Пример #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

              samples.Linq102(); // This sample shows how to perform a simple inner equijoin of two sequences to produce
                                 // a flat  result set  that consists  of each  element in suppliers that has a matching
                                 // element in customers

            //samples.Linq103(); // A group join produces a hierarchical sequence.  The following query is an inner join
                                 // that produces a sequence of objects, each of which has a key and an inner sequence of
                                 // all matching elements

            //samples.Linq104(); // The group join operator is more general than join, as this slightly more verbose
                                 // version of the cross join sample shows

            //samples.Linq105(); // For each customer in the table of customers, this query returns all the suppliers from
                                 // that same country,  or else a string  indicating  that no suppliers  from that country
                                 // were found

            //samples.Linq106(); // For each customer in the table of customers, this query returns all the suppliers from
                                 // that same country,  or else a string  indicating  that no suppliers  from that country
                                 // were found

            //samples.Linq107(); // For each supplier in the table of suppliers, this query returns all the customers from
                                 // the same city and country,  or else a string  indicating  that no customers  from that
                                 // city/country were found.  Note the use of anonymous  types to encapsulate the multiple
                                 // key values
Пример #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

              samples.Linq20(); // This sample uses Take to get only the first 3 elements of the array

            //samples.Linq21(); // This sample uses Take to get the first 3 orders from customers in Washington

            //samples.Linq22(); // This sample uses Skip to get all but the first four elements of the array

            //samples.Linq23(); // This sample uses Take to get all but the first 2 orders from customers in Washington

            //samples.Linq24(); // This sample uses TakeWhile to return elements starting from the beginning of the array
                                // until a number is read whose value is not less than 6

            //samples.Linq25(); // This sample uses TakeWhile to return elements starting from the beginning of the array
                                // until a number is hit that is less than its position in the array

            //samples.Linq26(); // This sample  uses SkipWhile to get the  elements of the array  starting from the first
                                // element divisible by 3

            //samples.Linq27(); // This sample  uses SkipWhile to get the  elements of the array  starting from the first
                                // element less than its position
Пример #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

              //samples.Linq1(); // This sample  uses the where clause  to find all elements  of an array with a value
                               // less than 5

            //samples.Linq2(); // This sample uses the where clause to find all products that are out of stock

            samples.Linq3(); // This sample uses the where clause to find all products that are in  stock and cost
                               // more than 3.00 per unit

            samples.Linq4(); // This sample uses the where  clause to find all customers in Washington and then it
                               // uses a foreach loop to iterate over the orders collection that belongs to each
                               // customer

            //samples.Linq5(); // This sample demonstrates an indexed where clause that returns digits whose name is
                               // shorter than their value

Пример #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

              samples.Linq46(); // This sample uses Distinct to remove  duplicate  elements in a sequence of factors of 300

            //samples.Linq47(); // This sample uses Distinct to find the unique Category names

            //samples.Linq48(); // This sample uses Union to create  one sequence that contains the unique values from both
                                // arrays

            //samples.Linq49(); // This sample uses the Union method to create  one sequence that contains the unique first
                                // letter from both product and customer names. Union is only available through method
                                // syntax

            //samples.Linq50(); // This sample uses Intersect to create one sequence that contains the common values shared
                                // by both arrays

            //samples.Linq51(); // This sample uses Intersect  to create one sequence that contains the common first letter
                                // from both product and customer names

            //samples.Linq52(); // This sample uses Except to create a sequence that contains the values from numbersA that
                                // are not also in numbersB

            //samples.Linq53(); // This sample uses Except to create one  sequence that contains the 1st letters of product
                                // names that are not also first letters of customer names
Пример #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

              samples.Linq65(); // This sample uses Range to generate a sequence of numbers from 100 to 149
                                // that is used to find which numbers in that range are odd and even

            //samples.Linq66(); // This sample uses Repeat to generate a sequence that contains the number 7
                                // ten times
Пример #6
 public static void test()
     LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();
     // Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not
     //samples.XLinq6();     // Construct an XElement from string
     //samples.XLinq7();     // Add XML declaration to a document
     //samples.XLinq8();     // Computed element name
     //samples.XLinq9();     // Create a simple config file
     //samples.XLinq10();    // Create an XmlSchema
     //samples.XLinq11();    // Create an XML document with an XSLT PI
     //samples.XLinq12();    // XML comment construction
     //samples.XLinq13();    // Create a CData section
     samples.XLinq14();    // Create a sequence of customer elements
Пример #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

              samples.Linq99();  // The following sample shows how query execution is deferred until the query is
                                 // enumerated at a foreach statement

            //samples.Linq100(); // The following sample shows how queries can be executed immediately, and their
                                 // results stored in memory, with methods such as ToList

            //samples.Linq101(); // The following sample shows how, because of deferred execution, queries can be
                                 //used again after data changes and will then operate on the new data
Пример #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

              samples.Linq54(); // This sample uses ToArray to immediately evaluate a sequence into an array

            //samples.Linq55(); // This sample uses ToList to immediately evaluate a sequence into a List<T>

            //samples.Linq56(); // This sample uses ToDictionary to immediately  evaluate a  sequence  and a
                                // related key expression into a dictionary

            //samples.Linq57(); // This sample uses OfType to return only the elements of the array that are
                                // of type double
Пример #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

              samples.Linq67(); // This sample  uses Any to determine if any of the words in the array contain the
                                // substring 'ei'

            //samples.Linq69(); // This sample uses Any to return a grouped a list of products only for categories
                                // that have at least one product that is out of stock

            //samples.Linq70(); // This sample uses All to determine whether an array contains only odd numbers

            //samples.Linq72(); // This sample uses All to return a grouped a list of products only for categories
                                // that have all of their products in stock
Пример #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

              samples.Linq94(); // This sample  uses Concat  to create one  sequence that  contains each array's
                                // values, one after the other

            //samples.Linq95(); // This sample uses Concat to create one sequence that contains the names of all
                                // customers and products, including any duplicates

            //samples.Linq96(); // This sample uses SequenceEquals to see if two sequences match on all elements
                                // in the same order

