Пример #1
        public override void BakeReceiver(string args)
            var client    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(args);
            var apiClient = new SpeckleApiClient((string)client.account.RestApi)
                AuthToken = (string)client.account.Token

            NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                _id          = (string)client._id,
                loading      = true,
                loadingBlurb = "Getting stream from server..."

            var previousStream = speckleStreams.FirstOrDefault(s => s.StreamId == (string)client.streamId);
            var stream         = apiClient.StreamGetAsync((string)client.streamId, "").Result.Resource;

            // If it's the first time we bake this stream, create a local shadow copy
            if (previousStream == null)
                previousStream = new SpeckleStream()
                    StreamId = stream.StreamId, Objects = new List <SpeckleObject>()

            LocalContext.GetCachedObjects(stream.Objects, (string)client.account.RestApi);
            var payload = stream.Objects.Where(o => o.Type == "Placeholder").Select(obj => obj._id).ToArray();

            // TODO: Orchestrate & save in cache afterwards!
            var objects = apiClient.ObjectGetBulkAsync(payload, "").Result.Resources;

            foreach (var obj in objects)
                stream.Objects[stream.Objects.FindIndex(o => o._id == obj._id)] = obj;
Пример #2
        public void UpdateGlobal( )
            Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-log", StreamId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject("Global update received."));
                var streamGetResponse = Client.StreamGetAsync(StreamId, null).Result;
                if (streamGetResponse.Success == false)
                    Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-error", StreamId, streamGetResponse.Message);
                    // TODO
                    // Try and get from cache
                    // First stream
                    // Then objects
                    Client.Stream = streamGetResponse.Resource;
                    Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-metadata-update", StreamId, Client.Stream.ToJson());
                    Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-is-loading", StreamId, "");

                    // add or update the newly received stream in the cache.
                    LocalContext.AddOrUpdateStream(Client.Stream, Client.BaseUrl);

                    // pass the object list through a cache check
                    LocalContext.GetCachedObjects(Client.Stream.Objects, Client.BaseUrl);

                    // filter out the objects that were not in the cache and still need to be retrieved
                    var payload = Client.Stream.Objects.Where(o => o.Type == "Placeholder").Select(obj => obj._id).ToArray();

                    // how many objects to request from the api at a time
                    int maxObjRequestCount = 20;

                    // list to hold them into
                    var newObjects = new List <SpeckleObject>();

                    // jump in `maxObjRequestCount` increments through the payload array
                    for (int i = 0; i < payload.Length; i += maxObjRequestCount)
                        // create a subset
                        var subPayload = payload.Skip(i).Take(maxObjRequestCount).ToArray();

                        // get it sync as this is always execed out of the main thread
                        var res = Client.ObjectGetBulkAsync(subPayload, "omit=displayValue").Result;

                        // put them in our bucket
                        Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-log", StreamId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(String.Format("Got {0} out of {1} objects.", i, payload.Length)));

                    // populate the retrieved objects in the original stream's object list
                    foreach (var obj in newObjects)
                        var locationInStream = Client.Stream.Objects.FindIndex(o => o._id == obj._id);
                        try { Client.Stream.Objects[locationInStream] = obj; } catch { }

                    // add objects to cache async
                    Task.Run(() =>
                        foreach (var obj in newObjects)
                            LocalContext.AddCachedObject(obj, Client.BaseUrl);

                    Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-done-loading", StreamId, "");
            catch (Exception err)
                Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-error", Client.Stream.StreamId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(err.Message));
                Context.NotifySpeckleFrame("client-done-loading", StreamId, "");
Пример #3
        public virtual void UpdateGlobal( )
            if (IsUpdating)
                this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "New update received while update was in progress. Please refresh.");

            IsUpdating = true;

            var getStream = Client.StreamGetAsync(Client.StreamId, null).Result;

            NickName = getStream.Resource.Name;
            Layers   = getStream.Resource.Layers.ToList();

            Client.Stream = getStream.Resource;

            // add or update the newly received stream in the cache.
            LocalContext.AddOrUpdateStream(Client.Stream, Client.BaseUrl);

            this.Message = "Getting objects!";

            // pass the object list through a cache check
            LocalContext.GetCachedObjects(Client.Stream.Objects, Client.BaseUrl);

            // filter out the objects that were not in the cache and still need to be retrieved
            var payload = Client.Stream.Objects.Where(o => o.Type == "Placeholder").Select(obj => obj._id).ToArray();

