public async Task <ActionResult> ListingUpdate(Listing listing, FormCollection form, IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> files) { if (CacheHelper.Categories.Count == 0) { TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessageAlertState] = "bg-danger"; TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessage] = "[[[There are not categories available yet.]]]"; return(RedirectToAction("Listing", new { id = listing.ID })); } bool updateCount = false; int nextPictureOrderId = 0; // Add new listing if (listing.ID == 0) { listing.ObjectState = Repository.Pattern.Infrastructure.ObjectState.Added; listing.IP = Request.GetVisitorIP(); listing.Expiration = DateTime.MaxValue.AddDays(-1); listing.UserID = User.Identity.GetUserId(); updateCount = true; _listingService.Insert(listing); } else { // Update listing var listingExisting = await _listingService.FindAsync(listing.ID); listingExisting.Title = listing.Title; listingExisting.Description = listing.Description; listingExisting.CategoryID = listing.CategoryID; listingExisting.Enabled = listing.Enabled; listingExisting.Active = listing.Active; listingExisting.Premium = listing.Premium; listingExisting.ContactEmail = listing.ContactEmail; listingExisting.ContactName = listing.ContactName; listingExisting.ContactPhone = listing.ContactPhone; listingExisting.Latitude = listing.Latitude; listingExisting.Longitude = listing.Longitude; listingExisting.Location = listing.Location; listingExisting.ShowPhone = listing.ShowPhone; listingExisting.ShowEmail = listing.ShowEmail; listingExisting.UserID = listing.UserID; listingExisting.Price = listing.Price; listingExisting.Currency = listing.Currency; listingExisting.ListingTypeID = listing.ListingTypeID; listingExisting.ObjectState = Repository.Pattern.Infrastructure.ObjectState.Modified; _listingService.Update(listingExisting); } // Delete existing fields on item var customFieldItemQuery = await _customFieldListingService.Query(x => x.ListingID == listing.ID).SelectAsync(); var customFieldIds = customFieldItemQuery.Select(x => x.ID).ToList(); foreach (var customFieldId in customFieldIds) { await _customFieldListingService.DeleteAsync(customFieldId); } // Get custom fields var customFieldCategoryQuery = await _customFieldCategoryService.Query(x => x.CategoryID == listing.CategoryID).Include(x => x.MetaField.ListingMetas).SelectAsync(); var customFieldCategories = customFieldCategoryQuery.ToList(); // Update custom fields foreach (var metaCategory in customFieldCategories) { var field = metaCategory.MetaField; var controlType = (Dashoor.Model.Enum.Enum_MetaFieldControlType)field.ControlTypeID; string controlId = string.Format("customfield_{0}_{1}_{2}", metaCategory.ID, metaCategory.CategoryID, metaCategory.FieldID); var formValue = form[controlId]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formValue)) { continue; } formValue = formValue.ToString(); var itemMeta = new ListingMeta() { ListingID = listing.ID, Value = formValue, FieldID = field.ID, ObjectState = Repository.Pattern.Infrastructure.ObjectState.Added }; _customFieldListingService.Insert(itemMeta); } await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); // Update photos if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { var itemPictureQuery = _listingPictureservice.Queryable().Where(x => x.ListingID == listing.ID); if (itemPictureQuery.Count() > 0) { nextPictureOrderId = itemPictureQuery.Max(x => x.Ordering); } } if (files != null && files.Count() > 0) { foreach (HttpPostedFileBase file in files) { if ((file != null) && (file.ContentLength > 0) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FileName)) { // Picture picture and get id var picture = new Picture(); picture.MimeType = "image/jpeg"; _pictureService.Insert(picture); await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); // Format is automatically detected though can be changed. ISupportedImageFormat format = new JpegFormat { Quality = 90 }; Size size = new Size(500, 0); // // Initialize the ImageFactory using the overload to preserve EXIF metadata. using (ImageFactory imageFactory = new ImageFactory(preserveExifData: true)) { var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/images/listing"), string.Format("{0}.