            //samples.Linq97(); // This sample  uses SequenceEqual to see if two sequences match on all elements
                                // in the same order
Пример #11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

            // samples.Linq28(); // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of words alphabetically

            //samples.Linq29(); // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of words by length

            samples.Linq30(); // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of products by name. Use the \"descending\"
                              // keyword at the end of the clause to perform a reverse ordering

            //samples.Linq31(); // This sample uses an  OrderBy clause with a custom comparer to do a case-insensitive
            // sort of the words in an array

            //samples.Linq32(); // This sample uses  orderby and  descending to sort a list of doubles from highest to
            // lowest

            //samples.Linq33(); // This sample uses  orderby to sort a list of products by units in stock from highest
            // to lowest

            //samples.Linq34(); // This sample uses method syntax to call OrderByDescending  because it enables you to
            // use a custom comparer

            //samples.Linq35(); // This sample uses a compound  orderby to  sort a list of digits,  first by length of
            // their name, and then alphabetically by the name itself

            //samples.Linq36(); // The first query in this sample uses method syntax to call OrderBy and ThenBy with a
            // custom comparer to sort first by word length and then by a case-insensitive sort of
            // the words in an array.  The second two queries show another way to perform the same
            // task

            //samples.Linq37(); // This sample uses a compound  orderby to sort a list of products,  first by category,
            // and then by unit price, from highest to lowest

            //samples.Linq38(); // This sample uses an OrderBy and a ThenBy clause with a custom comparer to sort first
            // by word length and  then by a case-insensitive  descending  sort of  the words in an
            // array

            //samples.Linq39(); // This sample uses Reverse to  create a list of  all digits in the  array whose second
            // letter is 'i' that is reversed from the order in the original array
Пример #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

            samples.Linq67(); // This sample  uses Any to determine if any of the words in the array contain the
                              // substring 'ei'

            //samples.Linq69(); // This sample uses Any to return a grouped a list of products only for categories
            // that have at least one product that is out of stock

            //samples.Linq70(); // This sample uses All to determine whether an array contains only odd numbers

            //samples.Linq72(); // This sample uses All to return a grouped a list of products only for categories
            // that have all of their products in stock

Пример #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

            //samples.Linq73(); // This sample uses Count to get the number of unique prime factors of 300
            //samples.Linq74(); // This sample uses Count to get the number of odd ints in the array
            //samples.Linq76(); // This sample uses Count to return a list of customers and how many orders each has

            //samples.Linq77(); // This sample uses Count to return a list of categories and how many products each has
            //samples.Linq78(); // This sample uses Sum to add all the numbers in an array
            //samples.Linq79(); // This sample uses Sum to get the total number of characters of all words in the array

            samples.Linq80(); // This sample uses Sum to get the total units in stock for each product category
            //samples.Linq81(); // This sample uses Min to get the lowest number in an array
            //samples.Linq82(); // This sample uses Min to get the length of the shortest word in an array

            //samples.Linq83(); // This sample uses Min to get the cheapest price among each category's products
            //samples.Linq84(); // This sample uses Min to get the products with the lowest price in each category

            //samples.Linq85(); // This sample uses Max to get the highest number in an array. Note that the method
            // returns a single value

            //samples.Linq86(); // This sample uses Max to get the length of the longest word in an array
            //samples.Linq87(); // This sample uses Max to get the most expensive price among each category's products
            //samples.Linq88(); // This sample uses Max to get the products with the most expensive price in each category

            //samples.Linq89(); // This sample uses Average to get the average of all numbers in an array
            //samples.Linq90(); // This sample uses Average to get the average length of the words in the array
            //samples.Linq91(); // This sample uses Average to get the average price of each category's products

            //samples.Linq92(); // This sample uses Aggregate to create a running product on the array that calculates
            // the total product of all elements

            //samples.Linq93(); // This sample uses Aggregate to create a running account balance that subtracts each
            // withdrawal from the initial balance of 100, as long as the balance never drops below 0

Пример #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            // Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not
            samples.DataSetLinq6();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of ints one higher than those in an existing array of ints.
            //samples.DataSetLinq7();     // This sample uses select to return a sequence of just the names of a list of products.
            //samples.DataSetLinq8();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of strings representing the text version of a sequence of ints.
            //samples.DataSetLinq9();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of the uppercase and lowercase versions of each word in the original array.
            //samples.DataSetLinq10();    // This sample uses select to produce a sequence containing text representations of digits and whether their length is even or odd.
            //samples.DataSetLinq11();    // This sample uses select to produce a sequence containing some properties of Products...
            //samples.DataSetLinq12();    // This sample uses an indexed Select clause to determine if the value of ints in an array match their position in the array.
            //samples.DataSetLinq13();    // This sample combines select and where to make a simple query that returns the text form of each digit less than 5.
            //samples.DataSetLinq14();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to make a query that returns all pairs of numbers...
            //samples.DataSetLinq15();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where the order total is less than 500.00.
            //samples.DataSetLinq16();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where the order was made in 1998 or later.
            //samples.DataSetLinq17();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where order total is greater than 2000.00...
            //samples.DataSetLinq18();    // This sample uses multiple from clauses so that filtering on customers can be done before selecting their orders...
            //samples.DataSetLinq19();    // This sample uses an indexed SelectMany clause to select all orders...
Пример #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

            samples.Linq94(); // This sample  uses Concat  to create one  sequence that  contains each array's
                              // values, one after the other

            //samples.Linq95(); // This sample uses Concat to create one sequence that contains the names of all
            // customers and products, including any duplicates

            //samples.Linq96(); // This sample uses SequenceEquals to see if two sequences match on all elements
            // in the same order

            //samples.Linq97(); // This sample  uses SequenceEqual to see if two sequences match on all elements
            // in the same order

Пример #16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

            samples.Linq58();   // This sample uses First to return the first matching element as a Product, instead
                                // of as a sequence containing a Product

            //samples.Linq59(); // This sample uses First to find the first element in the array that starts with 'o'

            //samples.Linq61(); // This sample uses FirstOrDefault to try to return the first element of the sequence,
            // unless there are  no elements,  in which case  the default  value for that type is
            // returned.  FirstOrDefault is useful for creating outer joins

