Наследование: MonoBehaviour
Пример #1
 public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data)
     if (data.Remaining == 0)
         return this;
     switch (data[0])
         // TODO: Mode, etc.
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name RecipeTag.input
         // @Group General Information
         // @ReturnType ListTag
         // @Returns the result of this recipe.
         // @Example "blocks/grass|blocks/dirt" .result returns "blocks/dirt|".
         // -->
         case "input":
                 ListTag list = new ListTag();
                 for (int i = 0; i < Internal.Input.Length; i++)
                     list.ListEntries.Add(new ItemTag(Internal.Input[i]));
                 return list.Handle(data.Shrink());
             return new TextTag(ToString()).Handle(data);
        public PlayerInventory(Player player) : base(player, 36)
            if (!player.NamedTag.Exist("Inventory"))
                ListTag initItems = new ListTag("Inventory", NBTTagType.COMPOUND);
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Size; ++i)
                    initItems.Add(NBTIO.WriteItem(Item.Get(0, 0, 0), i));

            ListTag items = player.NamedTag.GetList("Inventory");

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Size; ++i)
                Item item = NBTIO.ReadItem((CompoundTag)items[i]);
                this.SetItem(i, item, false);

            this.PlayerCursorInventory     = new PlayerCursorInventory(player);
            this.PlayerEnderChestInventory = new PlayerEnderChestInventory(player);

            this.CraftingGridInventory = new CraftingGridInventory(player);
Пример #3
        public override MixArticle ParseModel(MixCmsContext _context = null, IDbContextTransaction _transaction = null)
            if (Id == 0)
                Id = Repository.Max(c => c.Id, _context, _transaction).Data + 1;
                CreatedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            if (Properties != null && Properties.Count > 0)
                JArray arrProperties = new JArray();
                foreach (var p in Properties.Where(p => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Value) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Name)).OrderBy(p => p.Priority))
                ExtraProperties = arrProperties.ToString(Formatting.None);

            Template = View != null?string.Format(@"{0}/{1}{2}", View.FolderType, View.FileName, View.Extension) : Template;

            if (ThumbnailFileStream != null)
                string folder = CommonHelper.GetFullPath(new string[]
                    MixConstants.Folder.UploadFolder, "Articles", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")
                string filename      = CommonHelper.GetRandomName(ThumbnailFileStream.Name);
                bool   saveThumbnail = CommonHelper.SaveFileBase64(folder, filename, ThumbnailFileStream.Base64);
                if (saveThumbnail)
                    Thumbnail = CommonHelper.GetFullPath(new string[] { folder, filename });
            if (ImageFileStream != null)
                string folder = CommonHelper.GetFullPath(new string[]
                    MixConstants.Folder.UploadFolder, "Articles", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")
                string filename  = CommonHelper.GetRandomName(ImageFileStream.Name);
                bool   saveImage = CommonHelper.SaveFileBase64(folder, filename, ImageFileStream.Base64);
                if (saveImage)
                    Image = CommonHelper.GetFullPath(new string[] { folder, filename });
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Image) && Image[0] == '/')
                Image = Image.Substring(1);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Thumbnail) && Thumbnail[0] == '/')
                Thumbnail = Thumbnail.Substring(1);
            Tags = ListTag.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None);

            return(base.ParseModel(_context, _transaction));
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// <see cref="Entity"/> の初期化をします。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nbt"><see cref="Entity"/> のNBTデータ</param>
        protected virtual void EntityInit(CompoundTag nbt)
            ListTag list = nbt.GetList("Pos");

            this.X       = ((FloatTag)list[0]).Data;
            this.Y       = ((FloatTag)list[1]).Data;
            this.Z       = ((FloatTag)list[2]).Data;
            list         = nbt.GetList("Motion");
            this.MotionX = ((FloatTag)list[0]).Data;
            this.MotionY = ((FloatTag)list[1]).Data;
            this.MotionZ = ((FloatTag)list[2]).Data;
            list         = nbt.GetList("Rotation");
            this.Yaw     = ((FloatTag)list[0]).Data;
            this.Pitch   = ((FloatTag)list[1]).Data;


            this.DataProperties = new EntityMetadataManager(this.EntityID);
            this.SetDataProperty(new EntityDataLong(DATA_FLAGS, 0));
            this.SetDataProperty(new EntityDataShort(DATA_AIR, 400));
            this.SetDataProperty(new EntityDataShort(DATA_MAX_AIR, 400));
            this.SetDataProperty(new EntityDataString(DATA_NAMETAG, ""));
            this.SetDataProperty(new EntityDataLong(DATA_LEAD_HOLDER_EID, -1));
            this.SetDataProperty(new EntityDataFloat(DATA_SCALE, 1.0f));
            this.SetDataProperty(new EntityDataFloat(DATA_BOUNDING_BOX_WIDTH, this.Width));
            this.SetDataProperty(new EntityDataFloat(DATA_BOUNDING_BOX_HEIGHT, this.Height));