{1}", picture.ID.ToString("00000000"), "jpg")); // Load, resize, set the format and quality and save an image. imageFactory.Load(file.InputStream) .Resize(size) .Format(format) .Save(path); } var itemPicture = new ListingPicture(); itemPicture.ListingID = listing.ID; itemPicture.PictureID = picture.ID; itemPicture.Ordering = nextPictureOrderId; _listingPictureservice.Insert(itemPicture); nextPictureOrderId++; } } } await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); // Update statistics count if (updateCount) { _sqlDbService.UpdateCategoryItemCount(listing.CategoryID); _dataCacheService.RemoveCachedItem(CacheKeys.Statistics); } return(RedirectToAction("Listings")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> ListingUpdate(Listing listing, FormCollection form, IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> files, int[] idcama, int[] cantidad) { if (CacheHelper.Categories.Count == 0) { TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessageAlertState] = "bg-danger"; TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessage] = "[[[There are not categories available yet.]]]"; return(RedirectToAction("Listing", new { id = listing.ID })); } int actualiza = 0; bool updateCount = false; int nextPictureOrderId = 0; var user = await _aspNetUserService.FindAsync(listing.UserID); // Add new listing if (listing.ID == 0) { listing.ObjectState = Repository.Pattern.Infrastructure.ObjectState.Added; listing.IP = Request.GetVisitorIP(); listing.ListingTypeID = 1; listing.Title = ""; listing.Expiration = DateTime.MaxValue.AddDays(-1); listing.ContactName = user.FullName; listing.ContactEmail = user.Email; listing.ShowPhone = false; listing.ShowEmail = false; listing.UserID = user.Id; updateCount = true; if (listing.Children == false) { listing.Children = true; } else { listing.Children = false; } _listingService.Insert(listing); listing.Currency = "CLP"; } else { // Update listing var listingExisting = await _listingService.FindAsync(listing.ID); listingExisting.Title = listing.ID.ToString(); listingExisting.Description = listing.Description; listingExisting.CategoryID = listing.CategoryID; listingExisting.Enabled = listing.Enabled; listingExisting.Active = listing.Active; listingExisting.Premium = listing.Premium; var propietario = UserManager.FindById(listing.UserID); listingExisting.ContactEmail = propietario.Email; listingExisting.ContactName = propietario.FullName; listingExisting.ContactPhone = propietario.PhoneNumber; listingExisting.Latitude = listing.Latitude; listingExisting.Longitude = listing.Longitude; listingExisting.Location = listing.Location; listingExisting.ShowPhone = listing.ShowPhone; listingExisting.ShowEmail = listing.ShowEmail; listingExisting.Beds = listing.Beds; listingExisting.Rooms = listing.Rooms; if (listing.Children == false) { listingExisting.Children = true; } else { listingExisting.Children = false; } listingExisting.UserID = listing.UserID; listingExisting.Price = listing.Price; listingExisting.Currency = listing.Currency; listingExisting.Tv = listing.Tv; listingExisting.TV_cable = listing.TV_cable; listingExisting.Wifi = listing.Wifi; listingExisting.Grill = listing.Grill; listingExisting.Dishwasher = listing.Dishwasher; listingExisting.Elevator = listing.Elevator; listingExisting.ShortDescription = listing.ShortDescription; listingExisting.SafetyMesh = listing.SafetyMesh; listingExisting.Smoker = listing.Smoker; listingExisting.Pets = listing.Pets; listingExisting.Terrace = listing.Terrace; //listingExisting.DescribeCondominium = listing.DescribeCondominium; listingExisting.FirstLine = listing.FirstLine; listingExisting.FloorNumber = listing.FloorNumber; listingExisting.M2 = listing.M2; listingExisting.Max_Capacity = listing.Max_Capacity; listingExisting.NroOfParking = listing.NroOfParking; listingExisting.Suite = listing.Suite; listingExisting.Washer = listing.Washer; listingExisting.Warranty = listing.Warranty; listingExisting.CleanlinessPrice = listing.CleanlinessPrice; listingExisting.Address = listing.Address; listingExisting.Stay = listing.Stay; //listingExisting.ListingTypeID = listing.ListingTypeID; listingExisting.ObjectState = Repository.Pattern.Infrastructure.ObjectState.Modified; _listingService.Update(listingExisting); actualiza = 1; } // Delete existing fields on item var customFieldItemQuery = await _customFieldListingService.Query(x => x.ListingID == listing.ID).SelectAsync(); var customFieldIds = customFieldItemQuery.Select(x => x.ID).ToList(); foreach (var customFieldId in customFieldIds) { await _customFieldListingService.DeleteAsync(customFieldId); } // Elimina las camas var listacama = await _detailBedService.Query(x => x.ListingID == listing.ID).SelectAsync(); var lista = listacama.Select(x => x.ID).ToList(); foreach (var id in lista) { await _detailBedService.DeleteAsync(id); } // Get custom fields var customFieldCategoryQuery = await _customFieldCategoryService.Query(x => x.CategoryID == listing.CategoryID).Include(x => x.MetaField.ListingMetas).SelectAsync(); var customFieldCategories = customFieldCategoryQuery.ToList(); // Update custom fields foreach (var metaCategory in customFieldCategories) { var field = metaCategory.MetaField; var controlType = (BeYourMarket.Model.Enum.Enum_MetaFieldControlType)field.ControlTypeID; string controlId = string.Format("customfield_{0}_{1}_{2}", metaCategory.ID, metaCategory.CategoryID, metaCategory.FieldID); var formValue = form[controlId]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formValue)) { continue; } formValue = formValue.ToString(); var itemMeta = new ListingMeta() { ListingID = listing.ID, Value = formValue, FieldID = field.ID, ObjectState = Repository.Pattern.Infrastructure.ObjectState.Added }; _customFieldListingService.Insert(itemMeta); } await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); // Update photos if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { var itemPictureQuery = _listingPictureservice.Queryable().Where(x => x.ListingID == listing.ID); if (itemPictureQuery.Count() > 0) { nextPictureOrderId = itemPictureQuery.Max(x => x.Ordering); } } if (files != null && files.Count() > 0) { foreach (HttpPostedFileBase file in files) { if ((file != null) && (file.ContentLength > 0) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FileName)) { // Picture picture and get id var picture = new Picture(); picture.MimeType = "image/jpeg"; _pictureService.Insert(picture); await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); // Format is automatically detected though can be changed. ISupportedImageFormat format = new JpegFormat { Quality = 90 }; Size size = new Size(500, 0); // // Initialize the ImageFactory using the overload to preserve EXIF metadata. using (ImageFactory imageFactory = new ImageFactory(preserveExifData: true)) { var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/images/listing"), string.Format("{0}.{1}", picture.ID.ToString("00000000"), "jpg")); // Load, resize, set the format and quality and save an image. imageFactory.Load(file.InputStream) .Resize(size) .Format(format) .Save(path); } var itemPicture = new ListingPicture(); itemPicture.ListingID = listing.ID; itemPicture.PictureID = picture.ID; itemPicture.Ordering = nextPictureOrderId; _listingPictureservice.Insert(itemPicture); nextPictureOrderId++; } } } //INSERTANDO CAMAS if (idcama != null) { List <int> listaid = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < idcama.Length; i++) { if (listaid.Count != 0) //entra aca cuando no es la primera recorrida { if (!listaid.Contains(idcama[i])) { DetailBed detallecama = new DetailBed(); detallecama.TypeOfBedID = idcama[i]; detallecama.Quantity = cantidad[i]; detallecama.ListingID = listing.ID; _detailBedService.Insert(detallecama); listaid.Add(idcama[i]); } } else //entra primero por no tener ninguna cama en la listaid { DetailBed detallecama = new DetailBed(); detallecama.TypeOfBedID = idcama[i]; detallecama.Quantity = cantidad[i]; detallecama.ListingID = listing.ID; listaid.Add(idcama[i]); _detailBedService.Insert(detallecama); } } } //fin insertando cama await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); if (actualiza == 0) { listing.Title = listing.ID.ToString(); _listingService.Update(listing); await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); } // Update statistics count if (updateCount) { _sqlDbService.UpdateCategoryItemCount(listing.CategoryID); _dataCacheService.RemoveCachedItem(CacheKeys.Statistics); } return(RedirectToAction("Listings")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> ListingUpdate(Listing listing, FormCollection form, IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> files) { if (CacheHelper.Categories.Count == 0) { TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessageAlertState] = "bg-danger"; TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessage] = "[[[There are not categories available yet.]]]"; return(RedirectToAction("Listing", new { id = listing.ID })); } var userIdCurrent = User.Identity.GetUserId(); // Register account if not login if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var accountController = BeYourMarket.Core.ContainerManager.GetConfiguredContainer().Resolve <AccountController>(); var modelRegister = new RegisterViewModel() { Email = listing.ContactEmail, Password = form["Password"], ConfirmPassword = form["ConfirmPassword"], }; // Parse first and last name var names = listing.ContactName.Split(' '); if (names.Length == 1) { modelRegister.FirstName = names[0]; } else if (names.Length == 2) { modelRegister.FirstName = names[0]; modelRegister.LastName = names[1]; } else if (names.Length > 2) { modelRegister.FirstName = names[0]; modelRegister.LastName = listing.ContactName.Substring(listing.ContactName.IndexOf(" ") + 1); } // Register account var resultRegister = await accountController.RegisterAccount(modelRegister); // Add errors AddErrors(resultRegister); // Show errors if not succeed if (!resultRegister.Succeeded) { var model = new ListingUpdateModel() { ListingItem = listing }; // Populate model with listing await PopulateListingUpdateModel(listing, model); return(View("ListingUpdate", model)); } // update current user id var user = await UserManager.FindByNameAsync(listing.ContactEmail); userIdCurrent = user.Id; } bool updateCount = false; int nextPictureOrderId = 0; // Set default listing type ID if (listing.ListingTypeID == 0) { var listingType = CacheHelper.ListingTypes.Where(x => x.CategoryListingTypes.Any(y => y.CategoryID == listing.CategoryID)); if (listingType == null) { TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessageAlertState] = "bg-danger"; TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessage] = "[[[There are not listing types available yet.]]]"; return(RedirectToAction("Listing", new { id = listing.ID })); } listing.ListingTypeID = listingType.FirstOrDefault().ID; } if (listing.ID == 0) { listing.ObjectState = Repository.Pattern.Infrastructure.ObjectState.Added; listing.IP = Request.GetVisitorIP(); listing.Expiration = DateTime.MaxValue.AddDays(-1); listing.UserID = userIdCurrent; listing.Enabled = true; listing.Currency = CacheHelper.Settings.Currency; updateCount = true; _listingService.Insert(listing); } else { if (await NotMeListing(listing.ID)) { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } var listingExisting = await _listingService.FindAsync(listing.ID); listingExisting.Title = listing.Title; listingExisting.Description = listing.Description; listingExisting.Active = listing.Active; listingExisting.Price = listing.Price; listingExisting.ContactEmail = listing.ContactEmail; listingExisting.ContactName = listing.ContactName; listingExisting.ContactPhone = listing.ContactPhone; listingExisting.Latitude = listing.Latitude; listingExisting.Longitude = listing.Longitude; listingExisting.Location = listing.Location; listingExisting.ShowPhone = listing.ShowPhone; listingExisting.ShowEmail = listing.ShowEmail; listingExisting.CategoryID = listing.CategoryID; listingExisting.ListingTypeID = listing.ListingTypeID; listingExisting.ObjectState = Repository.Pattern.Infrastructure.ObjectState.Modified; _listingService.Update(listingExisting); } // Delete existing fields on item var customFieldItemQuery = await _customFieldListingService.Query(x => x.ListingID == listing.ID).SelectAsync(); var customFieldIds = customFieldItemQuery.Select(x => x.ID).ToList(); foreach (var customFieldId in customFieldIds) { await _customFieldListingService.DeleteAsync(customFieldId); } // Get custom fields var customFieldCategoryQuery = await _customFieldCategoryService.Query(x => x.CategoryID == listing.CategoryID).Include(x => x.MetaField.ListingMetas).SelectAsync(); var customFieldCategories = customFieldCategoryQuery.ToList(); foreach (var metaCategory in customFieldCategories) { var field = metaCategory.MetaField; var controlType = (BeYourMarket.Model.Enum.Enum_MetaFieldControlType)field.ControlTypeID; string