            //samples.Linq62(); // This sample uses FirstOrDefault to return the first product whose ProductID is 789
            // as a single Product object, unless there is no match, in which case null is returned

            //samples.Linq64(); // This sample uses ElementAt to retrieve the second number greater than 5 from an array
Пример #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

              samples.Linq58(); // This sample uses First to return the first matching element as a Product, instead
                                // of as a sequence containing a Product

            //samples.Linq59(); // This sample uses First to find the first element in the array that starts with 'o'

            //samples.Linq61(); // This sample uses FirstOrDefault to try to return the first element of the sequence,
                                // unless there are  no elements,  in which case  the default  value for that type is
                                // returned.  FirstOrDefault is useful for creating outer joins

            //samples.Linq62(); // This sample uses FirstOrDefault to return the first product whose ProductID is 789
                                // as a single Product object, unless there is no match, in which case null is returned

            //samples.Linq64(); // This sample uses ElementAt to retrieve the second number greater than 5 from an array
Пример #18
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            // Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not
            samples.XLinq18();    // Select all the customers in the xml document
            //samples.XLinq19();    // Select all the child elements of the first customer
            //samples.XLinq20();    // Select the first customer in the document
            //samples.XLinq21();    // Query for one child element on a sequence of elements
            //samples.XLinq22();    // Selects all the CustomerIDs in the xml document
            //samples.XLinq23();    // Find orders with price > 100
            //samples.XLinq24();    // Get the root element of a document
            //samples.XLinq25();    // Filter query results using where
            //samples.XLinq26();    // Select all ContactName elements in the document
            //samples.XLinq27();    // Select all text in the document
            //samples.XLinq28();    // Check if two nodes belong to the same document
            //samples.XLinq29();    // Query for parent of an Element
            //samples.XLinq30();    // Add customer company info to orders of the first customer
            //samples.XLinq31();    // Query content of a given type of an existing element
            //samples.XLinq32();    // Query for all Swedish customer orders and Swedish orders whose freight is > 250
            //samples.XLinq33();    // Query the 3rd customer in the document
            //samples.XLinq34();    // Union books authored by two authors: Serge and Peter
            //samples.XLinq35();    // Intersect books that are common for both authors
            //samples.XLinq36();    // Find books that are authored by Peter and did not have Serge as co-author
            //samples.XLinq37();    // Display the path to a node
            //samples.XLinq38();    // Check if 2 sequences of nodes are equal. Did Serge and Peter co-author all of their the books?
            //samples.XLinq39();    // List books until total price is less that $150
            //samples.XLinq40();    // Create 5 new customers with different IDs
            //samples.XLinq41();    // Initialize new orders with items
            //samples.XLinq42();    // Check if there are any customers in Argentina
            //samples.XLinq43();    // Check if all books have at least one author
            //samples.XLinq44();    // Find the number of orders for a customer
            //samples.XLinq45();    // Find tax on an order
            //samples.XLinq46();    // Find all the countries where there is a customer
            //samples.XLinq47();    // List all books by Serge and Peter with co-authored books repeated
            //samples.XLinq48();    // Query the first two customers
            //samples.XLinq49();    // Skip the first 3 books
            //samples.XLinq50();    // Print items that dont fit in budget
            //samples.XLinq51();    // Get all books authored by Serge and Peter
            //samples.XLinq52();    // Find the container document of an element
Пример #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

            //samples.Linq1(); // This sample  uses the where clause  to find all elements  of an array with a value
            // less than 5

            //samples.Linq2(); // This sample uses the where clause to find all products that are out of stock

            samples.Linq3(); // This sample uses the where clause to find all products that are in  stock and cost
                             // more than 3.00 per unit

            samples.Linq4(); // This sample uses the where  clause to find all customers in Washington and then it
                             // uses a foreach loop to iterate over the orders collection that belongs to each
                             // customer

            //samples.Linq5(); // This sample demonstrates an indexed where clause that returns digits whose name is
            // shorter than their value
Пример #20
        public void Linq6_CustormersData_DeepEqualTrue()
            // Arrange
            var linqSamples = new LinqSamples(new FakeDataSource(), Properties.Resources.FakeCustomersLinq6);
            IEnumerable <Customer> expected = new List <Customer>()
                new Customer()
                    CustomerID  = "ALFKI",
                    CompanyName = "Alfreds Futterkiste",
                    Address     = "Obere Str. 57",
                    City        = "Berlin",
                    Region      = "BC",
                    PostalCode  = "12209",
                    Country     = "Germany",
                    Phone       = "030-0074321",
                    Fax         = "030-0076545",
                    Orders      = new Order[]
                        new Order()
                            OrderID   = 10643,
                            OrderDate = new DateTime(1997, 08, 25, 00, 00, 00),
                            Total     = 800
                        new Order()
                            OrderID   = 10643,
                            OrderDate = new DateTime(1997, 08, 25, 00, 00, 00),
                            Total     = 800
            // Act
            var actual = linqSamples.Linq6();

            // Assert
Пример #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

              samples.Linq73(); // This sample uses Count to get the number of unique prime factors of 300
            //samples.Linq74(); // This sample uses Count to get the number of odd ints in the array
            //samples.Linq76(); // This sample uses Count to return a list of customers and how many orders each has

            //samples.Linq77(); // This sample uses Count to return a list of categories and how many products each has
            //samples.Linq78(); // This sample uses Sum to add all the numbers in an array
            //samples.Linq79(); // This sample uses Sum to get the total number of characters of all words in the array

            //samples.Linq80(); // This sample uses Sum to get the total units in stock for each product category
            //samples.Linq81(); // This sample uses Min to get the lowest number in an array
            //samples.Linq82(); // This sample uses Min to get the length of the shortest word in an array

            //samples.Linq83(); // This sample uses Min to get the cheapest price among each category's products
            //samples.Linq84(); // This sample uses Min to get the products with the lowest price in each category

            //samples.Linq85(); // This sample uses Max to get the highest number in an array. Note that the method
                                // returns a single value

