o.k);
        json.Add("vmax", o.vmax);
        json.Add("amax", o.amax);
        json.Add("fmax", o.fmax);
        json.Add("pmax", o.pmax);

        // Converts it to a String
        String js = json.ToString();

        // Writes the json object into the request dataStream
        Stream dataStream;

        if (!getWebRequestStream(request, out dataStream, Catalog.GetString("Could not upload sprint data.")))

        dataStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js), 0, js.Length);


        // Get the response.
        WebResponse response;

        if (!getWebResponse(request, out response, Catalog.GetString("Could not upload sprint data.")))

        // Display the status (will be 202, CREATED)

        // Clean up the streams.

        this.ResultMessage = "Sprint data sent.";
Пример #6
    public bool Ping(string osVersion, string cjVersion, string machineID)
        requestPingAborting = false;

        if (!createWebRequest(requestType.PING, "/ping"))

        // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
        requestPing.Method = "POST";

        // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
        requestPing.ContentType = "application/json";

        // Creates the json object
        JsonObject json = new JsonObject();

        json.Add("os_version", osVersion);
        json.Add("cj_version", cjVersion);
        json.Add("machine_id", machineID);

        // Converts it to a String
        String js = json.ToString();

        // Writes the json object into the request dataStream
        Stream dataStream;

        if (!getWebRequestStream(requestPing, out dataStream, "Could not send ping (A)."))

        if (requestPingAborting)
            LogB.Information("Aborted from PingAbort");

        dataStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js), 0, js.Length);


        // Get the response.
        WebResponse response;

        if (!getWebResponse(requestPing, out response, "Could not send ping (B)."))

        if (requestPingAborting)
            LogB.Information("Aborted from PingAbort");

        // Display the status (will be 201, CREATED)

        // Clean up the streams.

        this.ResultMessage = "Ping sent.";
Пример #7
    public List <Task> GetTasks(int personID, int stationID)
        connected = false;

        // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
        if (!createWebRequest(requestType.GENERIC, "/getTasks"))
            return(new List <Task>());

        // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
        request.Method = "POST";

        // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
        request.ContentType = "application/json; Charset=UTF-8";         //but this is not enough, see this line:

        // Creates the json object
        JsonObject json = new JsonObject();

        json.Add("personId", personID.ToString());
        json.Add("stationId", stationID.ToString());

        // Converts it to a String
        String js = json.ToString();

        // Writes the json object into the request dataStream
        Stream dataStream;

        if (!getWebRequestStream(request, out dataStream, "Cannot get tasks."))
            return(new List <Task>());

        dataStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js), 0, js.Length);

        HttpWebResponse response;

        if (!getHttpWebResponse(request, out response, "Cannot get tasks."))
            return(new List <Task>());

        string responseFromServer;

        using (var sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
            responseFromServer = sr.ReadToEnd();

        LogB.Information("GetTasks: " + responseFromServer);

        connected = true;

        if (responseFromServer == "" || responseFromServer == "[]")
            LogB.Information(" Empty ");
            return(new List <Task>());

Пример #8
    public override void ManageFall()
        //boolean to know if chronopic has been disconnected
        chronopicDisconnected = false;

        if (simulated)
            if (fall != -1)
                platformState = Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF;
                platformState = Chronopic.Plataforma.ON;
            platformState = chronopicInitialValue(cp);

        if (platformState != Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF &&
            platformState != Chronopic.Plataforma.ON)
            //UNKNOW (Chronopic disconnected, port changed, ...)

        //if we are outside
        //or we are inside, but with fall == -1 (calculate fall using a previous jump (start inside))
        if (
            (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF && fall != -1) ||
            (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.ON && fall == -1)
            if (fall != -1)
                feedbackMessage = Catalog.GetString("You are OUT, JUMP when prepared!");
                loggedState     = States.OFF;
                feedbackMessage = Catalog.GetString("You are IN, JUMP when prepared!");
                loggedState     = States.ON;

            needShowFeedbackMessage = true;
            Util.PlaySound(Constants.SoundTypes.CAN_START, volumeOn);

            //useful also for tracking the jump phases
            tc = 0;

            //prepare jump for being cancelled if desired
            cancel = false;

            jumpPhase = jumpPhases.PRE_OR_DOING;

            //in simulated mode, make the jump start just when we arrive to waitEvent at the first time
            if (simulated)
                if (fall != -1)
                    platformState = Chronopic.Plataforma.ON;                     //mark now that we have arrived:
                    platformState = Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF;                     //mark now that we have jumped

            //start thread
            thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(waitEvent));
            GLib.Idle.Add(new GLib.IdleHandler(PulseGTK));

            ConfirmWindow confirmWin;

            string message = Catalog.GetString("You are IN, please leave the platform, and press the 'accept' button");
            if (fall == -1)
                message = Catalog.GetString("You are OUT, please enter the platform, prepare for jump and press the 'accept' button");

            confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(message, "", "");

            Util.PlaySound(Constants.SoundTypes.BAD, volumeOn);

            //we call again this function
            confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(callAgainManageFall);

            //if confirmWin.Button_cancel is pressed return
            confirmWin.Button_cancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(cancel_event_before_start);
Пример #9
    protected override void waitEvent()
        double timestamp = 0;
        bool   success   = false;

        bool ok;
        int  phase = 0;

        //prepare variables to allow being cancelled or finished
        if (!simulated)

            if (simulated)
                ok = true;
                LogB.Information("calling Read_event");
                ok = cp.Read_event(out timestamp, out platformState);
                LogB.Information("Read_event done!");

             *           \()/            \()/
             *            \/              \/
             *   _()_     /\     _()_     /\     _()_
             *    \/              \/              \/
             * ___/\______________/\______________/\___
             *  GraphA  graphB  graphC  graphD  graphE
             *  unused  jumps   lands   jumps   lands
             *    ______start_______             end
             *    DJ      DJ      SJ
             * hasFall  hasFall
             * fall -1

            //if (ok)
            if (ok && !cancel)
                if (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.ON && loggedState == States.OFF)
                    //has landed
                    if (hasFall && tc == 0)
                        //**** graphC ****

                        if (fall == -1)
                            if (simulated)
                                timestamp = simulatedTimeLast * 1000;                                 //conversion to milliseconds
                            //calculate the fall height using flight time
                            double tvPreJump = timestamp / 1000.0;
                            fall = Convert.ToDouble(Util.GetHeightInCentimeters(tvPreJump.ToString()));

                        //jump with fall, landed first time

                        //don't do it, put a boolean value and let the PulseGTK do it
                        updateProgressBar = new UpdateProgressBar(
                            true,                                     //isEvent
                            true,                                     //jumpsLimited: percentageMode
                        needUpdateEventProgressBar = true;

                        feedbackMessage         = "";
                        needShowFeedbackMessage = true;
                        //**** graphE **** jump with fall: second landed; or without fall first landing

                        if (simulated)
                            timestamp = simulatedTimeLast * 1000;                             //conversion to milliseconds
                        LogB.Information(string.Format("t1:{0}", timestamp));

                        tv = timestamp / 1000.0;

                        jumpPhase = jumpPhases.PLATFORM_END;


                        success = true;

                        //don't do it, put a boolean value and let the PulseGTK do it
                        updateProgressBar = new UpdateProgressBar(
                            true,                                     //isEvent
                            true,                                     //percentageMode
                        needUpdateEventProgressBar = true;
                    loggedState = States.ON;
                else if (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF && loggedState == States.ON)
                    //it's out, was inside (= has jumped)

                    //fall != -1 because if it was == -1, it will change once touching floor for the first time
                    if (hasFall && fall != -1)
                        //**** graphD ****

                        if (simulated)
                            timestamp = simulatedTimeLast * 1000;                             //conversion to milliseconds
                        LogB.Information(string.Format("t2:{0}", timestamp));

                        //record the TC
                        tc = timestamp / 1000.0;

                        //takeOff jump (only one TC)
                        //if(fixedValue == 0.5)
                        if (type == Constants.TakeOffName || type == Constants.TakeOffWeightName)
                            tv = 0;

                            jumpPhase = jumpPhases.PLATFORM_END;

                            success = true;

                        //update event progressbar
                        //don't do it, put a boolean value and let the PulseGTK do it
                        updateProgressBar = new UpdateProgressBar(
                            true,                                     //isEvent
                            true,                                     //percentageMode
                        needUpdateEventProgressBar = true;
                        //**** graphD (if normal jump) ****
                        //**** graphB (if hasFall and fall == -1) ****


                        //update event progressbar
                        //don't do it, put a boolean value and let the PulseGTK do it
                        updateProgressBar = new UpdateProgressBar(
                            true,                                     //isEvent
                            true,                                     //percentageMode
                        needUpdateEventProgressBar = true;

                        feedbackMessage         = "";
                        needShowFeedbackMessage = true;

                    //change the automata state
                    loggedState = States.OFF;
        } while (!success && !cancel);

        LogB.Information("Exited waitEvent main bucle");
Пример #10
    protected void writeRj(bool tempTable)
        int    jumps;
        string limitString = "";
        string description = "";

        //if user clicked in finish earlier
        //or toggled with shouldFinishAtNextTime
        if (finish)
            //if user clicked finish and last event was tc, probably there are more TCs than TFs
            //if last event was tc, it has no sense, it should be deleted
            tcString = Util.DeleteLastTcIfNeeded(tcString, tvString);

            //when we mark that jump should finish by time, chronopic thread is probably capturing data
            //check if it captured more than date limit, and if it has done, delete last(s) jump(s)
            //also have in mind that allowFinishAfterTime exist
            bool deletedEvent = false;
            if (!jumpsLimited && limitAsDouble != -1)
                bool eventPassed = Util.EventPassedFromMaxTime(tcString, tvString, limitAsDouble, allowFinishAfterTime);
                while (eventPassed)
                    tcString = Util.DeleteLastSubEvent(tcString);
                    tvString = Util.DeleteLastSubEvent(tvString);
                    LogB.Information("Deleted one event out of time");
                    eventPassed  = Util.EventPassedFromMaxTime(tcString, tvString, limitAsDouble, allowFinishAfterTime);
                    deletedEvent = true;
            if (deletedEvent)
                //update graph if a event was deleted
                PrepareEventGraphJumpReactiveObject = new PrepareEventGraphJumpReactive(Util.GetLast(tvString), Util.GetLast(tcString), tvString, tcString);
                needUpdateGraphType = eventType.JUMPREACTIVE;
                needUpdateGraph     = true;