            // how many objects to request from the api at a time
            int maxObjRequestCount = 42;

            // list to hold them into
            var newObjects = new List <SpeckleObject>();

            // jump in `maxObjRequestCount` increments through the payload array
            for (int i = 0; i < payload.Length; i += maxObjRequestCount)
                // create a subset
                var subPayload = payload.Skip(i).Take(maxObjRequestCount).ToArray();

                // get it sync as this is always execed out of the main thread
                var res = Client.ObjectGetBulkAsync(subPayload, "omit=displayValue").Result;

                // put them in our bucket
                this.Message = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(String.Format("{0}/{1}", i, payload.Length));

            foreach (var obj in newObjects)
                var locationInStream = Client.Stream.Objects.FindIndex(o => o._id == obj._id);
                try { Client.Stream.Objects[locationInStream] = obj; } catch { }

            // add objects to cache async
            Task.Run(() =>
                foreach (var obj in newObjects)
                    LocalContext.AddCachedObject(obj, Client.BaseUrl);

            // set ports

            this.Message = "Converting...";


            ConvertedObjects = SpeckleCore.Converter.Deserialise(Client.Stream.Objects);

            this.Message = "Got data\n@" + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss");

            IsUpdating = false;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will bake the objects in the given receiver. Behaviour:
        /// 1) Fresh bake: objects are created
        /// 2) Diff bake: old objects are deleted, any overlapping objects (by applicationId) are either edited or left alone if not marked as having been user modified, new objects are created.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Serialised client coming from the ui.</param>
        public override void BakeReceiver(string args)
            var client    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(args);
            var apiClient = new SpeckleApiClient((string)client.account.RestApi)
                AuthToken = (string)client.account.Token

            apiClient.ClientType = "Revit";

            //dispatch on the cef window to let progress bar update
            SpeckleWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                    _id          = (string)client._id,
                    loading      = true,
                    loadingBlurb = "Getting stream from server..."
            }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background);

            var previousStream = LocalState.FirstOrDefault(s => s.StreamId == (string)client.streamId);
            var stream         = apiClient.StreamGetAsync((string)client.streamId, "").Result.Resource;

            var test = stream.BaseProperties.unitsDictionary;

            if (test != null)
                var secondTest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(test));
                InjectUnitDictionaryInKits(null); // make sure it's not there to potentially muddy the waters on other conversions
            // If it's the first time we bake this stream, create a local shadow copy
            if (previousStream == null)
                previousStream = new SpeckleStream()
                    StreamId = stream.StreamId, Objects = new List <SpeckleObject>()

            LocalContext.GetCachedObjects(stream.Objects, (string)client.account.RestApi);
            var payload = stream.Objects.Where(o => o.Type == "Placeholder").Select(obj => obj._id).ToArray();

            // TODO: Orchestrate & save in cache afterwards!
            var objects = apiClient.ObjectGetBulkAsync(payload, "").Result.Resources;

            foreach (var obj in objects)
                stream.Objects[stream.Objects.FindIndex(o => o._id == obj._id)] = obj;

            var(toDelete, ToAddOrMod) = DiffStreamStates(previousStream, stream);

            SpeckleWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                    _id          = (string)client._id,
                    loading      = true,
                    loadingBlurb = "Deleting " + toDelete.Count() + " objects.",
                    objects      = stream.Objects
            }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background);

            if (toDelete.Count() > 0)
                Queue.Add(new Action(() =>
                    using (Transaction t = new Transaction(CurrentDoc.Document, "Speckle Delete (" + (string)client.streamId + ")"))
                        foreach (var obj in toDelete)
                            var myObj = previousStream.Objects.FirstOrDefault(o => o._id == obj._id);
                            if (myObj != null)
                                var elem = CurrentDoc.Document.GetElement(myObj.Properties["revitUniqueId"] as string);


            //if the conversion completely fails, it outputs a speckleerror and it's put in here
            var errors = new List <SpeckleError>();

            //this instead will store errors swallowed by the erroreater class
            Globals.ConversionErrors = new List <SpeckleError>();
            var tempList = new List <SpeckleObject>();

            Queue.Add(new Action(() =>
                using (var t = new Transaction(CurrentDoc.Document, "Speckle Bake"))

