Пример #1
        public virtual void TestAbandonBlock()
            string src = FileNamePrefix + "foo";
            // Start writing a file but do not close it
            FSDataOutputStream fout = fs.Create(new Path(src), true, 4096, (short)1, 512L);

            for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
            long fileId = ((DFSOutputStream)fout.GetWrappedStream()).GetFileId();
            // Now abandon the last block
            DFSClient     dfsclient = DFSClientAdapter.GetDFSClient(fs);
            LocatedBlocks blocks    = dfsclient.GetNamenode().GetBlockLocations(src, 0, int.MaxValue
            int          orginalNumBlocks = blocks.LocatedBlockCount();
            LocatedBlock b = blocks.GetLastLocatedBlock();

            dfsclient.GetNamenode().AbandonBlock(b.GetBlock(), fileId, src, dfsclient.clientName
            // call abandonBlock again to make sure the operation is idempotent
            dfsclient.GetNamenode().AbandonBlock(b.GetBlock(), fileId, src, dfsclient.clientName
            // And close the file
            // Close cluster and check the block has been abandoned after restart
            blocks = dfsclient.GetNamenode().GetBlockLocations(src, 0, int.MaxValue);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Blocks " + b + " has not been abandoned.", orginalNumBlocks
                                            , blocks.LocatedBlockCount() + 1);
        // Waits for all of the blocks to have expected replication
        // Waits for all of the blocks to have expected replication
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private void WaitForBlockReplication(string filename, ClientProtocol namenode, int
                                             expected, long maxWaitSec)
            long start = Time.MonotonicNow();

            //wait for all the blocks to be replicated;
            Log.Info("Checking for block replication for " + filename);
            LocatedBlocks blocks = namenode.GetBlockLocations(filename, 0, long.MaxValue);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(numBlocks, blocks.LocatedBlockCount());
            for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; ++i)
                Log.Info("Checking for block:" + (i + 1));
                while (true)
                    // Loop to check for block i (usually when 0 is done all will be done
                    blocks = namenode.GetBlockLocations(filename, 0, long.MaxValue);
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(numBlocks, blocks.LocatedBlockCount());
                    LocatedBlock block  = blocks.Get(i);
                    int          actual = block.GetLocations().Length;
                    if (actual == expected)
                        Log.Info("Got enough replicas for " + (i + 1) + "th block " + block.GetBlock() +
                                 ", got " + actual + ".");
                    Log.Info("Not enough replicas for " + (i + 1) + "th block " + block.GetBlock() +
                             " yet. Expecting " + expected + ", got " + actual + ".");
                    if (maxWaitSec > 0 && (Time.MonotonicNow() - start) > (maxWaitSec * 1000))
                        throw new IOException("Timedout while waiting for all blocks to " + " be replicated for "
                                              + filename);
                    catch (Exception)
Пример #3
        public virtual void TestReplicationError()
            // create a file of replication factor of 1
            Path fileName = new Path("/test.txt");
            int  fileLen  = 1;

            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(fs, fileName, 1, (short)1, 1L);
            DFSTestUtil.WaitReplication(fs, fileName, (short)1);
            // get the block belonged to the created file
            LocatedBlocks blocks = NameNodeAdapter.GetBlockLocations(cluster.GetNameNode(), fileName
                                                                     .ToString(), 0, (long)fileLen);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Should only find 1 block", blocks.LocatedBlockCount
                                                (), 1);
            LocatedBlock block = blocks.Get(0);

            // bring up a second datanode
            cluster.StartDataNodes(conf, 1, true, null, null);
            int      sndNode  = 1;
            DataNode datanode = cluster.GetDataNodes()[sndNode];
            // replicate the block to the second datanode
            IPEndPoint target = datanode.GetXferAddress();
            Socket     s      = Sharpen.Extensions.CreateSocket(target.Address, target.Port);
            // write the header.
            DataOutputStream @out     = new DataOutputStream(s.GetOutputStream());
            DataChecksum     checksum = DataChecksum.NewDataChecksum(DataChecksum.Type.Crc32, 512

            new Sender(@out).WriteBlock(block.GetBlock(), StorageType.Default, BlockTokenSecretManager
                                        .DummyToken, string.Empty, new DatanodeInfo[0], new StorageType[0], null, BlockConstructionStage
                                        .PipelineSetupCreate, 1, 0L, 0L, 0L, checksum, CachingStrategy.NewDefaultStrategy
                                            (), false, false, null);
            // close the connection before sending the content of the block
            // the temporary block & meta files should be deleted
            string   bpid       = cluster.GetNamesystem().GetBlockPoolId();
            FilePath storageDir = cluster.GetInstanceStorageDir(sndNode, 0);
            FilePath dir1       = MiniDFSCluster.GetRbwDir(storageDir, bpid);

