/// <summary>
        /// Első eset: a két távolság által jelzett kör messze van egymástól:
        /// Megoldás: mindkettőt arányosan növeljük
        /// </summary>
        protected bool CheckFarDistances(TagDisplay tag1, TagDisplay tag2)
            if (LocationCalculator.Distance(tag1.Origo, tag2.Origo) > tag1.Distance + tag2.Distance)
                double deviance = LocationCalculator.Distance(tag1.Origo, tag2.Origo) - (tag1.Distance + tag2.Distance);
                deviance += BIAS;  // Az eltérés torzítása, így biztosan lesz metszéspont
                double max   = tag1.Distance + tag2.Distance;
                double rate1 = tag1.Distance / max;
                double rate2 = tag2.Distance / max;
                tag1.ChangeDistance(tag1.Distance + deviance * rate1);
                tag2.ChangeDistance(tag2.Distance + deviance * rate2);

                double dist = LocationCalculator.Distance(tag1.Origo, tag2.Origo) - (tag1.Distance + tag2.Distance);
                if (dist > 0.0)
                    dist = 0; /* throw new Exception("Calculation error: distance must be 0.0"); */

        private Point getClosestPoint(Point P, List <Point> IntersectionPoints)
            int    mini = 0;
            Point  intersectionPoint;
            double mindist = LocationCalculator.Distance(P, IntersectionPoints[0]);
            double dist;

            for (int i = 1; i < IntersectionPoints.Count; i++)
                intersectionPoint = IntersectionPoints[i];
                dist = LocationCalculator.Distance(P, intersectionPoint);
                if (dist < mindist)
                    mini    = i;
                    mindist = dist;
        /// <summary>
        /// Második eset: az egyik kör a másikon belül helyezkedik el:
        /// Megoldás: a nagyobb kört arányosan csökkentjük, a kisebb kört pedig arányosan növeljük
        /// </summary>
        protected bool CheckInclude(TagDisplay tag1, TagDisplay tag2)
            TagDisplay bigger, smaller;

            if (tag1.Includes(tag2))
                bigger  = tag1;
                smaller = tag2;
            else if (tag2.Includes(tag1))
                bigger  = tag2;
                smaller = tag1;

            double deviance = bigger.Distance - (LocationCalculator.Distance(bigger.Origo, smaller.Origo) + smaller.Distance);

            deviance += BIAS;   // Az eltérés torzítása, így biztosan lesz metszéspont
            double max   = bigger.Distance + smaller.Distance;
            double brate = bigger.Distance / max;
            double srate = smaller.Distance / max;

            bigger.ChangeDistance(bigger.Distance - deviance * brate);
            smaller.ChangeDistance(smaller.Distance + deviance * srate);

            double dist = bigger.Distance - (LocationCalculator.Distance(bigger.Origo, smaller.Origo) + smaller.Distance);

            if (dist > 0.0)
                dist = 0; /* throw new Exception("Calculation error: distance must be 0.0"); */

        public LocationResult CalculateLocation(List <TagDisplay> NearbyDistances, LocationResult LastLocation)
            List <TagDisplay> Distances = NearbyDistances.ToList <TagDisplay>(); // Ha azt akarjuk hogy az eredeti körök ne változzanak, akkor ezt shallow copyzni kell

            //Distances.RemoveAll(tag => tag.AverageRSSI == 0.0);
            if (Distances.Count == 0)
                return(new LocationResult(new Point(-1, -1), Precision.NoTag));
            if (Distances.Count == 1)
                return(new LocationResult(Distances[0].Origo, Precision.OneTag, Distances[0].Distance)); // 1 vagy semennyi kör esetén nem tudunk pozíciót meghatározni
            if (Distances.Count == 2)                                                                    // 2 kör esetén a metszet két pontja közti felezőpont kell
                Intersection points = Intersection.CalculateIntersection(Distances[0].Origo, Distances[0].Distance, Distances[1].Origo, Distances[1].Distance);
                return(new LocationResult(LocationCalculator.Midpoint(points.Points[0], points.Points[1]), Precision.TwoTag, LocationCalculator.Distance(points.Points[0], points.Points[1]) / 2));

            return(CalculateCommonPoint(Distances, LastLocation));
 private double getDistance(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3)
     return(LocationCalculator.Distance(p1, p2) + LocationCalculator.Distance(p2, p3) + LocationCalculator.Distance(p1, p3));
 public IntersectDistance(Point P1, Point P2)
     this.P1       = P1;
     this.P2       = P2;
     this.Distance = LocationCalculator.Distance(P1, P2);