                //try to fix this:
                updateProgressBar = new UpdateProgressBar(
                    true,                                                     //isEvent
                    jumpsLimited,                                             //if jumpsLimited: do fraction; if time limited: do pulse
                    Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false)
                needUpdateEventProgressBar = true;
                //and this:
                updateTimerCountWithChronopicData(tcString, tvString);

            jumps = Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false);

            if (jumpsLimited)
                limitString = jumps.ToString() + "J";
                limitString = Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString) + "T";
                limited     = limitString;             //define limited because it's checked in treeviewJump, and possibly it's not the initial defined time (specially when allowFinishRjAfterTime is true)
                //leave the initial selected time into description/comments:
                description = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Initially selected {0} seconds"), limitAsDouble.ToString());
            if (jumpsLimited)
                limitString = limitAsDouble.ToString() + "J";
                jumps       = (int)limitAsDouble;
                //if time finished and the last event was tc, probably there are more TCs than TFs
                //if last event was tc, it has no sense, it should be deleted
                //this is not aplicable in tempTable
                if (!tempTable)
                    tcString = Util.DeleteLastTcIfNeeded(tcString, tvString);

                //limitString = limitAsDouble.ToString() + "T";
                limitString = Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString) + "T";
                limited     = limitString;             //define limited because it's checked in treeviewJump, and possibly it's not the initial defined time (specially when allowFinishRjAfterTime is true)

                //leave the initial selected time into description/comments:
                description = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Initially selected {0} seconds"), limitAsDouble.ToString());

                string [] myStringFull = tcString.Split(new char[] { '=' });
                jumps = myStringFull.Length;

        if (type == Constants.RunAnalysisName)
            //double speed = (fall /10) / Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString);

             *		Josep Ma Padullés test
             *              string tcStringWithoutFirst = Util.DeleteFirstSubEvent(tcString);
             *              string tvStringWithoutFirst = Util.DeleteFirstSubEvent(tvString);
             *              double averagePlatformTimes = ( Util.GetAverage(tcStringWithoutFirst) + Util.GetAverage(tvStringWithoutFirst) ) / 2;
             *              double freq = 1 / averagePlatformTimes;
             *              //amplitud
             *              double range = speed / freq;
             *              //don't put "=" because can appear problems in different parts of the code
             *              description =
             *                      Catalog.GetString ("AVG speed") + "->" + Util.TrimDecimals(speed.ToString(), pDN) + "m/s, " +
             *                      Catalog.GetString ("AVG frequencies") + "->" + Util.TrimDecimals(freq.ToString(), pDN) + "Hz, " +
             *                      Catalog.GetString ("AVG range") + "->" + Util.TrimDecimals(range.ToString(), pDN) + "m.";

        if (tempTable)
            SqliteJumpRj.Insert(false, Constants.TempJumpRjTable, "NULL", personID, sessionID,
                                type, Util.GetMax(tvString), Util.GetMax(tcString),
                                fall, weight, description,
                                Util.GetAverage(tvString), Util.GetAverage(tcString),
                                tvString, tcString,
                                jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, angleString, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated)
            uniqueID = SqliteJumpRj.Insert(false, Constants.JumpRjTable, "NULL", personID, sessionID,
                                           type, Util.GetMax(tvString), Util.GetMax(tcString),
                                           fall, weight, description,
                                           Util.GetAverage(tvString), Util.GetAverage(tcString),
                                           tvString, tcString,
                                           jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, angleString, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated)

            //define the created object
            eventDone = new JumpRj(uniqueID, personID, sessionID, type, tvString, tcString, fall, weight, description, jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, angleString, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated));

            //event will be raised, and managed in chronojump.cs

             * string myStringPush =
             *      //Catalog.GetString("Last jump: ") +
             *      personName + " " +
             *      type + " (" + limitString + ") " +
             *      " " + Catalog.GetString("AVG TF") + ": " + Util.TrimDecimals( Util.GetAverage (tvString).ToString(), pDN ) +
             *      " " + Catalog.GetString("AVG TC") + ": " + Util.TrimDecimals( Util.GetAverage (tcString).ToString(), pDN ) ;
            if (simulated)
                feedbackMessage = Catalog.GetString(Constants.SimulatedMessage);
                feedbackMessage = "";
            needShowFeedbackMessage = true;

            needEndEvent = true;             //used for hiding some buttons on eventWindow, and also for updateTimeProgressBar here
Пример #11
    public override void Manage()
        //boolean to know if chronopic has been disconnected
        chronopicDisconnected = false;

        if (simulated)
            platformState = Chronopic.Plataforma.ON;
            platformState = chronopicInitialValue(cp);

        if (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.ON)
            feedbackMessage         = Catalog.GetString("You are IN, JUMP when prepared!");
            needShowFeedbackMessage = true;
            Util.PlaySound(Constants.SoundTypes.CAN_START, volumeOn);

            loggedState = States.ON;

            //prepare jump for being cancelled if desired
            cancel = false;

            jumpPhase = jumpPhases.PRE_OR_DOING;

            //in simulated mode, make the jump start just when we arrive to waitEvent at the first time
            //mark now that we have leaved platform:
            if (simulated)
                platformState = Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF;

            //start thread
            thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(waitEvent));
            GLib.Idle.Add(new GLib.IdleHandler(PulseGTK));

        else if (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF)
            ConfirmWindow confirmWin;
            confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(Catalog.GetString(
                                                "You are OUT, please enter the platform, prepare for jump and press the 'accept' button"), "", "");

            Util.PlaySound(Constants.SoundTypes.BAD, volumeOn);

            //we call again this function
            confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(callAgainManage);

            //if confirmWin.Button_cancel is pressed return
            confirmWin.Button_cancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(cancel_event_before_start);
        else           //UNKNOW (Chronopic disconnected, port changed, ...)
Пример #12
    private static void on_server_upload_session_started()
        int evalSID = Convert.ToInt32(SqlitePreferences.Select("evaluatorServerID"));

        try {
            ChronojumpServer myServer = new ChronojumpServer();

            int state = (int)Constants.ServerSessionStates.UPLOADINGSESSION;
            //create ServerSession based on Session currentSession
            ServerSession serverSession = new ServerSession(currentSession, evalSID, progName + " " + progVersion,
                                                            UtilAll.GetOS(), DateTime.Now, state);

            //if uploading session for first time
            if (currentSession.ServerUniqueID == Constants.ServerUndefinedID)
                //upload ServerSession
                int idAtServer = myServer.UploadSession(serverSession);

                //update session currentSession (serverUniqueID) on client database
                currentSession.ServerUniqueID = idAtServer;
                SqliteSession.UpdateServerUniqueID(currentSession.UniqueID, currentSession.ServerUniqueID);

            state = (int)Constants.ServerSessionStates.UPLOADINGDATA;
            myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, state);

            sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes = "";
            string testTypesSeparator = "";
            sessionUploadPersonData.sports = "";
            string sportsSeparator = "";

            //upload persons (updating also person.serverUniqueID locally)
            ArrayList persons = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(
                false);                         //means: do not returnPersonAndPSlist

            Constants.UploadCodes uCode;
            ArrayList             notToUpload = SqlitePersonSessionNotUpload.SelectAll(currentSession.UniqueID);

            //store in variable for updating progressBar from other thread
            progressBarPersonsNum = persons.Count - notToUpload.Count;

            foreach (Person p in persons)
                Person person = p;

                //do not continue with this person if has been banned to upload
                if (Util.FoundInArrayList(notToUpload, person.UniqueID.ToString()))

                PersonSession ps = SqlitePersonSession.Select(person.UniqueID, currentSession.UniqueID);

                //check person if exists
                if (person.ServerUniqueID != Constants.ServerUndefinedID)
                    uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS;
                    uCode = Constants.UploadCodes.OK;

                    person = serverUploadPerson(myServer, person, serverSession.UniqueID);

                //if sport is user defined, upload it
                //and when upload the person, do it with new sportID
                Sport sport = SqliteSport.Select(false, ps.SportID);
                //but record old sport ID because locally will be a change in serverUniqueID
                //(with slite update)
                //but local sport has not to be changed
                int sportUserDefinedLocal = -1;

                if (sport.UserDefined)
                    sportUserDefinedLocal = sport.UniqueID;

                    //this will be uploaded
                    int newSport = myServer.UploadSport(sport);
                    if (newSport != -1)
                        ps.SportID = newSport;
                        sessionUploadPersonData.sports += sportsSeparator + sport.Name;
                        sportsSeparator = ", ";

                //a person can be in the database for one session,
                //but maybe now we add jumps from another session and we should add an entry at personsession
                serverUploadPersonSessionIfNeeded(myServer, person.ServerUniqueID,
                                                  currentSession.ServerUniqueID, ps, sportUserDefinedLocal);

                //other thread updates the gui:
                sessionUploadPersonData.person     = person;
                sessionUploadPersonData.personCode = uCode;

                //upload jumps
                int countU = 0;
                int countE = 0;
                int countS = 0;

                string [] jumps = SqliteJump.SelectJumps(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, "", "",
                                                         Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);
                foreach (string myJump in jumps)
                    string [] js = myJump.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                    //select jump
                    Jump test = SqliteJump.SelectJumpData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true);                     //uniqueID
                    //fix it to server person, session keys
                    test.PersonID  = person.ServerUniqueID;
                    test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;

