/// <summary>
        /// Send out daily ship fit availability summaries for all accounts.
        /// <param name="twitterContext">A twitter context for the sending of messages.</param>
        /// </summary>
        internal async Task SendDailySummary(LinqToTwitter::TwitterContext twitterContext)
            // Fetch all enabled accounts and their notification recipients.
            IEnumerable<Account> accounts = this.doctrineShipsRepository.GetAccountsForNotifications();

            // Are there any enabled accounts?
            if (accounts != null && accounts.Any() == true)
                foreach (var account in accounts)
                    // Are there any recipients for this account?
                    if (account.NotificationRecipients != null && account.NotificationRecipients.Any() == true)
                        // Get the summary message for the current account.
                        string summaryMessage = GetDailySummaryMessage(account);

                        // As long as the summary message is not empty, continue.
                        if (summaryMessage != string.Empty)
                            foreach (var recipient in account.NotificationRecipients)
                                // If the current recipient is set to receive daily summaries, send a message.
                                if (recipient.ReceivesDailySummary == true)
                                    await this.SendDirectMessage(twitterContext, recipient.TwitterHandle, summaryMessage);
Пример #2
        static void Main(string[] args)

            //Functions.CreateTask(@"d:\temp\infile.txt", @"d:\temp\outfile.txt");
            //Tuple<string, decimal> tuple1 = new Tuple<string, decimal>("Surface Pro 4", 899M);
            //var generic = Generic.Create(new
            //    Name = "Surface Book",
            //    Price = 1349.00M
            //var generic2 = new
            //    Name = "Surface Book",
            //    Price = 1349.00M
            //var immutableDevice = new { Name = "Surface Book", Price = 1349.00M };
            ////var mapped1 = from zero in new[] { 0 } select zero; // 0
            //var mapped1 = from zero in 0 select zero; // 0
            //var mapped2 = from three in 1 + 2 select Math.Sqrt(three + 1);
            //var mapped3 = new[] { 0 }.Select(zero => zero); // 0
            //string mapped = from newGuid in Guid.NewGuid() select newGuid.ToString();

            //open a 4GB file for asynchronous reading in blocks of 64K
            //var inFile = new FileStream(@"d:\temp\4GBfile.txt",
            //            FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 2 << 15, true);
            //open a file for asynchronous writing in blocks of 64K
            //var outFile = new FileStream(@"d:\temp\Encrypted.txt",
            //    FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 2 << 15, true);

            //inFile.AsyncRead(2 << 15).Select(Encrypt).WriteToStream(outFile).Subscribe(
            //    _ => Console.WriteLine("Successfully encrypted the file."),
            //    error => Console.WriteLine("An error occurred while encrypting the file: {0}", error.Message));

            //Func<double, double> sqrt = Math.Sqrt;
            //Func<double, double> abs = Math.Abs;
            //Func<double, double> log = Math.Log;


            //var absSqrt = sqrt.Compose(abs);
            //Console.WriteLine("absSqrt = " + absSqrt(-2));

            //var absSqrtLog1 = log.Compose(sqrt).Compose(abs);
            //var absSqrtLog2 = log.Compose(sqrt.Compose(abs));

            //Console.WriteLine("absSqrtLog1 = " + absSqrtLog1(-2));
            //Console.WriteLine("absSqrtLog2 = " + absSqrtLog2(-2));

Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates instance from class 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tweet">handled tweet</param>
 public TweetPane(Twitter.Status tweet)
     Tweet = tweet;
     richTextBoxMessage.Text = tweet.Text;
     labelCreated.Text = tweet.CreatedAt.ToString();
     labelUserName.Text = tweet.User.Name;
     pictureBoxImage.Image = WebImages[tweet.User.ProfileImageUrlHttps];
     linklabelFavorite.Enabled = !tweet.Favorited;
     linkLabelRetweet.Enabled = !tweet.Retweeted;
Пример #4
        public Status(LinqToTwitter.Status status)
            StatusID = status.StatusID;
            Text = status.Text;
            RetweetCount = status.RetweetCount;
            Retweeted = status.Retweeted;

            if (Retweeted)
                RetweetedStatus = new Status(status.RetweetedStatus);

            CreatedAt = status.CreatedAt;
            User = new User(status.User);