            storageDir = cluster.GetInstanceStorageDir(sndNode, 1);
            FilePath dir2 = MiniDFSCluster.GetRbwDir(storageDir, bpid);

            while (dir1.ListFiles().Length != 0 || dir2.ListFiles().Length != 0)
            // then increase the file's replication factor
            fs.SetReplication(fileName, (short)2);
            // replication should succeed
            DFSTestUtil.WaitReplication(fs, fileName, (short)1);
            // clean up the file
            fs.Delete(fileName, false);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>TC11: Racing rename</summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        private void TestTC11(bool appendToNewBlock)
            Path p = new Path("/TC11/foo" + (appendToNewBlock ? "0" : "1"));

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("p=" + p);
            //a. Create file and write one block of data. Close file.
            int len1 = (int)BlockSize;
                FSDataOutputStream @out = fs.Create(p, false, buffersize, Replication, BlockSize);
                AppendTestUtil.Write(@out, 0, len1);
            //b. Reopen file in "append" mode. Append half block of data.
            FSDataOutputStream out_1 = appendToNewBlock ? fs.Append(p, EnumSet.Of(CreateFlag.
                                                                                  Append, CreateFlag.NewBlock), 4096, null) : fs.Append(p);
            int len2 = (int)BlockSize / 2;

            AppendTestUtil.Write(out_1, len1, len2);
            //c. Rename file to file.new.
            Path pnew = new Path(p + ".new");

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(fs.Rename(p, pnew));
            //d. Close file handle that was opened in (b).
            //check block sizes
            long          len           = fs.GetFileStatus(pnew).GetLen();
            LocatedBlocks locatedblocks = fs.dfs.GetNamenode().GetBlockLocations(pnew.ToString
                                                                                     (), 0L, len);
            int numblock = locatedblocks.LocatedBlockCount();

            for (int i = 0; i < numblock; i++)
                LocatedBlock  lb   = locatedblocks.Get(i);
                ExtendedBlock blk  = lb.GetBlock();
                long          size = lb.GetBlockSize();
                if (i < numblock - 1)
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(BlockSize, size);
                foreach (DatanodeInfo datanodeinfo in lb.GetLocations())
                    DataNode dn       = cluster.GetDataNode(datanodeinfo.GetIpcPort());
                    Block    metainfo = DataNodeTestUtils.GetFSDataset(dn).GetStoredBlock(blk.GetBlockPoolId
                                                                                              (), blk.GetBlockId());
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(size, metainfo.GetNumBytes());
Пример #5
        /// <summary>TC7: Corrupted replicas are present.</summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">an exception might be thrown</exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        private void TestTC7(bool appendToNewBlock)
            short repl = 2;
            Path  p    = new Path("/TC7/foo" + (appendToNewBlock ? "0" : "1"));

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("p=" + p);
            //a. Create file with replication factor of 2. Write half block of data. Close file.
            int len1 = (int)(BlockSize / 2);

                FSDataOutputStream @out = fs.Create(p, false, buffersize, repl, BlockSize);
                AppendTestUtil.Write(@out, 0, len1);
            DFSTestUtil.WaitReplication(fs, p, repl);
            //b. Log into one datanode that has one replica of this block.
            //   Find the block file on this datanode and truncate it to zero size.
            LocatedBlocks locatedblocks = fs.dfs.GetNamenode().GetBlockLocations(p.ToString()
                                                                                 , 0L, len1);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, locatedblocks.LocatedBlockCount());
            LocatedBlock  lb  = locatedblocks.Get(0);
            ExtendedBlock blk = lb.GetBlock();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(len1, lb.GetBlockSize());
            DatanodeInfo[] datanodeinfos = lb.GetLocations();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(repl, datanodeinfos.Length);
            DataNode dn = cluster.GetDataNode(datanodeinfos[0].GetIpcPort());
            FilePath f  = DataNodeTestUtils.GetBlockFile(dn, blk.GetBlockPoolId(), blk.GetLocalBlock
            RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw");