            //samples.Linq86(); // This sample uses Max to get the length of the longest word in an array
            //samples.Linq87(); // This sample uses Max to get the most expensive price among each category's products
            //samples.Linq88(); // This sample uses Max to get the products with the most expensive price in each category

            //samples.Linq89(); // This sample uses Average to get the average of all numbers in an array
            //samples.Linq90(); // This sample uses Average to get the average length of the words in the array
            //samples.Linq91(); // This sample uses Average to get the average price of each category's products

            //samples.Linq92(); // This sample uses Aggregate to create a running product on the array that calculates
                                // the total product of all elements

            //samples.Linq93(); // This sample uses Aggregate to create a running account balance that subtracts each
                                // withdrawal from the initial balance of 100, as long as the balance never drops below 0
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            // Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not
            samples.XLinq60();  // Add an element as the last child
            //samples.XLinq61();  // Add an element as the first child
            //samples.XLinq62();  // Add multiple elements as children
            //samples.XLinq63();  // Add an attribute to an element
            //samples.XLinq64();  // Add attributes and elements
            //samples.XLinq65();  // Replace content to an existing element
            //samples.XLinq66();  // Remove content of an element
            //samples.XLinq67();  // Remove all content and attributes of an element
            //samples.XLinq68();  // Remove all attributes of an element
            //samples.XLinq69();  // Remove an attribute of an element
            //samples.XLinq70();  // Update the value of an attribute
            //samples.XLinq71();  // Remove a child element by name
            //samples.XLinq72();  // Update a child element by name
            //samples.XLinq73();  // Remove a list of elements
            //samples.XLinq74();  // Remove a list of attributes
            //samples.XLinq75();  // Add an un-parented element to an element
            //samples.XLinq76();  // Adding a parented element to another container clones it
Пример #23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            //Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

            samples.Linq46();   // This sample uses Distinct to remove  duplicate  elements in a sequence of factors of 300
            samples.Linq47();   // This sample uses Distinct to find the unique Category names
            samples.Linq48();   // This sample uses Union to create  one sequence that contains the unique values from both arrays
            samples.Linq49();   // This sample uses the Union method to create  one sequence that contains the unique first letter from both product and customer names. Union is only available through method syntax
            samples.Linq50();   // This sample uses Intersect to create one sequence that contains the common values shared by both arrays
            samples.Linq51();   // This sample uses Intersect  to create one sequence that contains the common first letter from both product and customer names
            samples.Linq52();   // This sample uses Except to create a sequence that contains the values from numbersA that are not also in numbersB
            samples.Linq53();   // This sample uses Except to create one  sequence that contains the 1st letters of product names that are not also first letters of customer names
Пример #24
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            // Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not
            samples.DataSetLinq28();    // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of words alphabetically.
            //samples.DataSetLinq29();    // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of words by length.
            //samples.DataSetLinq30();    // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of products by name.
            //samples.DataSetLinq31();    // This sample uses an OrderBy clause with a custom comparer to do a case-insensitive sort of the words in an array.
            //samples.DataSetLinq32();    // This sample uses orderby and descending to sort a list of doubles from highest to lowest.
            //samples.DataSetLinq33();    // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of products by units in stock from highest to lowest.
            //samples.DataSetLinq34();    // This sample uses an OrderBy clause with a custom comparer to do a case-insensitive descending sort of the words in an array.
            //samples.DataSetLinq35();    // This sample uses a compound orderby to sort a list of digits, first by length of their name, and then alphabetically by the name itself.
            //samples.DataSetLinq36();    // This sample uses an OrderBy and a ThenBy clause with a custom comparer to sort first by word length and then by a case-insensitive sort of the words in an array.
            //samples.DataSetLinq37();    // This sample uses a compound orderby to sort a list of products, first by category, and then by unit price, from highest to lowest.
            //samples.DataSetLinq38();    // This sample uses an OrderBy and a ThenBy clause with a custom comparer to sort first by word length and then by a case-insensitive descending sort of the words in an array.
            //samples.DataSetLinq39();    // This sample uses Reverse to create a list of all digits in the array whose second letter is 'i' that is reversed from the order in the original array.
            //samples.DataSetLinq40();    // This sample uses group by to partition a list of numbers by their remainder when divided by 5.
            //samples.DataSetLinq41();    // This sample uses group by to partition a list of words by their first letter.
            //samples.DataSetLinq42();    // This sample uses group by to partition a list of products by category.
            //samples.DataSetLinq43();    // This sample uses group by to partition a list of each customer's orders, first by year, and then by month.
            //samples.DataSetLinq44();    // This sample uses GroupBy to partition trimmed elements of an array using a custom comparer that matches words that are anagrams of each other.
            //samples.DataSetLinq45();    // This sample uses GroupBy to partition trimmed elements of an array using a custom comparer that matches words that are anagrams of each other, and then converts the results to uppercase.
Пример #25
        public void Linq4_CustormersData_DeepEqualTrue()
            // Arrange
            var linqSamples = new LinqSamples(new FakeDataSource(), Properties.Resources.FakeCustomersLinq4);
            var expected    = new List <FirstOrder>()
                new FirstOrder()
                    CustomerID = "ALFKI",
                    Date       = new DateTime(1997, 08, 25, 0, 0, 0)
                new FirstOrder()
                    CustomerID = "ANATR",
                    Date       = new DateTime(1996, 09, 18, 0, 0, 0)

            // Act
            var actual = linqSamples.Linq4();

            // Assert
Пример #26
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not

            var samples = new LinqSamples();

            #region RestrictionOperators

            // This sample  uses the where clause  to find all elements  of an array with a value
            // less than 5

            // This sample uses the where clause to find all products that are out of stock

            // This sample uses the where clause to find all products that are in  stock and cost
            // more than 3.00 per unit

            // This sample uses the where  clause to find all customers in Washington and then it
            // uses a foreach loop to iterate over the orders collection that belongs to each
            // customer

            // This sample demonstrates an indexed where clause that returns digits whose name is
            // shorter than their value

            #region ProjectionOperators

            // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of ints one higher than those in an existing array of ints.

            // This sample uses select to return a sequence of just the names of a list of products.

            // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of strings representing the text version of a sequence of ints.

            // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of the uppercase and lowercase versions of each word in the original array.