            Entities = new EntityCollection();

            if (status.Entities != null)
                if (status.Entities.UrlEntities != null)
                    foreach (var ent in status.Entities.UrlEntities)
                        Entities.UrlEntities.Add(new MediaEntity()
                            ExpandedUrl = ent.ExpandedUrl,
                            Url = ent.Url
                if (status.Entities.MediaEntities != null)
                    foreach (var ent in status.Entities.MediaEntities)
                        Entities.MediaEntities.Add(new MediaEntity()
                            ExpandedUrl = ent.ExpandedUrl,
                            Url = ent.Url
                if (status.Entities.UserMentionEntities != null)
                    foreach (var ent in status.Entities.UserMentionEntities)
                        Entities.UserMentionEntities.Add(new UserEntity()
                            Id = ent.Id,
                            ScreenName = ent.ScreenName,
                            Name = ent.Name
Пример #5
 public User(LinqToTwitter.User user)
     UserID = ulong.Parse(user.UserIDResponse);
     ScreenName = user.ScreenNameResponse;
     Name = user.Name;
     Following = user.Following;
     FollowersCount = user.FollowersCount;
     Url = user.Url;
     Description = user.Description;
     LangResponse = user.LangResponse;
     FriendsCount = user.FriendsCount;
     ProfileImageUrl = user.ProfileImageUrl;
Пример #6
 public void setTweet(LinqToTwitter.Status status)
     name.Text = status.User.Name;
     tweet.Text = status.Text;
Пример #7
 public TwitterMeSource(LinqToTwitter.Status[] feedList)
     this.mFeedList = feedList;
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform hourly maintenance tasks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="corpApiId">A valid eve api id (keyID) for the Doctrine Ships in-game corporation.</param>
        /// <param name="corpApiKey">A valid eve api key (vCode) for the Doctrine Ships in-game corporation.</param>
        /// <param name="twitterContext">A twitter context for the sending of messages.</param>
        public async Task HourlyMaintenance(int corpApiId, string corpApiKey, LinqToTwitter::TwitterContext twitterContext)
            // Credit any accounts where payments have been made to the corporate wallet.
            AccountManager.CreditAccountPayments(corpApiId, corpApiKey);

            // Send out any ship fit availability alerts for all accounts.
            await TaskManager.SendAvailabilityAlert(twitterContext);
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform daily maintenance tasks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="twitterContext">A twitter context for the sending of messages.</param>
        public async Task DailyMaintenance(LinqToTwitter::TwitterContext twitterContext)
            // Delete any contracts where the expired date has passed.

            // Deletes log entries older than 7 days.

            // Deletes short urls older than 30 days.

            // Debit any accounts with subscription payments that are due.

            // Send out daily ship fit availability summaries for all accounts.
            await TaskManager.SendDailySummary(twitterContext);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Send a twitter direct message.
        /// <param name="twitterContext">A twitter context for the sending of messages.</param>
        /// </summary>
        internal async Task<bool> SendDirectMessage(LinqToTwitter::TwitterContext twitterContext, string screenName, string message)
                var result = await twitterContext.NewDirectMessageAsync(screenName, message);

                if (result != null)
                    this.logger.LogMessage("Sent A Direct Message To '" + result.RecipientScreenName + "' With Message '" + result.Text + "'.", 2, "Message", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
                    return true;
                    return false;
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.LogMessage("An error occured while sending a twitter message. Are the twitter api credentials correct?", 0, "Message", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
                logger.LogMessage(e.ToString(), 0, "Exception", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
                return false;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Send out any ship fit availability alerts for all accounts.
        /// <param name="twitterContext">A twitter context for the sending of messages.</param>
        /// </summary>
        internal async Task SendAvailabilityAlert(LinqToTwitter::TwitterContext twitterContext)
            // Fetch all enabled accounts and their notification recipients.
            IEnumerable<Account> accounts = this.doctrineShipsRepository.GetAccountsForNotifications();

            // Are there any enabled accounts?
            if (accounts != null && accounts.Any() == true)
                foreach (var account in accounts)
                    // Are there any recipients for this account?
                    if (account.NotificationRecipients != null && account.NotificationRecipients.Any() == true)
                        // Get the alert message for the current account.
                        string alertMessage = GetAvailabilityAlertMessage(account);

                        // As long as the alert message is not empty, continue.
                        if (alertMessage != string.Empty)
                            foreach (var recipient in account.NotificationRecipients)
                                // If the current recipient is set to receive alerts and has not received one too recently, send a message.
                                if (recipient.ReceivesAlerts == true && Time.HasElapsed(recipient.LastAlert, TimeSpan.FromHours(recipient.AlertIntervalHours)))
                                    await this.SendDirectMessage(twitterContext, recipient.TwitterHandle, alertMessage);

                                    // Update the LastAlert timestamp for the current recipient.
                                    recipient.LastAlert = DateTime.UtcNow;
Пример #12
        public static async Task<bool> CreateBatch(int wallId)
            bool result = false;

            //IList<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();

            Wall wall = null;

            using (var db = new MySelfieEntities())
                var query = db.Photos
                    .Where(x => x.WallId == wallId)
                    .Where(x => x.Status == "approved")
                    .OrderBy(x => x.ApprovedAt)

                var results = query.Select(x => x.Filename).ToList();

                if (results.Count == 9)
                    wall = db.Walls.Single(x => x.WallId == wallId);

                    var existingPacketCount = db.Packets
                        .Where(x => x.WallId == wallId)
                        .Where(x => x.Status == "new")

                    var wallTotalSeconds = (wall.PhotoShownLengthSecond.Value * 9) + wall.AdShownLengthSecond;

                    var secondsUntilStart = wallTotalSeconds * existingPacketCount;

                    var packet = new[] {
                        new {
                            slides = results,
                            sponsor = "Wall/Image/" + wall.WallId