            AppendTestUtil.Log.Info("dn=" + dn + ", blk=" + blk + " (length=" + blk.GetNumBytes
                                        () + ")");
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(len1, raf.Length());
            //c. Open file in "append mode".  Append a new block worth of data. Close file.
            int len2 = (int)BlockSize;

                FSDataOutputStream @out = appendToNewBlock ? fs.Append(p, EnumSet.Of(CreateFlag.Append
                                                                                     , CreateFlag.NewBlock), 4096, null) : fs.Append(p);
                AppendTestUtil.Write(@out, len1, len2);
            //d. Reopen file and read two blocks worth of data.
            AppendTestUtil.Check(fs, p, len1 + len2);
Пример #6
        /* check if there are at least two nodes are on the same rack */
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private void CheckFile(FileSystem fileSys, Path name, int repl)
            Configuration  conf     = fileSys.GetConf();
            ClientProtocol namenode = NameNodeProxies.CreateProxy <ClientProtocol>(conf, fileSys

            WaitForBlockReplication(name.ToString(), namenode, Math.Min(numDatanodes, repl),
            LocatedBlocks locations = namenode.GetBlockLocations(name.ToString(), 0, long.MaxValue
            FileStatus stat = fileSys.GetFileStatus(name);

            BlockLocation[] blockLocations = fileSys.GetFileBlockLocations(stat, 0L, long.MaxValue
            // verify that rack locations match
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(blockLocations.Length == locations.LocatedBlockCount
            for (int i = 0; i < blockLocations.Length; i++)
                LocatedBlock   blk           = locations.Get(i);
                DatanodeInfo[] datanodes     = blk.GetLocations();
                string[]       topologyPaths = blockLocations[i].GetTopologyPaths();
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(topologyPaths.Length == datanodes.Length);
                for (int j = 0; j < topologyPaths.Length; j++)
                    bool found = false;
                    for (int k = 0; k < racks.Length; k++)
                        if (topologyPaths[j].StartsWith(racks[k]))
                            found = true;
            bool isOnSameRack    = true;
            bool isNotOnSameRack = true;

            foreach (LocatedBlock blk_1 in locations.GetLocatedBlocks())
                DatanodeInfo[] datanodes = blk_1.GetLocations();
                if (datanodes.Length <= 1)
                if (datanodes.Length == 2)
                    isNotOnSameRack = !(datanodes[0].GetNetworkLocation().Equals(datanodes[1].GetNetworkLocation
                isOnSameRack    = false;
                isNotOnSameRack = false;
                for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < datanodes.Length - 1; i_1++)
                    Log.Info("datanode " + i_1 + ": " + datanodes[i_1]);
                    bool onRack = false;
                    for (int j = i_1 + 1; j < datanodes.Length; j++)
                        if (datanodes[i_1].GetNetworkLocation().Equals(datanodes[j].GetNetworkLocation()))
                            onRack = true;
                    if (onRack)
                        isOnSameRack = true;
                    if (!onRack)
                        isNotOnSameRack = true;
                    if (isOnSameRack && isNotOnSameRack)
                if (!isOnSameRack || !isNotOnSameRack)
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a partial listing of the indicated directory
        /// We will stop when any of the following conditions is met:
        /// 1) this.lsLimit files have been added
        /// 2) needLocation is true AND enough files have been added such
        /// that at least this.lsLimit block locations are in the response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fsd">FSDirectory</param>
        /// <param name="iip">
        /// the INodesInPath instance containing all the INodes along the
        /// path
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="src">the directory name</param>
        /// <param name="startAfter">the name to start listing after</param>
        /// <param name="needLocation">if block locations are returned</param>
        /// <returns>a partial listing starting after startAfter</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private static DirectoryListing GetListing(FSDirectory fsd, INodesInPath iip, string
                                                   src, byte[] startAfter, bool needLocation, bool isSuperUser)
            string srcs      = FSDirectory.NormalizePath(src);
            bool   isRawPath = FSDirectory.IsReservedRawName(src);