                    //if test is not simulated and has not been uploaded,
                    //see if it's type is not predefined and is not in the database
                    //then upload it first
                    if (test.Simulated == 0)
                        //upload jumpType if is user defined and doesn't exists in server database
                        //JumpType type = new JumpType(test.Type);
                        JumpType type = SqliteJumpType.SelectAndReturnJumpType(test.Type, true);
                        if (!type.IsPredefined)
                            //Console.WriteLine("USER DEFINED TEST: " + test.Type);
                            //this uploads the new type, as it's user created, it will be like this
                            //eg: for user defined jumpType: "supra" of evaluatorServerID: 9
                            //at server will be "supra-9"
                            //then two problems get solved:
                            //1.- every evaluator that uploads a type will have a different name
                            //than other evaluator uploading a type that is named the same but could be different
                            //(one can think that "supra" is another thing
                            //2- when the same evaluator upload some supra's, only a new type is created

                            //test.Type = myServer.UploadJumpType(type, evalSID);
                            //int testType = (int) Constants.TestTypes.JUMP;
                            //string insertedType = myServer.UploadTestType(Constants.TestTypes.JUMP, type, evalSID);
                            //string insertedType = myServer.UploadTestType(testType, type, evalSID);
                            string insertedType = myServer.UploadJumpType(type, evalSID);
                            if (insertedType != "-1")
                                //record type in test (with the "-7" if it's done by evaluator 7)
                                test.Type = insertedType;

                                //show user uploaded type (without the "-7")
                                sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes += testTypesSeparator + type.Name;
                                testTypesSeparator = ", ";

                            //test.Type in the server will have the correct name "supra-9"

                    //upload... (if not because of simulated or uploaded before, report also the user)
                    uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP, Constants.JumpTable, test);

                    if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
                    else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
                    else                     //SIMULATED

                //other thread updates the gui:
                sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsU = countU;
                sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsE = countE;
                sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsS = countS;

                //upload jumpsRj
                countU = 0;
                countE = 0;
                countS = 0;

                string [] jumpsRj = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumps(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, "", "");
                foreach (string myJump in jumpsRj)
                    string [] js = myJump.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                    //select jump
                    JumpRj test = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData(Constants.JumpRjTable, Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true);                     //uniqueID
                    //fix it to server person, session keys
                    test.PersonID  = person.ServerUniqueID;
                    test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;

                    if (test.Simulated == 0)
                        JumpType type = SqliteJumpType.SelectAndReturnJumpRjType(test.Type, true);
                        if (!type.IsPredefined)
                            string insertedType = myServer.UploadJumpRjType(type, evalSID);
                            if (insertedType != "-1")
                                test.Type = insertedType;
                                sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes += testTypesSeparator + type.Name;
                                testTypesSeparator = ", ";

                    uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.JUMP_RJ, Constants.JumpRjTable, test);

                    if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
                    else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
                    else                     //SIMULATED

                //other thread updates the gui:
                sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjU = countU;
                sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjE = countE;
                sessionUploadPersonData.jumpsRjS = countS;

                //upload runs
                countU = 0;
                countE = 0;
                countS = 0;

                string [] runs = SqliteRun.SelectRuns(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, "",
                                                      Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);

                foreach (string myRun in runs)
                    string [] js = myRun.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                    //select run
                    Run test = SqliteRun.SelectRunData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true);                     //uniqueID
                    //fix it to server person, session keys
                    test.PersonID  = person.ServerUniqueID;
                    test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;

                    if (test.Simulated == 0)
                        RunType type = SqliteRunType.SelectAndReturnRunType(test.Type, true);
                        if (!type.IsPredefined)
                            string insertedType = myServer.UploadRunType(type, evalSID);
                            if (insertedType != "-1")
                                test.Type = insertedType;
                                sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes += testTypesSeparator + type.Name;
                                testTypesSeparator = ", ";

                    uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RUN, Constants.RunTable, test);

                    if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
                    else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
                    else                     //SIMULATED

                //other thread updates the gui:
                sessionUploadPersonData.runsU = countU;
                sessionUploadPersonData.runsE = countE;
                sessionUploadPersonData.runsS = countS;

                //upload runs intervallic
                countU = 0;
                countE = 0;
                countS = 0;

                string [] runsI = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRuns(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID, "");
                foreach (string myRun in runsI)
                    string [] js = myRun.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                    //select run
                    RunInterval test = SqliteRunInterval.SelectRunData(Constants.RunIntervalTable, Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true);                     //uniqueID
                    //fix it to server person, session keys
                    test.PersonID  = person.ServerUniqueID;
                    test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;

                    if (test.Simulated == 0)
                        RunType type = SqliteRunIntervalType.SelectAndReturnRunIntervalType(test.Type, true);
                        if (!type.IsPredefined)
                            string insertedType = myServer.UploadRunIntervalType(type, evalSID);
                            if (insertedType != "-1")
                                test.Type = insertedType;
                                sessionUploadPersonData.testTypes += testTypesSeparator + type.Name;
                                testTypesSeparator = ", ";
                    uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RUN_I, Constants.RunIntervalTable, test);

                    if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
                    else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
                    else                     //SIMULATED

                //other thread updates the gui:
                sessionUploadPersonData.runsIU = countU;
                sessionUploadPersonData.runsIE = countE;
                sessionUploadPersonData.runsIS = countS;

                //upload reaction times
                countU = 0;
                countE = 0;
                countS = 0;

                string [] rts = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimes(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID,
                                                                       Sqlite.Orders_by.DEFAULT, -1);

                foreach (string myRt in rts)
                    string [] js = myRt.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                    //select rt
                    ReactionTime test = SqliteReactionTime.SelectReactionTimeData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true);                     //uniqueID
                    //fix it to server person, session keys
                    test.PersonID  = person.ServerUniqueID;
                    test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
                    uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.RT, Constants.ReactionTimeTable, test);

                    if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
                    else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
                    else                     //SIMULATED

                //other thread updates the gui:
                sessionUploadPersonData.rtsU = countU;
                sessionUploadPersonData.rtsE = countE;
                sessionUploadPersonData.rtsS = countS;

                //upload pulses
                countU = 0;
                countE = 0;
                countS = 0;

                string [] pulses = SqlitePulse.SelectPulses(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID);
                foreach (string myPulse in pulses)
                    string [] js = myPulse.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                    //select pulse
                    Pulse test = SqlitePulse.SelectPulseData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true);                     //uniqueID
                    //fix it to server person, session keys
                    test.PersonID  = person.ServerUniqueID;
                    test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
                    uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.PULSE, Constants.PulseTable, test);

                    if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
                    else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
                    else                     //SIMULATED

                //other thread updates the gui:
                sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesU = countU;
                sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesE = countE;
                sessionUploadPersonData.pulsesS = countS;

                //upload multiChronopic
                countU = 0;
                countE = 0;
                countS = 0;

                string [] mcs = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectTests(false, currentSession.UniqueID, person.UniqueID);
                foreach (string mc in mcs)
                    string [] js = mc.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                    //select mc
                    MultiChronopic test = SqliteMultiChronopic.SelectMultiChronopicData(Convert.ToInt32(js[1]), true);                     //uniqueID
                    //fix it to server person, session keys
                    test.PersonID  = person.ServerUniqueID;
                    test.SessionID = currentSession.ServerUniqueID;
                    uCode = serverUploadTest(myServer, Constants.TestTypes.MULTICHRONOPIC, Constants.MultiChronopicTable, test);

                    if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.OK)
                    else if (uCode == Constants.UploadCodes.EXISTS)
                    else                     //SIMULATED

                //other thread updates the gui:
                sessionUploadPersonData.mcsU = countU;
                sessionUploadPersonData.mcsE = countE;
                sessionUploadPersonData.mcsS = countS;

                needUpdateServerSession = true;
                while (needUpdateServerSession)
                    //wait until data is printed on the other thread

            state = (int)Constants.ServerSessionStates.DONE;
            //myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, (ServerSessionStates)  Constants.ServerSessionStates.DONE);
            myServer.UpdateSession(currentSession.ServerUniqueID, state);

        } catch {
            //other thread updates the gui:
            serverSessionError = true;
Пример #13
    //if all persons, put -1 in personID
    public static string[] SelectTests(bool dbconOpened, int sessionID, int personID)
        if (!dbconOpened)

        string tp = Constants.PersonTable;

        string filterPersonString = "";

        if (personID != -1)
            filterPersonString = " AND " + tp + ".uniqueID == " + personID;

        dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT " + tp + ".name, multiChronopic.* " +
                            " FROM " + tp + ", multiChronopic " +
                            " WHERE " + tp + ".uniqueID == multiChronopic.personID" +
                            " AND multiChronopic.sessionID == " + sessionID +
                            filterPersonString +
                            " ORDER BY upper(" + tp + ".name), multiChronopic.uniqueID";


        SqliteDataReader reader;

        reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();

        ArrayList myArray = new ArrayList(2);

        int count = new int();

        count = 0;

        while (reader.Read())
            //Util.ConvertToPointIfNeeded is used because multichronopic data is recorded by mistake as ',' instead of '.' on database
            myArray.Add(reader[0].ToString() + ":" +                               //person.name
                        reader[1].ToString() + ":" +                               //mc.uniqueID
                        reader[2].ToString() + ":" +                               //mc.personID
                        reader[3].ToString() + ":" +                               //mc.sessionID
                        reader[4].ToString() + ":" +                               //mc.type
                        reader[5].ToString() + ":" +                               //mc.cp1StartedIn
                        reader[6].ToString() + ":" +                               //mc.cp2StartedIn
                        reader[7].ToString() + ":" +                               //mc.cp3StartedIn
                        reader[8].ToString() + ":" +                               //mc.cp4StartedIn
                        Util.ConvertToPointIfNeeded(reader[9].ToString()) + ":" +  //mc.cp1InStr
                        Util.ConvertToPointIfNeeded(reader[10].ToString()) + ":" + //mc.cp1OutStr
                        Util.ConvertToPointIfNeeded(reader[11].ToString()) + ":" + //mc.cp2InStr
                        Util.ConvertToPointIfNeeded(reader[12].ToString()) + ":" + //mc.cp2OutStr
                        Util.ConvertToPointIfNeeded(reader[13].ToString()) + ":" + //mc.cp3InStr
                        Util.ConvertToPointIfNeeded(reader[14].ToString()) + ":" + //mc.cp3OutStr
                        Util.ConvertToPointIfNeeded(reader[15].ToString()) + ":" + //mc.cp4InStr
                        Util.ConvertToPointIfNeeded(reader[16].ToString()) + ":" + //mc.cp4OutStr
                        reader[17].ToString() + ":" +                              //vars
                        reader[18].ToString() + ":" +                              //description
                        reader[19].ToString()                                      //simulated


        if (!dbconOpened)

        string [] myEvents = new string[count];
        count = 0;
        foreach (string line in myArray)
            myEvents [count++] = line;