            // This sample uses select to produce a sequence containing text representations of digits and whether their length is even or odd.

            // This sample uses select to produce a sequence containing some properties of Products...

            // This sample uses an indexed Select clause to determine if the value of ints in an array match their position in the array.

            // This sample combines select and where to make a simple query that returns the text form of each digit less than 5.

            // This sample uses a compound from clause to make a query that returns all pairs of numbers...

            // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where the order total is less than 500.00.

            // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where the order was made in 1998 or later.

            // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where order total is greater than 2000.00...

            // This sample uses multiple from clauses so that filtering on customers can be done before selecting their orders...

            // This sample uses an indexed SelectMany clause to select all orders...

            #region PartitioningOperators

            // This sample uses Take to get only the first 3 elements of the array

            // This sample uses Take to get the first 3 orders from customers in Washington

            // This sample uses Skip to get all but the first four elements of the array

            // This sample uses Take to get all but the first 2 orders from customers in Washington

            // This sample uses TakeWhile to return elements starting from the beginning of the array
            // until a number is read whose value is not less than 6

            // This sample uses TakeWhile to return elements starting from the beginning of the array
            // until a number is hit that is less than its position in the array

            // This sample  uses SkipWhile to get the  elements of the array  starting from the first
            // element divisible by 3

            // This sample  uses SkipWhile to get the  elements of the array  starting from the first
            // element less than its position


            #region OrderingOperators

            // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of words alphabetically

            // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of words by length

            // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of products by name. Use the \"descending\"
            // keyword at the end of the clause to perform a reverse ordering

            // This sample uses an  OrderBy clause with a custom comparer to do a case-insensitive
            // sort of the words in an array

            // This sample uses  orderby and  descending to sort a list of doubles from highest to
            // lowest

            // This sample uses  orderby to sort a list of products by units in stock from highest
            // to lowest

            // This sample uses method syntax to call OrderByDescending  because it enables you to
            // use a custom comparer

            // This sample uses a compound  orderby to  sort a list of digits,  first by length of
            // their name, and then alphabetically by the name itself

            // The first query in this sample uses method syntax to call OrderBy and ThenBy with a
            // custom comparer to sort first by word length and then by a case-insensitive sort of
            // the words in an array.  The second two queries show another way to perform the same
            // task

            // This sample uses a compound  orderby to sort a list of products,  first by category,
            // and then by unit price, from highest to lowest

            // This sample uses an OrderBy and a ThenBy clause with a custom comparer to sort first
            // by word length and  then by a case-insensitive  descending  sort of  the words in an
            // array

            // This sample uses Reverse to  create a list of  all digits in the  array whose second
            // letter is 'i' that is reversed from the order in the original array

            #region GroupingOperators

            // This sample uses group by to partition a list of numbers by their remainder when divided by 5.

            // This sample uses group by to partition a list of words by their first letter.

            // This sample uses group by to partition a list of products by category.

            // This sample uses group by to partition a list of each customer's orders, first by year, and then by month.

            // This sample uses GroupBy to partition trimmed elements of an array using a custom comparer
            // that matches words that are anagrams of each other.

            // This sample uses GroupBy to partition trimmed elements of an array using a custom comparer that matches words
            // that are anagrams of each other, and then converts the results to uppercase.


            #region SetOperators

            // This sample uses Distinct to remove  duplicate  elements in a sequence of factors of 300

            // This sample uses Distinct to find the unique Category names

            // This sample uses Union to create  one sequence that contains the unique values from both
            // arrays

            // This sample uses the Union method to create  one sequence that contains the unique first
            // letter from both product and customer names. Union is only available through method
            // syntax

            // This sample uses Intersect to create one sequence that contains the common values shared
            // by both arrays

            // This sample uses Intersect  to create one sequence that contains the common first letter
            // from both product and customer names

            // This sample uses Except to create a sequence that contains the values from numbersA that
            // are not also in numbersB

            // This sample uses Except to create one  sequence that contains the 1st letters of product
            // names that are not also first letters of customer names

            #region ConversionOperators

            // This sample uses ToArray to immediately evaluate a sequence into an array

            // This sample uses ToList to immediately evaluate a sequence into a List<T>

            // This sample uses ToDictionary to immediately  evaluate a  sequence  and a
            // related key expression into a dictionary

            // This sample uses OfType to return only the elements of the array that are
            // of type double


            #region ElementOperators

            // This sample uses First to return the first matching element as a Product, instead
            // of as a sequence containing a Product

            // This sample uses First to find the first element in the array that starts with 'o'

            // This sample uses FirstOrDefault to try to return the first element of the sequence,
            // unless there are  no elements,  in which case  the default  value for that type is
            // returned.  FirstOrDefault is useful for creating outer joins

            // This sample uses FirstOrDefault to return the first product whose ProductID is 789
            // as a single Product object, unless there is no match, in which case null is returned

            // This sample uses ElementAt to retrieve the second number greater than 5 from an array


            #region GenerationOperators

            // This sample uses Range to generate a sequence of numbers from 100 to 149
            // that is used to find which numbers in that range are odd and even

            // This sample uses Repeat to generate a sequence that contains the number 7
            // ten times


            #region Quantifiers

            // This sample  uses Any to determine if any of the words in the array contain the
            // substring 'ei'

            // This sample uses Any to return a grouped a list of products only for categories
            // that have at least one product that is out of stock

            // This sample uses All to determine whether an array contains only odd numbers

            // This sample uses All to return a grouped a list of products only for categories
            // that have all of their products in stock


            #region AggregateOperators

            // This sample uses Count to get the number of unique prime factors of 300

            // This sample uses Count to get the number of odd ints in the array

            // This sample uses Count to return a list of customers and how many orders each has

            // This sample uses Count to return a list of categories and how many products each has

            // This sample uses Sum to add all the numbers in an array

            // This sample uses Sum to get the total number of characters of all words in the array

            // This sample uses Sum to get the total units in stock for each product category

            // This sample uses Min to get the lowest number in an array

            // This sample uses Min to get the length of the shortest word in an array

            // This sample uses Min to get the cheapest price among each category's products

            // This sample uses Min to get the products with the lowest price in each category