                if (srcs.EndsWith(HdfsConstants.SeparatorDotSnapshotDir))
                    return(GetSnapshotsListing(fsd, srcs, startAfter));
                int   snapshot   = iip.GetPathSnapshotId();
                INode targetNode = iip.GetLastINode();
                if (targetNode == null)
                byte parentStoragePolicy = isSuperUser ? targetNode.GetStoragePolicyID() : BlockStoragePolicySuite
                if (!targetNode.IsDirectory())
                    return(new DirectoryListing(new HdfsFileStatus[] { CreateFileStatus(fsd, src, HdfsFileStatus
                                                                                        .EmptyName, targetNode, needLocation, parentStoragePolicy, snapshot, isRawPath,
                                                                                        iip) }, 0));
                INodeDirectory       dirInode = targetNode.AsDirectory();
                ReadOnlyList <INode> contents = dirInode.GetChildrenList(snapshot);
                int startChild           = INodeDirectory.NextChild(contents, startAfter);
                int totalNumChildren     = contents.Size();
                int numOfListing         = Math.Min(totalNumChildren - startChild, fsd.GetLsLimit());
                int locationBudget       = fsd.GetLsLimit();
                int listingCnt           = 0;
                HdfsFileStatus[] listing = new HdfsFileStatus[numOfListing];
                for (int i = 0; i < numOfListing && locationBudget > 0; i++)
                    INode cur       = contents.Get(startChild + i);
                    byte  curPolicy = isSuperUser && !cur.IsSymlink() ? cur.GetLocalStoragePolicyID() :
                    listing[i] = CreateFileStatus(fsd, src, cur.GetLocalNameBytes(), cur, needLocation
                                                  , GetStoragePolicyID(curPolicy, parentStoragePolicy), snapshot, isRawPath, iip);
                    if (needLocation)
                        // Once we  hit lsLimit locations, stop.
                        // This helps to prevent excessively large response payloads.
                        // Approximate #locations with locatedBlockCount() * repl_factor
                        LocatedBlocks blks = ((HdfsLocatedFileStatus)listing[i]).GetBlockLocations();
                        locationBudget -= (blks == null) ? 0 : blks.LocatedBlockCount() * listing[i].GetReplication
                // truncate return array if necessary
                if (listingCnt < numOfListing)
                    listing = Arrays.CopyOf(listing, listingCnt);
                return(new DirectoryListing(listing, totalNumChildren - startChild - listingCnt));
Пример #8
        public virtual void TestConcatNotCompleteBlock()
            long trgFileLen = blockSize * 3;
            long srcFileLen = blockSize * 3 + 20;
            // block at the end - not full
            // create first file
            string name1     = "/trg";
            string name2     = "/src";
            Path   filePath1 = new Path(name1);

            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, filePath1, trgFileLen, ReplFactor, 1);
            HdfsFileStatus fStatus = nn.GetFileInfo(name1);
            long           fileLen = fStatus.GetLen();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(fileLen, trgFileLen);
            //read the file
            FSDataInputStream stm = dfs.Open(filePath1);

            byte[] byteFile1 = new byte[(int)trgFileLen];
            stm.ReadFully(0, byteFile1);
            LocatedBlocks lb1       = nn.GetBlockLocations(name1, 0, trgFileLen);
            Path          filePath2 = new Path(name2);

            DFSTestUtil.CreateFile(dfs, filePath2, srcFileLen, ReplFactor, 1);
            fStatus = nn.GetFileInfo(name2);
            fileLen = fStatus.GetLen();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(srcFileLen, fileLen);
            // read the file
            stm = dfs.Open(filePath2);
            byte[] byteFile2 = new byte[(int)srcFileLen];
            stm.ReadFully(0, byteFile2);
            LocatedBlocks lb2 = nn.GetBlockLocations(name2, 0, srcFileLen);

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("trg len=" + trgFileLen + "; src len=" + srcFileLen);
            // move the blocks
            dfs.Concat(filePath1, new Path[] { filePath2 });
            long totalLen = trgFileLen + srcFileLen;

            fStatus = nn.GetFileInfo(name1);
            fileLen = fStatus.GetLen();
            // read the resulting file
            stm = dfs.Open(filePath1);
            byte[] byteFileConcat = new byte[(int)fileLen];
            stm.ReadFully(0, byteFileConcat);
            LocatedBlocks lbConcat = nn.GetBlockLocations(name1, 0, fileLen);

            // 1. number of blocks
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(lbConcat.LocatedBlockCount(), lb1.LocatedBlockCount
                                                () + lb2.LocatedBlockCount());
            // 2. file lengths
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("file1 len=" + fileLen + "; total len=" + totalLen);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(fileLen, totalLen);
            // 3. removal of the src file
            fStatus = nn.GetFileInfo(name2);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull("File " + name2 + "still exists", fStatus);
            // file shouldn't exist
            // 4. content
            CheckFileContent(byteFileConcat, new byte[][] { byteFile1, byteFile2 });