Пример #1
    // find Key used for a value
    public static string FindKey(string value, bool giveWarning = true)
        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, LocalizerValue> keyValuePair in _keyValuePairs)
            LocalizerValue keyValue = keyValuePair.Value;
            if (keyValue.value == value)

        if (giveWarning)
            Logger.Warning("Coud not find value:\"" + value + "\" in localization dictionary.", LocalizerID.WARNING_COULD_NOT_FIND_VALUE);

Пример #2
    public static void ExportFile(string fileName)
        // load original file
        string        fullFileName     = Localizer.FullFileName(fileName);
        LocalizerKeys localizationKeys = JsonReader.ReadJson <LocalizerKeys>(fullFileName);

        if (localizationKeys == default)
            return;     // file failed to load

        // collect keys
        int nKeys = localizationKeys.keys.Length;

        string[] keys = new string[nKeys];
        for (int i = 0; i < nKeys; ++i)
            LocalizerValue localizerValue = localizationKeys.keys[i];
            keys[i] = localizerValue.key;

        // export keys
        CreateKeysFile(fileName, keys);
Пример #3
    // retrieve Value of key
    public static string Value(string key,
                               string[] variables = null,
                               bool giveWarning   = true)
        // check for compound key
        if (key.IndexOf(SEPERATOR) > -1)
            return(CompoundKey(key, variables, giveWarning));

        // ensure key starts with a '.'
        if (!IsKey(key))
            if (giveWarning)
                Logger.Warning("Received invalid key \"" + key + "\"", LocalizerID.WARNING_INVALID_KEY_PASSED);

            return((Testing) ? TEST_RETURN : key);

        string[] strlist = ExpandKey(key);
        if (strlist.Length > 1)
            // found embedded variables in key
            if (variables != null)
                if (giveWarning)
                    // but variables were passed into Value()
                    Logger.Warning("Key \"" + key + "\" has embedded variables: " + UtilsArray.Print(strlist) + ", but was passed in variable parameters: " + UtilsArray.Print(variables), LocalizerID.WARNING_HAS_EMBEDDED_AND_PASSED_VARIABLES);
                // transfer embedded vars to variables list
                variables = new string[strlist.Length - 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < variables.Length; i++)
                    variables[i] = strlist[i + 1];
        key = strlist[0];

        // if assigned, use VariablesTinkerer delegate to modify variables list
        if (VariablesTinkerer != null && UtilsArray.HasValue(variables))
            variables = VariablesTinkerer(variables);

        // retrieve value
        LocalizerValue stringKeyValue = LocalizerValue(key);
        string         value;

        if (stringKeyValue != null)
            value = stringKeyValue.value;

            // replace variables
            if (variables != null)
                // save variables last used with this key
                stringKeyValue.Variables = variables;

                // substitute variables
                int counter = 0;
                foreach (string variableKey in variables)
                    string variableValue       = Value(variableKey, null, false);
                    string replaceWithVariable = "";
                    replaceWithVariable += BRACES[0];
                    replaceWithVariable += counter++;
                    replaceWithVariable += BRACES[1];
                    value = value.Replace(replaceWithVariable, variableValue);
            // if failed to get value, then use the key
            value = key;

        return((Testing) ? TEST_RETURN : value);
Пример #4
    // Export localization string file with all variables removed from the key
    private static void CreateKeysFile(string fileName, string[] keys, bool variablesInKeys = false)
        // header
        string       exportFileName = "JsonKeys/" + fileName + " " + Localizer.LanguageCode + ".json";
        StreamWriter streamWriter   = File.CreateText(exportFileName);

        streamWriter.WriteLine("    \"keys\": [");
        bool isFirst = true;

        // body
        foreach (string key in keys)
            LocalizerValue value = Localizer.LocalizerValue(key);
            if (value == null)

            if (!isFirst)
                streamWriter.WriteLine("        },");
            isFirst = false;

            string justKey = Localizer.JustKey(key);
            streamWriter.WriteLine("        {");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("            \"key\": \"" + justKey + "\",");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.context))
                streamWriter.WriteLine("            \"context\": \"" + value.context + "\",");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.citation))
                streamWriter.WriteLine("            \"citation\": \"" + value.citation + "\",");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.note))
                streamWriter.WriteLine("            \"note\": \"" + value.note + "\",");
            string[] variables = variablesInKeys ? null : value.Variables;
            string   export    = Localizer.Value(key, variables);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(export))
                Logger.Warning("key:" + key + " is empty value.");
            export = UtilsString.CorrectForQuotes(export);
            export = UtilsString.CorrectForTabs(export);

            // check for single quote
            if (UtilsString.CheckForQuote(export, false))
                Logger.Warning("Found \' in key:" + key);

            streamWriter.WriteLine("            \"original\": \"" + export + "\",");
            streamWriter.WriteLine("            \"value\": \"" + export + "\"");

        // footer
        streamWriter.WriteLine("        }");
        streamWriter.WriteLine("    ]");

        Logger.Print(">>> Exported file:" + exportFileName);