                        var jss = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
                        var json = jss.Serialize(packet);

                        var entity = new Packet
                            WallId = wallId,
                            JSONBody = json,
                            StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(secondsUntilStart.IfNotNull(x => x.Value)),
                            EndTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(secondsUntilStart.IfNotNull(x => x.Value) + wallTotalSeconds.IfNotNull(x => x.Value)),
                            DurationMillisecond = wallTotalSeconds.IfNotNull(x => x.Value) * 1000,
                            Status = "new",
                            CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow


                        string message = "Created new packet: " + Environment.NewLine
                            + "WallId: " + entity.WallId + Environment.NewLine
                            + "JSONBody: " + entity.JSONBody + Environment.NewLine
                            + "StartTime: " + entity.StartTime + Environment.NewLine
                            + "EndTime: " + entity.EndTime + Environment.NewLine
                            + "DurationMillisecond: " + entity.DurationMillisecond + Environment.NewLine
                            + "CreatedAt: " + entity.CreatedAt + Environment.NewLine;

                        Logger.Log(message, "info", "system", "creating a packet", "Packet Created", db, false);

                        var context = GetTwitterContext(new WallModel(wall));

                        foreach (var photo in query)
                            photo.Status = "packed";
                            photo.Packet = entity;

                            if (photo.Source == "Twitter")
                                await PhotoStatusChangeModel.PublishTweet(photo.Username, entity.StartTime, wall.RetweetMessage, context);
                            if (photo.Source == "Instagram")
                                PhotoStatusChangeModel.PublishInstagramComment(photo.Username, entity.StartTime, wall.RetweetMessage, wall.PostingAccount_InstagramToken, photo.SocialIDstring);


                        //foreach(var task in taskList)
                        //    await task;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Log(ex.ToString(), "error", "system", "creating a packet", "Error creating packet", db, true);
                        result = false;

                    result = true;
                    result = false;
            }   // end using db

            //if (result) // result is true when a packet was created
            //    var context = GetTwitterContext(new WallModel(wall));

            //    foreach (var photo in packetPhotos)
            //    {
            //        if (photo.Source == "Twitter")
            //        {
            //            var t = new Thread(() => PhotoStatusChangeModel.PublishTweet(photo.Username, newPacket.StartTime, wall.RetweetMessage, context));
            //            t.Start();
            //        }
            //        if (photo.Source == "Instagram")
            //        {
            //            var t = new Thread(() => PhotoStatusChangeModel.PublishInstagramComment(photo.Username, newPacket.StartTime, wall.RetweetMessage, wall.PostingAccount_InstagramToken, photo.SocialIDstring));
            //            t.Start();
            //        }

            //    }

            return result;
Пример #13
 public Tweet(LinqToTwitter.Status tweet)
     // TODO: Complete member initialization
     this.tweet = tweet;
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Create record to represent a twitter status.
 /// The result is returned as a normalized "StatusUpdateRecord" (the same record type is used for the different social network providers, to 
 /// make the mashups easier to write and consume)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="search"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static IRecord CreateStatusRecord(LinqToTwitter.Status status)
         status.User.ScreenName = status.User.Identifier.ScreenName;
         status.User.UserID = status.User.Identifier.UserID;
     return RecordBase.CreateRecord(new StatusUpdateRecord
         User = new SocialProfileRecord
             UserID = status.User.UserID,
             Description = status.User.Description,
             LastName = status.User.Name,
             FirstName = "",
             ScreenName = "@" + status.User.ScreenName,
             PictureUrl = String.IsNullOrEmpty(status.User.ProfileImageUrlHttps) ? status.User.ProfileImageUrl : status.User.ProfileImageUrlHttps,
             //ProfileUrl = status.User.Url ?? ("https://twitter.com/" + status.User.ScreenName)
             // per Twitter guidelines we actually need this one to go to the Twitter profile, not their specified URL
             ProfileUrl = "https://twitter.com/" + status.User.ScreenName
         Favorited = status.Favorited,
         Retweeted = status.Retweeted,
         StatusID = status.StatusID,
         Text = Twitterize(status.Text),
         CreatedAt = status.CreatedAt,
         Icon = "tweet.ico",
         StatusUrl = String.Format(TWITTER_STATUS_URL, status.User.ScreenName, status.StatusID),
         SocialNetwork = "Twitter"
Пример #15
 void TweetPane_Reply(Twitter.Status tweet)
     textBoxTweetContent.Text = "@" + tweet.User.Identifier.ScreenName;