private void InitLocationsByCoordinate(GeoCoordinate coordinate, bool onlyOpen) { var backOffice = new Business.BackOffice(); int zone = 0; int notMatchableBarCount = 0; while (Locations.Count < _findNumberBarFromLocations && notMatchableBarCount < backOffice.Locations.Count) { notMatchableBarCount = 0; zone += 200; foreach (Location location in backOffice.Locations) { var locationCoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(location.Latitude, location.Longitude); if (location.IsValid && !Locations.Contains(location) && (!onlyOpen || onlyOpen && location.IsOpenNow)) { if (coordinate.GetDistanceTo(locationCoordinate) < zone) { Locations.Add(location); } } else { notMatchableBarCount++; } } } }
public void RemoveLocation(LocationToCheck location) { if (Locations.Contains(location)) { Locations.Remove(location); } }
public static void RegisterLocation(MapPoint mp) { if (!mp.Internal && !Locations.Contains(mp)) { Locations.Add(mp); } }
private static void UnregisterLocation(MapPoint mp) { if (Locations.Contains(mp)) { Locations.Remove(mp); } }
private void RemoveLocation(long id) { var location = Locations.FirstOrDefault(movieLocation => movieLocation.Id == id); if (location != null && Locations.Contains(location)) { Locations.Remove(location); _collectionManager.DeleteMediaLocation(location); } }
public void RemoveRangeOfLocations(IEnumerable <LocationToCheck> locations) { foreach (LocationToCheck location in locations) { if (Locations.Contains(location)) { Locations.Remove(location); } } }
public void SelectLocation(Location location) { if (!Locations.Contains(location)) { string errorMsg = "Failed to select a location. " + (location?.Name ?? "null") + " not found in the map."; DebugConsole.ThrowError(errorMsg); GameAnalyticsManager.AddErrorEventOnce("Map.SelectLocation:LocationNotFound", GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.EGAErrorSeverity.Error, errorMsg); return; } SelectedLocation = location; SelectedConnection = Connections.Find(c => c.Locations.Contains(CurrentLocation) && c.Locations.Contains(SelectedLocation)); OnLocationSelected?.Invoke(SelectedLocation, SelectedConnection); }
public override bool IsAtTarget(Vector2 position, out Vector2 actualTarget) { Vector2i rounded = Vector2i.FromVector2Round(position); if (Locations.Contains(rounded)) { actualTarget = rounded.ToVector2(); return(true); } else { actualTarget =; return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Show a folder browser dialog to allow the user to select a location, and add it to Locations. Any exceptions would be fatal. /// </summary> private void AddLocation() { using (CommonDialog dialog = _folderBrowserDialog.GetNewFolderBrowserDialog()) { DialogResult result = _folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialogWrapper(dialog); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { string resultString = _folderBrowserDialog.GetSelectedPathFromDialog(dialog); ScanLocation resultScanLocation = new ScanLocation(resultString); if (!Locations.Contains(resultScanLocation)) { Locations.Add(resultScanLocation); } } } ToggleButtons(); }
public StacksContainer() { InitializeComponent(); // Sets the Theme for Cairo string theme = Properties.Settings.Default.CairoTheme; if (theme != "Cairo.xaml") { ResourceDictionary CairoDictionary = (ResourceDictionary)XamlReader.Load(System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + theme)); this.Resources.MergedDictionaries[0] = CairoDictionary; } try { this.deserialize(); } catch {} Locations.CollectionChanged += new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(locations_CollectionChanged); // Add some default folders on FirstRun if (Properties.Settings.Default.IsFirstRun == true) { // Check for Documents Folder String myDocsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); if (Directory.Exists(myDocsPath)) { SystemDirectory myDocsSysDir = new SystemDirectory(myDocsPath, Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher); // Don't duplicate defaults if (!Locations.Contains(myDocsSysDir)) { Locations.Add(myDocsSysDir); } } // Check for Downloads folder String downloadsPath = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE") + @"\Downloads"; if (Directory.Exists(downloadsPath)) { SystemDirectory downloadsSysDir = new SystemDirectory(downloadsPath, Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher); // Don't duplicate defaults if (!Locations.Contains(downloadsSysDir)) { Locations.Add(downloadsSysDir); } } } }
private async Task AddNewLocation(AddLocationMessage locationMessage) { if (Locations.Contains(new WeatherSummaryViewModel(locationMessage.Id))) { return; } LocationAnalytics.AddedALocation(); var orderedSummary = new WeatherSummaryViewModel(locationMessage.Id, locationMessage.Name, Locations.Count); Locations.Add(orderedSummary); var summary = await openWeatherClient.GetWeatherSummariesFor(locationMessage.Id); if (summary.Any()) { orderedSummary.UpdateWeather(summary.Single()); } await localStorage.Save(Locations); }