            this.SetFlag(DATA_FLAGS, DATA_FLAG_HAS_COLLISION);
            this.SetFlag(DATA_FLAGS, DATA_FLAG_GRAVITY);

            this.Attributes = new EntityAttributeDictionary(this.EntityID);
Пример #5
        public Chunk NBTDeserialize(CompoundTag tag)
            CompoundTag level = (CompoundTag)tag["Level"];
            int         x     = level.GetInt("xPos");
            int         z     = level.GetInt("zPos");

            SubChunk[] subChunks = ArrayUtils.CreateArray <SubChunk>(16);
            ListTag    sections  = level.GetList("Sections");

            for (int i = 0; i < sections.Count; ++i)
                CompoundTag section  = ((CompoundTag)sections[i]);
                SubChunk    subChunk = new SubChunk();
                byte        y        = section.GetByte("Y");
                subChunk.BlockDatas  = section.GetByteArray("Blocks");
                subChunk.MetaDatas   = new NibbleArray(section.GetByteArray("Data"));
                subChunk.SkyLights   = new NibbleArray(section.GetByteArray("SkyLight"));
                subChunk.BlockLigths = new NibbleArray(section.GetByteArray("BlockLight"));
                subChunks[y]         = subChunk;

            byte[]  biomes    = level.GetByteArray("Biomes");
            short[] cast      = new short[256];
            int[]   heightMap = level.GetIntArray("HeightMap");
            heightMap.CopyTo(cast, 0);

            Chunk chunk = new Chunk(x, z, subChunks, biomes, cast, level.GetList("Entities"), level.GetList("TileEntities"));

            chunk.LastUpdate       = level.GetLong("LastUpdate");
            chunk.InhabitedTime    = level.GetLong("InhabitedTime");
            chunk.LightPopulated   = level.GetByte("LightPopulated") == 1;
            chunk.TerrainPopulated = level.GetByte("TerrainPopulated") == 1;

Пример #6
        private void BuildTree()
            //NamedTag.Name = "Root";

            Queue <NodeData> stack = new Queue <NodeData>(20);

            stack.Enqueue(new NodeData(treeView.Nodes, NamedTag));

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                NodeData           current = stack.Dequeue();
                TreeNodeCollection nodes   = current.Nodes;
                Tag data = current.Tag;

                if (data is CompoundTag)
                    CompoundTag compound = (CompoundTag)data;
                    TreeNode    node     = nodes.Add(current.ListIndex != -1 ? current.ListIndex + "" : (compound.Name == "" ? "<NoNameTag>" : compound.Name));
                    node.ToolTipText = compound.GetType().Name;
                    foreach (Tag tag in compound.Tags.Values)
                        if (tag is CompoundTag || tag is ListTag)
                            stack.Enqueue(new NodeData(node.Nodes, tag));
                            TreeNode child = node.Nodes.Add(tag.Name);
                            child.ToolTipText = tag.GetType().Name;
                            SetTagValue(child, tag);
                else if (data is ListTag)
                    int      index = 0;
                    ListTag  list  = (ListTag)data;
                    TreeNode node  = nodes.Add(current.ListIndex != -1 ? current.ListIndex + "" : list.Name);
                    node.ToolTipText = list.GetType().Name;
                    foreach (Tag tag in list.Tags)
                        if (tag is CompoundTag || tag is ListTag)
                            stack.Enqueue(new NodeData(node.Nodes, tag, index));
                            TreeNode child = node.Nodes.Add("" + index);
                            child.ToolTipText = tag.GetType().Name;
                            SetTagValue(child, tag);

