public override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            ListCommandEventHandler listCommandEventHandler;

            // Create secondary child controls for rendering secondary UI.
            // Note that their ViewState is disabled because they are used
            // for rendering only.

            _selectList                 = new SelectionList();
            _selectList.Visible         = false;
            _selectList.EnableViewState = false;

            _textBox                 = new TextBox();
            _textBox.Visible         = false;
            _textBox.EnableViewState = false;

            // Below are initialization of several list controls.  A note is
            // that here the usage of DataMember is solely for remembering
            // how many items a particular list control is bounded to.  The
            // property is not used as originally designed.

            _optionList             = new List();
            _optionList.DataMember  = "5";
            listCommandEventHandler = new ListCommandEventHandler(this.OptionListEventHandler);
            InitList(_optionList, listCommandEventHandler);

            // Use MobileCapabilities to check screen size and determine how
            // many months should be displayed for different devices.
            _monthsToDisplay = MonthsToDisplay(Device.ScreenCharactersHeight);

            // Create the list of months, including [Next] and [Prev] links
            _monthList              = new List();
            _monthList.DataMember   = Convert.ToString(_monthsToDisplay + 2);
            listCommandEventHandler = new ListCommandEventHandler(this.MonthListEventHandler);
            InitList(_monthList, listCommandEventHandler);

            _weekList               = new List();
            _weekList.DataMember    = "6";
            listCommandEventHandler = new ListCommandEventHandler(this.WeekListEventHandler);
            InitList(_weekList, listCommandEventHandler);

            _dayList                = new List();
            _dayList.DataMember     = "7";
            listCommandEventHandler = new ListCommandEventHandler(this.DayListEventHandler);
            InitList(_dayList, listCommandEventHandler);

            // Initialize the VisibleDate which will be used to keep track
            // the ongoing selection of year, month and day from multiple
            // secondary UI screens.  If the page is loaded for the first
            // time, it doesn't need to be initialized (since it is not used
            // yet) so no unnecessary viewstate value will be generated.
            if (Page.IsPostBack && Control.VisibleDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                Control.VisibleDate = DateTime.Today;
 // A helper function to initialize and add a child list control
 private void InitList(List list,
                       ListCommandEventHandler eventHandler)
     list.Visible         = false;
     list.ItemCommand    += eventHandler;
     list.EnableViewState = false;
Пример #3
 /// <include file='doc\List.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="List.OnItemCommand"]/*' />
 protected virtual void OnItemCommand(ListCommandEventArgs e) 
     ListCommandEventHandler onItemCommandHandler = (ListCommandEventHandler)Events[EventItemCommand];
     if (onItemCommandHandler != null)
         onItemCommandHandler(this, e);
 // A helper function to initialize and add a child list control
 private void InitList(List list,
                       ListCommandEventHandler eventHandler)
     list.Visible = false;
     list.ItemCommand += eventHandler;
     list.EnableViewState = false;
        /// <include file='doc\ChtmlCalendarAdapter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ChtmlCalendarAdapter.OnInit"]/*' />
        public override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            ListCommandEventHandler listCommandEventHandler;

            // Create secondary child controls for rendering secondary UI.
            // Note that their ViewState is disabled because they are used
            // for rendering only.

            _selectList = new SelectionList();
            _selectList.Visible = false;
            _selectList.EnableViewState = false;

            _textBox = new TextBox();
            _textBox.Visible = false;
            _textBox.EnableViewState = false;
            EventHandler eventHandler = new EventHandler(this.TextBoxEventHandler);
            _textBox.TextChanged += eventHandler;

            _command = new Command();
            _command.Visible = false;
            _command.EnableViewState = false;

            // Below are initialization of several list controls.  A note is
            // that here the usage of DataMember is solely for remembering
            // how many items a particular list control is bounded to.  The
            // property is not used as originally designed.

            _optionList = new List();
            _optionList.DataMember = "5";
            listCommandEventHandler = new ListCommandEventHandler(this.OptionListEventHandler);
            InitList(_optionList, listCommandEventHandler);

            // Use MobileCapabilities to check screen size and determine how
            // many months should be displayed for different devices.
            _monthsToDisplay = MonthsToDisplay(Device.ScreenCharactersHeight);

            // Create the list of months, including [Next] and [Prev] links
            _monthList = new List();
            _monthList.DataMember = Convert.ToString(_monthsToDisplay + 2, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            listCommandEventHandler = new ListCommandEventHandler(this.MonthListEventHandler);
            InitList(_monthList, listCommandEventHandler);

            _weekList = new List();
            _weekList.DataMember = "6";
            listCommandEventHandler = new ListCommandEventHandler(this.WeekListEventHandler);
            InitList(_weekList, listCommandEventHandler);

            _dayList = new List();
            _dayList.DataMember = "7";
            listCommandEventHandler = new ListCommandEventHandler(this.DayListEventHandler);
            InitList(_dayList, listCommandEventHandler);

            // Initialize the VisibleDate which will be used to keep track
            // the ongoing selection of year, month and day from multiple
            // secondary UI screens.  If the page is loaded for the first
            // time, it doesn't need to be initialized (since it is not used
            // yet) so no unnecessary viewstate value will be generated.
            if (Page.IsPostBack && Control.VisibleDate == DateTime.MinValue)
                Control.VisibleDate = DateTime.Today;