void Awake () {
		if (instance == null) {
			instance = this;
			DontDestroyOnLoad (this.gameObject);
		} else {
			if (this != instance)
				Destroy (this.gameObject);
	} // Awake ()
Пример #2
    // Detecting collisions against the ship using an Unity function.
    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        // Making sure that the collision object is an Asteroid using an `if statement`.
        if (collision.gameObject.name == "Asteroid_01_S(Clone)")                                                   // Detecting the collision between the Ship and Asteroid.
            GameObject asteroid = GameObject.FindWithTag("Asteroid");                                              // Get Asteroid GameObject, to access the Asteroid List.

            if (asteroid != null)                                                                                  // In case that the Asteroid GameObject was found.
                AsteroidScript _asteroidScript = asteroid.GetComponent <AsteroidScript>();                         // Get AsteroidScript by Asteroid GameObject.

                aExplosion = Instantiate(explosion, collision.gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); // Creating a clone of the explosion and place it in the collision position.

                _asteroidScript.asteroids.Remove(collision.gameObject);                                            // Removing asteroid from the list to avoid Missing Reference Exception.
                Destroy(collision.gameObject);                                                                     // Destroying the asteroid after the collision in the screen.

            LoadSceneScript loadScene = new LoadSceneScript(); // Instantiating LoadSceneScript to change scenes.
            loadScene.ChangeScene(2);                          // Changing to EndScene after collision.