            // This sample uses Max to get the highest number in an array. Note that the method
            // returns a single value

            // This sample uses Max to get the length of the longest word in an array

            // This sample uses Max to get the most expensive price among each category's products

            // This sample uses Max to get the products with the most expensive price in each category

            // This sample uses Average to get the average of all numbers in an array

            // This sample uses Average to get the average length of the words in the array

            // This sample uses Average to get the average price of each category's products

            // This sample uses Aggregate to create a running product on the array that calculates
            // the total product of all elements

            // This sample uses Aggregate to create a running account balance that subtracts each
            // withdrawal from the initial balance of 100, as long as the balance never drops below 0


            #region MiscellaneousOperators

            // This sample  uses Concat  to create one  sequence that  contains each array's
            // values, one after the other

            // This sample uses Concat to create one sequence that contains the names of all
            // customers and products, including any duplicates

            // This sample uses SequenceEquals to see if two sequences match on all elements
            // in the same order

            // This sample  uses SequenceEqual to see if two sequences match on all elements
            // in the same order


            #region CustomSequenceOperators

            // This sample uses a user-created sequence operator, Combine, to calculate the dot product of two vectors.


            #region QueryExecution

            // The following sample shows how query execution is deferred until the query is
            // enumerated at a foreach statement

            // The following sample shows how queries can be executed immediately, and their
            // results stored in memory, with methods such as ToList

            // The following sample shows how, because of deferred execution, queries can be
            // used again after data changes and will then operate on the new data


            #region JoinOperators

            // This sample shows how to perform a simple inner equijoin of two sequences to produce
            // a flat  result set  that consists  of each  element in suppliers that has a matching
            // element in customers

            // A group join produces a hierarchical sequence.  The following query is an inner join
            // that produces a sequence of objects, each of which has a key and an inner sequence of
            // all matching elements

            // The group join operator is more general than join, as this slightly more verbose
            // version of the cross join sample shows

            // For each customer in the table of customers, this query returns all the suppliers from
            // that same country,  or else a string  indicating  that no suppliers  from that country
            // were found

            // For each customer in the table of customers, this query returns all the suppliers from
            // that same country,  or else a string  indicating  that no suppliers  from that country
            // were found

            // For each supplier in the table of suppliers, this query returns all the customers from
            // the same city and country,  or else a string  indicating  that no customers  from that
            // city/country were found.  Note the use of anonymous  types to encapsulate the multiple
            // key values

        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            #region Restriction Operators 1 to 5

            samples.Linq1(); // This sample  uses the where clause  to find all elements  of an array with a value less than 5
            samples.Linq2(); // This sample uses the where clause to find all products that are out of stock
            samples.Linq3(); // This sample uses the where clause to find all products that are in  stock and cost more than 3.00 per unit
            samples.Linq4(); // This sample uses the where  clause to find all customers in Washington and then it uses a foreach loop to iterate over the orders collection that belongs to each customer
            samples.Linq5(); // This sample demonstrates an indexed where clause that returns digits whose name is shorter than their value

            #endregion Restriction Operators 1 to 5

            #region Projection Operators 6 to 19

            samples.DataSetLinq6();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of ints one higher than those in an existing array of ints.
            samples.DataSetLinq7();     // This sample uses select to return a sequence of just the names of a list of products.
            samples.DataSetLinq8();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of strings representing the text version of a sequence of ints.
            samples.DataSetLinq9();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of the uppercase and lowercase versions of each word in the original array.
            samples.DataSetLinq10();    // This sample uses select to produce a sequence containing text representations of digits and whether their length is even or odd.
            samples.DataSetLinq11();    // This sample uses select to produce a sequence containing some properties of Products...
            samples.DataSetLinq12();    // This sample uses an indexed Select clause to determine if the value of ints in an array match their position in the array.
            samples.DataSetLinq13();    // This sample combines select and where to make a simple query that returns the text form of each digit less than 5.
            samples.DataSetLinq14();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to make a query that returns all pairs of numbers...
            samples.DataSetLinq15();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where the order total is less than 500.00.
            samples.DataSetLinq16();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where the order was made in 1998 or later.
            samples.DataSetLinq17();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where order total is greater than 2000.00...
            samples.DataSetLinq18();    // This sample uses multiple from clauses so that filtering on customers can be done before selecting their orders...
            samples.DataSetLinq19();    // This sample uses an indexed SelectMany clause to select all orders...

            #endregion Projection Operators 6 to 19

            #region Partitioning Operators 20 to 27

            samples.Linq20(); // This sample uses Take to get only the first 3 elements of the array
            samples.Linq21(); // This sample uses Take to get the first 3 orders from customers in Washington
            samples.Linq22(); // This sample uses Skip to get all but the first four elements of the array
            samples.Linq23(); // This sample uses Take to get all but the first 2 orders from customers in Washington
            samples.Linq24(); // This sample uses TakeWhile to return elements starting from the beginning of the array until a number is read whose value is not less than 6
            samples.Linq25(); // This sample uses TakeWhile to return elements starting from the beginning of the array until a number is hit that is less than its position in the array
            samples.Linq26(); // This sample  uses SkipWhile to get the  elements of the array  starting from the first element divisible by 3
            samples.Linq27(); // This sample  uses SkipWhile to get the  elements of the array  starting from the first element less than its position