Пример #14
    public bool ChooseStat()
        if (statisticType == Constants.TypeSessionSummary)
            int    jumperID   = -1;        //all jumpers
            string jumperName = "";        //all jumpers
            if (graph)
                myStat = new GraphGlobal(myStatTypeStruct, jumperID, jumperName);
                myStat = new StatGlobal(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats, jumperID, jumperName);
        else if (statisticType == Constants.TypeJumperSummary)
            if (statisticApplyTo.Length == 0)
            int jumperID = Util.FetchID(statisticApplyTo);
            if (jumperID == -1)

            string jumperName = Util.FetchName(statisticApplyTo);
            if (graph)
                myStat = new GraphGlobal(myStatTypeStruct, jumperID, jumperName);
                myStat = new StatGlobal(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats,
                                        jumperID, jumperName);
        else if (statisticType == Constants.TypeJumpsSimple)
            if (statisticApplyTo.Length == 0)

            if (statisticSubType != Catalog.GetString("No indexes"))
                string indexType = "";
                if (statisticSubType == Catalog.GetString(Constants.SubtractionBetweenTests))
                    indexType = "subtraction";
                else if (statisticSubType == Constants.ChronojumpProfile)
                    indexType = "ChronojumpProfile";
                else if (statisticSubType == Constants.IeIndexFormula)
                    indexType = "IE";
                else if (statisticSubType == Constants.ArmsUseIndexFormula)
                    indexType = "Arms Use Index";
                else if (statisticSubType == Constants.IRnaIndexFormula)
                    indexType = "IRna";
                else if (statisticSubType == Constants.IRaIndexFormula)
                    indexType = "IRa";
                else if (statisticSubType == Constants.FvIndexFormula)
                    indexType = "F/V";
                else if (
                    statisticSubType == Constants.PotencyLewisFormulaShort ||
                    statisticSubType == Constants.PotencyHarmanFormulaShort ||
                    statisticSubType == Constants.PotencySayersSJFormulaShort ||
                    statisticSubType == Constants.PotencySayersCMJFormulaShort ||
                    statisticSubType == Constants.PotencyShettyFormulaShort ||
                    statisticSubType == Constants.PotencyCanavanFormulaShort ||
                    //statisticSubType == Constants.PotencyBahamondeFormula ||
                    statisticSubType == Constants.PotencyLaraMaleApplicantsSCFormulaShort ||
                    statisticSubType == Constants.PotencyLaraFemaleEliteVoleiFormulaShort ||
                    statisticSubType == Constants.PotencyLaraFemaleMediumVoleiFormulaShort ||
                    statisticSubType == Constants.PotencyLaraFemaleSCStudentsFormulaShort ||
                    statisticSubType == Constants.PotencyLaraFemaleSedentaryFormulaShort
                    indexType = statisticSubType;

                if (indexType == "subtraction")
                    if (graph)
                        myStat = new GraphJumpSimpleSubtraction(myStatTypeStruct);
                        myStat = new StatJumpSimpleSubtraction(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats);
                else if (indexType == "ChronojumpProfile")
                    if (graph)
                        //myStat = new GraphChronojumpProfile(myStatTypeStruct);
                        myStat = new StatChronojumpProfile(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats);
                else if (indexType == "IE" || indexType == Constants.ArmsUseIndexName ||
                         indexType == "IRna" || indexType == "IRa")
                    if (graph)
                        myStat = new GraphJumpIndexes(myStatTypeStruct, indexType);
                        myStat = new StatJumpIndexes(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats, indexType);
                else if (indexType == "F/V")
                    if (graph)
                        myStat = new GraphFv(myStatTypeStruct, indexType);
                        myStat = new StatFv(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats, indexType);
                    //indexType = (Potency sayers or lewis);
                    if (graph)
                        myStat = new GraphPotency(myStatTypeStruct, indexType);
                        myStat = new StatPotency(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats, indexType);
                JumpType myType = new JumpType(statisticApplyTo);

                //manage all weight jumps and the AllJumpsName (simple)
                if (myType.HasWeight ||
                    statisticApplyTo == Constants.AllJumpsName)
                    if (graph)
                        myStat = new GraphSjCmjAbkPlus(myStatTypeStruct);
                        myStat = new StatSjCmjAbkPlus(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats);
                    if (graph)
                        myStat = new GraphSjCmjAbk(myStatTypeStruct);
                        myStat = new StatSjCmjAbk(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats);
        else if (statisticType == Constants.TypeJumpsSimpleWithTC)
            if (statisticApplyTo.Length == 0)

            if (statisticSubType == Constants.DjIndexFormula)
                if (graph)
                    myStat = new GraphDjIndex(myStatTypeStruct);
                //heightPreferred is not used, check this
                    myStat = new StatDjIndex(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats);
                //heightPreferred is not used, check this
            else if (statisticSubType == Constants.QIndexFormula)
                if (graph)
                    myStat = new GraphDjQ(myStatTypeStruct);
                //heightPreferred is not used, check this
                    myStat = new StatDjQ(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats);
                //heightPreferred is not used, check this
            else if (statisticSubType == Constants.DjPowerFormula)
                if (graph)
                    myStat = new GraphDjPower(myStatTypeStruct);
                //heightPreferred is not used, check this
                    myStat = new StatDjPower(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats);
                //heightPreferred is not used, check this
        else if (statisticType == Constants.TypeJumpsReactive)
            if (statisticSubType == Catalog.GetString("Average Index"))
                if (graph)
                    myStat = new GraphRjIndex(myStatTypeStruct);
                    myStat = new StatRjIndex(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats);
            else if (statisticSubType == Constants.RJPotencyBoscoFormula)
                if (graph)
                    myStat = new GraphRjPotencyBosco(myStatTypeStruct);
                    myStat = new StatRjPotencyBosco(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats);
            else if (statisticSubType == Catalog.GetString("Evolution"))
                if (graph)
                    myStat = new GraphRjEvolution(myStatTypeStruct, evolution_mark_consecutives);
                    myStat = new StatRjEvolution(myStatTypeStruct, evolution_mark_consecutives, treeview_stats);
            else if (statisticSubType == Constants.RJAVGSDRjIndexName)
                if (graph)
                    myStat = new GraphRjAVGSD(myStatTypeStruct, Constants.RjIndexName);
                    myStat = new StatRjAVGSD(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats, Constants.RjIndexName);
            else if (statisticSubType == Constants.RJAVGSDQIndexName)
                if (graph)
                    myStat = new GraphRjAVGSD(myStatTypeStruct, Constants.QIndexName);
                    myStat = new StatRjAVGSD(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats, Constants.QIndexName);
        else if (statisticType == Constants.TypeRunsSimple)
            if (statisticApplyTo.Length == 0)

            if (graph)
                myStat = new GraphRunSimple(myStatTypeStruct);
                myStat = new StatRunSimple(myStatTypeStruct, treeview_stats);
        else if (statisticType == Constants.TypeRunsIntervallic)
            if (statisticApplyTo.Length == 0)

            if (graph)
                myStat = new GraphRunIntervallic(myStatTypeStruct, evolution_mark_consecutives);
                myStat = new StatRunIntervallic(myStatTypeStruct,
                                                evolution_mark_consecutives, treeview_stats);

        myStat.FakeButtonRowCheckedUnchecked.Clicked +=
            new EventHandler(on_fake_button_row_checked_clicked);
        myStat.FakeButtonRowsSelected.Clicked +=
            new EventHandler(on_fake_button_rows_selected_clicked);
        myStat.FakeButtonNoRowsSelected.Clicked +=
            new EventHandler(on_fake_button_no_rows_selected_clicked);


        if (toReport)
            if (graph)
                bool notEmpty = myStat.CreateGraphR(fileName, false, statCount);                 //dont' show
                if (notEmpty)
            if (graph)
                myStat.CreateGraphR(Constants.FileNameRGraph, true, -1);                 //show

        //if we just made a graph, store is not made,
        //and we cannot change the Male/female visualizations in the combo
        //with this we can assign a store to the graph (we assign the store of the last stat (not graph)
        if (!toReport)
            if (!graph)
                lastStore = myStat.Store;
                myStat.Store      = lastStore;
                myStat.MarkedRows = markedRows;

Пример #15
     * this method closes the port to "flush" but this doesn't work always
     * is best to use above method that does an explicit flush
     * private bool makeOld(SerialPort sp)
     * {
     *      this.sp = sp;
     *      if (sp == null)
     *              return false;
     *      try {
     *              if (sp != null)
     *                      if (sp.IsOpen) {
     *                              LogB.Information("Port is opened. Closing ... ");
     *                              sp.Close(); //close to ensure no bytes are comming
     *                              LogB.Information("closed");
     *                      }
     *              LogB.Information("opening port... ");
     *              sp.Open();
     *      } catch {
     *              LogB.Warning("catched!");
     *              return false;
     *      }
     *      LogB.Information("opened");
     *      if(IsEncoder)
     *              setEncoderBauds();
     *      str = "";
     *      return true;
     * }

    private void close(SerialPort sp)
        LogB.Information("closing port... ");
Пример #16
    public override void Manage()
        //boolean to know if chronopic has been disconnected
        chronopicDisconnected = false;

        if (simulated)
            if (hasFall)
                platformState = Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF;
                platformState = Chronopic.Plataforma.ON;
            platformState = chronopicInitialValue(cp);

        if (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF)
            loggedState = States.OFF;
        else if (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.ON)
            loggedState = States.ON;
        else           //UNKNOW (Chronopic disconnected, port changed, ...)