private void ReceiveLocations(IEnumerable <WhereOnEarthLocation> locs, TwitterResponse resp) { if (resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK && locs != null && locs.Any()) { Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.InvokeIfRequired(() => { foreach (var loc in locs.OrderBy(x => x.Name)) { if (!Locations.Contains(loc.Name)) { Locations.Add(loc.Name); } if (!LocationMap.ContainsKey(loc.Name)) { LocationMap.Add(loc.Name, loc.WoeId); } } showLocations.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); }); } }
public override long Cost(Point a, Point b) => Locations.Contains(b) ? 5 : 1;
public bool check(GameLocation loc) { bool ret = true; if (Children.Count > 0) { if (ChildrenCombine != "and") { ret = false; } int totalMet = 0; foreach (var child in Children) { bool childCheck = child.check(loc); if (childCheck) { ++totalMet; } switch (ChildrenCombine) { case "and": ret = ret && childCheck; break; case "or": ret = ret || childCheck; break; case "xor": ret = ret ^ childCheck; break; } } if (ChildrenCombine.StartsWith("atleast")) { ret = totalMet >= int.Parse(ChildrenCombine.Substring(7)); } else if (ChildrenCombine.StartsWith("exactly")) { ret = totalMet == int.Parse(ChildrenCombine.Substring(7)); } else if (ChildrenCombine != "and" && ChildrenCombine != "or" && ChildrenCombine != "xor") { throw new ArgumentException("Bad ChildrenCombine: " + ChildrenCombine); } } else if (MinTimeOfDay != -1 && Game1.timeOfDay < MinTimeOfDay) { ret = false; } else if (MaxTimeOfDay != -1 && Game1.timeOfDay > MaxTimeOfDay) { ret = false; } else if (Seasons != null && Seasons.Count() > 0 && !Seasons.Contains(Game1.currentSeason)) { ret = false; } else if (Locations != null && Locations.Count() > 0 && !Locations.Contains(loc.Name)) { ret = false; } else if (Game1.random.NextDouble() >= Math.Max(0.15, (Math.Min(0.5,[0].LayerWidth *[0].LayerHeight / ChancePerTile)))) { ret = false; } else if (RequireDarkOut && !Game1.isDarkOut()) { ret = false; } else if (!AllowRain && Game1.isRaining) { ret = false; } if (Not) { ret = !ret; } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Load a previously saved campaign map from XML /// </summary> private Map(CampaignMode campaign, XElement element) : this() { Seed = element.GetAttributeString("seed", "a"); Rand.SetSyncedSeed(ToolBox.StringToInt(Seed)); foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "location": int i = subElement.GetAttributeInt("i", 0); while (Locations.Count <= i) { Locations.Add(null); } Locations[i] = new Location(subElement); break; } } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!Locations.Contains(null)); for (int i = 0; i < Locations.Count; i++) { Locations[i].Reputation ??= new Reputation(campaign.CampaignMetadata, $"location.{i}", -100, 100, Rand.Range(-10, 10, Rand.RandSync.Server)); } foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "connection": Point locationIndices = subElement.GetAttributePoint("locations", new Point(0, 1)); if (locationIndices.X == locationIndices.Y) { continue; } var connection = new LocationConnection(Locations[locationIndices.X], Locations[locationIndices.Y]) { Passed = subElement.GetAttributeBool("passed", false), Difficulty = subElement.GetAttributeFloat("difficulty", 0.0f) }; Locations[locationIndices.X].Connections.Add(connection); Locations[locationIndices.Y].Connections.Add(connection); connection.LevelData = new LevelData(subElement.Element("Level")); string biomeId = subElement.GetAttributeString("biome", ""); connection.Biome = LevelGenerationParams.GetBiomes().FirstOrDefault(b => b.Identifier == biomeId) ?? LevelGenerationParams.GetBiomes().FirstOrDefault(b => b.OldIdentifier == biomeId) ?? LevelGenerationParams.GetBiomes().First(); Connections.Add(connection); break; } } int startLocationindex = element.GetAttributeInt("startlocation", -1); if (startLocationindex > 0 && startLocationindex < Locations.Count) { StartLocation = Locations[startLocationindex]; } else { DebugConsole.AddWarning($"Error while loading the map. Start location index out of bounds (index: {startLocationindex}, location count: {Locations.Count})."); foreach (Location location in Locations) { if (!location.Type.HasOutpost) { continue; } if (StartLocation == null || location.MapPosition.X < StartLocation.MapPosition.X) { StartLocation = location; } } } int endLocationindex = element.GetAttributeInt("endlocation", -1); if (endLocationindex > 0 && endLocationindex < Locations.Count) { EndLocation = Locations[endLocationindex]; } else { DebugConsole.AddWarning($"Error while loading the map. End location index out of bounds (index: {endLocationindex}, location count: {Locations.Count})."); foreach (Location location in Locations) { if (EndLocation == null || location.MapPosition.X > EndLocation.MapPosition.X) { EndLocation = location; } } } InitProjectSpecific(); }
/// <summary> /// Indicates whether or not a <paramref name="location"/> is an occupied cell. /// </summary> /// <param name="location">The <see cref="Coordinates"/> of the location to check.</param> /// <returns>A value indicating the presence of this <see cref="Ship"/> at the <paramref name="location"/>.</returns> public bool IsAt(Coordinates location) { return(IsPlaced && Locations.Contains(location)); }
public bool Contains(IGatherSpot item) { return(Locations.Contains(item)); }