            #endregion Partitioning Operators 20 to 27

            #region Ordering Operators 28 to 39

            samples.Linq28(); // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of words alphabetically
            samples.Linq29(); // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of words by length
            samples.Linq30(); // This sample uses orderby to sort a list of products by name. Use the \"descending\" keyword at the end of the clause to perform a reverse ordering
            samples.Linq31(); // This sample uses an  OrderBy clause with a custom comparer to do a case-insensitive sort of the words in an array
            samples.Linq32(); // This sample uses  orderby and  descending to sort a list of doubles from highest to lowest
            samples.Linq33(); // This sample uses  orderby to sort a list of products by units in stock from highest to lowest
            samples.Linq34(); // This sample uses method syntax to call OrderByDescending  because it enables you to use a custom comparer
            samples.Linq35(); // This sample uses a compound  orderby to  sort a list of digits,  first by length of their name, and then alphabetically by the name itself
            samples.Linq36(); // The first query in this sample uses method syntax to call OrderBy and ThenBy with a
            // custom comparer to sort first by word length and then by a case-insensitive sort of
            // the words in an array.  The second two queries show another way to perform the same task
            samples.Linq37(); // This sample uses a compound  orderby to sort a list of products,  first by category, and then by unit price, from highest to lowest
            samples.Linq38(); // This sample uses an OrderBy and a ThenBy clause with a custom comparer to sort first
            // by word length and  then by a case-insensitive  descending  sort of  the words in an array

            samples.Linq39(); // This sample uses Reverse to  create a list of  all digits in the  array whose second letter is 'i' that is reversed from the order in the original array

            #endregion OrderingOperators

            # region Grouping Operators 40 to 45
Пример #28
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            #region Restriction Operators

            //            samples.Linq1();
            //            samples.Linq2();
            //            samples.Linq3();
            //            samples.Linq4();
            //            samples.Linq5();

            #endregion Restriction Operators

            #region Projection Operators

            //            samples.Linq6();
            //            samples.Linq7();
            //            samples.Linq8();
            //            samples.Linq9();
            //            samples.Linq10();
            //            samples.Linq11();
            //            samples.Linq12();
            //            samples.Linq13();
            //            samples.Linq14();
            //            samples.Linq15();
            //            samples.Linq16();
            //            samples.Linq17();
            //            samples.Linq18();
            //            samples.Linq19();

            #endregion Projection Operators

            #region Partitioning Operators

            //            samples.Linq20();
            //            samples.Linq20_extend_by_me();
            //            samples.Linq21();
            //            samples.Linq22();
            //            samples.Linq23();
            //            samples.Linq24();
            //            samples.Linq25();
            //            samples.Linq26();
            //            samples.Linq27();

            #endregion Partitioning Operators

            #region Ordering Operators

            //            samples.Linq28();
            //            samples.Linq29();
            //            samples.Linq30();
            //            samples.Linq31();
            //            samples.Linq32();
            //            samples.Linq33();
            //            samples.Linq34();
            //            samples.Linq35();
            //            samples.Linq36();
            //            samples.Linq37();
            //            samples.Linq38();
            //            samples.Linq39();

            #endregion Ordering Operators

            #region Grouping Operators

            //            samples.Linq40();
            //            samples.Linq41();
            //            samples.Linq42();
            //            samples.Linq43();
            //            samples.Linq44();
            //            samples.Linq45();

            #endregion Grouping Operators

            #region Grouping Operators

            //            samples.Linq46();
            //            samples.Linq47();
            //            samples.Linq48();
            //            samples.Linq49();
            //            samples.Linq50();
            //            samples.Linq51();
            //            samples.Linq52();
            //            samples.Linq53();

            #endregion Grouping Operators

            #region Conversion Operators

            //            samples.Linq54();
            //            samples.Linq55();
            //            samples.Linq56();
            //            samples.Linq57();

            #endregion Conversion Operators

            #region Element Operators

            //            samples.Linq58();
            //            samples.Linq59();
            //            samples.Linq61();
            //            samples.Linq62();
            //            samples.Linq64();

            #endregion Element Operators

            #region Generation Operators

            //            samples.Linq65();
            //            samples.Linq66();

            #endregion Generation Operators

            #region Quantifiers

            //            samples.Linq67();
            //            samples.Linq69();
            //            samples.Linq70();
            //            samples.Linq72();

            #endregion Quantifiers

            #region Aggregate Operators

            //            samples.Linq73();
            //            samples.Linq74();
            //            samples.Linq76();
            //            samples.Linq77();
            //            samples.Linq78();
            //            samples.Linq79();
            //            samples.Linq80();
            //            samples.Linq81();
            //            samples.Linq82();
            //            samples.Linq83();
            //            samples.Linq84();
            //            samples.Linq85();
            //            samples.Linq86();
            //            samples.Linq87();
            //            samples.Linq88();
            //            samples.Linq89();
            //            samples.Linq90();
            //            samples.Linq91();
            //            samples.Linq92();
            //            samples.Linq93();

            #endregion Aggregate Operators

            #region Miscellaneous Operators

            //            samples.Linq94();
            //            samples.Linq95();
            //            samples.Linq96();
            //            samples.Linq97();

            #endregion Miscellaneous Operators

            #region Custom Sequence Operators


            #endregion Custom Sequence Operators

            #region Query Execution

            //            samples.Linq99();
            //            samples.Linq100();
            //            samples.Linq101();

            #endregion Query Execution

            #region Join Operators

            //            samples.Linq102();
            //            samples.Linq103();
            //            samples.Linq104();
            //            samples.Linq105();

            #endregion Join Operators

Пример #29
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

Пример #30
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Need Help?
            //see https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/101-LINQ-Samples-3fb9811b

            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            List <Customer> customers   = samples.GetCustomerList();
            List <Product>  productList = samples.GetProductList();

            //1. Return a list of customers, ordered by customer name ascending
            List <Customer> cst = (from c in customers
                                   orderby c.CompanyName
                                   select c).ToList();


            //2. Return a list of products, ordered by unit price ascending

            List <Product> prd = (from p in productList
                                  orderby p.UnitPrice
                                  select p).ToList();


            //3. Return the number of products and number of customers

            int count = (from p in productList
                         select p).Count() + (from c in customers
                                              select c).Count();

            // this is the way to do what I think you want in LINQ
            // you could also do int count = productList.Count() + customers.Count();


            //4. Return whether there are any products categorized as "Seafood"

            bool seaFood = productList.Any(prd2 => prd2.Category == "Seafood");


            //5. Return whether all products are less than $100 per unit

            bool lessThan = !productList.Any(prd2 => prd2.UnitPrice > 100);


            //6. Return the average price per unit of all products in the catalog

            decimal avgPrice = (from p in productList
                                select p.UnitPrice).ToList().Average();


            //7. Return all customers who are from the country "UK"

            List <Customer> cstUK = (from c in customers
                                     where c.Country == "UK"
                                     select c).ToList();