        bool success = false;

        if (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF && hasFall)
            feedbackMessage         = Catalog.GetString("You are OUT, JUMP when prepared!");
            needShowFeedbackMessage = true;
            Util.PlaySound(Constants.SoundTypes.CAN_START, volumeOn);
            success = true;
        else if (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.ON && !hasFall)
            feedbackMessage         = Catalog.GetString("You are IN, JUMP when prepared!");
            needShowFeedbackMessage = true;
            Util.PlaySound(Constants.SoundTypes.CAN_START, volumeOn);
            success = true;
            string myMessage = Catalog.GetString("You are IN, please leave the platform, and press the 'accept' button");
            if (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF)
                myMessage = Catalog.GetString("You are OUT, please enter the platform, prepare for jump and press the 'accept' button");
            ConfirmWindow confirmWin;
            confirmWin = ConfirmWindow.Show(myMessage, "", "");
            Util.PlaySound(Constants.SoundTypes.BAD, volumeOn);

            //we call again this function
            confirmWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(callAgainManage);
            //if confirmWin.Button_cancel is pressed return
            confirmWin.Button_cancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(cancel_event_before_start);

        if (success)
            //initialize strings of TCs and TFs
            tcString     = "";
            tvString     = "";
            tcCount      = 0;
            tvCount      = 0;
            firstRjValue = true;

            //if jump starts on TF, write a "-1" in TC
            if (!hasFall)
                double myTc = -1;
                tcString = myTc.ToString();
                tcCount  = 1;

            //prepare jump for being cancelled if desired
            cancel = false;

            //prepare jump for being finished earlier if desired
            finish = false;

            jumpPhase = jumpPhases.PRE_OR_DOING;

            //in simulated mode, make the jump start just when we arrive to waitEvent at the first time
            //mark now that the opposite as before:
            if (simulated)
                if (hasFall)
                    platformState = Chronopic.Plataforma.ON;
                    platformState = Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF;

            //start thread
            thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(waitEvent));
            GLib.Idle.Add(new GLib.IdleHandler(PulseGTK));

Пример #17
 private void setEncoderBauds()
     sp.BaudRate = 115200;         //encoder, 20MHz
     LogB.Information("sp.BaudRate = 115200 bauds");
Пример #18
    protected override void waitEvent()
        double timestamp = 0;
        bool   success   = false;

        shouldFinishAtNextFall = false;

        bool ok;

        int countForSavingTempTable = 0;

        //prepare variables to allow being cancelled or finished
        if (!simulated)

            if (simulated)
                ok = true;
                ok = cp.Read_event(out timestamp, out platformState);

            //if chronopic signal is Ok and state has changed
            if (ok && (
                    (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.ON && loggedState == States.OFF) ||
                    (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF && loggedState == States.ON)) &&
                !cancel && !finish)
                if (simulated)
                    timestamp = simulatedTimeLast * 1000;                     //conversion to milliseconds
                LogB.Information(Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString).ToString());

                string equal = "";

                //while no finished time or jumps, continue recording events
                if (!success)
                    //don't record the time until the first event
                    if (firstRjValue)
                        firstRjValue = false;

                        //but start timer

                        feedbackMessage         = "";
                        needShowFeedbackMessage = true;
                        //reactive jump has not finished... record the next jump
                        LogB.Information(string.Format("tcCount: {0}, tvCount: {1}", tcCount, tvCount));
                        if (tcCount == tvCount)
                            lastTc = timestamp / 1000.0;

                            if (tcCount > 0)
                                equal = "=";
                            tcString = tcString + equal + lastTc.ToString();

                            updateTimerCountWithChronopicData(tcString, tvString);

                            tcCount = tcCount + 1;
                            //tcCount > tvCount
                            lastTv = timestamp / 1000.0;

                            if (tvCount > 0)
                                equal = "=";
                            tvString = tvString + equal + lastTv.ToString();

                            updateTimerCountWithChronopicData(tcString, tvString);
                            tvCount = tvCount + 1;

                            //update event progressbar
                            updateProgressBar = new UpdateProgressBar(
                                true,                                         //isEvent
                                jumpsLimited,                                 //if jumpsLimited: do fraction; if time limited: do pulse
                            needUpdateEventProgressBar = true;

                            //update graph
                            PrepareEventGraphJumpReactiveObject = new PrepareEventGraphJumpReactive(lastTv, lastTc, tvString, tcString);
                            needUpdateGraphType = eventType.JUMPREACTIVE;
                            needUpdateGraph     = true;

                            //put button_finish as sensitive when first jump is done (there's something recordable)
                            if (tvCount == 1)
                                needSensitiveButtonFinish = true;

                            //save temp table if needed
                            if (countForSavingTempTable == timesForSavingRepetitive)
                                writeRj(true);                                 //tempTable
                                countForSavingTempTable = 0;

                //if we finish by time, and allowFinishAfterTime == true, when time passed, if the jumper is jumping
                //if flags the shouldFinishAtNextFall that will finish when he arrives to the platform
                if (shouldFinishAtNextFall && platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.ON && loggedState == States.OFF)
                    finish = true;

                //check if reactive jump should finish
                if (jumpsLimited)
                    if (limitAsDouble != -1)
                        if (Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false) >= limitAsDouble)
                            jumpPhase = jumpPhases.PLATFORM_END;

                            writeRj(false);                             //tempTable
                            success = true;

                            //update event progressbar
                            updateProgressBar = new UpdateProgressBar(
                                true,                                         //isEvent
                                true,                                         //percentageMode
                            needUpdateEventProgressBar = true;

                            //update graph
                            PrepareEventGraphJumpReactiveObject = new PrepareEventGraphJumpReactive(lastTv, lastTc, tvString, tcString);
                            needUpdateGraphType = eventType.JUMPREACTIVE;
                            needUpdateGraph     = true;

                if (platformState == Chronopic.Plataforma.OFF)
                    loggedState = States.OFF;
                    loggedState = States.ON;
        } while (!success && !cancel && !finish);

        if (finish)
            //write only if there's a jump at minimum
            if (Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tcString, false) >= 1 && Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false) >= 1)
                jumpPhase = jumpPhases.PLATFORM_END;

                writeRj(false);                 //tempTable
                //cancel a jump if clicked finish before any events done
                cancel = true;
Пример #19
    public Person GetPersonByRFID(string rfid)
        connected = false;
        Person person = new Person(-1);

        // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
        if (!createWebRequest(requestType.GENERIC, "/getPersonByRFID"))

        // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
        request.Method = "POST";

        // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
        request.ContentType = "application/json; Charset=UTF-8";         //but this is not enough, see this line:

        // Creates the json object
        JsonObject json = new JsonObject();

        json.Add("rfid", rfid);

        // Converts it to a String
        String js = json.ToString();

        // Writes the json object into the request dataStream
        Stream dataStream;

        if (!getWebRequestStream(request, out dataStream, "Cannot get person by RFID."))

        dataStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js), 0, js.Length);


        HttpWebResponse response;

        if (!getHttpWebResponse(request, out response, "Cannot get person by RFID."))

        string responseFromServer;

        using (var sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
            responseFromServer = sr.ReadToEnd();

        LogB.Information("GetPersonByRFID: " + responseFromServer);

        if (responseFromServer == "")
            LogB.Information(" Empty ");             //never happens
        else if (responseFromServer == "[]")
            LogB.Information(" Empty2 ");             //when rfid is not on server
            //patheticPersonDeserialize("[[2, \"(playername)\", 82.0, \"253,20,150,13\", \"\"]]");
            //patheticPersonDeserialize("[[2, \"(playername)\", 82.0, \"253,20,150,13\", \"jugadors/player.jpg\"]]");
            person = personDeserialize(responseFromServer);

        connected = true;
Пример #20
    void on_button_accept_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
        string name = Util.RemoveTildeAndColonAndDot(entry_name.Text);

        name = Util.RemoveChar(name, '"');

        //check if this run type exists, and check it's name is not AllRunsName
        bool runTypeExists = Sqlite.Exists(false, Constants.RunTypeTable, name);

        if (name == Constants.AllRunsName)
            runTypeExists = true;

        if (runTypeExists)
            string myString = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Race type: '{0}' exists. Please, use another name"), name);
            RunType type = new RunType();
            type.Name        = name;
            type.Description = Util.RemoveTildeAndColon(textview_description.Buffer.Text);

            if (radiobutton_dist_variable.Active)
                type.Distance = 0;
            else if (radiobutton_dist_fixed.Active)
                type.Distance = spin_distance_fixed.Value;
                //dist_different (only on intervallic)
                type.Distance        = -1;
                type.DistancesString = getEntriesString();

            if (radiobutton_simple.Active)
                SqliteRunType.Insert(type, Constants.RunTypeTable, false);                 //false, because dbcon is not opened
                InsertedSimple = true;
                if (radiobutton_unlimited.Active)
                    //unlimited (but in runs do like if it's limited by seconds: TracksLimited = false
                    //(explanation in sqlite/jumpType.cs)
                    type.TracksLimited = false;
                    type.FixedValue    = 0;
                    type.Unlimited     = true;
                    type.TracksLimited = radiobutton_limited_tracks.Active;

                    if (checkbutton_limited_fixed.Active)
                        type.FixedValue = Convert.ToInt32(spin_fixed_tracks_or_time.Value);
                        type.FixedValue = 0;

                    type.Unlimited = false;

                SqliteRunIntervalType.Insert(type, Constants.RunIntervalTypeTable, false);                 //false, because dbcon is not opened
                InsertedSimple = false;

            //LogB.Information(string.Format("Inserted: {0}", type));


            RunTypeAddWindowBox = null;
Пример #21
    public bool PostCrashLog(string email, string comments)
        string filePath = UtilAll.GetLogFileOld();

        if (!File.Exists(filePath))
            this.ResultMessage = Catalog.GetString("Could not send file.\nIt does not exist.");

        if (comments != null && comments != "")
                "----------\nUser comments:\n" + comments + "\n----------\n", filePath);

        // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
        if (!createWebRequest(requestType.GENERIC, "/backtrace/" + UtilAll.ReadVersionFromBuildInfo() + "-" + email))

        // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
        request.Method = "POST";

        // Create POST data and convert it to a byte array.
        byte[] byteArray = readFile(filePath);

        // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
        request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

        // Set the ContentLength property of the WebRequest.
        request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;

        // Get the request stream.
        Stream dataStream;

        if (!getWebRequestStream(request, out dataStream, Catalog.GetString("Could not send file.")))