controlId = string.Format("customfield_{0}_{1}_{2}", metaCategory.ID, metaCategory.CategoryID, metaCategory.FieldID); var formValue = form[controlId]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formValue)) { continue; } formValue = formValue.ToString(); var itemMeta = new ListingMeta() { ListingID = listing.ID, Value = formValue, FieldID = field.ID, ObjectState = Repository.Pattern.Infrastructure.ObjectState.Added }; _customFieldListingService.Insert(itemMeta); } await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { var itemPictureQuery = _listingPictureservice.Queryable().Where(x => x.ListingID == listing.ID); if (itemPictureQuery.Count() > 0) { nextPictureOrderId = itemPictureQuery.Max(x => x.Ordering); } } if (files != null && files.Count() > 0) { foreach (HttpPostedFileBase file in files) { if ((file != null) && (file.ContentLength > 0) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FileName)) { // Picture picture and get id var picture = new Picture(); picture.MimeType = "image/jpeg"; _pictureService.Insert(picture); await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); // Format is automatically detected though can be changed. ISupportedImageFormat format = new JpegFormat { Quality = 90 }; Size size = new Size(500, 0); // // Initialize the ImageFactory using the overload to preserve EXIF metadata. using (ImageFactory imageFactory = new ImageFactory(preserveExifData: true)) { var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/images/listing"), string.Format("{0}.{1}", picture.ID.ToString("00000000"), "jpg")); // Load, resize, set the format and quality and save an image. imageFactory.Load(file.InputStream) .Resize(size) .Format(format) .Save(path); } var itemPicture = new ListingPicture(); itemPicture.ListingID = listing.ID; itemPicture.PictureID = picture.ID; itemPicture.Ordering = nextPictureOrderId; _listingPictureservice.Insert(itemPicture); nextPictureOrderId++; } } } await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); // Update statistics count if (updateCount) { _sqlDbService.UpdateCategoryItemCount(listing.CategoryID); _dataCacheService.RemoveCachedItem(CacheKeys.Statistics); } TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessage] = "[[[Listing is updated!]]]"; return(RedirectToAction("Listing", new { id = listing.ID })); }
public async Task <ActionResult> ListingUpdate(Listing listing, FormCollection form, IEnumerable <HttpPostedFileBase> files, int[] idcama, int[] cantidad) { if (CacheHelper.Categories.Count == 0) { TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessageAlertState] = "bg-danger"; TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessage] = "[[[There are not categories available yet.]]]"; return(RedirectToAction("Listing", new { id = listing.ID })); } var userIdCurrent = User.Identity.GetUserId(); // Register account if not login if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var accountController = BeYourMarket.Core.ContainerManager.GetConfiguredContainer().Resolve <AccountController>(); var modelRegister = new RegisterViewModel() { Email = listing.ContactEmail, Password = form["Password"], ConfirmPassword = form["ConfirmPassword"], }; // Parse first and last name var names = listing.ContactName.Split(' '); if (names.Length == 1) { modelRegister.FirstName = names[0]; } else if (names.Length == 2) { modelRegister.FirstName = names[0]; modelRegister.LastName = names[1]; } else if (names.Length > 2) { modelRegister.FirstName = names[0]; modelRegister.LastName = listing.ContactName.Substring(listing.ContactName.IndexOf(" ") + 1); } // Register account var resultRegister = await accountController.RegisterAccount(modelRegister); // Add errors AddErrors(resultRegister); // Show errors if not succeed if (!resultRegister.Succeeded) { var model = new ListingUpdateModel() { ListingItem = listing }; // Populate model with listing await PopulateListingUpdateModel(listing, model); return(View("ListingUpdate", model)); } // update current user id var user = await UserManager.FindByNameAsync(listing.ContactEmail); userIdCurrent = user.Id; } bool updateCount = false; int nextPictureOrderId = 0; // Set default listing type ID if (listing.ListingTypeID == 0) { var listingTypes = CacheHelper.ListingTypes.Where(x => x.CategoryListingTypes.Any(y => y.CategoryID == listing.CategoryID)); if (listingTypes == null) { TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessageAlertState] = "bg-danger"; TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessage] = "[[[There are not listing types available yet.]]]"; return(RedirectToAction("Listing", new { id = listing.ID })); } listing.ListingTypeID = listingTypes.FirstOrDefault().ID; } if (listing.ID == 0) { listing.Title = listing.ID.ToString(); listing.ObjectState = Repository.Pattern.Infrastructure.ObjectState.Added; listing.IP = Request.GetVisitorIP(); listing.Expiration = DateTime.MaxValue.AddDays(-1); listing.UserID = userIdCurrent; listing.Enabled = true; listing.Active = false; listing.Currency = CacheHelper.Settings.Currency; listing.Children = !listing.Children; updateCount = true; _listingService.Insert(listing); } else { if (await NotMeListing(listing.ID)) { return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult()); } var listingExisting = await _listingService.FindAsync(listing.ID); listingExisting.Title = listing.ID.ToString(); listingExisting.Description = listing.Description; listingExisting.Price = listing.Price; listingExisting.ContactEmail = listing.ContactEmail; listingExisting.ContactName = listing.ContactName; listingExisting.ContactPhone = listing.ContactPhone; listingExisting.Latitude = listing.Latitude; listingExisting.Longitude = listing.Longitude; listingExisting.Location = listing.Location; listingExisting.ShowPhone = listing.ShowPhone; listingExisting.ShowEmail = listing.ShowEmail; listingExisting.CategoryID = listing.CategoryID; listingExisting.ListingTypeID = listing.ListingTypeID; //nuevos campos listingExisting.Bathrooms = listing.Bathrooms; listingExisting.Beds = listing.Beds; listingExisting.Cellar = listing.Cellar; listingExisting.Children = !listing.Children; //listingExisting.CleanlinessPrice = listing.CleanlinessPrice; listingExisting.ConditionCheckOut = listing.ConditionCheckOut; listingExisting.ConditionHouse = listing.ConditionHouse; //listingExisting.DescribeCondominium = listing.DescribeCondominium; listingExisting.Description = listing.Description; listingExisting.Dishwasher = listing.Dishwasher; listingExisting.Elevator = listing.Elevator; listingExisting.FirstLine = listing.FirstLine; listingExisting.FloorNumber = listing.FloorNumber; listingExisting.Grill = listing.Grill; listingExisting.M2 = listing.M2; listingExisting.Max_Capacity = listing.Max_Capacity; listingExisting.NroOfParking = listing.NroOfParking; listingExisting.ParkingLot = listing.ParkingLot; listingExisting.Pets = listing.Pets; listingExisting.Rooms = listing.Rooms; listingExisting.SafetyMesh = listing.SafetyMesh; listingExisting.ShortDescription = listing.ShortDescription; listingExisting.Smoker = listing.Smoker; listingExisting.Stay = listing.Stay; listingExisting.Suite = listing.Suite; listingExisting.Terrace = listing.Terrace; listingExisting.Tv = listing.Tv; listingExisting.TV_cable = listing.TV_cable; listingExisting.TypeOfProperty = listing.TypeOfProperty; //listingExisting.Warranty = listing.Warranty; listingExisting.Washer = listing.Washer; listingExisting.Wifi = listing.Wifi; listingExisting.ObjectState = Repository.Pattern.Infrastructure.ObjectState.Modified; _listingService.Update(listingExisting); } // Elimina las fotos var customFieldItemQuery = await _customFieldListingService.Query(x => x.ListingID == listing.ID).SelectAsync(); var customFieldIds = customFieldItemQuery.Select(x => x.ID).ToList(); foreach (var customFieldId in customFieldIds) { await _customFieldListingService.DeleteAsync(customFieldId); } // Elimina las camas var listacama = await _detailBedService.Query(x => x.ListingID == listing.ID).SelectAsync(); var lista = listacama.Select(x => x.ID).ToList(); foreach (var id in lista) { await _detailBedService.DeleteAsync(id); } // Get custom fields var customFieldCategoryQuery = await _customFieldCategoryService.Query(x => x.CategoryID == listing.CategoryID).Include(x => x.MetaField.ListingMetas).SelectAsync(); var customFieldCategories = customFieldCategoryQuery.ToList(); foreach (var metaCategory in customFieldCategories) { var field = metaCategory.MetaField; var controlType = (BeYourMarket.Model.Enum.Enum_MetaFieldControlType)field.ControlTypeID; string controlId = string.Format("customfield_{0}_{1}_{2}", metaCategory.ID, metaCategory.CategoryID, metaCategory.FieldID); var formValue = form[controlId]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formValue)) { continue; } formValue = formValue.ToString(); var itemMeta = new ListingMeta() { ListingID = listing.ID, Value = formValue, FieldID = field.ID, ObjectState = Repository.Pattern.Infrastructure.ObjectState.Added }; _customFieldListingService.Insert(itemMeta); } //ACA PONGO EL TITULO COMO ID await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); if (updateCount) { listing.Title = listing.ID.ToString(); _listingService.Update(listing); await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); } if (Request.Files.Count > 0) { var itemPictureQuery = _listingPictureservice.Queryable().Where(x => x.ListingID == listing.ID); if (itemPictureQuery.Count() > 0) { nextPictureOrderId = itemPictureQuery.Max(x => x.Ordering); } } if (files != null && files.Count() > 0) { foreach (HttpPostedFileBase file in files) { if ((file != null) && (file.ContentLength > 0) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FileName)) { // Picture picture and get id var picture = new Picture(); picture.MimeType = "image/jpeg"; _pictureService.Insert(picture); await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); // Format is automatically detected though can be changed. ISupportedImageFormat format = new JpegFormat { Quality = 90 }; Size size = new Size(500, 0); // // Initialize the ImageFactory using the overload to preserve EXIF metadata. using (ImageFactory imageFactory = new ImageFactory(preserveExifData: true)) { var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/images/listing"), string.Format("{0}.{1}", picture.ID.ToString("00000000"), "jpg")); // Load, resize, set the format and quality and save an image. imageFactory.Load(file.InputStream) .Resize(size) .Format(format) .Save(path); } var itemPicture = new ListingPicture(); itemPicture.ListingID = listing.ID; itemPicture.PictureID = picture.ID; itemPicture.Ordering = nextPictureOrderId; _listingPictureservice.Insert(itemPicture); nextPictureOrderId++; } } } await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); //INSERTANDO CAMAS if (idcama != null) { List <int> listaid = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < idcama.Length; i++) { if (listaid.Count != 0) //entra aca cuando no es la primera recorrida { if (!listaid.Contains(idcama[i])) { DetailBed detallecama = new DetailBed(); detallecama.TypeOfBedID = idcama[i]; detallecama.Quantity = cantidad[i]; detallecama.ListingID = listing.ID; _detailBedService.Insert(detallecama); listaid.Add(idcama[i]); } } else //entra primero por no tener ninguna cama en la listaid { DetailBed detallecama = new DetailBed(); detallecama.TypeOfBedID = idcama[i]; detallecama.Quantity = cantidad[i]; detallecama.ListingID = listing.ID; listaid.Add(idcama[i]); _detailBedService.Insert(detallecama); } } } //fin insertando cama //Enviar correo de aviso a administrador var emailorderquery = await _emailTemplateService.Query(x => x.Slug.ToLower() == "listingupdate").SelectAsync(); var templateorder = emailorderquery.Single(); var admin = await _aspNetUserService.Query(x => x.AspNetRoles.Any(z => z.Name == "Administrator")).SelectAsync(); dynamic emailorder = new Postal.Email("Email"); foreach (var administradores in admin) { emailorder.To = administradores.Email; emailorder.From = CacheHelper.Settings.EmailAddress; emailorder.Subject = templateorder.Subject; emailorder.Body = templateorder.Body; emailorder.Name = administradores.FullName; emailorder.Id = listing.ID; EmailHelper.SendEmail(emailorder); } await _unitOfWorkAsync.SaveChangesAsync(); // Update statistics count if (updateCount) { _sqlDbService.UpdateCategoryItemCount(listing.CategoryID); _dataCacheService.RemoveCachedItem(CacheKeys.Statistics); } if (listing.Created.Day.Equals(DateTime.Now.Day)) { TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessage] = "[[[Listing is updated, contact the provider to activate the service]]]"; Session.Add("focus", "Si"); return(RedirectToAction("listingcalendar", "Manage", new { id = listing.ID })); } else { TempData[TempDataKeys.UserMessage] = "[[[Listing is updated!]]]"; return(RedirectToAction("Listing", new { id = listing.ID })); } }