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (var mySpkObj in ToAddOrMod)
                        SpeckleWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                            NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                                _id     = (string)client._id,
                                loading = true,
                                isLoadingIndeterminate = false,
                                loadingProgress        = 1f * i / ToAddOrMod.Count * 100,
                                loadingBlurb           = string.Format("Creating/updating objects: {0} / {1}", i, ToAddOrMod.Count)
                        }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background);

                        object res;

                        var failOpts = t.GetFailureHandlingOptions();
                        failOpts.SetFailuresPreprocessor(new ErrorEater());

                            res = SpeckleCore.Converter.Deserialise(obj: mySpkObj, excludeAssebmlies: new string[] { "SpeckleCoreGeometryDynamo", "SpeckleCoreGeometryRevit" });

                            // The converter returns either the converted object, or the original speckle object if it failed to deserialise it.
                            // Hence, we need to create a shadow copy of the baked element only if deserialisation was succesful.
                            if (res is Element)
                                // creates a shadow copy of the baked object to store in our local state.
                                var myObject = new SpeckleObject()
                                    Properties = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                                myObject._id                         = mySpkObj._id;
                                myObject.ApplicationId               = mySpkObj.ApplicationId;
                                myObject.Properties["__type"]        = mySpkObj.Type;
                                myObject.Properties["revitUniqueId"] = ((Element)res).UniqueId;
                                myObject.Properties["revitId"]       = ((Element)res).Id.ToString();
                                myObject.Properties["userModified"]  = false;


                            // TODO: Handle scenario when one object creates more objects.
                            // ie: SpeckleElements wall with a base curve that is a polyline/polycurve
                            if (res is System.Collections.IEnumerable)
                                int k  = 0;
                                var xx = ((IEnumerable <object>)res).Cast <Element>();
                                foreach (var elm in xx)
                                    var myObject                         = new SpeckleObject();
                                    myObject._id                         = mySpkObj._id;
                                    myObject.ApplicationId               = mySpkObj.ApplicationId;
                                    myObject.Properties["__type"]        = mySpkObj.Type;
                                    myObject.Properties["revitUniqueId"] = ((Element)elm).UniqueId;
                                    myObject.Properties["revitId"]       = ((Element)elm).Id.ToString();
                                    myObject.Properties["userModified"]  = false;
                                    myObject.Properties["orderIndex"]    = k++; // keeps track of which elm it actually is


                            //if( res is SpeckleObject || res == null ) failedToBake++;

                            if (res is SpeckleError)
                                errors.Add(res as SpeckleError);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            errors.Add(new SpeckleError {
                                Message = e.Message


            Queue.Add(new Action(() =>
                SpeckleWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                    NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                        _id     = (string)client._id,
                        loading = true,
                        isLoadingIndeterminate = true,
                        loadingBlurb           = string.Format("Updating shadow state.")
                }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background);

                // set the local state stream's object list, and inject it in the kits, persist it in the doc
                previousStream.Objects = tempList;
                using (var t = new Transaction(CurrentDoc.Document, "Speckle State Save"))
                    Storage.SpeckleStateManager.WriteState(CurrentDoc.Document, LocalState);

                string errorMsg     = "";
                int failedToConvert = errors.Count();

                //other conversion errors that we are catching
                var additionalErrors = GetAndClearConversionErrors();

                if (additionalErrors != null && additionalErrors.Count > 0)

                //remove duplicates
                errors = errors.GroupBy(x => x.Message).Select(x => x.First()).ToList();

                if (errors.Any())
                    errorMsg += string.Format("There {0} {1} error{2} ",
                                              errors.Count() == 1 ? "is" : "are",
                                              errors.Count() == 1 ? "" : "s");
                    if (failedToConvert > 0)
                        errorMsg += string.Format("and {0} objects that failed to convert ",
                                                  failedToConvert == 1 ? "" : "s");

                    errorMsg += "<nobr>" + Globals.GetRandomSadFace() + "</nobr>";

                //  errorMsg += "" +
                //  //errors += "<v-divider></v-divider>" +
                //  "<v-layout row wrap><v-flex xs12>";
                //  //"<strong>Missing families:</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;";

                //  foreach( var err in errors)
                //  {
                //    errorMsg += $"<code>{err.Message}</code>&nbsp;";
                //  }

                //  errorMsg += "</v-flex></v-layout>";

                SpeckleWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                    NotifyUi("update-client", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
                        _id     = (string)client._id,
                        loading = false,
                        isLoadingIndeterminate = true,
                        loadingBlurb           = string.Format("Done."),
                }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background);