        // Write the data to the request stream.
        dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

        // Close the Stream object.

        // Get the response.
        WebResponse response;

        if (!getWebResponse(request, out response, Catalog.GetString("Could not send file.")))

        // Display the status.

        // Get the stream containing content returned by the server.
        dataStream = response.GetResponseStream();

        // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access.
        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream);

        // Read the content.
        string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();

        // Display the content.

        // Clean up the streams.

        JsonValue result   = JsonValue.Parse(responseFromServer);
        string    crash_id = result["crash_id"];

        LogB.Information("crash_id: ", crash_id);

        this.ResultMessage = Catalog.GetString("Log sent. Thank you.");
Пример #22
    public int GetPosOfBiggestTC(bool started)
        LogB.Information(string.Format("startPos at GetPosOfBiggestTC: {0}, started: {1}", startPos, started));
        TrackDoneHasToBeCalledAgain = false;

        //Read below message: "Message oneTCAfterTheTf"
        if (countTCs() == 1 && oneTCAfterTheTf())
            return(startPos + 1);

        double max            = 0;
        int    posBiggest     = 0;
        double lastTcDuration = 0;

         * first time we need to know if first TC is greater than the others
         * but once started, we care for endings of each track,
         * do not use the first value because it's the TC of previous track
        int forStartPos;

        if (started)
            forStartPos = startPos + 1;
            forStartPos = startPos;

        LogB.Information("forStartPos A: " + forStartPos.ToString());

        int tracks = findTracksInThisChunk(forStartPos);

        LogB.Information("findTracksInThisChunk tracks: " + tracks.ToString());

        //on track starts, maybe there are some tc+tf pairs before the big tf
        //A is the track start
        //B is the big tf, we should find biggest tc after this tf
        // A   __   ___B                      __  ___
        if (tracks >= 1)
            forStartPos = findTfPosOfChunk(forStartPos);
            //note forStartPos has changed and following findTfPosOfChunk will start from this tf

        LogB.Information("forStartPos B: " + forStartPos.ToString());

        //this will be the pos of the tf of second Track if exists
        int forEnds = list.Count;

        if (tracks >= 2)
            forEnds = findTfPosOfChunk(forStartPos);
            TrackDoneHasToBeCalledAgain = true;

        LogB.Information("forEnds: " + forEnds.ToString());

        for (int pos = forStartPos; pos < forEnds; pos++)
            RunPhaseInfo rpi = (RunPhaseInfo)list[pos];

            LogB.Information("rpi: " + rpi.ToString());

             * record tc duration as lastTcDuration and add to tf duration to see if is greater than checktime
             * this allows to return biggest_tc of one track without messing with next track that maybe is captured
             * this happens because double contacts is eg: 300 and trackDone is calle at 300 * 1,5
             * But then trackDone has to be called again!
            if (rpi.IsContact())
                lastTcDuration = rpi.Duration;

            //record posBiggest position
            if (rpi.IsContact() && rpi.Duration > max)
                max        = rpi.Duration;
                posBiggest = pos;

Пример #23
    public List <EncoderExercise> GetStationExercises(int stationId)
        List <EncoderExercise> ex_list = new List <EncoderExercise>();

        // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post.
        if (!createWebRequest(requestType.GENERIC, "/getStationExercises"))

        // Set the Method property of the request to POST.
        request.Method = "POST";

        // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest.
        request.ContentType = "application/json; Charset=UTF-8";         //but this is not enough, see this line:

        // Creates the json object
        JsonObject json = new JsonObject();

        json.Add("stationId", stationId);

        // Converts it to a String
        String js = json.ToString();

        // Writes the json object into the request dataStream
        Stream dataStream;

        if (!getWebRequestStream(request, out dataStream, Catalog.GetString("Could not get station exercises.")))

        dataStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(js), 0, js.Length);


        HttpWebResponse response;

        if (!getHttpWebResponse(request, out response, Catalog.GetString("Could not get station exercises.")))

        string responseFromServer;

        using (var sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
            responseFromServer = sr.ReadToEnd();

        LogB.Information("GetStationExercises: " + responseFromServer);

        if (responseFromServer == "")
            LogB.Information(" Empty ");             //never happens
        else if (responseFromServer == "[]")
            LogB.Information(" Empty2 ");             //when rfid is not on server
            ex_list = stationExercisesDeserialize(responseFromServer);

Пример #24
    public List <RunPhaseTimeListObject> InListForPainting()
        List <RunPhaseTimeListObject> list_in = new List <RunPhaseTimeListObject>();
        int currentMS = 0;
        int startInMS = -1;

        // 1) create a copy of listPhaseTime in order to do foreach without problems with other thread that adds records
        //This is problematic (Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute) if other thread is changing it:
        //foreach(PhaseTime pt in listPhaseTime)
        List <PhaseTime> listPhaseTimeShallowCloned = new List <PhaseTime>(listPhaseTime);

         * 2) check if we started in because 1st TC has to be counted in the track
         * but 2nd TC has to be the end of the first track
         * we need this to synchronize correctly
//		bool startedIn = false;
        if (listPhaseTimeShallowCloned.Count >= 1)
            PhaseTime ptFirst = (PhaseTime)listPhaseTimeShallowCloned[0];
//		if(ptFirst.IsContact)
//				startedIn = true;

        // 3) add elements to the list
        LogB.Information("InListForPainting foreach:");
        int       count          = 0;
        double    negativeValues = 0;      //double contacts times at start
        PhaseTime ptLast         = null;

        RunPhaseTimeListObject.Phases currentPhase = RunPhaseTimeListObject.Phases.START;
        RunPhaseTimeListObject        rptloToAdd   = null;

        foreach (PhaseTime pt in listPhaseTimeShallowCloned)

            if (FirstRPIs > count)
                negativeValues += pt.Duration / 1000.0;
                LogB.Information("InListForPainting negativeValues = " + negativeValues.ToString());

            if (pt.IsContact)
                startInMS = currentMS;
            else if (startInMS >= 0)
                //see if previous has ended to mark as END or STARTEND
                if (rptloToAdd != null)
                    bool thisPhaseEnds = false;
                    if (list_in.Count == 0 && !SpeedStart)
                        //on ! speedStart first tc+tf pair, count only tf
                        if (startInMS / 1000.0 - rptloToAdd.tcEnd > checkTime / 1000.0)
                            thisPhaseEnds = true;
                    else if (startInMS / 1000.0 - rptloToAdd.tcStart > checkTime / 1000.0)
                        thisPhaseEnds = true;

                    if (thisPhaseEnds)
                        if (rptloToAdd.phase == RunPhaseTimeListObject.Phases.START)
                            rptloToAdd.phase = RunPhaseTimeListObject.Phases.STARTANDEND;
                            rptloToAdd.phase = RunPhaseTimeListObject.Phases.END;

                        currentPhase = RunPhaseTimeListObject.Phases.START;
                        currentPhase = RunPhaseTimeListObject.Phases.MIDDLE;


                //this will be added in next iteration of flight (! pt.IsContact)
                rptloToAdd = new RunPhaseTimeListObject(
                    startInMS / 1000.0,
                    currentMS / 1000.0);

            currentMS += Convert.ToInt32(pt.Duration);

            LogB.Information(string.Format("End of iteration: {0}, pt.IsContact: {1}, startInMS: {2}, currentMS: {3}",
                                           count, pt.IsContact, startInMS, currentMS));

            ptLast = pt;

        //add pending rptl
        if (startInMS / 1000.0 - rptloToAdd.tcStart > checkTime / 1000.0)
            if (rptloToAdd.phase == RunPhaseTimeListObject.Phases.START)
                rptloToAdd.phase = RunPhaseTimeListObject.Phases.STARTANDEND;
                rptloToAdd.phase = RunPhaseTimeListObject.Phases.END;


        //when track ends, last phase is a TC, add it
        if (ptLast != null && ptLast.IsContact)
            RunPhaseTimeListObject rptloLast = new RunPhaseTimeListObject(
                startInMS / 1000.0,
                (startInMS + ptLast.Duration) / 1000.0);

            if (rptloToAdd.phase == RunPhaseTimeListObject.Phases.START ||
                rptloToAdd.phase == RunPhaseTimeListObject.Phases.MIDDLE)
                rptloLast.phase = RunPhaseTimeListObject.Phases.END;


        //manage the negative values
        if (negativeValues > 0)
            LogB.Information("Fixing negative values (double contacts times at start)");
            for (int i = 0; i < list_in.Count; i++)
                LogB.Information(string.Format("PRE i: {0}, list_in[{0}]: {1}", i, list_in[i]));

                RunPhaseTimeListObject rptlo = (RunPhaseTimeListObject)list_in[i];
                rptlo.tcStart -= negativeValues;
                rptlo.tcEnd   -= negativeValues;
                list_in[i]     = rptlo;

Пример #25
    protected void sqliteThings()
        bool crashedBefore = checkIfChronojumpExitAbnormally();

        if (crashedBefore)
            if (chronojumpIsExecutingNTimes())
                quitNow = true;
                LogB.Error("Chronojump is already running.");

        //print version of chronojump
        progVersion = UtilAll.ReadVersion();

        LogB.Information("Chronojump version: {0}", progVersion);

        //to store user videos and photos
        //to store encoder data and graphs

//TODO: when a session is deleted, encoder data has to be deleted, also multimedia videos, I suppose. Show message to user warning about it
//TODO: encoder weight auto written depending on person loaded, and changes if it changes person or weight

        //move database to new location if chronojump version is before 0.7

        LogB.Information("move? ended");

        splashMessageChange(1);          //checking database

         * splashMessage = "pre-connect";
         * needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
         * Console.ReadLine();

        bool defaultDBLocation = Sqlite.Connect();

        LogB.SQL("sqlite connected");

         * splashMessage = "post-connect" + defaultDBLocation.ToString();
         * needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
         * Console.ReadLine();