Пример #7
 public static RecipeMode ModeFor(ListTag modeinput)
     if (modeinput.ListEntries.Count == 1 && modeinput.ListEntries[0].ToString().ToLowerFast() == "strict")
         return RecipeMode.BOUND | RecipeMode.COLOR | RecipeMode.DATUM | RecipeMode.DESCRIPTION | RecipeMode.DISPLAY | RecipeMode.LOCAL
             | RecipeMode.MODEL | RecipeMode.SECONDARY | RecipeMode.SHARED | RecipeMode.TEXTURE | RecipeMode.TYPE | RecipeMode.WEIGHT | RecipeMode.VOLUME;
     RecipeMode mode = 0;
     foreach (TemplateObject obj in modeinput.ListEntries)
         RecipeMode adder;
         if (Enum.TryParse(obj.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(), out adder))
             mode |= adder;
     return mode;
Пример #8
 public void SetUp()
     _listTag = new ListTag();
Пример #9
 public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data)
     if (data.Remaining == 0)
         return new TextTag(ToString());
     switch (data[0])
         // <--[tagbase]
         // @Name ServerTag.online_players
         // @Group Entities
         // @ReturnType ListTag
         // @Returns a list of all online players.
         // @Example .online_players could return "Fortifier|mcmonkey".
         // -->
         case "online_players":
                 ListTag players = new ListTag();
                 foreach (PlayerEntity p in TheServer.Players)
                     players.ListEntries.Add(new PlayerTag(p));
                 return players.Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tagbase]
         // @Name ServerTag.loaded_worlds
         // @Group World
         // @ReturnType ListTag
         // @Returns a list of all loaded worlds.
         // @Example .loaded_worlds could return "default|bob".
         // -->
         case "loaded_worlds":
                 ListTag worlds = new ListTag();
                 foreach (World w in TheServer.LoadedWorlds)
                     worlds.ListEntries.Add(new WorldTag(w));
                 return worlds.Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tagbase]
         // @Name ServerTag.loaded_recipes
         // @Group Items
         // @ReturnType ListTag
         // @Returns a list of all loaded recipes.
         // -->
         case "loaded_recipes":
                 ListTag recipes = new ListTag();
                 foreach (ItemRecipe r in TheServer.Recipes.Recipes)
                     recipes.ListEntries.Add(new RecipeTag(r));
                 return recipes.Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tagbase]
         // @Name ServerTag.can_craft_from[<ListTag>]
         // @Group Items
         // @ReturnType ListTag
         // @Returns a list of all loaded recipes that can be crafted from the given input.
         // @Example .can_craft_from[blocks/grass_forest] could return "1&pipeblocks/grass_forest|".
         // -->
         case "can_craft_from":
                 // TODO: Handle errors neatly!
                 List<ItemStack> items = new List<ItemStack>();
                 ListTag list = ListTag.For(data.GetModifierObject(0));
                 foreach (TemplateObject obj in list.ListEntries)
                     items.Add(ItemTag.For(TheServer, obj).Internal);
                 ListTag recipes = new ListTag();
                 foreach (RecipeResult r in TheServer.Recipes.CanCraftFrom(items.ToArray()))
                     recipes.ListEntries.Add(new RecipeResultTag(r));
                 return recipes.Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tagbase]
         // @Name ServerTag.match_player[<TextTag>]
         // @Group Entities
         // @ReturnType PlayerTag
         // @Returns the player whose name best matches the input.
         // @Example .match_player[Fort] out of a group of "Fortifier", "Fort", and "Forty" would return "Fort".
         // @Example .match_player[monk] out of a group of "mcmonkey", "morph", and "Fort" would return "mcmonkey".
         // -->
         case "match_player":
                 string pname = data.GetModifier(0);
                 PlayerEntity player = TheServer.GetPlayerFor(pname);
                 if (player == null)
                     data.Error("Invalid player '" + TagParser.Escape(pname) + "'!");
                     return new NullTag();
                 return new PlayerTag(player).Handle(data.Shrink());
             return new TextTag(ToString()).Handle(data);
Пример #10
 public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data)
     if (data.Remaining == 0)
         return this;
     switch (data[0])
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name RecipeResultTag.recipe
         // @Group General Information
         // @ReturnType RecipeTag
         // @Returns the original recipe used to form this recipe result.
         // -->
         case "recipe":
             return new RecipeTag(Internal.Recipe).Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name RecipeResultTag.used_input
         // @Group General Information
         // @ReturnType ListTag
         // @Returns the input items used by this recipe result.
         // @Example "1|blocks/grass|blocks/dirt" .result returns "blocks/grass|blocks/dirt|".
         // -->
         case "used_input":
                 ListTag list = new ListTag();
                 for (int i = 0; i < Internal.UsedInput.Count; i++)
                     list.ListEntries.Add(new ItemTag(Internal.UsedInput[i]));
                 return list.Handle(data.Shrink());
             return new TextTag(ToString()).Handle(data);
Пример #11
 public override string ToString()
     ListTag list = new ListTag();
     list.ListEntries.Add(new IntegerTag(Internal.Recipe.Index));
     foreach (ItemStack item in Internal.UsedInput)
         list.ListEntries.Add(new ItemTag(item));
     return list.ToString();
Пример #12
        void AddHashPoint(string file, Point p)
            var lf = new ListTag(file);

            if (!itemlist.ContainsKey(lf.hash)) itemlist[lf.hash] = new Dictionary<string, Point>();
            itemlist[lf.hash][lf.hash_uniq] = p;