            //8. Return the list of distinct product categories

            List <string> prdDistinct = (from p in productList
                                         select p.Category).Distinct().ToList();

            foreach (string cat in prdDistinct)

            //9. Return the product (by name) with the lowest and the highest prices per unit

            decimal max = productList.Max(prd3 => prd3.UnitPrice);
            decimal min = productList.Min(prd3 => prd3.UnitPrice);

            string minName = productList.First(prd3 => prd3.UnitPrice == max).ProductName;
            string maxName = productList.First(prd3 => prd3.UnitPrice == min).ProductName;


            //10. Return the cost to buy one unit of each product in the catalog

            List <decimal> prdPrices = (from p in productList
                                        select p.UnitPrice).ToList();

            foreach (decimal price in prdPrices)

Пример #31
        static void Main(string[] args)
            LinqSamples samples = new LinqSamples();

            // Comment or uncomment the method calls below to run or not
            samples.DataSetLinq6();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of ints one higher than those in an existing array of ints.
            //samples.DataSetLinq7();     // This sample uses select to return a sequence of just the names of a list of products.
            //samples.DataSetLinq8();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of strings representing the text version of a sequence of ints.
            //samples.DataSetLinq9();     // This sample uses select to produce a sequence of the uppercase and lowercase versions of each word in the original array.
            //samples.DataSetLinq10();    // This sample uses select to produce a sequence containing text representations of digits and whether their length is even or odd.
            //samples.DataSetLinq11();    // This sample uses select to produce a sequence containing some properties of Products...
            //samples.DataSetLinq12();    // This sample uses an indexed Select clause to determine if the value of ints in an array match their position in the array.
            //samples.DataSetLinq13();    // This sample combines select and where to make a simple query that returns the text form of each digit less than 5.
            //samples.DataSetLinq14();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to make a query that returns all pairs of numbers...
            //samples.DataSetLinq15();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where the order total is less than 500.00.
            //samples.DataSetLinq16();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where the order was made in 1998 or later.
            //samples.DataSetLinq17();    // This sample uses a compound from clause to select all orders where order total is greater than 2000.00...
            //samples.DataSetLinq18();    // This sample uses multiple from clauses so that filtering on customers can be done before selecting their orders...
            //samples.DataSetLinq19();    // This sample uses an indexed SelectMany clause to select all orders...
Пример #32
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var d = new LinqSamples();

            Console.WriteLine("Task 1:");
            foreach (var emp in LinqSamples.Task1())

            Console.WriteLine("\nTask 2:");
            foreach (var emp in LinqSamples.Task2())

            Console.WriteLine("\nTask 3:");

            Console.WriteLine("\nTask 4:");
            foreach (var emp in LinqSamples.Task4())

            Console.WriteLine("\nTask 5:");
            foreach (var emp in LinqSamples.Task5())

            Console.WriteLine("\nTask 6:");
            foreach (var emp in LinqSamples.Task6())

            Console.WriteLine("\nTask 7:");
            foreach (var job in LinqSamples.Task7())

            Console.WriteLine("\nTask 8:");
            Console.Write("Is there \"Backend programmer\" in the collection?   ");
            Console.WriteLine(LinqSamples.Task8() ? "Yes" : "No");

            Console.WriteLine("\nTask 9:");

            Console.WriteLine("\nTask 10:");
            foreach (var emp in LinqSamples.Task10())

            Console.WriteLine("\nTask 11:");

            Console.WriteLine("\nTask 12:");
            foreach (var emp in LinqSamples.Task12())
Пример #33
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            var d = new LinqSamples();

Пример #34
        public void Linq3_MoCK_Given10000_DeepEqualTrue()
            // Arrange
            Mock <IDataSource> mockData = new Mock <IDataSource>();

            mockData.SetupProperty(x => x.Customers, new List <Customer>()
                new Customer()
                    CustomerID  = "ALFKI",
                    CompanyName = "Alfreds Futterkiste",
                    Address     = "Obere Str. 57",
                    City        = "Berlin",
                    Region      = null,
                    PostalCode  = "12209",
                    Country     = "Germany",
                    Phone       = "030-0074321",
                    Fax         = "030-0076545",
                    Orders      = new Order[]
                        new Order()
                            OrderID   = 10643,
                            OrderDate = new DateTime(1997, 08, 25, 00, 00, 00),
                            Total     = 8800
                        new Order()
                            OrderID   = 10643,
                            OrderDate = new DateTime(1997, 08, 25, 00, 00, 00),
                            Total     = 800
                new Customer()
                    CustomerID  = "hhhhh",
                    CompanyName = "Alfreds Futterkiste",
                    Address     = "Obere Str. 57",
                    City        = "Berlin",
                    Region      = null,
                    PostalCode  = "12209",
                    Country     = "Germany",
                    Phone       = "030-0074321",
                    Fax         = "030-0076545",
                    Orders      = new Order[]
                        new Order()
                            OrderID   = 10643,
                            OrderDate = new DateTime(1997, 08, 25, 00, 00, 00),
                            Total     = 100
                        new Order()
                            OrderID   = 10643,
                            OrderDate = new DateTime(1997, 08, 25, 00, 00, 00),
                            Total     = 200

            var linqSamples = new LinqSamples(mockData.Object, null);

            int count = 8700;
            IEnumerable <Customer> expected = new List <Customer>()
                new Customer()
                    CustomerID  = "ALFKI",
                    CompanyName = "Alfreds Futterkiste",
                    Address     = "Obere Str. 57",
                    City        = "Berlin",
                    Region      = null,
                    PostalCode  = "12209",
                    Country     = "Germany",
                    Phone       = "030-0074321",
                    Fax         = "030-0076545",
                    Orders      = new Order[]
                        new Order()
                            OrderID   = 10643,
                            OrderDate = new DateTime(1997, 08, 25, 00, 00, 00),
                            Total     = 8800
                        new Order()
                            OrderID   = 10643,
                            OrderDate = new DateTime(1997, 08, 25, 00, 00, 00),
                            Total     = 800

            // Act

            var actual = linqSamples.Linq3(count);

            // Assert