        //Chech if the DB file exists
        if (!Sqlite.CheckTables(defaultDBLocation))
            LogB.SQL(Catalog.GetString("no tables, creating ..."));

            creatingDB = true;
            splashMessageChange(2);              //creating database

             * splashMessage = "pre-create";
             * needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
             * Console.ReadLine();


             * splashMessage = "post-create";
             * needUpdateSplashMessage = true;
             * Console.ReadLine();

            Sqlite.CreateTables(false);             //not server
            creatingDB = false;
            LogB.SQL("doing backup");
            //backup the database

            splashMessageChange(3);              //making db backup

            LogB.SQL("made a database backup");              //not compressed yet, it seems System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream and
            //System.IO.Compression.GZipStream are not in mono

            if (!Sqlite.IsSqlite3())
                bool ok = Sqlite.ConvertFromSqlite2To3();
                if (!ok)
                    LogB.Error("problem with sqlite");
                    //check (spanish)
                    string errorMessage = Catalog.GetString("Failed database conversion, ensure you have libsqlite3-0 installed. \nIf problems persist ask in chronojump-list");
                    errorMessage += "\n\n" + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("If you have no data on your database (you just installed Chronojump), you can fix this problem deleting this file: {0}"),
                                                           Util.GetDatabaseDir() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "chronojump.db") +
                                    "\n" + Catalog.GetString("And starting Chronojump again.");
                    messageToShowOnBoot += errorMessage;
                    chronojumpHasToExit  = true;

            splashMessageChange(4);              //updating DB
            updatingDB = true;

            if (Sqlite.ChangeDjToDJna())
                messageToShowOnBoot += Catalog.GetString("All DJ jumps have been renamed as 'DJna' (Drop Jumps with No Arms).") + "\n\n" +
                                       Catalog.GetString("If your Drop Jumps were executed using the arms, please rename them manually as 'DJa'.") + "\n";

            bool softwareIsNew = Sqlite.ConvertToLastChronojumpDBVersion();
            updatingDB = false;

            if (!softwareIsNew)
                string errorMessage = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Sorry, this Chronojump version ({0}) is too old for your database."), progVersion) + "\n" +
                                      Catalog.GetString("Please update Chronojump") + ":\n";
                errorMessage += "http://chronojump.org";
                //errorMessage += "\n\n" + Catalog.GetString("Press any key");
                messageToShowOnBoot += errorMessage;
                chronojumpHasToExit  = true;

            LogB.Information(Catalog.GetString("tables already created"));

            //check for bad Rjs (activate if program crashes and you use it in the same db before v.0.41)


        //splashMessageChange(5);  //check for new version
        splashMessageChange(5);          //connecting to server

        messageToShowOnBoot += recuperateBrokenEvents();

        //connect to server to Ping
        versionAvailable = "";

         * pingStart = false;
         * pingEnd = false;
         * // disable server connection on start until server is not working on windows again
         * bool connectServerAtStart = false;
         * if(connectServerAtStart) {
         *      thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(findVersion));
         *      GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (PulseGTKPing));
         *      thread.Start();
         *      //wait until pinging process start
         *      while(! pingStart) {
         *      }
         * }
         * else
         *      on_find_version_cancelled(new object(), new EventArgs());
        versionAvailable = Constants.ServerOffline;

        //doing ping using json methods

         * temporarily disabled on start
         * string machineID = SqlitePreferences.Select("machineID", false);
         * Json js = new Json();
         * bool success = js.Ping(UtilAll.GetOS(), progVersion, machineID);
         * if(success)
         *      LogB.Information(js.ResultMessage);
         * else
         *      LogB.Error(js.ResultMessage);

        allSQLCallsDoneOnSqliteThingsThread = false;

        //wait until pinging ends (or it's cancelled)
        //while(! pingEnd) {


        string versionAvailableKnown = SqlitePreferences.Select("versionAvailable", true);

        if (versionAvailable != Constants.ServerOffline && new Version(versionAvailable) > new Version(progVersion))
            //check if available version is higher than known available version
            Version versionAvailableAsV = new Version(versionAvailable);

            Version versionAvailableKnownAsV;
            bool    updateKnownVersion = false;
            if (versionAvailableKnown == "")
                updateKnownVersion = true;
                versionAvailableKnownAsV = new Version(versionAvailableKnown);
                if (versionAvailableAsV > versionAvailableKnownAsV)
                    updateKnownVersion = true;

            if (updateKnownVersion)
                //is the first time we know about this new version
                //just write on db and show message to user
                SqlitePreferences.Update(Constants.PrefVersionAvailable, versionAvailable, true);
                versionAvailableKnown = versionAvailable;
                messageToShowOnBoot  += string.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                          "\nNew Chronojump version available on website.\nYour Chronojump version is: {1}"),
                                                      versionAvailable, progVersion) + "\n\n" +
                                        Catalog.GetString("Please, update to new version.") + "\n";

        //if chronojump chrashed before
        if (crashedBefore)
            if (versionAvailableKnown.Length > 0 && new Version(versionAvailableKnown) > new Version(progVersion))
                messageToShowOnBoot += "\n" + Catalog.GetString("Chronojump crashed before.") + "\n" +
                                       Catalog.GetString("Please, update to new version: ") + versionAvailableKnown + "\n";
                messageToShowOnBoot += messageCrashedBefore;
                //SqlitePreferences.Update("videoOn", "False", true);

        splashMessageChange(6);          //preparing main window

        //start as "simulated"
        SqlitePreferences.Update("simulated", "True", true);         //dbcon opened


        allSQLCallsDoneOnSqliteThingsThread = true;
        LogB.SQL("all SQL calls done on sqliteThings thread");

        UtilAll.IsWindows();            //only as additional info here


        needEndSplashWin = true;
Пример #26
    public static string[] SelectPulseTypes(string allPulsesName, bool onlyName)
        //allPulsesName: add and "allPulsesName" value
        //onlyName: return only type name

        dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * " +
                            " FROM " + Constants.PulseTypeTable +
                            " ORDER BY uniqueID";


        SqliteDataReader reader;

        reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();

        ArrayList myArray = new ArrayList(2);

        int count = new int();

        count = 0;
        while (reader.Read())
            if (onlyName)
                myArray.Add(reader[0].ToString() + ":" +                        //uniqueID
                            reader[1].ToString() + ":" +                        //name
                            reader[2].ToString() + ":" +                        //fixedPulse
                            reader[3].ToString() + ":" +                        //totalPulsesNum
                            reader[4].ToString()                                //description


        int numRows;

        if (allPulsesName != "")
            numRows = count + 1;
            numRows = count;
        string [] myTypes = new string[numRows];
        count = 0;
        if (allPulsesName != "")
            myTypes [count++] = allPulsesName;
            //LogB.SQL("{0} - {1}", myTypes[count-1], count-1);
        foreach (string line in myArray)
            myTypes [count++] = line;
            //LogB.SQL("{0} - {1}", myTypes[count-1], count-1);

Пример #27
    //move database to new location if chronojump version is before 0.7
    private void moveDatabaseToNewLocationIfNeeded()
        string reallyOldDB = Util.GetReallyOldDatabaseDir();
        string oldDB       = Util.GetOldDatabaseDir();
        string newDB       = Util.GetDatabaseDir();
        string previous    = "";
        bool   moveNeeded  = false;

        if (!Directory.Exists(newDB))
            if (Directory.Exists(oldDB))
                previous   = oldDB;
                moveNeeded = true;
            else if (Directory.Exists(reallyOldDB))
                previous   = reallyOldDB;
                moveNeeded = true;

        if (moveNeeded)
            try {
                Directory.Move(previous, newDB);
            catch {
                string feedback = "";
                feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot move database directory from {0} to {1}"),
                                          previous, Path.GetFullPath(newDB)) + "\n";
                feedback += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Trying to move/copy each file now")) + "\n";

                int fileMoveProblems = 0;
                int fileCopyProblems = 0;

                try {
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(newDB + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "backup");

                    string [] filesToMove = Directory.GetFiles(previous);
                    foreach (string oldFile in filesToMove)
                        string newFile = newDB + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + oldFile.Substring(oldDB.Length);
                        try {
                            File.Move(oldFile, newFile);
                        catch {
                            try {
                                LogB.Warning(string.Format("{0}-{1}", oldFile, newFile));
                                File.Copy(oldFile, newFile);
                            catch {
                catch {
                    feedback            += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot create directory {0}"), Path.GetFullPath(newDB)) + "\n";
                    feedback            += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please, do it manually.")) + "\n";
                    feedback            += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Chronojump will exit now.")) + "\n";
                    messageToShowOnBoot += feedback;
                    chronojumpHasToExit = true;
                if (fileCopyProblems > 0)
                    feedback            += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot copy {0} files from {1} to {2}"), fileCopyProblems, previous, Path.GetFullPath(newDB)) + "\n";
                    feedback            += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please, do it manually.")) + "\n";
                    feedback            += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Chronojump will exit now.")) + "\n";
                    messageToShowOnBoot += feedback;
                    chronojumpHasToExit = true;
                if (fileMoveProblems > 0)
                    feedback            += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Cannot move {0} files from {1} to {2}"), fileMoveProblems, previous, Path.GetFullPath(newDB)) + "\n";
                    feedback            += string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Please, do it manually")) + "\n";
                    messageToShowOnBoot += feedback;

            string dbMove = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Database is now here: {0}"), Path.GetFullPath(newDB));
            messageToShowOnBoot += dbMove;
Пример #28
    //private void on_button_discriminative_lights_start_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
    private void reaction_time_discriminative_lights_prepare()
        //TODO: check if nothing activated, Start should be unsensitive

        if (check_reaction_time_disc_buzzer.Active == true)        //all this are with buzzer
            if (check_reaction_time_disc_red.Active == true)
                if (check_reaction_time_disc_yellow.Active == true)
                    if (check_reaction_time_disc_green.Active == true)
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "X";                                 //all lights
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "U";                                 //red + yellow
                else                     //! yellow
                    if (check_reaction_time_disc_green.Active == true)
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "Y";                                 //red + green
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "R";                                 //red
            else                        // ! red
                if (check_reaction_time_disc_yellow.Active == true)
                    if (check_reaction_time_disc_green.Active == true)
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "W";                                 //yellow + green
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "S";                                 //yellow
                else                            // ! yellow
                    if (check_reaction_time_disc_green.Active == true)
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "T";                                         //green
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "Z";                                         //only buzzer
        else                                                    //all this are without buzzer
            if (check_reaction_time_disc_red.Active == true)
                if (check_reaction_time_disc_yellow.Active == true)
                    if (check_reaction_time_disc_green.Active == true)
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "x";                                 //all lights
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "u";                                 //red + yellow
                else                     //! yellow
                    if (check_reaction_time_disc_green.Active == true)
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "y";                                 //red + green
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "r";                                 //red
            else                        // ! red
                if (check_reaction_time_disc_yellow.Active == true)
                    if (check_reaction_time_disc_green.Active == true)
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "w";                                 //yellow + green
                        discriminativeCharToSend = "s";                                 //yellow
                else                                // ! yellow
                    discriminativeCharToSend = "t"; //green

        rnd = new Random();
        double rndDouble = rnd.NextDouble();         //double between 0 and 1
        int    range     = Convert.ToInt32(spinbutton_discriminative_lights_maximum.Value) -

        discriminativeStartTime = (rndDouble * range) + Convert.ToInt32(spinbutton_discriminative_lights_minimum.Value);



        //on_button_execute_test_clicked(o, args);
Пример #29
    public bool Capture(string outputData1, EncoderRProcCapture encoderRProcCapture)
        if (simulated)
            bool success = initSimulated();
            if (!success)

            try {
                byteReaded = readByte();
            } catch {
                if (!simulated)
                    LogB.Error("Maybe encoder cable is disconnected");
                    cancel = true;


            byteReaded = convertByte(byteReaded);

            i = i + 1;
            if (i >= 0)
                if (cont)

                if (inertialCaptureDirectionInverted)
                    byteReaded *= -1;

                if (byteReaded == 0)
                    consecutiveZeros = -1;

                //stop if n seconds of inactivity
                //but it has to be moved a little bit first, just to give time to the people
                //if(consecutiveZeros >= consecutiveZerosMax && sum > 0) #Not OK because sum maybe is 0: +1,+1,-1,-1
                //if(consecutiveZeros >= consecutiveZerosMax && ecca.ecc.Count > 0) #Not ok because when ecca is created, ecc.Count == 1
                //process ends
                //when a curve has been found and then there are n seconds of inactivity, or
                //when a curve has not been found and then there are 2*n seconds of inactivity
                if (
                    (Ecca.curvesAccepted > 0 && consecutiveZeros >= consecutiveZerosMax) ||
                    (!cont && Ecca.curvesAccepted == 0 && consecutiveZeros >= (2 * consecutiveZerosMax)))
                    finish = true;
                    LogB.Information("SHOULD FINISH");

                sumInertialDisc += byteReaded;

                if (inertialChangedConToEcc())
                    byteReaded *= -1;

                sum += byteReaded;


                EncoderCapturePointsCaptured = i;

                //this only applies to inertial subclass
                if (inertialShouldCheckStartDirection)


                // ---- prepare to send to R ----

                //if string goes up or down, store the direction
                //direction is only up or down
                if (byteReaded != 0)
                    directionNow = (int)byteReaded / (int)Math.Abs(byteReaded);                       //1 (up) or -1 (down)
                //if we don't have changed the direction, store the last non-zero that we can find
                if (directionChangeCount == 0 && directionNow == directionLastMSecond)
                    //check which is the last non-zero value
                    //this is suitable to find where starts the only-zeros previous to the change
                    if (byteReaded != 0)
                        lastNonZero = i;

                bool sendCurveMaybe = false;

                //if it's different than the last direction, mark the start of change
                if (directionNow != directionLastMSecond)
                    directionLastMSecond = directionNow;
                    directionChangeCount = 0;
                else if (directionNow != directionCompleted)
                    //we are in a different direction than the last completed

                    //we cannot add byteReaded because then is difficult to come back n frames to know the max point
                    //directionChangeCount += byteReaded

                    if (directionChangeCount > directionChangePeriod)                           //count >= than change_period
                        sendCurveMaybe = true;

                if (sendCurveMaybe)
                    //int startFrame = previousFrameChange - directionChangeCount;	//startFrame

                     * at startFrame we do the "-directionChangePeriod" because
                     * we want data a little bit earlier, because we want some zeros
                     * that will be removed by reduceCurveBySpeed
                     * if not done, then the data:
                     * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
                     * will start at 10th digit (the 1)
                     * if done, then at speed will be like this:
                     * 0 0 0 0.01 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 1
                     * and will start at fourth digit

                    //this is better, takes a lot of time before, and then reduceCurveBySpeed will cut it
                    //but reduceCurveBySpeed is not implemented on inertial
                    //TODO: implement it
                    int startFrame = previousEnd;                       //startFrame
                    LogB.Debug("startFrame", startFrame.ToString());
                    if (startFrame < 0)
                        startFrame = 0;

                    LogB.Information("TTTT - i," + i.ToString() +
                                     "; directionChangeCount: " +
                                     directionChangeCount.ToString() +
                                     "; lastNonZero: " +
                                     lastNonZero.ToString() +
                                     "; final: " +
                                     ((i - directionChangeCount + lastNonZero) / 2).ToString());

                    ecc = new EncoderCaptureCurve(
                        (i - directionChangeCount + lastNonZero) / 2                                    //endFrame
                        //to find endFrame, first substract directionChangePeriod from i
                        //then find the middle point between that and lastNonZero
                        //this means that the end is in central point at displacements == 0

                    //since 1.5.0 secundary thread is capturing and sending data to R process
                    //while main thread is reading data coming from R and updating GUI

                    LogB.Debug("curve stuff" + ecc.startFrame + ":" + ecc.endFrame + ":" + encoderReaded.Count);
                    if (ecc.endFrame - ecc.startFrame > 0)
                        double [] curve = new double[ecc.endFrame - ecc.startFrame];
                        int       mySum = 0;
                        for (int k = 0, j = ecc.startFrame; j < ecc.endFrame; j++)
                            curve[k] = encoderReaded[j];
                            mySum += encoderReaded[j];
                        ecc.up = (mySum >= 0);

                        previousEnd = ecc.endFrame;

                        //22-may-2015: This is done in R now

                        //1) check heightCurve in a fast way first to discard curves soon
                        //   only process curves with height >= min_height
                        //2) if it's concentric, only take the concentric curves,
                        //   but if it's concentric and inertial: take both.
                        //   When capturing on inertial, we have the first graph
                        //   that will be converted to the second.
                        //   we need the eccentric phase in order to detect the Ci2

                         *             /\
                         *            /  \
                         *           /    \
                         *____      C1     \      ___
                         *    \    /        \    /
                         *     \  /          \  C2
                         *      \/            \/
                         * C1, C2: two concentric phases

                         *____                    ___
                         *    \    /\      /\    /
                         *     \ Ci1 \   Ci2 \ Ci3
                         *      \/    \  /    \/
                         *             \/
                         * Ci1, Ci2, Ci3: three concentric phases on inertial
                         * Since 1.6.1:
                         * on inertial curve is sent when rope is fully extended,
                         * this will allow to see at the moment c or e. Not wait the change of direction to see both

                        if (shouldSendCurve())
                                UtilEncoder.CompressData(curve, 25)                                             //compressed


                            lastDirectionStoredIsUp = ecc.up;

                    //on inertial is different

                //this is for visual feedback of remaining time
                if (msCount >= 1000)
                    msCount = 1;
        } while ((cont || i < (recordingTime - 1)) && !cancel && !finish);

        LogB.Debug("runEncoderCaptureCsharp main bucle end");

        //leave some time to capture.R be able to paint data, and to create two Roptions.txt file correctly
        if (simulated)

        if (cancel)


        LogB.Debug("runEncoderCaptureCsharp ended");

Пример #30
    //the difference between this select and others, is that this returns and ArrayList of Persons
    //this is better than return the strings that can produce bugs in the future
    //use this in the future:
    public static ArrayList SelectCurrentSessionPersons(int sessionID, bool returnPersonAndPSlist)
        string tp  = Constants.PersonTable;
        string tps = Constants.PersonSessionTable;

        string tpsString = "";

        if (returnPersonAndPSlist)
            tpsString = ", " + tps + ".* ";

        dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT " + tp + ".*" + tpsString +
                            " FROM " + tp + ", " + tps +
                            " WHERE " + tps + ".sessionID == " + sessionID +
                            " AND " + tp + ".uniqueID == " + tps + ".personID " +
                            " ORDER BY upper(" + tp + ".name)";
        SqliteDataReader reader;

        reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();

        ArrayList myArray = new ArrayList(1);

        while (reader.Read())
            Person person = new Person(
                Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString()),                          //uniqueID
                reader[1].ToString(),                                           //name
                reader[2].ToString(),                                           //sex
                UtilDate.FromSql(reader[3].ToString()),                         //dateBorn
                Convert.ToInt32(reader[4].ToString()),                          //race
                Convert.ToInt32(reader[5].ToString()),                          //countryID
                reader[6].ToString(),                                           //description
                reader[7].ToString(),                                           //future1: rfid
                Convert.ToInt32(reader[9].ToString())                           //serverUniqueID

            if (returnPersonAndPSlist)
                PersonSession ps = new PersonSession(
                    Convert.ToInt32(reader[10].ToString()),                               //uniqueID
                    Convert.ToInt32(reader[11].ToString()),                               //personID
                    Convert.ToInt32(reader[12].ToString()),                               //sessionID
                    Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(reader[13].ToString())), //height
                    Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(reader[14].ToString())), //weight
                    Convert.ToInt32(reader[15].ToString()),                               //sportID
                    Convert.ToInt32(reader[16].ToString()),                               //speciallityID
                    Convert.ToInt32(reader[17].ToString()),                               //practice
                    reader[18].ToString()                                                 //comments
                myArray.Add(new PersonAndPS(person, ps));